
     1  # This file describes the standard way to build Docker on ppc64le, using docker
     2  #
     3  # Usage:
     4  #
     5  # # Assemble the full dev environment. This is slow the first time.
     6  # docker build -t docker -f Dockerfile.ppc64le .
     7  #
     8  # # Mount your source in an interactive container for quick testing:
     9  # docker run -v `pwd`:/go/src/ --privileged -i -t docker bash
    10  #
    11  # # Run the test suite:
    12  # docker run --privileged docker hack/ test-unit test-integration test-docker-py
    13  #
    14  # Note: AppArmor used to mess with privileged mode, but this is no longer
    15  # the case. Therefore, you don't have to disable it anymore.
    16  #
    18  FROM ppc64le/debian:stretch
    20  # allow replacing httpredir or deb mirror
    21  ARG
    22  RUN sed -ri "s/(httpredir|deb)$APT_MIRROR/g" /etc/apt/sources.list
    24  # Packaged dependencies
    25  RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    26  	apparmor \
    27  	apt-utils \
    28  	aufs-tools \
    29  	automake \
    30  	bash-completion \
    31  	btrfs-tools \
    32  	build-essential \
    33  	cmake \
    34  	createrepo \
    35  	curl \
    36  	dpkg-sig \
    37  	git \
    38  	iptables \
    39  	jq \
    40  	net-tools \
    41  	libapparmor-dev \
    42  	libcap-dev \
    43  	libdevmapper-dev \
    44  	libseccomp-dev \
    45  	libsystemd-dev \
    46  	libtool \
    47  	libudev-dev \
    48  	mercurial \
    49  	pkg-config \
    50  	python-backports.ssl-match-hostname \
    51  	python-dev \
    52  	python-mock \
    53  	python-pip \
    54  	python-requests \
    55  	python-setuptools \
    56  	python-websocket \
    57  	python-wheel \
    58  	xfsprogs \
    59  	tar \
    60  	thin-provisioning-tools \
    61  	vim-common \
    62  	--no-install-recommends
    64  # Install Go
    65  # NOTE: official ppc64le go binaries weren't available until go 1.6.4 and 1.7.4
    66  # IMPORTANT: When updating this please note that stdlib archive/tar pkg is vendored
    67  ENV GO_VERSION 1.9.4
    68  RUN curl -fsSL "${GO_VERSION}.linux-ppc64le.tar.gz" \
    69  	| tar -xzC /usr/local
    71  ENV PATH /go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
    72  ENV GOPATH /go
    74  # Install two versions of the registry. The first is an older version that
    75  # only supports schema1 manifests. The second is a newer version that supports
    76  # both. This allows integration-cli tests to cover push/pull with both schema1
    77  # and schema2 manifests.
    78  ENV REGISTRY_COMMIT_SCHEMA1 ec87e9b6971d831f0eff752ddb54fb64693e51cd
    79  ENV REGISTRY_COMMIT 47a064d4195a9b56133891bbb13620c3ac83a827
    80  RUN set -x \
    81  	&& export GOPATH="$(mktemp -d)" \
    82  	&& git clone "$GOPATH/src/" \
    83  	&& (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$REGISTRY_COMMIT") \
    84  	&& GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \
    85  		go build -o /usr/local/bin/registry-v2 \
    86  	&& (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$REGISTRY_COMMIT_SCHEMA1") \
    87  	&& GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \
    88  		go build -o /usr/local/bin/registry-v2-schema1 \
    89  	&& rm -rf "$GOPATH"
    91  # Install notary and notary-server
    92  ENV NOTARY_VERSION v0.5.0
    93  RUN set -x \
    94  	&& export GOPATH="$(mktemp -d)" \
    95  	&& git clone "$GOPATH/src/" \
    96  	&& (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$NOTARY_VERSION") \
    97  	&& GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \
    98  		go build -o /usr/local/bin/notary-server \
    99  	&& GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \
   100  		go build -o /usr/local/bin/notary \
   101  	&& rm -rf "$GOPATH"
   103  # Get the "docker-py" source so we can run their integration tests
   104  ENV DOCKER_PY_COMMIT 1d6b5b203222ba5df7dedfcd1ee061a452f99c8a
   105  # To run integration tests docker-pycreds is required.
   106  RUN git clone /docker-py \
   107  	&& cd /docker-py \
   108  	&& git checkout -q $DOCKER_PY_COMMIT \
   109  	&& pip install docker-pycreds==0.2.1 \
   110  	&& pip install -r test-requirements.txt
   112  # Set so crosbymichael's in-container merge commits go smoothly
   113  RUN git config --global ''
   115  # Add an unprivileged user to be used for tests which need it
   116  RUN groupadd -r docker
   117  RUN useradd --create-home --gid docker unprivilegeduser
   119  VOLUME /var/lib/docker
   120  WORKDIR /go/src/
   121  ENV DOCKER_BUILDTAGS apparmor seccomp selinux
   123  # Let us use a .bashrc file
   124  RUN ln -sfv $PWD/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
   126  # Register Docker's bash completion.
   127  RUN ln -sv $PWD/contrib/completion/bash/docker /etc/bash_completion.d/docker
   129  # Get useful and necessary Hub images so we can "docker load" locally instead of pulling
   130  COPY contrib/ /go/src/
   131  RUN ./contrib/ /docker-frozen-images \
   132  	ppc64le/buildpack-deps:jessie@sha256:1a2f2d2cc8738f14b336aeffc3503b5c9dedf9e1f26c7313cb4999534ad4716f \
   133  	ppc64le/busybox:latest@sha256:54f34c83adfab20cf0e630d879e210f07b0062cd6caaf16346a61396d50e7584 \
   134  	ppc64le/debian:jessie@sha256:ea8c5b105e3790f075145b40e4be1e4488c9f33f55e6cc45182047b80a68f892 \
   135  	ppc64le/hello-world:latest@sha256:7d57adf137665f748956c86089320710b66d08584db3500ed98f4bb3da637c2d
   136  # See also ensureFrozenImagesLinux() in "integration-cli/fixtures_linux_daemon_test.go" (which needs to be updated when adding images to this list)
   138  # Install tomlv, vndr, runc, containerd, tini, docker-proxy
   139  # Please edit hack/dockerfile/ to update them.
   140  COPY hack/dockerfile/binaries-commits /tmp/binaries-commits
   141  COPY hack/dockerfile/ /tmp/
   142  RUN /tmp/ tomlv vndr runc containerd tini proxy dockercli gometalinter
   143  ENV PATH=/usr/local/cli:$PATH
   145  # Wrap all commands in the "docker-in-docker" script to allow nested containers
   146  ENTRYPOINT ["hack/dind"]
   148  # Upload docker source
   149  COPY . /go/src/