
     1  <!DOCTYPE html>
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     7    <title>{{.NetworkTitle}} 🚰 Core Authenticated Faucet</title>
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    14      .hero {
    15        margin-bottom: 1.5em;
    16      }
    17      div.address {
    18        margin-bottom: 0.7em;
    19      }
    20      div.amount {
    21        margin-bottom: 1em;
    22      }
    23      abbr {
    24        position: relative;
    25        cursor: help;
    26      }
    27      abbr:hover::after {
    28        position: absolute;
    29        bottom: 100%;
    30        width: 20em;
    31        padding: 1em;
    32        background: #fff;
    33        content: attr(title);
    34        z-index: 1;
    35        border: 3px rgb(74, 74, 74) dotted;
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    39  <body class="has-sticky-footer">
    40    <main>
    41      <section class="hero is-primary">
    42        <div class="hero-body">
    43          <div class="container">
    44            <h1 class="title">
    45              Core Blockchain Faucet 🚰
    46            </h1>
    47            <h2 class="subtitle">
    48              {{.Network}} Authenticated Faucet
    49            </h2>
    50          </div>
    51        </div>
    52      </section>
    53      <section>
    54        <div class="container">
    55          <div>
    56            <div class="address">
    57              <label for="social" class="label">Social network Url{{if .NoAuth}} | Wallet{{end}}</label>
    58              <div class="field has-addons">
    59                <div class="control is-expanded">
    60                  <input id="social" class="input" type="text" placeholder="https://…{{if .NoAuth}} | CB…{{end}}" />
    61                </div>
    62                <div class="control">
    63                  <a class="button is-success" onclick="{{if $.Recaptcha}}grecaptcha.execute(){{else}}submit({{$idx}}){{end}}">
    64                    Fund me
    65                  </a>
    66                </div>
    67              </div>
    68              <p class="help">Social network Url containing your Core {{.Network}} Wallet address{{if .NoAuth}} or Wallet address itself{{end}}</p>
    69            </div>
    70            <div class="amount">
    71              <label for="amount-primary" class="label">Amount</label>
    72              <div class="control">
    73                {{range $idx, $amount := .Amounts}}
    74                <label class="radio">
    75                  <input id="amount-primary" type="radio" name="tier" />
    76                  {{$amount}} [{{index $.Periods $idx}}]
    77                </label>
    78                {{end}}
    79              </div>
    80            </div>
    81            {{if .Recaptcha}}<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{.Recaptcha}}" data-callback="submit" data-size="invisible"></div>{{end}}
    82          </div>
    83          <div class="stats">
    84            <div class="tags are-medium">
    85              <span class="tag">🛰 <span id="peers"></span> peers</span>
    86              <span class="tag">🧱 <span id="block"></span> blocks</span>
    87              <span class="tag">🟢 <span id="funds"></span> cores</span>
    88              <span class="tag">🧳 <span id="funded"></span> funded</span>
    89            </div>
    90          </div>
    91          <hr />
    92        </div>
    93      </section>
    94      <section>
    95        <div class="container">
    96          <div class="content is-medium">
    97            <h2>How does faucet work?</h2>
    98            <p>
    99              This faucet is running on the {{.Network}} network. To prevent malicious actors from exhausting all available funds or accumulating enough Cores to mount long running spam attacks, requests are tied to common 3rd party social network accounts. Anyone having a Twitter or Facebook account may request funds within the permitted limits.
   100            </p>
   101            <ul>
   102              <li>
   103                <strong>🐙 Github gist</strong> To request funds via Github gist, make a <a href="" target="_blank">public gist</a> with your Core address pasted into the contents (surrounding text doesn't matter).<br/>Copy-paste the <abbr title="Click on the 'Create public gist' and copy Url adrress from your browser">gist Url</abbr> into the above input box and fire away!
   104              </li>
   105              <li>
   106                <strong>🐦 Twitter</strong> To request funds via Twitter, make a <a href="{{.Network}}%20%23Core%20test%20network." target="_blank">tweet</a> with your Core address pasted into the contents (surrounding text doesn't matter).<br/>Copy-paste the <abbr title="Click on the Moment and find its URL in the address bar of your web browser, or open the menu on the top right of the Moment, and click Copy link to this">tweets Url</abbr> into the above input box and fire away!
   107              </li>
   108              <li>
   109                <strong>👍 Facebook</strong> To request funds via Facebook, publish a new <em>public</em> post with your Core address embedded into the content (surrounding text doesn't matter).<br/>Copy-paste the <abbr title="Click on the Post Timestamp of the Facebook post and click on Copy Link Address">posts Url</abbr> into the above input box and fire away!
   110              </li>
   111              {{if .NoAuth}}
   112              <li>
   113                <strong>🔓 Without authentication</strong> To request funds <em>without authentication</em>, simply copy-paste your Core address into the above input box and fire away!<br/>This mode is susceptible to Byzantine attacks.
   114              </li>
   115              {{end}}
   116            </ul>
   117          </div>
   118        </div>
   119      </section>
   120    </main>
   121    <footer>
   122      <div class="container">
   123        <div class="columns is-gapless">
   124          <div class="column is-paddingless">
   125            <strong>Faucet 🚰</strong> <em>a <a href="" target="_blank">Core Blockchain</a> faucet</em>
   126          </div>
   127          <div class="column is-paddingless has-text-right is-hidden-touch">
   128            <small>⛓️ Connected to: {{.NetworkTitle}}</small>
   129            {{if .Recaptcha}}
   130            <span class="is-hidden-desktop-only">
   131              <span class="divider">•</span>
   132              <small>protected by reCaptcha</small>
   133            </span>
   134            {{end}}
   135          </div>
   136        </div>
   137      </div>
   138    </footer>
   139    <script>
   140      // Global variables to hold the current status of the faucet
   141      var attempt = 0;
   142      var server;
   143      var tier = 0;
   144      var requests = [];
   146      // Convert number to nicer format
   147      var SI_SYMBOL_EXT = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", "R", "Q"];
   149      function abbreviateNumber(number) {
   150        var level = Math.log10(number) / 3 | 0;
   151        if(level == 0) return number;
   152        var suffix = SI_SYMBOL_EXT[level];
   153        var scale = Math.pow(10, level * 3);
   154        var scaled = number / scale;
   155        return scaled.toFixed(2) + suffix;
   156      }
   158      // Define a function that creates closures to drop old requests
   159      var dropper = function(hash) {
   160        return function() {
   161          for (var i=0; i<requests.length; i++) {
   162            if (requests[i].tx.hash == hash) {
   163              requests.splice(i, 1);
   164              break;
   165            }
   166          }
   167        }
   168      };
   170      // Define the function that submits a gist url to the server
   171      var submit = function({{if .Recaptcha}}captcha{{end}}) {
   172        server.send(JSON.stringify({url: $("#social")[0].value, tier: $("input[name='tier']:checked").val(){{if .Recaptcha}}, captcha: captcha{{end}}}));
   173        {{if .Recaptcha}}grecaptcha.reset();{{end}}
   174      };
   176      // Define a method to reconnect upon server loss
   177      var reconnect = function() {
   178        server = new WebSocket(((window.location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + + "/api");
   180        server.onmessage = function(event) {
   181          var msg = JSON.parse(;
   182          if (msg === null) {
   183            return;
   184          }
   186          if (msg.funds !== undefined) {
   187            $("#funds").text(abbreviateNumber(Number(msg.funds)));
   188          }
   189          if (msg.funded !== undefined) {
   190            $("#funded").text(msg.funded);
   191          }
   192          if (msg.peers !== undefined) {
   193            $("#peers").text(msg.peers);
   194          }
   195          if (msg.number !== undefined) {
   196            $("#block").text(parseInt(msg.number, 16));
   197          }
   198          if (msg.error !== undefined) {
   199            noty({layout: 'topCenter', text: msg.error, type: 'error', timeout: 5000, progressBar: true});
   200          }
   201          if (msg.success !== undefined) {
   202            noty({layout: 'topCenter', text: msg.success, type: 'success', timeout: 5000, progressBar: true});
   203          }
   204        }
   205        server.onclose = function() { setTimeout(reconnect, 3000); };
   206      }
   208      // Establish a websocket connection to the API server
   209      reconnect();
   210    </script>
   211    {{if .Recaptcha}}<script src="" async defer></script>{{end}}
   212  </body>
   213  </html>