
     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  syntax = "proto3";
     7  package goproto.proto.test3;
     9  option go_package = "";
    11  import "internal/testprotos/test3/test_import.proto";
    14  message TestAllTypes {
    16    // NestedMessage should eventually become nested when fast-reflection supports it
    17    message NestedMessage {
    18      int32 a = 1;
    19      TestAllTypes corecursive = 2;
    20    }
    22    // NestedEnum should eventually become nested when fast-reflection supports it.
    23    enum NestedEnum {
    24      FOO = 0;
    25      BAR = 1;
    26      BAZ = 2;
    27      NEG = -1;  // Intentionally negative.
    28    }
    31    int32         singular_int32    = 81;
    32    int64         singular_int64    = 82;
    33    uint32        singular_uint32   = 83;
    34    uint64        singular_uint64   = 84;
    35    sint32        singular_sint32   = 85;
    36    sint64        singular_sint64   = 86;
    37    fixed32       singular_fixed32  = 87;
    38    fixed64       singular_fixed64  = 88;
    39    sfixed32      singular_sfixed32 = 89;
    40    sfixed64      singular_sfixed64 = 90;
    41    float         singular_float    = 91;
    42    double        singular_double   = 92;
    43    bool          singular_bool     = 93;
    44    string        singular_string   = 94;
    45    bytes         singular_bytes    = 95;
    46    NestedMessage  singular_nested_message  = 98;
    47    ForeignMessage singular_foreign_message = 99;
    48    ImportMessage  singular_import_message  = 100;
    49    NestedEnum     singular_nested_enum     = 101;
    50    ForeignEnum    singular_foreign_enum    = 102;
    51    ImportEnum     singular_import_enum     = 103;
    53    /*
    54    optional int32         optional_int32    =  1;
    55    optional int64         optional_int64    =  2;
    56    optional uint32        optional_uint32   =  3;
    57    optional uint64        optional_uint64   =  4;
    58    optional sint32        optional_sint32   =  5;
    59    optional sint64        optional_sint64   =  6;
    60    optional fixed32       optional_fixed32  =  7;
    61    optional fixed64       optional_fixed64  =  8;
    62    optional sfixed32      optional_sfixed32 =  9;
    63    optional sfixed64      optional_sfixed64 = 10;
    64    optional float         optional_float    = 11;
    65    optional double        optional_double   = 12;
    66    optional bool          optional_bool     = 13;
    67    optional string        optional_string   = 14;
    68    optional bytes         optional_bytes    = 15;
    69    optional NestedMessage  optional_nested_message  = 18;
    70    optional ForeignMessage optional_foreign_message = 19;
    71    optional ImportMessage  optional_import_message  = 20;
    72    optional NestedEnum     optional_nested_enum     = 21;
    73    optional ForeignEnum    optional_foreign_enum    = 22;
    74    optional ImportEnum     optional_import_enum     = 23;
    75    */
    77    repeated int32         repeated_int32    = 31;
    78    repeated int64         repeated_int64    = 32;
    79    repeated uint32        repeated_uint32   = 33;
    80    repeated uint64        repeated_uint64   = 34;
    81    repeated sint32        repeated_sint32   = 35;
    82    repeated sint64        repeated_sint64   = 36;
    83    repeated fixed32       repeated_fixed32  = 37;
    84    repeated fixed64       repeated_fixed64  = 38;
    85    repeated sfixed32      repeated_sfixed32 = 39;
    86    repeated sfixed64      repeated_sfixed64 = 40;
    87    repeated float         repeated_float    = 41;
    88    repeated double        repeated_double   = 42;
    89    repeated bool          repeated_bool     = 43;
    90    repeated string        repeated_string   = 44;
    91    repeated bytes         repeated_bytes    = 45;
    92    repeated NestedMessage  repeated_nested_message  = 48;
    93    repeated ForeignMessage repeated_foreign_message = 49;
    94    repeated ImportMessage  repeated_importmessage   = 50;
    95    repeated NestedEnum     repeated_nested_enum     = 51;
    96    repeated ForeignEnum    repeated_foreign_enum    = 52;
    97    repeated ImportEnum     repeated_importenum      = 53;
    99    map <   int32, int32>         map_int32_int32           = 56;
   100    map <   int64, int64>         map_int64_int64           = 57;
   101    map <  uint32, uint32>        map_uint32_uint32         = 58;
   102    map <  uint64, uint64>        map_uint64_uint64         = 59;
   103    map <  sint32, sint32>        map_sint32_sint32         = 60;
   104    map <  sint64, sint64>        map_sint64_sint64         = 61;
   105    map < fixed32, fixed32>       map_fixed32_fixed32       = 62;
   106    map < fixed64, fixed64>       map_fixed64_fixed64       = 63;
   107    map <sfixed32, sfixed32>      map_sfixed32_sfixed32     = 64;
   108    map <sfixed64, sfixed64>      map_sfixed64_sfixed64     = 65;
   109    map <   int32, float>         map_int32_float           = 66;
   110    map <   int32, double>        map_int32_double          = 67;
   111    map <    bool, bool>          map_bool_bool             = 68;
   112    map <  string, string>        map_string_string         = 69;
   113    map <  string, bytes>         map_string_bytes          = 70;
   114    map <  string, NestedMessage> map_string_nested_message = 71;
   115    map <  string, NestedEnum>    map_string_nested_enum    = 73;
   117    oneof oneof_field {
   118      uint32        oneof_uint32         = 111;
   119      NestedMessage oneof_nested_message = 112;
   120      string        oneof_string         = 113;
   121      bytes         oneof_bytes          = 114;
   122      bool          oneof_bool           = 115;
   123      uint64        oneof_uint64         = 116;
   124      float         oneof_float          = 117;
   125      double        oneof_double         = 118;
   126      NestedEnum    oneof_enum           = 119;
   127    }
   128  }
   130  message ForeignMessage {
   131    int32 c = 1;
   132    int32 d = 2;
   133  }
   135  enum ForeignEnum {
   136    FOREIGN_ZERO = 0;
   137    FOREIGN_FOO = 4;
   138    FOREIGN_BAR = 5;
   139    FOREIGN_BAZ = 6;
   140  }