
     1  // Package roaring is an implementation of Roaring Bitmaps in Go.
     2  // They provide fast compressed bitmap data structures (also called bitset).
     3  // They are ideally suited to represent sets of integers over
     4  // relatively small ranges.
     5  // See for details.
     6  package roaring
     8  import (
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"encoding/base64"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"io"
    13  	"sort"
    14  	"strconv"
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // Bitmap represents a compressed bitmap where you can add integers.
    20  type Bitmap struct {
    21  	highlowcontainer roaringArray
    22  }
    24  // ToBase64 serializes a bitmap as Base64
    25  func (rb *Bitmap) ToBase64() (string, error) {
    26  	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    27  	_, err := rb.WriteTo(buf)
    28  	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()), err
    30  }
    32  // FromBase64 deserializes a bitmap from Base64
    33  func (rb *Bitmap) FromBase64(str string) (int64, error) {
    34  	data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(str)
    35  	if err != nil {
    36  		return 0, err
    37  	}
    38  	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
    40  	return rb.ReadFrom(buf)
    41  }
    43  // WriteTo writes a serialized version of this bitmap to stream.
    44  // The format is compatible with other RoaringBitmap
    45  // implementations (Java, C) and is documented here:
    46  //
    47  func (rb *Bitmap) WriteTo(stream io.Writer) (int64, error) {
    48  	return rb.highlowcontainer.writeTo(stream)
    49  }
    51  // ToBytes returns an array of bytes corresponding to what is written
    52  // when calling WriteTo
    53  func (rb *Bitmap) ToBytes() ([]byte, error) {
    54  	return rb.highlowcontainer.toBytes()
    55  }
    57  // Checksum computes a hash (currently FNV-1a) for a bitmap that is suitable for
    58  // using bitmaps as elements in hash sets or as keys in hash maps, as well as
    59  // generally quicker comparisons.
    60  // The implementation is biased towards efficiency in little endian machines, so
    61  // expect some extra CPU cycles and memory to be used if your machine is big endian.
    62  // Likewise, don't use this to verify integrity unless you're certain you'll load
    63  // the bitmap on a machine with the same endianess used to create it.
    64  func (rb *Bitmap) Checksum() uint64 {
    65  	const (
    66  		offset = 14695981039346656037
    67  		prime  = 1099511628211
    68  	)
    70  	var bytes []byte
    72  	hash := uint64(offset)
    74  	bytes = uint16SliceAsByteSlice(rb.highlowcontainer.keys)
    76  	for _, b := range bytes {
    77  		hash ^= uint64(b)
    78  		hash *= prime
    79  	}
    81  	for _, c := range rb.highlowcontainer.containers {
    82  		// 0 separator
    83  		hash ^= 0
    84  		hash *= prime
    86  		switch c := c.(type) {
    87  		case *bitmapContainer:
    88  			bytes = uint64SliceAsByteSlice(c.bitmap)
    89  		case *arrayContainer:
    90  			bytes = uint16SliceAsByteSlice(c.content)
    91  		case *runContainer16:
    92  			bytes = interval16SliceAsByteSlice(c.iv)
    93  		default:
    94  			panic("invalid container type")
    95  		}
    97  		if len(bytes) == 0 {
    98  			panic("empty containers are not supported")
    99  		}
   101  		for _, b := range bytes {
   102  			hash ^= uint64(b)
   103  			hash *= prime
   104  		}
   105  	}
   107  	return hash
   108  }
   110  // ReadFrom reads a serialized version of this bitmap from stream.
   111  // The format is compatible with other RoaringBitmap
   112  // implementations (Java, C) and is documented here:
   113  //
   114  // Since io.Reader is regarded as a stream and cannot be read twice.
   115  // So add cookieHeader to accept the 4-byte data that has been read in roaring64.ReadFrom.
   116  // It is not necessary to pass cookieHeader when call roaring.ReadFrom to read the roaring32 data directly.
   117  func (rb *Bitmap) ReadFrom(reader io.Reader, cookieHeader ...byte) (p int64, err error) {
   118  	stream := internal.ByteInputAdapterPool.Get().(*internal.ByteInputAdapter)
   119  	stream.Reset(reader)
   121  	p, err = rb.highlowcontainer.readFrom(stream, cookieHeader...)
   122  	internal.ByteInputAdapterPool.Put(stream)
   124  	return
   125  }
   127  // FromBuffer creates a bitmap from its serialized version stored in buffer
   128  //
   129  // The format specification is available here:
   130  //
   131  //
   132  // The provided byte array (buf) is expected to be a constant.
   133  // The function makes the best effort attempt not to copy data.
   134  // You should take care not to modify buff as it will
   135  // likely result in unexpected program behavior.
   136  //
   137  // Resulting bitmaps are effectively immutable in the following sense:
   138  // a copy-on-write marker is used so that when you modify the resulting
   139  // bitmap, copies of selected data (containers) are made.
   140  // You should *not* change the copy-on-write status of the resulting
   141  // bitmaps (SetCopyOnWrite).
   142  //
   143  // If buf becomes unavailable, then a bitmap created with
   144  // FromBuffer would be effectively broken. Furthermore, any
   145  // bitmap derived from this bitmap (e.g., via Or, And) might
   146  // also be broken. Thus, before making buf unavailable, you should
   147  // call CloneCopyOnWriteContainers on all such bitmaps.
   148  //
   149  func (rb *Bitmap) FromBuffer(buf []byte) (p int64, err error) {
   150  	stream := internal.ByteBufferPool.Get().(*internal.ByteBuffer)
   151  	stream.Reset(buf)
   153  	p, err = rb.highlowcontainer.readFrom(stream)
   154  	internal.ByteBufferPool.Put(stream)
   156  	return
   157  }
   159  // RunOptimize attempts to further compress the runs of consecutive values found in the bitmap
   160  func (rb *Bitmap) RunOptimize() {
   161  	rb.highlowcontainer.runOptimize()
   162  }
   164  // HasRunCompression returns true if the bitmap benefits from run compression
   165  func (rb *Bitmap) HasRunCompression() bool {
   166  	return rb.highlowcontainer.hasRunCompression()
   167  }
   169  // MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface for the bitmap
   170  // (same as ToBytes)
   171  func (rb *Bitmap) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
   172  	return rb.ToBytes()
   173  }
   175  // UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface for the bitmap
   176  func (rb *Bitmap) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
   177  	r := bytes.NewReader(data)
   178  	_, err := rb.ReadFrom(r)
   179  	return err
   180  }
   182  // NewBitmap creates a new empty Bitmap (see also New)
   183  func NewBitmap() *Bitmap {
   184  	return &Bitmap{}
   185  }
   187  // New creates a new empty Bitmap (same as NewBitmap)
   188  func New() *Bitmap {
   189  	return &Bitmap{}
   190  }
   192  // Clear resets the Bitmap to be logically empty, but may retain
   193  // some memory allocations that may speed up future operations
   194  func (rb *Bitmap) Clear() {
   195  	rb.highlowcontainer.clear()
   196  }
   198  // ToArray creates a new slice containing all of the integers stored in the Bitmap in sorted order
   199  func (rb *Bitmap) ToArray() []uint32 {
   200  	array := make([]uint32, rb.GetCardinality())
   201  	pos := 0
   202  	pos2 := 0
   204  	for pos < rb.highlowcontainer.size() {
   205  		hs := uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos)) << 16
   206  		c := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos)
   207  		pos++
   208  		pos2 = c.fillLeastSignificant16bits(array, pos2, hs)
   209  	}
   210  	return array
   211  }
   213  // GetSizeInBytes estimates the memory usage of the Bitmap. Note that this
   214  // might differ slightly from the amount of bytes required for persistent storage
   215  func (rb *Bitmap) GetSizeInBytes() uint64 {
   216  	size := uint64(8)
   217  	for _, c := range rb.highlowcontainer.containers {
   218  		size += uint64(2) + uint64(c.getSizeInBytes())
   219  	}
   220  	return size
   221  }
   223  // GetSerializedSizeInBytes computes the serialized size in bytes
   224  // of the Bitmap. It should correspond to the
   225  // number of bytes written when invoking WriteTo. You can expect
   226  // that this function is much cheaper computationally than WriteTo.
   227  func (rb *Bitmap) GetSerializedSizeInBytes() uint64 {
   228  	return rb.highlowcontainer.serializedSizeInBytes()
   229  }
   231  // BoundSerializedSizeInBytes returns an upper bound on the serialized size in bytes
   232  // assuming that one wants to store "cardinality" integers in [0, universe_size)
   233  func BoundSerializedSizeInBytes(cardinality uint64, universeSize uint64) uint64 {
   234  	contnbr := (universeSize + uint64(65535)) / uint64(65536)
   235  	if contnbr > cardinality {
   236  		contnbr = cardinality
   237  		// we can't have more containers than we have values
   238  	}
   239  	headermax := 8*contnbr + 4
   240  	if 4 > (contnbr+7)/8 {
   241  		headermax += 4
   242  	} else {
   243  		headermax += (contnbr + 7) / 8
   244  	}
   245  	valsarray := uint64(arrayContainerSizeInBytes(int(cardinality)))
   246  	valsbitmap := contnbr * uint64(bitmapContainerSizeInBytes())
   247  	valsbest := valsarray
   248  	if valsbest > valsbitmap {
   249  		valsbest = valsbitmap
   250  	}
   251  	return valsbest + headermax
   252  }
   254  // IntIterable allows you to iterate over the values in a Bitmap
   255  type IntIterable interface {
   256  	HasNext() bool
   257  	Next() uint32
   258  }
   260  // IntPeekable allows you to look at the next value without advancing and
   261  // advance as long as the next value is smaller than minval
   262  type IntPeekable interface {
   263  	IntIterable
   264  	// PeekNext peeks the next value without advancing the iterator
   265  	PeekNext() uint32
   266  	// AdvanceIfNeeded advances as long as the next value is smaller than minval
   267  	AdvanceIfNeeded(minval uint32)
   268  }
   270  type intIterator struct {
   271  	pos              int
   272  	hs               uint32
   273  	iter             shortPeekable
   274  	highlowcontainer *roaringArray
   276  	// These embedded iterators per container type help reduce load in the GC.
   277  	// This way, instead of making up-to 64k allocations per full iteration
   278  	// we get a single allocation and simply reinitialize the appropriate
   279  	// iterator and point to it in the generic `iter` member on each key bound.
   280  	shortIter  shortIterator
   281  	runIter    runIterator16
   282  	bitmapIter bitmapContainerShortIterator
   283  }
   285  // HasNext returns true if there are more integers to iterate over
   286  func (ii *intIterator) HasNext() bool {
   287  	return ii.pos < ii.highlowcontainer.size()
   288  }
   290  func (ii *intIterator) init() {
   291  	if ii.highlowcontainer.size() > ii.pos {
   292  		ii.hs = uint32(ii.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(ii.pos)) << 16
   293  		c := ii.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(ii.pos)
   294  		switch t := c.(type) {
   295  		case *arrayContainer:
   296  			ii.shortIter = shortIterator{t.content, 0}
   297  			ii.iter = &ii.shortIter
   298  		case *runContainer16:
   299  			ii.runIter = runIterator16{rc: t, curIndex: 0, curPosInIndex: 0}
   300  			ii.iter = &ii.runIter
   301  		case *bitmapContainer:
   302  			ii.bitmapIter = bitmapContainerShortIterator{t, t.NextSetBit(0)}
   303  			ii.iter = &ii.bitmapIter
   304  		}
   305  	}
   306  }
   308  // Next returns the next integer
   309  func (ii *intIterator) Next() uint32 {
   310  	x := uint32( | ii.hs
   311  	if !ii.iter.hasNext() {
   312  		ii.pos = ii.pos + 1
   313  		ii.init()
   314  	}
   315  	return x
   316  }
   318  // PeekNext peeks the next value without advancing the iterator
   319  func (ii *intIterator) PeekNext() uint32 {
   320  	return uint32(ii.iter.peekNext()&maxLowBit) | ii.hs
   321  }
   323  func (ii *intIterator) Seek(minval uint32) {
   324  	to := minval & 0xffff0000
   326  	ii.pos = sort.Search(ii.highlowcontainer.size(), func(i int) bool {
   327  		return uint32(ii.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(i))<<16 >= to
   328  	})
   329  	ii.init()
   331  	if ii.HasNext() && ii.hs == to {
   332  		ii.iter.advanceIfNeeded(lowbits(minval))
   334  		if !ii.iter.hasNext() {
   335  			ii.pos++
   336  			ii.init()
   337  		}
   338  	}
   339  }
   341  // AdvanceIfNeeded advances as long as the next value is smaller than minval
   342  func (ii *intIterator) AdvanceIfNeeded(minval uint32) {
   343  	to := minval & 0xffff0000
   345  	for ii.HasNext() && ii.hs < to {
   346  		ii.pos++
   347  		ii.init()
   348  	}
   350  	if ii.HasNext() && ii.hs == to {
   351  		ii.iter.advanceIfNeeded(lowbits(minval))
   353  		if !ii.iter.hasNext() {
   354  			ii.pos++
   355  			ii.init()
   356  		}
   357  	}
   358  }
   360  // IntIterator is meant to allow you to iterate through the values of a bitmap, see Initialize(a *Bitmap)
   361  type IntIterator = intIterator
   363  // Initialize configures the existing iterator so that it can iterate through the values of
   364  // the provided bitmap.
   365  // The iteration results are undefined if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   366  func (p *intIterator) Initialize(a *Bitmap) {
   367  	p.pos = 0
   368  	p.highlowcontainer = &a.highlowcontainer
   369  	p.init()
   370  }
   372  type intReverseIterator struct {
   373  	pos              int
   374  	hs               uint32
   375  	iter             shortIterable
   376  	highlowcontainer *roaringArray
   378  	shortIter  reverseIterator
   379  	runIter    runReverseIterator16
   380  	bitmapIter reverseBitmapContainerShortIterator
   381  }
   383  // HasNext returns true if there are more integers to iterate over
   384  func (ii *intReverseIterator) HasNext() bool {
   385  	return ii.pos >= 0
   386  }
   388  func (ii *intReverseIterator) init() {
   389  	if ii.pos >= 0 {
   390  		ii.hs = uint32(ii.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(ii.pos)) << 16
   391  		c := ii.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(ii.pos)
   392  		switch t := c.(type) {
   393  		case *arrayContainer:
   394  			ii.shortIter = reverseIterator{t.content, len(t.content) - 1}
   395  			ii.iter = &ii.shortIter
   396  		case *runContainer16:
   397  			index := int(len(t.iv)) - 1
   398  			pos := uint16(0)
   400  			if index >= 0 {
   401  				pos = t.iv[index].length
   402  			}
   404  			ii.runIter = runReverseIterator16{rc: t, curIndex: index, curPosInIndex: pos}
   405  			ii.iter = &ii.runIter
   406  		case *bitmapContainer:
   407  			pos := -1
   408  			if t.cardinality > 0 {
   409  				pos = int(t.maximum())
   410  			}
   411  			ii.bitmapIter = reverseBitmapContainerShortIterator{t, pos}
   412  			ii.iter = &ii.bitmapIter
   413  		}
   414  	} else {
   415  		ii.iter = nil
   416  	}
   417  }
   419  // Next returns the next integer
   420  func (ii *intReverseIterator) Next() uint32 {
   421  	x := uint32( | ii.hs
   422  	if !ii.iter.hasNext() {
   423  		ii.pos = ii.pos - 1
   424  		ii.init()
   425  	}
   426  	return x
   427  }
   429  // IntReverseIterator is meant to allow you to iterate through the values of a bitmap, see Initialize(a *Bitmap)
   430  type IntReverseIterator = intReverseIterator
   432  // Initialize configures the existing iterator so that it can iterate through the values of
   433  // the provided bitmap.
   434  // The iteration results are undefined if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   435  func (p *intReverseIterator) Initialize(a *Bitmap) {
   436  	p.highlowcontainer = &a.highlowcontainer
   437  	p.pos = a.highlowcontainer.size() - 1
   438  	p.init()
   439  }
   441  // ManyIntIterable allows you to iterate over the values in a Bitmap
   442  type ManyIntIterable interface {
   443  	// NextMany fills buf up with values, returns how many values were returned
   444  	NextMany(buf []uint32) int
   445  	// NextMany64 fills up buf with 64 bit values, uses hs as a mask (OR), returns how many values were returned
   446  	NextMany64(hs uint64, buf []uint64) int
   447  }
   449  type manyIntIterator struct {
   450  	pos              int
   451  	hs               uint32
   452  	iter             manyIterable
   453  	highlowcontainer *roaringArray
   455  	shortIter  shortIterator
   456  	runIter    runIterator16
   457  	bitmapIter bitmapContainerManyIterator
   458  }
   460  func (ii *manyIntIterator) init() {
   461  	if ii.highlowcontainer.size() > ii.pos {
   462  		ii.hs = uint32(ii.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(ii.pos)) << 16
   463  		c := ii.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(ii.pos)
   464  		switch t := c.(type) {
   465  		case *arrayContainer:
   466  			ii.shortIter = shortIterator{t.content, 0}
   467  			ii.iter = &ii.shortIter
   468  		case *runContainer16:
   469  			ii.runIter = runIterator16{rc: t, curIndex: 0, curPosInIndex: 0}
   470  			ii.iter = &ii.runIter
   471  		case *bitmapContainer:
   472  			ii.bitmapIter = bitmapContainerManyIterator{t, -1, 0}
   473  			ii.iter = &ii.bitmapIter
   474  		}
   475  	} else {
   476  		ii.iter = nil
   477  	}
   478  }
   480  func (ii *manyIntIterator) NextMany(buf []uint32) int {
   481  	n := 0
   482  	for n < len(buf) {
   483  		if ii.iter == nil {
   484  			break
   485  		}
   486  		moreN := ii.iter.nextMany(ii.hs, buf[n:])
   487  		n += moreN
   488  		if moreN == 0 {
   489  			ii.pos = ii.pos + 1
   490  			ii.init()
   491  		}
   492  	}
   494  	return n
   495  }
   497  func (ii *manyIntIterator) NextMany64(hs64 uint64, buf []uint64) int {
   498  	n := 0
   499  	for n < len(buf) {
   500  		if ii.iter == nil {
   501  			break
   502  		}
   504  		hs := uint64(ii.hs) | hs64
   505  		moreN := ii.iter.nextMany64(hs, buf[n:])
   506  		n += moreN
   507  		if moreN == 0 {
   508  			ii.pos = ii.pos + 1
   509  			ii.init()
   510  		}
   511  	}
   513  	return n
   514  }
   516  // ManyIntIterator is meant to allow you to iterate through the values of a bitmap, see Initialize(a *Bitmap)
   517  type ManyIntIterator = manyIntIterator
   519  // Initialize configures the existing iterator so that it can iterate through the values of
   520  // the provided bitmap.
   521  // The iteration results are undefined if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   522  func (p *manyIntIterator) Initialize(a *Bitmap) {
   523  	p.pos = 0
   524  	p.highlowcontainer = &a.highlowcontainer
   525  	p.init()
   526  }
   528  // String creates a string representation of the Bitmap
   529  func (rb *Bitmap) String() string {
   530  	// inspired by
   531  	var buffer bytes.Buffer
   532  	start := []byte("{")
   533  	buffer.Write(start)
   534  	i := rb.Iterator()
   535  	counter := 0
   536  	if i.HasNext() {
   537  		counter = counter + 1
   538  		buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(i.Next()), 10))
   539  	}
   540  	for i.HasNext() {
   541  		buffer.WriteString(",")
   542  		counter = counter + 1
   543  		// to avoid exhausting the memory
   544  		if counter > 0x40000 {
   545  			buffer.WriteString("...")
   546  			break
   547  		}
   548  		buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(i.Next()), 10))
   549  	}
   550  	buffer.WriteString("}")
   551  	return buffer.String()
   552  }
   554  // Iterate iterates over the bitmap, calling the given callback with each value in the bitmap.  If the callback returns
   555  // false, the iteration is halted.
   556  // The iteration results are undefined if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   557  // There is no guarantee as to what order the values will be iterated.
   558  func (rb *Bitmap) Iterate(cb func(x uint32) bool) {
   559  	for i := 0; i < rb.highlowcontainer.size(); i++ {
   560  		hs := uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(i)) << 16
   561  		c := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i)
   563  		var shouldContinue bool
   564  		// This is hacky but it avoids allocations from invoking an interface method with a closure
   565  		switch t := c.(type) {
   566  		case *arrayContainer:
   567  			shouldContinue = t.iterate(func(x uint16) bool {
   568  				return cb(uint32(x) | hs)
   569  			})
   570  		case *runContainer16:
   571  			shouldContinue = t.iterate(func(x uint16) bool {
   572  				return cb(uint32(x) | hs)
   573  			})
   574  		case *bitmapContainer:
   575  			shouldContinue = t.iterate(func(x uint16) bool {
   576  				return cb(uint32(x) | hs)
   577  			})
   578  		}
   580  		if !shouldContinue {
   581  			break
   582  		}
   583  	}
   584  }
   586  // Iterator creates a new IntPeekable to iterate over the integers contained in the bitmap, in sorted order;
   587  // the iterator becomes invalid if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   588  func (rb *Bitmap) Iterator() IntPeekable {
   589  	p := new(intIterator)
   590  	p.Initialize(rb)
   591  	return p
   592  }
   594  // ReverseIterator creates a new IntIterable to iterate over the integers contained in the bitmap, in sorted order;
   595  // the iterator becomes invalid if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   596  func (rb *Bitmap) ReverseIterator() IntIterable {
   597  	p := new(intReverseIterator)
   598  	p.Initialize(rb)
   599  	return p
   600  }
   602  // ManyIterator creates a new ManyIntIterable to iterate over the integers contained in the bitmap, in sorted order;
   603  // the iterator becomes invalid if the bitmap is modified (e.g., with Add or Remove).
   604  func (rb *Bitmap) ManyIterator() ManyIntIterable {
   605  	p := new(manyIntIterator)
   606  	p.Initialize(rb)
   607  	return p
   608  }
   610  // Clone creates a copy of the Bitmap
   611  func (rb *Bitmap) Clone() *Bitmap {
   612  	ptr := new(Bitmap)
   613  	ptr.highlowcontainer = *rb.highlowcontainer.clone()
   614  	return ptr
   615  }
   617  // Minimum get the smallest value stored in this roaring bitmap, assumes that it is not empty
   618  func (rb *Bitmap) Minimum() uint32 {
   619  	if len(rb.highlowcontainer.containers) == 0 {
   620  		panic("Empty bitmap")
   621  	}
   622  	return uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.containers[0].minimum()) | (uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.keys[0]) << 16)
   623  }
   625  // Maximum get the largest value stored in this roaring bitmap, assumes that it is not empty
   626  func (rb *Bitmap) Maximum() uint32 {
   627  	if len(rb.highlowcontainer.containers) == 0 {
   628  		panic("Empty bitmap")
   629  	}
   630  	lastindex := len(rb.highlowcontainer.containers) - 1
   631  	return uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.containers[lastindex].maximum()) | (uint32(rb.highlowcontainer.keys[lastindex]) << 16)
   632  }
   634  // Contains returns true if the integer is contained in the bitmap
   635  func (rb *Bitmap) Contains(x uint32) bool {
   636  	hb := highbits(x)
   637  	c := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainer(hb)
   638  	return c != nil && c.contains(lowbits(x))
   639  }
   641  // ContainsInt returns true if the integer is contained in the bitmap (this is a convenience method, the parameter is casted to uint32 and Contains is called)
   642  func (rb *Bitmap) ContainsInt(x int) bool {
   643  	return rb.Contains(uint32(x))
   644  }
   646  // Equals returns true if the two bitmaps contain the same integers
   647  func (rb *Bitmap) Equals(o interface{}) bool {
   648  	srb, ok := o.(*Bitmap)
   649  	if ok {
   650  		return srb.highlowcontainer.equals(rb.highlowcontainer)
   651  	}
   652  	return false
   653  }
   655  // AddOffset adds the value 'offset' to each and every value in a bitmap, generating a new bitmap in the process
   656  func AddOffset(x *Bitmap, offset uint32) (answer *Bitmap) {
   657  	return AddOffset64(x, int64(offset))
   658  }
   660  // AddOffset64 adds the value 'offset' to each and every value in a bitmap, generating a new bitmap in the process
   661  // If offset + element is outside of the range [0,2^32), that the element will be dropped
   662  func AddOffset64(x *Bitmap, offset int64) (answer *Bitmap) {
   663  	// we need "offset" to be a long because we want to support values
   664  	// between -0xFFFFFFFF up to +-0xFFFFFFFF
   665  	var containerOffset64 int64
   667  	if offset < 0 {
   668  		containerOffset64 = (offset - (1 << 16) + 1) / (1 << 16)
   669  	} else {
   670  		containerOffset64 = offset >> 16
   671  	}
   673  	answer = New()
   675  	if containerOffset64 >= (1<<16) || containerOffset64 < -(1<<16) {
   676  		return answer
   677  	}
   679  	containerOffset := int32(containerOffset64)
   680  	inOffset := (uint16)(offset - containerOffset64*(1<<16))
   682  	if inOffset == 0 {
   683  		for pos := 0; pos < x.highlowcontainer.size(); pos++ {
   684  			key := int32(x.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos))
   685  			key += containerOffset
   687  			if key >= 0 && key <= MaxUint16 {
   688  				c := x.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos).clone()
   689  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(uint16(key), c, false)
   690  			}
   691  		}
   692  	} else {
   693  		for pos := 0; pos < x.highlowcontainer.size(); pos++ {
   694  			key := int32(x.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos))
   695  			key += containerOffset
   697  			if key+1 < 0 || key > MaxUint16 {
   698  				continue
   699  			}
   701  			c := x.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos)
   702  			lo, hi := c.addOffset(inOffset)
   704  			if lo != nil && key >= 0 {
   705  				curSize := answer.highlowcontainer.size()
   706  				lastkey := int32(0)
   708  				if curSize > 0 {
   709  					lastkey = int32(answer.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(curSize - 1))
   710  				}
   712  				if curSize > 0 && lastkey == key {
   713  					prev := answer.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(curSize - 1)
   714  					orresult := prev.ior(lo)
   715  					answer.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(curSize-1, orresult)
   716  				} else {
   717  					answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(uint16(key), lo, false)
   718  				}
   719  			}
   721  			if hi != nil && key+1 <= MaxUint16 {
   722  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(uint16(key+1), hi, false)
   723  			}
   724  		}
   725  	}
   727  	return answer
   728  }
   730  // Add the integer x to the bitmap
   731  func (rb *Bitmap) Add(x uint32) {
   732  	hb := highbits(x)
   733  	ra := &rb.highlowcontainer
   734  	i := ra.getIndex(hb)
   735  	if i >= 0 {
   736  		var c container
   737  		c = ra.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   738  		rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
   739  	} else {
   740  		newac := newArrayContainer()
   741  		rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i-1, hb, newac.iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x)))
   742  	}
   743  }
   745  // add the integer x to the bitmap, return the container and its index
   746  func (rb *Bitmap) addwithptr(x uint32) (int, container) {
   747  	hb := highbits(x)
   748  	ra := &rb.highlowcontainer
   749  	i := ra.getIndex(hb)
   750  	var c container
   751  	if i >= 0 {
   752  		c = ra.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   753  		rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
   754  		return i, c
   755  	}
   756  	newac := newArrayContainer()
   757  	c = newac.iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   758  	rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i-1, hb, c)
   759  	return -i - 1, c
   760  }
   762  // CheckedAdd adds the integer x to the bitmap and return true  if it was added (false if the integer was already present)
   763  func (rb *Bitmap) CheckedAdd(x uint32) bool {
   764  	// TODO: add unit tests for this method
   765  	hb := highbits(x)
   766  	i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(hb)
   767  	if i >= 0 {
   768  		C := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i)
   769  		oldcard := C.getCardinality()
   770  		C = C.iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   771  		rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, C)
   772  		return C.getCardinality() > oldcard
   773  	}
   774  	newac := newArrayContainer()
   775  	rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i-1, hb, newac.iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(x)))
   776  	return true
   778  }
   780  // AddInt adds the integer x to the bitmap (convenience method: the parameter is casted to uint32 and we call Add)
   781  func (rb *Bitmap) AddInt(x int) {
   782  	rb.Add(uint32(x))
   783  }
   785  // Remove the integer x from the bitmap
   786  func (rb *Bitmap) Remove(x uint32) {
   787  	hb := highbits(x)
   788  	i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(hb)
   789  	if i >= 0 {
   790  		c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).iremoveReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   791  		rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
   792  		if rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).isEmpty() {
   793  			rb.highlowcontainer.removeAtIndex(i)
   794  		}
   795  	}
   796  }
   798  // CheckedRemove removes the integer x from the bitmap and return true if the integer was effectively removed (and false if the integer was not present)
   799  func (rb *Bitmap) CheckedRemove(x uint32) bool {
   800  	// TODO: add unit tests for this method
   801  	hb := highbits(x)
   802  	i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(hb)
   803  	if i >= 0 {
   804  		C := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i)
   805  		oldcard := C.getCardinality()
   806  		C = C.iremoveReturnMinimized(lowbits(x))
   807  		rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, C)
   808  		if rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).isEmpty() {
   809  			rb.highlowcontainer.removeAtIndex(i)
   810  			return true
   811  		}
   812  		return C.getCardinality() < oldcard
   813  	}
   814  	return false
   816  }
   818  // IsEmpty returns true if the Bitmap is empty (it is faster than doing (GetCardinality() == 0))
   819  func (rb *Bitmap) IsEmpty() bool {
   820  	return rb.highlowcontainer.size() == 0
   821  }
   823  // GetCardinality returns the number of integers contained in the bitmap
   824  func (rb *Bitmap) GetCardinality() uint64 {
   825  	size := uint64(0)
   826  	for _, c := range rb.highlowcontainer.containers {
   827  		size += uint64(c.getCardinality())
   828  	}
   829  	return size
   830  }
   832  // Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (Rank(infinity) would be GetCardinality()).
   833  // If you pass the smallest value, you get the value 1. If you pass a value that is smaller than the smallest
   834  // value, you get 0. Note that this function differs in convention from the Select function since it
   835  // return 1 and not 0 on the smallest value.
   836  func (rb *Bitmap) Rank(x uint32) uint64 {
   837  	size := uint64(0)
   838  	for i := 0; i < rb.highlowcontainer.size(); i++ {
   839  		key := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(i)
   840  		if key > highbits(x) {
   841  			return size
   842  		}
   843  		if key < highbits(x) {
   844  			size += uint64(rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).getCardinality())
   845  		} else {
   846  			return size + uint64(rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).rank(lowbits(x)))
   847  		}
   848  	}
   849  	return size
   850  }
   852  // Select returns the xth integer in the bitmap. If you pass 0, you get
   853  // the smallest element. Note that this function differs in convention from
   854  // the Rank function which returns 1 on the smallest value.
   855  func (rb *Bitmap) Select(x uint32) (uint32, error) {
   856  	remaining := x
   857  	for i := 0; i < rb.highlowcontainer.size(); i++ {
   858  		c := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i)
   859  		card := uint32(c.getCardinality())
   860  		if remaining >= card {
   861  			remaining -= card
   862  		} else {
   863  			key := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(i)
   864  			return uint32(key)<<16 + uint32(c.selectInt(uint16(remaining))), nil
   865  		}
   866  	}
   867  	return 0, fmt.Errorf("can't find %dth integer in a bitmap with only %d items", x, rb.GetCardinality())
   868  }
   870  // And computes the intersection between two bitmaps and stores the result in the current bitmap
   871  func (rb *Bitmap) And(x2 *Bitmap) {
   872  	pos1 := 0
   873  	pos2 := 0
   874  	intersectionsize := 0
   875  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
   876  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
   878  main:
   879  	for {
   880  		if pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
   881  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   882  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   883  			for {
   884  				if s1 == s2 {
   885  					c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(pos1)
   886  					c2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)
   887  					diff := c1.iand(c2)
   888  					if !diff.isEmpty() {
   889  						rb.highlowcontainer.replaceKeyAndContainerAtIndex(intersectionsize, s1, diff, false)
   890  						intersectionsize++
   891  					}
   892  					pos1++
   893  					pos2++
   894  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
   895  						break main
   896  					}
   897  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   898  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   899  				} else if s1 < s2 {
   900  					pos1 = rb.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s2, pos1)
   901  					if pos1 == length1 {
   902  						break main
   903  					}
   904  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   905  				} else { //s1 > s2
   906  					pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
   907  					if pos2 == length2 {
   908  						break main
   909  					}
   910  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   911  				}
   912  			}
   913  		} else {
   914  			break
   915  		}
   916  	}
   917  	rb.highlowcontainer.resize(intersectionsize)
   918  }
   920  // OrCardinality  returns the cardinality of the union between two bitmaps, bitmaps are not modified
   921  func (rb *Bitmap) OrCardinality(x2 *Bitmap) uint64 {
   922  	pos1 := 0
   923  	pos2 := 0
   924  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
   925  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
   926  	answer := uint64(0)
   927  main:
   928  	for {
   929  		if (pos1 < length1) && (pos2 < length2) {
   930  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   931  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   933  			for {
   934  				if s1 < s2 {
   935  					answer += uint64(rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).getCardinality())
   936  					pos1++
   937  					if pos1 == length1 {
   938  						break main
   939  					}
   940  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   941  				} else if s1 > s2 {
   942  					answer += uint64(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2).getCardinality())
   943  					pos2++
   944  					if pos2 == length2 {
   945  						break main
   946  					}
   947  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   948  				} else {
   949  					// TODO: could be faster if we did not have to materialize the container
   950  					answer += uint64(rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).or(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)).getCardinality())
   951  					pos1++
   952  					pos2++
   953  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
   954  						break main
   955  					}
   956  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   957  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   958  				}
   959  			}
   960  		} else {
   961  			break
   962  		}
   963  	}
   964  	for ; pos1 < length1; pos1++ {
   965  		answer += uint64(rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).getCardinality())
   966  	}
   967  	for ; pos2 < length2; pos2++ {
   968  		answer += uint64(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2).getCardinality())
   969  	}
   970  	return answer
   971  }
   973  // AndCardinality returns the cardinality of the intersection between two bitmaps, bitmaps are not modified
   974  func (rb *Bitmap) AndCardinality(x2 *Bitmap) uint64 {
   975  	pos1 := 0
   976  	pos2 := 0
   977  	answer := uint64(0)
   978  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
   979  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
   981  main:
   982  	for {
   983  		if pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
   984  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   985  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   986  			for {
   987  				if s1 == s2 {
   988  					c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
   989  					c2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)
   990  					answer += uint64(c1.andCardinality(c2))
   991  					pos1++
   992  					pos2++
   993  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
   994  						break main
   995  					}
   996  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
   997  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
   998  				} else if s1 < s2 {
   999  					pos1 = rb.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s2, pos1)
  1000  					if pos1 == length1 {
  1001  						break main
  1002  					}
  1003  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1004  				} else { //s1 > s2
  1005  					pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
  1006  					if pos2 == length2 {
  1007  						break main
  1008  					}
  1009  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1010  				}
  1011  			}
  1012  		} else {
  1013  			break
  1014  		}
  1015  	}
  1016  	return answer
  1017  }
  1019  // IntersectsWithInterval checks whether a bitmap 'rb' and an open interval '[x,y)' intersect.
  1020  func (rb *Bitmap) IntersectsWithInterval(x, y uint64) bool {
  1021  	if x >= y {
  1022  		return false
  1023  	}
  1024  	if x > MaxUint32 {
  1025  		return false
  1026  	}
  1028  	it := intIterator{}
  1029  	it.Initialize(rb)
  1030  	it.AdvanceIfNeeded(uint32(x))
  1031  	if !it.HasNext() {
  1032  		return false
  1033  	}
  1034  	if uint64(it.Next()) >= y {
  1035  		return false
  1036  	}
  1038  	return true
  1039  }
  1041  // Intersects checks whether two bitmap intersects, bitmaps are not modified
  1042  func (rb *Bitmap) Intersects(x2 *Bitmap) bool {
  1043  	pos1 := 0
  1044  	pos2 := 0
  1045  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
  1046  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1048  main:
  1049  	for {
  1050  		if pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
  1051  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1052  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1053  			for {
  1054  				if s1 == s2 {
  1055  					c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1056  					c2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)
  1057  					if c1.intersects(c2) {
  1058  						return true
  1059  					}
  1060  					pos1++
  1061  					pos2++
  1062  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1063  						break main
  1064  					}
  1065  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1066  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1067  				} else if s1 < s2 {
  1068  					pos1 = rb.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s2, pos1)
  1069  					if pos1 == length1 {
  1070  						break main
  1071  					}
  1072  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1073  				} else { //s1 > s2
  1074  					pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
  1075  					if pos2 == length2 {
  1076  						break main
  1077  					}
  1078  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1079  				}
  1080  			}
  1081  		} else {
  1082  			break
  1083  		}
  1084  	}
  1085  	return false
  1086  }
  1088  // Xor computes the symmetric difference between two bitmaps and stores the result in the current bitmap
  1089  func (rb *Bitmap) Xor(x2 *Bitmap) {
  1090  	pos1 := 0
  1091  	pos2 := 0
  1092  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
  1093  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1094  	for {
  1095  		if (pos1 < length1) && (pos2 < length2) {
  1096  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1097  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1098  			if s1 < s2 {
  1099  				pos1 = rb.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s2, pos1)
  1100  				if pos1 == length1 {
  1101  					break
  1102  				}
  1103  			} else if s1 > s2 {
  1104  				c := x2.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(pos2)
  1105  				rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(pos1, x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2), c)
  1106  				length1++
  1107  				pos1++
  1108  				pos2++
  1109  			} else {
  1110  				// TODO: couple be computed in-place for reduced memory usage
  1111  				c := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).xor(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2))
  1112  				if !c.isEmpty() {
  1113  					rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(pos1, c)
  1114  					pos1++
  1115  				} else {
  1116  					rb.highlowcontainer.removeAtIndex(pos1)
  1117  					length1--
  1118  				}
  1119  				pos2++
  1120  			}
  1121  		} else {
  1122  			break
  1123  		}
  1124  	}
  1125  	if pos1 == length1 {
  1126  		rb.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2, length2)
  1127  	}
  1128  }
  1130  // Or computes the union between two bitmaps and stores the result in the current bitmap
  1131  func (rb *Bitmap) Or(x2 *Bitmap) {
  1132  	pos1 := 0
  1133  	pos2 := 0
  1134  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
  1135  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1136  main:
  1137  	for (pos1 < length1) && (pos2 < length2) {
  1138  		s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1139  		s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1141  		for {
  1142  			if s1 < s2 {
  1143  				pos1++
  1144  				if pos1 == length1 {
  1145  					break main
  1146  				}
  1147  				s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1148  			} else if s1 > s2 {
  1149  				rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(pos1, s2, x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2).clone())
  1150  				pos1++
  1151  				length1++
  1152  				pos2++
  1153  				if pos2 == length2 {
  1154  					break main
  1155  				}
  1156  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1157  			} else {
  1158  				rb.highlowcontainer.replaceKeyAndContainerAtIndex(pos1, s1, rb.highlowcontainer.getUnionedWritableContainer(pos1, x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)), false)
  1159  				pos1++
  1160  				pos2++
  1161  				if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1162  					break main
  1163  				}
  1164  				s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1165  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1166  			}
  1167  		}
  1168  	}
  1169  	if pos1 == length1 {
  1170  		rb.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2, length2)
  1171  	}
  1172  }
  1174  // AndNot computes the difference between two bitmaps and stores the result in the current bitmap
  1175  func (rb *Bitmap) AndNot(x2 *Bitmap) {
  1176  	pos1 := 0
  1177  	pos2 := 0
  1178  	intersectionsize := 0
  1179  	length1 := rb.highlowcontainer.size()
  1180  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1182  main:
  1183  	for {
  1184  		if pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
  1185  			s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1186  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1187  			for {
  1188  				if s1 == s2 {
  1189  					c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1190  					c2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)
  1191  					diff := c1.iandNot(c2)
  1192  					if !diff.isEmpty() {
  1193  						rb.highlowcontainer.replaceKeyAndContainerAtIndex(intersectionsize, s1, diff, false)
  1194  						intersectionsize++
  1195  					}
  1196  					pos1++
  1197  					pos2++
  1198  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1199  						break main
  1200  					}
  1201  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1202  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1203  				} else if s1 < s2 {
  1204  					c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1205  					mustCopyOnWrite := rb.highlowcontainer.needsCopyOnWrite(pos1)
  1206  					rb.highlowcontainer.replaceKeyAndContainerAtIndex(intersectionsize, s1, c1, mustCopyOnWrite)
  1207  					intersectionsize++
  1208  					pos1++
  1209  					if pos1 == length1 {
  1210  						break main
  1211  					}
  1212  					s1 = rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1213  				} else { //s1 > s2
  1214  					pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
  1215  					if pos2 == length2 {
  1216  						break main
  1217  					}
  1218  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1219  				}
  1220  			}
  1221  		} else {
  1222  			break
  1223  		}
  1224  	}
  1225  	// TODO:implement as a copy
  1226  	for pos1 < length1 {
  1227  		c1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1228  		s1 := rb.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1229  		mustCopyOnWrite := rb.highlowcontainer.needsCopyOnWrite(pos1)
  1230  		rb.highlowcontainer.replaceKeyAndContainerAtIndex(intersectionsize, s1, c1, mustCopyOnWrite)
  1231  		intersectionsize++
  1232  		pos1++
  1233  	}
  1234  	rb.highlowcontainer.resize(intersectionsize)
  1235  }
  1237  // Or computes the union between two bitmaps and returns the result
  1238  func Or(x1, x2 *Bitmap) *Bitmap {
  1239  	answer := NewBitmap()
  1240  	pos1 := 0
  1241  	pos2 := 0
  1242  	length1 := x1.highlowcontainer.size()
  1243  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1244  main:
  1245  	for (pos1 < length1) && (pos2 < length2) {
  1246  		s1 := x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1247  		s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1249  		for {
  1250  			if s1 < s2 {
  1251  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopy(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1)
  1252  				pos1++
  1253  				if pos1 == length1 {
  1254  					break main
  1255  				}
  1256  				s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1257  			} else if s1 > s2 {
  1258  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopy(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2)
  1259  				pos2++
  1260  				if pos2 == length2 {
  1261  					break main
  1262  				}
  1263  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1264  			} else {
  1266  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(s1, x1.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).or(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)), false)
  1267  				pos1++
  1268  				pos2++
  1269  				if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1270  					break main
  1271  				}
  1272  				s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1273  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1274  			}
  1275  		}
  1276  	}
  1277  	if pos1 == length1 {
  1278  		answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2, length2)
  1279  	} else if pos2 == length2 {
  1280  		answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1, length1)
  1281  	}
  1282  	return answer
  1283  }
  1285  // And computes the intersection between two bitmaps and returns the result
  1286  func And(x1, x2 *Bitmap) *Bitmap {
  1287  	answer := NewBitmap()
  1288  	pos1 := 0
  1289  	pos2 := 0
  1290  	length1 := x1.highlowcontainer.size()
  1291  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1292  main:
  1293  	for pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
  1294  		s1 := x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1295  		s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1296  		for {
  1297  			if s1 == s2 {
  1298  				C := x1.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1299  				C = C.and(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2))
  1301  				if !C.isEmpty() {
  1302  					answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(s1, C, false)
  1303  				}
  1304  				pos1++
  1305  				pos2++
  1306  				if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1307  					break main
  1308  				}
  1309  				s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1310  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1311  			} else if s1 < s2 {
  1312  				pos1 = x1.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s2, pos1)
  1313  				if pos1 == length1 {
  1314  					break main
  1315  				}
  1316  				s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1317  			} else { // s1 > s2
  1318  				pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
  1319  				if pos2 == length2 {
  1320  					break main
  1321  				}
  1322  				s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1323  			}
  1324  		}
  1325  	}
  1326  	return answer
  1327  }
  1329  // Xor computes the symmetric difference between two bitmaps and returns the result
  1330  func Xor(x1, x2 *Bitmap) *Bitmap {
  1331  	answer := NewBitmap()
  1332  	pos1 := 0
  1333  	pos2 := 0
  1334  	length1 := x1.highlowcontainer.size()
  1335  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1336  	for {
  1337  		if (pos1 < length1) && (pos2 < length2) {
  1338  			s1 := x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1339  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1340  			if s1 < s2 {
  1341  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopy(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1)
  1342  				pos1++
  1343  			} else if s1 > s2 {
  1344  				answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopy(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2)
  1345  				pos2++
  1346  			} else {
  1347  				c := x1.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1).xor(x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2))
  1348  				if !c.isEmpty() {
  1349  					answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(s1, c, false)
  1350  				}
  1351  				pos1++
  1352  				pos2++
  1353  			}
  1354  		} else {
  1355  			break
  1356  		}
  1357  	}
  1358  	if pos1 == length1 {
  1359  		answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x2.highlowcontainer, pos2, length2)
  1360  	} else if pos2 == length2 {
  1361  		answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1, length1)
  1362  	}
  1363  	return answer
  1364  }
  1366  // AndNot computes the difference between two bitmaps and returns the result
  1367  func AndNot(x1, x2 *Bitmap) *Bitmap {
  1368  	answer := NewBitmap()
  1369  	pos1 := 0
  1370  	pos2 := 0
  1371  	length1 := x1.highlowcontainer.size()
  1372  	length2 := x2.highlowcontainer.size()
  1374  main:
  1375  	for {
  1376  		if pos1 < length1 && pos2 < length2 {
  1377  			s1 := x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1378  			s2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1379  			for {
  1380  				if s1 < s2 {
  1381  					answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopy(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1)
  1382  					pos1++
  1383  					if pos1 == length1 {
  1384  						break main
  1385  					}
  1386  					s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1387  				} else if s1 == s2 {
  1388  					c1 := x1.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos1)
  1389  					c2 := x2.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(pos2)
  1390  					diff := c1.andNot(c2)
  1391  					if !diff.isEmpty() {
  1392  						answer.highlowcontainer.appendContainer(s1, diff, false)
  1393  					}
  1394  					pos1++
  1395  					pos2++
  1396  					if (pos1 == length1) || (pos2 == length2) {
  1397  						break main
  1398  					}
  1399  					s1 = x1.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos1)
  1400  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1401  				} else { //s1 > s2
  1402  					pos2 = x2.highlowcontainer.advanceUntil(s1, pos2)
  1403  					if pos2 == length2 {
  1404  						break main
  1405  					}
  1406  					s2 = x2.highlowcontainer.getKeyAtIndex(pos2)
  1407  				}
  1408  			}
  1409  		} else {
  1410  			break
  1411  		}
  1412  	}
  1413  	if pos2 == length2 {
  1414  		answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopyMany(x1.highlowcontainer, pos1, length1)
  1415  	}
  1416  	return answer
  1417  }
  1419  // AddMany add all of the values in dat
  1420  func (rb *Bitmap) AddMany(dat []uint32) {
  1421  	if len(dat) == 0 {
  1422  		return
  1423  	}
  1424  	prev := dat[0]
  1425  	idx, c := rb.addwithptr(prev)
  1426  	for _, i := range dat[1:] {
  1427  		if highbits(prev) == highbits(i) {
  1428  			c = c.iaddReturnMinimized(lowbits(i))
  1429  			rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(idx, c)
  1430  		} else {
  1431  			idx, c = rb.addwithptr(i)
  1432  		}
  1433  		prev = i
  1434  	}
  1435  }
  1437  // BitmapOf generates a new bitmap filled with the specified integers
  1438  func BitmapOf(dat ...uint32) *Bitmap {
  1439  	ans := NewBitmap()
  1440  	ans.AddMany(dat)
  1441  	return ans
  1442  }
  1444  // Flip negates the bits in the given range (i.e., [rangeStart,rangeEnd)), any integer present in this range and in the bitmap is removed,
  1445  // and any integer present in the range and not in the bitmap is added.
  1446  // The function uses 64-bit parameters even though a Bitmap stores 32-bit values because it is allowed and meaningful to use [0,uint64(0x100000000)) as a range
  1447  // while uint64(0x100000000) cannot be represented as a 32-bit value.
  1448  func (rb *Bitmap) Flip(rangeStart, rangeEnd uint64) {
  1450  	if rangeEnd > MaxUint32+1 {
  1451  		panic("rangeEnd > MaxUint32+1")
  1452  	}
  1453  	if rangeStart > MaxUint32+1 {
  1454  		panic("rangeStart > MaxUint32+1")
  1455  	}
  1457  	if rangeStart >= rangeEnd {
  1458  		return
  1459  	}
  1461  	hbStart := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1462  	lbStart := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1463  	hbLast := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1464  	lbLast := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1466  	var max uint32 = maxLowBit
  1467  	for hb := hbStart; hb <= hbLast; hb++ {
  1468  		var containerStart uint32
  1469  		if hb == hbStart {
  1470  			containerStart = uint32(lbStart)
  1471  		}
  1472  		containerLast := max
  1473  		if hb == hbLast {
  1474  			containerLast = uint32(lbLast)
  1475  		}
  1477  		i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hb))
  1479  		if i >= 0 {
  1480  			c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).inot(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)+1)
  1481  			if !c.isEmpty() {
  1482  				rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
  1483  			} else {
  1484  				rb.highlowcontainer.removeAtIndex(i)
  1485  			}
  1486  		} else { // *think* the range of ones must never be
  1487  			// empty.
  1488  			rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i-1, uint16(hb), rangeOfOnes(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)))
  1489  		}
  1490  	}
  1491  }
  1493  // FlipInt calls Flip after casting the parameters  (convenience method)
  1494  func (rb *Bitmap) FlipInt(rangeStart, rangeEnd int) {
  1495  	rb.Flip(uint64(rangeStart), uint64(rangeEnd))
  1496  }
  1498  // AddRange adds the integers in [rangeStart, rangeEnd) to the bitmap.
  1499  // The function uses 64-bit parameters even though a Bitmap stores 32-bit values because it is allowed and meaningful to use [0,uint64(0x100000000)) as a range
  1500  // while uint64(0x100000000) cannot be represented as a 32-bit value.
  1501  func (rb *Bitmap) AddRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd uint64) {
  1502  	if rangeStart >= rangeEnd {
  1503  		return
  1504  	}
  1505  	if rangeEnd-1 > MaxUint32 {
  1506  		panic("rangeEnd-1 > MaxUint32")
  1507  	}
  1508  	hbStart := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1509  	lbStart := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1510  	hbLast := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1511  	lbLast := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1513  	var max uint32 = maxLowBit
  1514  	for hb := hbStart; hb <= hbLast; hb++ {
  1515  		containerStart := uint32(0)
  1516  		if hb == hbStart {
  1517  			containerStart = lbStart
  1518  		}
  1519  		containerLast := max
  1520  		if hb == hbLast {
  1521  			containerLast = lbLast
  1522  		}
  1524  		i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hb))
  1526  		if i >= 0 {
  1527  			c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).iaddRange(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)+1)
  1528  			rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
  1529  		} else { // *think* the range of ones must never be
  1530  			// empty.
  1531  			rb.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i-1, uint16(hb), rangeOfOnes(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)))
  1532  		}
  1533  	}
  1534  }
  1536  // RemoveRange removes the integers in [rangeStart, rangeEnd) from the bitmap.
  1537  // The function uses 64-bit parameters even though a Bitmap stores 32-bit values because it is allowed and meaningful to use [0,uint64(0x100000000)) as a range
  1538  // while uint64(0x100000000) cannot be represented as a 32-bit value.
  1539  func (rb *Bitmap) RemoveRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd uint64) {
  1540  	if rangeStart >= rangeEnd {
  1541  		return
  1542  	}
  1543  	if rangeEnd-1 > MaxUint32 {
  1544  		// logically, we should assume that the user wants to
  1545  		// remove all values from rangeStart to infinity
  1546  		// see
  1547  		rangeEnd = uint64(0x100000000)
  1548  	}
  1549  	hbStart := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1550  	lbStart := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1551  	hbLast := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1552  	lbLast := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1554  	var max uint32 = maxLowBit
  1556  	if hbStart == hbLast {
  1557  		i := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hbStart))
  1558  		if i < 0 {
  1559  			return
  1560  		}
  1561  		c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(i).iremoveRange(int(lbStart), int(lbLast+1))
  1562  		if !c.isEmpty() {
  1563  			rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c)
  1564  		} else {
  1565  			rb.highlowcontainer.removeAtIndex(i)
  1566  		}
  1567  		return
  1568  	}
  1569  	ifirst := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hbStart))
  1570  	ilast := rb.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hbLast))
  1572  	if ifirst >= 0 {
  1573  		if lbStart != 0 {
  1574  			c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(ifirst).iremoveRange(int(lbStart), int(max+1))
  1575  			if !c.isEmpty() {
  1576  				rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(ifirst, c)
  1577  				ifirst++
  1578  			}
  1579  		}
  1580  	} else {
  1581  		ifirst = -ifirst - 1
  1582  	}
  1583  	if ilast >= 0 {
  1584  		if lbLast != max {
  1585  			c := rb.highlowcontainer.getWritableContainerAtIndex(ilast).iremoveRange(int(0), int(lbLast+1))
  1586  			if !c.isEmpty() {
  1587  				rb.highlowcontainer.setContainerAtIndex(ilast, c)
  1588  			} else {
  1589  				ilast++
  1590  			}
  1591  		} else {
  1592  			ilast++
  1593  		}
  1594  	} else {
  1595  		ilast = -ilast - 1
  1596  	}
  1597  	rb.highlowcontainer.removeIndexRange(ifirst, ilast)
  1598  }
  1600  // Flip negates the bits in the given range  (i.e., [rangeStart,rangeEnd)), any integer present in this range and in the bitmap is removed,
  1601  // and any integer present in the range and not in the bitmap is added, a new bitmap is returned leaving
  1602  // the current bitmap unchanged.
  1603  // The function uses 64-bit parameters even though a Bitmap stores 32-bit values because it is allowed and meaningful to use [0,uint64(0x100000000)) as a range
  1604  // while uint64(0x100000000) cannot be represented as a 32-bit value.
  1605  func Flip(bm *Bitmap, rangeStart, rangeEnd uint64) *Bitmap {
  1606  	if rangeStart >= rangeEnd {
  1607  		return bm.Clone()
  1608  	}
  1610  	if rangeStart > MaxUint32 {
  1611  		panic("rangeStart > MaxUint32")
  1612  	}
  1613  	if rangeEnd-1 > MaxUint32 {
  1614  		panic("rangeEnd-1 > MaxUint32")
  1615  	}
  1617  	answer := NewBitmap()
  1618  	hbStart := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1619  	lbStart := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeStart)))
  1620  	hbLast := uint32(highbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1621  	lbLast := uint32(lowbits(uint32(rangeEnd - 1)))
  1623  	// copy the containers before the active area
  1624  	answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopiesUntil(bm.highlowcontainer, uint16(hbStart))
  1626  	var max uint32 = maxLowBit
  1627  	for hb := hbStart; hb <= hbLast; hb++ {
  1628  		var containerStart uint32
  1629  		if hb == hbStart {
  1630  			containerStart = uint32(lbStart)
  1631  		}
  1632  		containerLast := max
  1633  		if hb == hbLast {
  1634  			containerLast = uint32(lbLast)
  1635  		}
  1637  		i := bm.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hb))
  1638  		j := answer.highlowcontainer.getIndex(uint16(hb))
  1640  		if i >= 0 {
  1641  			c := bm.highlowcontainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).not(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)+1)
  1642  			if !c.isEmpty() {
  1643  				answer.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-j-1, uint16(hb), c)
  1644  			}
  1646  		} else { // *think* the range of ones must never be
  1647  			// empty.
  1648  			answer.highlowcontainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-j-1, uint16(hb),
  1649  				rangeOfOnes(int(containerStart), int(containerLast)))
  1650  		}
  1651  	}
  1652  	// copy the containers after the active area.
  1653  	answer.highlowcontainer.appendCopiesAfter(bm.highlowcontainer, uint16(hbLast))
  1655  	return answer
  1656  }
  1658  // SetCopyOnWrite sets this bitmap to use copy-on-write so that copies are fast and memory conscious
  1659  // if the parameter is true, otherwise we leave the default where hard copies are made
  1660  // (copy-on-write requires extra care in a threaded context).
  1661  // Calling SetCopyOnWrite(true) on a bitmap created with FromBuffer is unsafe.
  1662  func (rb *Bitmap) SetCopyOnWrite(val bool) {
  1663  	rb.highlowcontainer.copyOnWrite = val
  1664  }
  1666  // GetCopyOnWrite gets this bitmap's copy-on-write property
  1667  func (rb *Bitmap) GetCopyOnWrite() (val bool) {
  1668  	return rb.highlowcontainer.copyOnWrite
  1669  }
  1671  // CloneCopyOnWriteContainers clones all containers which have
  1672  // needCopyOnWrite set to true.
  1673  // This can be used to make sure it is safe to munmap a []byte
  1674  // that the roaring array may still have a reference to, after
  1675  // calling FromBuffer.
  1676  // More generally this function is useful if you call FromBuffer
  1677  // to construct a bitmap with a backing array buf
  1678  // and then later discard the buf array. Note that you should call
  1679  // CloneCopyOnWriteContainers on all bitmaps that were derived
  1680  // from the 'FromBuffer' bitmap since they map have dependencies
  1681  // on the buf array as well.
  1682  func (rb *Bitmap) CloneCopyOnWriteContainers() {
  1683  	rb.highlowcontainer.cloneCopyOnWriteContainers()
  1684  }
  1686  // FlipInt calls Flip after casting the parameters (convenience method)
  1687  func FlipInt(bm *Bitmap, rangeStart, rangeEnd int) *Bitmap {
  1688  	return Flip(bm, uint64(rangeStart), uint64(rangeEnd))
  1689  }
  1691  // Statistics provides details on the container types in use.
  1692  type Statistics struct {
  1693  	Cardinality uint64
  1694  	Containers  uint64
  1696  	ArrayContainers      uint64
  1697  	ArrayContainerBytes  uint64
  1698  	ArrayContainerValues uint64
  1700  	BitmapContainers      uint64
  1701  	BitmapContainerBytes  uint64
  1702  	BitmapContainerValues uint64
  1704  	RunContainers      uint64
  1705  	RunContainerBytes  uint64
  1706  	RunContainerValues uint64
  1707  }
  1709  // Stats returns details on container type usage in a Statistics struct.
  1710  func (rb *Bitmap) Stats() Statistics {
  1711  	stats := Statistics{}
  1712  	stats.Containers = uint64(len(rb.highlowcontainer.containers))
  1713  	for _, c := range rb.highlowcontainer.containers {
  1714  		stats.Cardinality += uint64(c.getCardinality())
  1716  		switch c.(type) {
  1717  		case *arrayContainer:
  1718  			stats.ArrayContainers++
  1719  			stats.ArrayContainerBytes += uint64(c.getSizeInBytes())
  1720  			stats.ArrayContainerValues += uint64(c.getCardinality())
  1721  		case *bitmapContainer:
  1722  			stats.BitmapContainers++
  1723  			stats.BitmapContainerBytes += uint64(c.getSizeInBytes())
  1724  			stats.BitmapContainerValues += uint64(c.getCardinality())
  1725  		case *runContainer16:
  1726  			stats.RunContainers++
  1727  			stats.RunContainerBytes += uint64(c.getSizeInBytes())
  1728  			stats.RunContainerValues += uint64(c.getCardinality())
  1729  		}
  1730  	}
  1731  	return stats
  1732  }