
     1  ## CSI driver E2E usage example
     2  create a pod with blobfuse mount on linux
     3  ### Dynamic Provisioning (create storage account and container by blobfuse driver)
     4   - Create a blobfuse CSI storage class
     5  ```console
     6  kubectl create -f
     7  ```
     9   - Create a blobfuse CSI PVC
    10  ```console
    11  kubectl create -f
    12  ```
    14  ### Static Provisioning(use an existing storage account)
    15  #### Option#1: use existing credentials in k8s cluster
    16   > make sure the existing credentials in k8s cluster(e.g. service principal, msi) could access the specified storage account
    17   - Download [blobfuse CSI storage class](, edit `resourceGroup`, `storageAccount`, `containerName` in storage class
    18  ```yaml
    19  apiVersion:
    20  kind: StorageClass
    21  metadata:
    22    name:
    23  provisioner:
    24  parameters:
    25    skuName: Standard_LRS  # available values: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS
    26    resourceGroup: EXISTING_RESOURCE_GROUP
    27    storageAccount: EXISTING_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
    28    containerName: EXISTING_CONTAINER_NAME
    29  reclaimPolicy: Retain  # if set as "Delete" container would be removed after pvc deletion
    30  volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    31  ```
    32  ```console
    33  kubectl create -f storageclass-blobfuse-csi-existing-container.yaml
    34  ```
    36   - Create a blobfuse CSI PVC
    37  ```console
    38  kubectl create -f
    39  ```
    41  #### Option#2: provide storage account name and key(or sastoken)
    42   - Use `kubectl create secret` to create `azure-secret` with existing storage account name and key(or sastoken)
    43  ```console
    44  kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal azurestorageaccountname=NAME --from-literal azurestorageaccountkey="KEY" --type=Opaque
    45  #kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal azurestorageaccountname=NAME --from-literal azurestorageaccountsastoken
    46  ="sastoken" --type=Opaque
    47  ```
    49  > storage account key(or sastoken) could also be stored in Azure Key Vault, check example here: [read-from-keyvault](../../docs/
    51   - Create a blobfuse CSI PV: download [`pv-blobfuse-csi.yaml` file]( and edit `containerName` in `volumeAttributes`
    52  ```yaml
    53  apiVersion: v1
    54  kind: PersistentVolume
    55  metadata:
    56    name: pv-blobfuse
    57  spec:
    58    capacity:
    59      storage: 10Gi
    60    accessModes:
    61      - ReadWriteMany
    62    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain  # "Delete" is not supported in static provisioning
    63    csi:
    64      driver:
    65      readOnly: false
    66      volumeHandle: arbitrary-volumeid
    67      volumeAttributes:
    68        containerName: EXISTING_CONTAINER_NAME
    69      nodeStageSecretRef:
    70        name: azure-secret
    71        namespace: default
    72  ```
    73  ```console
    74  kubectl create -f pv-blobfuse-csi.yaml
    75  ```
    77   - Create a blobfuse CSI PVC which would be bound to the above PV
    78  ```console
    79  kubectl create -f
    80  ```
    82  #### 2. Validate PVC status and create an nginx pod
    83   > make sure pvc is created and in `Bound` status
    84  ```console
    85  watch kubectl describe pvc pvc-blobfuse
    86  ```
    88   - create a pod with blobfuse CSI PVC
    89  ```console
    90  kubectl create -f
    91  ```
    93  #### 3. enter the pod container to do validation
    94   - watch the status of pod until its Status changed from `Pending` to `Running` and then enter the pod container
    95  ```console
    96  $ watch kubectl describe po nginx-blobfuse
    97  $ kubectl exec -it nginx-blobfuse -- bash
    98  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    99  ...
   100  blobfuse         30G  8.9G   21G  31% /mnt/blobfuse
   101  /dev/sda1        30G  8.9G   21G  31% /etc/hosts
   102  ...
   103  ```
   104  In the above example, there is a `/mnt/blobfuse` directory mounted as `blobfuse` filesystem.