
     1  # This file contain an example of cozy-stack configuration file.
     2  # It provides a description for all available fields to configure the stack.
     3  #
     4  # It is possible to pass environnment variable to this configuration using the
     5  # template language of golang, delimited by "{{" and "}}". See:
     6  #
     7  #
     8  #
     9  # The env map is available in the ".Env" variable. For instance
    10  # ".Env.COUCHDB_PASSPHRASE" will access to "COUCHDB_PASSPHRASE" environment
    11  # variable. The template is evaluated at startup of the stack.
    13  # server host - flags: --host
    14  #
    15  # Specifies on which IP/domain the server will listen on. It also defines which
    16  # IP versions will be available (IPv4 and/or IPv6). The server will be available
    17  # only on the IP version you have defined in host. For domains it will favour
    18  # the IPv4 version if available.
    19  #
    20  # There are two values with custom behaviours:
    21  # - "localhost" -> will listen on both "" on IPv4 and "[::1]" on IPv6
    22  # - "" and "[::]" -> will listen on both "" on IPv4 and "[::]" on IPv6
    23  host: localhost
    24  # server port - flags: --port -p
    25  port: 8080
    27  # how to structure the subdomains for apps - flags: --subdomains
    28  # values:
    29  #  - nested, like https://<app>.<user>.<domain>/ (well suited for self-hosted with Let's Encrypt)
    30  #  - flat, like https://<user>-<app>.<domain>/ (easier when using wildcard TLS certificate)
    31  subdomains: nested
    33  # defines a list of assets that can be fetched via the /remote/:asset-name
    34  # route.
    35  remote_assets:
    36    bank:
    38  # path to the directory with the assets - flags: --assets
    39  # default is to use the assets packed in the binary
    40  # assets: ""
    42  # administration endpoint parameters. this endpoint should be protected
    43  admin:
    44    # server host - flags: --admin-host
    45    host: localhost
    46    # server port - flags: --admin-port
    47    port: 6060
    48    # secret file name containing the derived passphrase to access to the
    49    # administration endpoint. this secret file can be generated using the `cozy-
    50    # stack config passwd` command. this file should be located in the same path
    51    # as the configuration file.
    52    secret_filename: cozy-admin-passphrase
    54  # vault contains keyfiles informations
    55  # See
    56  # to generate the keys
    57  vault:
    58    # the path to the key used to encrypt credentials
    59    credentials_encryptor_key: /path/to/key.enc
    60    # the path to the key used to decrypt credentials
    61    credentials_decryptor_key: /path/to/key.dec
    63  # file system parameters
    64  fs:
    65    # file system url - flags: --fs-url
    66    # default url is the directory relative to the binary: ./storage
    68    # url: file://localhost/var/lib/cozy
    69    # url: swift://openstack/?UserName={{ .Env.OS_USERNAME }}&Password={{ .Env.OS_PASSWORD }}&ProjectName={{ .Env.OS_PROJECT_NAME }}&UserDomainName={{ .Env.OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME }}&Timeout={{ .Env.GOSWIFT_TIMEOUT }}
    71    # Swift FS can be used with advanced parameters to activate TLS properties.
    72    # For using swift with https, you must use the "swift+https" scheme.
    73    #
    74    # root_ca: /ca-certificates.pem
    75    # client_cert: /client_cert.pem
    76    # client_key: /client_key
    77    # pinned_key: 57c8ff33c9c0cfc3ef00e650a1cc910d7ee479a8bc509f6c9209a7c2a11399d6
    78    # insecure_skip_validation: true
    79    # can_query_info: true
    80    # default_layout: 2 # 1 for layout v2 and 2 for layout v3
    82    # auto_clean_trashed_after:
    83    #   context_a: 30D
    84    #   context_b: 3M
    86    # versioning:
    87    #   max_number_of_versions_to_keep: 20
    88    #   min_delay_between_two_versions: 15m
    90    # contexts:
    91    #   cozy_beta:
    92    #     max_number_of_versions_to_keep: 10
    93    #     min_delay_between_two_versions: 1h
    95  # couchdb parameters
    96  couchdb:
    97    # CouchDB URL - flags: --couchdb-url
    98    url: http://localhost:5984/
   100    # CouchDB advanced parameters to activate TLS properties:
   101    #
   102    # root_ca: /ca-certificates.pem
   103    # client_cert: /client_cert.pem
   104    # client_key: /client_key
   105    # pinned_key: 57c8ff33c9c0cfc3ef00e650a1cc910d7ee479a8bc509f6c9209a7c2a11399d6
   106    # insecure_skip_validation: true
   108    # Multiple CouchDB clusters:
   109    # clusters:
   110    #   - url: http://couchdb1:5984/
   111    #     instance_creation: true
   112    #   - url: http://couchdb2:5984/
   113    #     instance_creation: false
   114    #   - url: http://couchdb3:5984/
   115    #     instance_creation: true
   117  # jobs parameters to configure the job system
   118  jobs:
   119    # path to the imagemagick convert binary
   120    # imagemagick_convert_cmd: convert
   122    # Specify whether the given list of jobs is an allowlist or blocklist. In case
   123    # of an allowlist, all jobs are deactivated by default and only the listed one
   124    # are activated.
   125    #
   126    # allowlist: false
   128    # workers individual configrations.
   129    #
   130    # For each worker type it is possible to configure the following fields:
   131    #   - concurrency: the maximum number of jobs executed in parallel. when set
   132    #     to zero, the worker is deactivated
   133    #   - max_exec_count: the maximum number of retries for one job in case of an
   134    #     error
   135    #   - timeout: the maximum amount of time allowed for one execution of a job
   136    #
   137    # List of available workers:
   138    #
   139    #   - "clean-clients":     delete unused OAuth clients
   140    #   - "export":            exporting data from a cozy instance
   141    #   - "import":            importing data into a cozy instance
   142    #   - "konnector":         launching konnectors
   143    #   - "service":           launching services
   144    #   - "migrations":        transforming a VFS with Swift to layout v3
   145    #   - "notes-save":        saving notes to the VFS
   146    #   - "push":              sending push notifications
   147    #   - "sms":               sending SMS notifications
   148    #   - "sendmail":          sending mails
   149    #   - "share-group":       for cozy to cozy sharing
   150    #   - "share-replicate":   idem
   151    #   - "share-track":       idem
   152    #   - "share-upload":      idem
   153    #   - "thumbnail":         creatings and deleting thumbnails for images
   154    #   - "thumbnailck":       generate missing thumbnails for all images
   155    #   - "trash-files":       async deletion of files in the trash
   156    #   - "clean-old-trashed": deletion of old files and directories after some time
   157    #   - "unzip":             unzipping tarball
   158    #   - "zip":               creating a zip tarball
   159    #
   160    # When no configuration is given for a worker, a default configuration is
   161    # used. When a false boolean value is given, the worker is deactivated.
   162    #
   163    # To deactivate all workers, the workers field can be set to "false" or
   164    # "none".
   165    workers:
   166      # thumbnail:
   167      #   concurrency: {{mul .NumCPU 4}}
   168      #   max_exec_count: 2
   169      #   timeout: 15s
   171      # konnector:
   172      #   concurrency: {{.NumCPU}}
   173      #   max_exec_count: 2
   174      #   timeout: 200s
   176      # service:
   177      #   concurrency: {{.NumCPU}}
   178      #   max_exec_count: 2
   179      #   timeout: 200s
   181      # export:
   182      #   concurrency: 4
   183      #   max_exec_count: 1
   184      #   timeout: 200s
   186      # push:     false
   187      # sms:      false
   188      # sendmail: false
   190    # Sets the default duration of jobs database documents to keep
   191    defaultDurationToKeep: "2W" # Keep 2 weeks
   193  # konnectors execution parameters for executing external processes.
   194  konnectors:
   195    cmd: ./scripts/ # run connectors with node
   196    # cmd: ./scripts/ # run connectors with node in dev mode
   197    # cmd: ./scripts/ # run connectors with rkt
   198    # cmd: ./scripts/ # run connectors with nsjail
   200  # mail service parameters for sending email via SMTP
   201  mail:
   202    # mail noreply address - flags: --mail-noreply-address
   203    noreply_address: noreply@localhost
   204    noreply_name: My Cozy
   205    reply_to:
   206    # mail smtp host - flags: --mail-host
   207    host: smtp.home
   208    # mail smtp port - flags: --mail-port
   209    port: 587
   210    # mail smtp username - flags: --mail-username
   211    username: {{.Env.COZY_MAIL_USERNAME}}
   212    # mail smtp password - flags: --mail-password
   213    password: {{.Env.COZY_MAIL_PASSWORD}}
   214    # Use SSL connection (SMTPS)
   215    # Means no STARTTLS
   216    # flags: --mail-use-ssl
   217    use_ssl: false
   218    # disable mail STARTTLS
   219    # Means using plain unencrypted SMTP
   220    # flags: --mail-disable-tls
   221    disable_tls: false
   222    # skip the certificate validation (may be useful on localhost)
   223    skip_certificate_validation: false
   224    # Local Name
   225    # The hostname sent to the SMTP server with the HELO command
   226    # Defaults to localhost
   227    # flags: --mail-local-name
   228    local_name: cozy.domain.example
   229    # It is also possible to override the mail server per context.
   230    contexts:
   231      beta:
   232        # If the host is set to "-", no mail will be sent on this context
   233        host: smtp.cozy.beta
   234        port: 587
   235        username: {{.Env.COZY_BETA_MAIL_USERNAME}}
   236        password: {{.Env.COZY_BETA_MAIL_PASSWORD}}
   238  # campaign mail service parameters for sending campaign emails via SMTP
   239  # If is empty, the default mail config will be used.
   240  campaign_mail:
   241    # SMTP server host
   242    # Defaults to empty string
   243    host: smtp.home
   244    # SMTP server port
   245    # Defaults to 25
   246    port: 587
   247    # SMTP server username
   248    # Defaults to empty string
   249    username: {{.Env.COZY_MAIL_USERNAME}}
   250    # SMTP server password
   251    # Defaults to empty string
   252    password: {{.Env.COZY_MAIL_PASSWORD}}
   253    # Use SSL connection (SMTPS)
   254    # Means no STARTTLS
   255    # Defaults to false
   256    use_ssl: false
   257    # Disable STARTTLS for SMTP server
   258    # Means using plain unencrypted SMTP
   259    # Defaults to true
   260    disable_tls: false
   261    # Skip the certificate validation (may be useful on localhost)
   262    # Defaults to false
   263    skip_certificate_validation: false
   264    # Local Name
   265    # The hostname sent to the SMTP server with the HELO command
   266    # Defaults to empty string
   267    local_name: cozy.domain.example
   268    # It is also possible to override the campaign mail config per context.
   269    contexts:
   270      beta:
   271        # If the host is set to "-", no mail will be sent on this context
   272        host: smtp.cozy.beta
   273        port: 587
   274        username: {{.Env.COZY_BETA_MAIL_USERNAME}}
   275        password: {{.Env.COZY_BETA_MAIL_PASSWORD}}
   277  # location of the database for IP -> City lookups - flags: --geodb
   278  # See
   279  geodb: ""
   281  # minimal duration between two password reset
   282  password_reset_interval: 15m
   284  # redis namespace to configure its usage for different part of the stack. redis
   285  # is not mandatory and is specifically useful to run the stack in an
   286  # environment where multiple stacks run simultaneously.
   287  redis:
   288    # the redis clients created can be configured to be used with a cluster of
   289    # redis. if addrs field is left empty, redis is not used.
   291    # either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses
   292    # of cluster/sentinel nodes separated by whitespaces.
   293    addrs: # localhost:1234 localhost:4321
   295    # the sentinel master name - only failover clients.
   296    master:
   298    # redis password
   299    password:
   301    # databases number for each part of the stack using a specific database.
   302    databases:
   303      jobs: 0
   304      cache: 1
   305      lock: 2
   306      sessions: 3
   307      downloads: 4
   308      konnectors: 5
   309      realtime: 6
   310      log: 7
   311      rate_limiting: 8
   313    # advanced parameters for advanced users
   315    # dial_timeout: 5s
   316    # read_timeout: 3s
   317    # write_timeout: 3s
   318    # pool_size: max(25, 10 * runtime.NumCPU())  # pool_size cannot be below 25
   319    # pool_timeout: 3s
   320    # idle_timeout: 5m
   322    # enables read only queries on slave nodes.
   323    # read_only_slave: false
   325  # Registries used for applications and konnectors
   326  registries:
   327    default:
   328      -
   330  # Wizard used for moving a Cozy from one place/hoster to another
   331  move:
   332    url:
   334  # OnlyOffice server for collaborative edition of office documents
   335  office:
   336    default:
   337      onlyoffice_url:
   338      onlyoffice_inbox_secret: inbox_secret
   339      onlyoffice_outbox_secret: outbox_secret
   341  # [internal usage] Cloudery configuration
   342  clouderies:
   343    default:
   344      api:
   345        url:
   346        token: xxxxxx
   348  # All the deprecated apps listed here will see their OAUTH2 Authorization
   349  # flow interupted and redirected to a page proposing to move to the new
   350  # cozy application.
   351  #
   352  # The keys for `store_urls` can be: iphone/android/other
   353  deprecated_apps:
   354    apps:
   355  #     - software_id: ""
   356  #       name: "some-app"
   357  #       store_urls:
   358  #         iphone: https://some-apple-store-url
   359  #         android: https://some-android-store-url
   361  # The list of authorized hosts to redirect to when using the authentication
   362  # confirm endpoint.
   363  authorized_hosts_for_confirm_auth:
   364    -
   366  notifications:
   367    # Activate development APIs (iOS only)
   368    development: false
   370    # Firebase Cloud Messaging API
   371    fcm_credentials_file: /etc/cozy/fcm_credentials.json
   373    # APNS/2 certificates for iOS notifications
   374    # ios_certificate_key_path: path/to/certificate.p12
   375    # ios_certificate_password: mycertificatepasswordifany
   376    # ios_key_id: my_key_id_if_any
   377    # ios_team_id: my_team_id_if_any
   379    # Huawei notifications
   380    # huawei_get_token: http://localhost:3001/api/notification-token/huawei
   381    # huawei_send_message:<your_appid>/messages:send
   383    # Configure the SMS per context
   384    contexts:
   385      beta:
   386        provider: api_sen
   387        url: https://sms.cozy.beta/api/send
   388        token: {{.Env.COZY_BETA_SMS_TOKEN}}
   390  flagship:
   391    contexts:
   392      cozy_beta:
   393        skip_certification: true
   394    apk_package_names:
   395      -
   396      -
   397    apk_certificate_digests:
   398      - 'xNnH7T1BSDh6erMzNysfakBVLLacbSbOMxVk8jEPgdU='
   399    play_integrity_decryption_keys:
   400      - 'bVcBAv0eO64NKIvDoRHpnTOZVxAkhMuFwRHrTEMr23U='
   401    play_integrity_verification_keys:
   402      - 'MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAElTF2uARN7oxfoDWyERYMe6QutI2NqS+CAtVmsPDIRjBBxF96fYojFVXRRsMb86PjkE21Ol+sO1YuspY+YuDRMw=='
   403    apple_app_ids:
   404      -
   405      -
   407  # Allowed domains for the CSP policy used in hosted web applications
   408  csp_allowlist:
   409    # script:
   410    # img:
   411    # style:
   412    # font:
   414    # It is also possible to configure the CSP policy per context. The values are
   415    # cumulative with the global csp allowlist.
   416    contexts:
   417      beta:
   418        img:
   420  # It can useful to disable the CSP policy to debug and test things in local
   421  # disable_csp: true
   423  log:
   424    # logger level (debug, info, warning, panic, fatal) - flags: --log-level
   425    level: info
   426    # send logs to the local syslog - flags: --log-syslog
   427    syslog: false
   429  # It is possible to customize some behaviors of cozy-stack in function of the
   430  # context of an instance (the context field of the settings document of this
   431  # instance). Here, the "beta" context is customized with.
   432  contexts:
   433    beta:
   434      # Indicates if debug related features should be enabled in front
   435      # applications.
   436      debug: false
   437      # Redirect to a specific route of Cozy-Home after the onboarding
   438      # Format: appslug/#/path/to/route
   439      onboarded_redirection: home/#/discovery/?intro
   440      # Redirect to the photos application after login
   441      default_redirection: drive/#/folder
   442      # This domain will be used as a suggestion for the members of a sharing
   443      # when they are asked for the URL of their Cozy instance
   444      sharing_domain:
   445      # Allow to customize the cozy-bar link to the help
   446      help_link:
   447      # claudy actions list
   448      claudy_actions:
   449        - desktop
   450        - mobile
   451      # konnectors slugs to exclude from cozy-collect
   452      exclude_konnectors:
   453        - a_konnector_slug
   454      # If enabled, this option will skip permissions verification during
   455      # webapp/konnectors installs & updates processes
   456      permissions_skip_verification: false
   457      # By default, only the store app can install and update applications. But,
   458      # if this setting is enabled, it allows other applications with the right
   459      # permission to install and update applications.
   460      allow_install_via_a_permission: true
   461      # Tells if the photo folder should be created or not during the instance
   462      # creation (default: true)
   463      init_photos_folder: true
   464      # Tells if the administrative folder should be created or not during the
   465      # instance creation (default: true)
   466      init_administrative_folder: true
   467      # Allows to override the default template "Cozy" title by your own title
   468      templates_title: "My Personal Cloud"
   469      # Use a different noreply mail for this context
   470      noreply_address: noreply@cozy.beta
   471      noreply_name: My Cozy Beta
   472      reply_to: support@cozy.beta
   473      # Configure the error page
   474      support_address: support@cozy.beta
   475      # Change the limit on the number of members for a sharing
   476      max_members_per_sharing: 50
   477      # Use a different wizard for moving a Cozy
   478      move_url: https://move.cozy.beta/
   479      # Feature flags
   480      features:
   481        - hide_konnector_errors
   482      # List of applications that can be automatically updated even if the
   483      # permissions have changed
   484      additional_platform_apps:
   485        - superapp
   486      # Provides custom logo used in some cozy app (e.g. Home footer)
   487      # Use type key if you want defined a logo as main
   488      logos:
   489        coachco2:
   490          light:
   491            - src: /logos/main_cozy.png
   492              alt: Cozy Cloud
   493          dark:
   494            - src: /logos/main_cozy.png
   495              alt: Cozy Cloud
   496        home:
   497          light:
   498            - src: /logos/main_cozy.png
   499              alt: Cozy Cloud
   500              type: main
   501            - src: /logos/1_partner.png
   502              alt: Partner n°1
   503              type: secondary
   504          dark:
   505            - src: /logos/main_cozy.png
   506              alt: Cozy Cloud
   507              type: main
   508            - src: /logos/1_partner.png
   509              alt: Partner n°1
   510              type: secondary