
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
     3  package main_test
     5  import (
     6  	"bufio"
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"flag"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"image"
    11  	"image/color"
    12  	"io"
    13  	"io/ioutil"
    14  	"os"
    15  	"os/exec"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	"testing"
    18  	"time"
    19  )
    21  var raceEnabled = false
    23  var headless = flag.Bool("headless", true, "run end-to-end tests in headless mode")
    25  const appid = "localhost.gogio.endtoend"
    27  // TestDriver is implemented by each of the platforms we can run end-to-end
    28  // tests on. None of its methods return any errors, as the errors are directly
    29  // reported to testing.T via methods like Fatal.
    30  type TestDriver interface {
    31  	initBase(t *testing.T, width, height int)
    33  	// Start opens the Gio app found at path. The driver should attempt to
    34  	// run the app with the base driver's width and height, and the
    35  	// platform's background should be white.
    36  	//
    37  	// When the function returns, the gio app must be ready to use on the
    38  	// platform, with its initial frame fully drawn.
    39  	Start(path string)
    41  	// Screenshot takes a screenshot of the Gio app on the platform.
    42  	Screenshot() image.Image
    44  	// Click performs a pointer click at the specified coordinates,
    45  	// including both press and release. It returns when the next frame is
    46  	// fully drawn.
    47  	Click(x, y int)
    48  }
    50  type driverBase struct {
    51  	*testing.T
    53  	width, height int
    55  	output      io.Reader
    56  	frameNotifs chan bool
    57  }
    59  func (d *driverBase) initBase(t *testing.T, width, height int) {
    60  	d.T = t
    61  	d.width, d.height = width, height
    62  }
    64  // func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
    65  // 	if testing.Short() {
    66  // 		t.Skipf("end-to-end tests tend to be slow")
    67  // 	}
    68  //
    69  // 	t.Parallel()
    70  //
    71  // 	const (
    72  // 		testdataWithGoImportPkgPath = ""
    73  // 		testdataWithRelativePkgPath = "testdata/testdata.go_"
    74  // 	)
    75  // 	// Keep this list local, to not reuse TestDriver objects.
    76  // 	subtests := []struct {
    77  // 		name    string
    78  // 		driver  TestDriver
    79  // 		pkgPath string
    80  // 	}{
    81  // 		{"X11 using go import path", &X11TestDriver{}, testdataWithGoImportPkgPath},
    82  // 		{"X11", &X11TestDriver{}, testdataWithRelativePkgPath},
    83  // 		{"Wayland", &WaylandTestDriver{}, testdataWithRelativePkgPath},
    84  // 		{"JS", &JSTestDriver{}, testdataWithRelativePkgPath},
    85  // 		{"Android", &AndroidTestDriver{}, testdataWithRelativePkgPath},
    86  // 		{"Windows", &WineTestDriver{}, testdataWithRelativePkgPath},
    87  // 	}
    88  //
    89  // 	for _, subtest := range subtests {
    90  // 		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    91  // 			subtest := subtest // copy the changing loop variable
    92  // 			t.Parallel()
    93  // 			runEndToEndTest(t, subtest.driver, subtest.pkgPath)
    94  // 		})
    95  // 	}
    96  // }
    98  func runEndToEndTest(t *testing.T, driver TestDriver, pkgPath string) {
    99  	size := image.Point{X: 800, Y: 600}
   100  	driver.initBase(t, size.X, size.Y)
   102  	t.Log("starting driver and gio app")
   103  	driver.Start(pkgPath)
   105  	beef := color.NRGBA{R: 0xde, G: 0xad, B: 0xbe, A: 0xff}
   106  	white := color.NRGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0xff, B: 0xff, A: 0xff}
   107  	black := color.NRGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff}
   108  	gray := color.NRGBA{R: 0xbb, G: 0xbb, B: 0xbb, A: 0xff}
   109  	red := color.NRGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff}
   111  	// These are the four colors at the beginning.
   112  	t.Log("taking initial screenshot")
   113  	withRetries(t, 4*time.Second, func() error {
   114  		img := driver.Screenshot()
   115  		size = img.Bounds().Size() // override the default size
   116  		return checkImageCorners(img, beef, white, black, gray)
   117  	})
   119  	// TODO(mvdan): implement this properly in the Wayland driver; swaymsg
   120  	// almost works to automate clicks, but the button presses end up in the
   121  	// wrong coordinates.
   122  	if _, ok := driver.(*WaylandTestDriver); ok {
   123  		return
   124  	}
   126  	// Click the first and last sections to turn them red.
   127  	t.Log("clicking twice and taking another screenshot")
   128  	driver.Click(1*(size.X/4), 1*(size.Y/4))
   129  	driver.Click(3*(size.X/4), 3*(size.Y/4))
   130  	withRetries(t, 4*time.Second, func() error {
   131  		img := driver.Screenshot()
   132  		return checkImageCorners(img, red, white, black, red)
   133  	})
   134  }
   136  // withRetries keeps retrying fn until it succeeds, or until the timeout is hit.
   137  // It uses a rudimentary kind of backoff, which starts with 100ms delays. As
   138  // such, timeout should generally be in the order of seconds.
   139  func withRetries(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration, fn func() error) {
   140  	t.Helper()
   142  	timeoutTimer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
   143  	defer timeoutTimer.Stop()
   144  	backoff := 100 * time.Millisecond
   146  	tries := 0
   147  	var lastErr error
   148  	for {
   149  		if lastErr = fn(); lastErr == nil {
   150  			return
   151  		}
   152  		tries++
   153  		t.Logf("retrying after %s", backoff)
   155  		// Use a timer instead of a sleep, so that the timeout can stop
   156  		// the backoff early. Don't reuse this timer, since we're not in
   157  		// a hot loop, and we don't want tricky code.
   158  		backoffTimer := time.NewTimer(backoff)
   159  		defer backoffTimer.Stop()
   161  		select {
   162  		case <-timeoutTimer.C:
   163  			t.Errorf("last error: %v", lastErr)
   164  			t.Fatalf("hit timeout of %s after %d tries", timeout, tries)
   165  		case <-backoffTimer.C:
   166  		}
   168  		// Keep doubling it until a maximum. With the start at 100ms,
   169  		// we'll do: 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 800ms, 1.6s, and 2s forever.
   170  		backoff *= 2
   171  		if max := 2 * time.Second; backoff > max {
   172  			backoff = max
   173  		}
   174  	}
   175  }
   177  type colorMismatch struct {
   178  	x, y            int
   179  	wantRGB, gotRGB [3]uint32
   180  }
   182  func (m colorMismatch) String() string {
   183  	return fmt.Sprintf("%3d,%-3d got 0x%04x%04x%04x, want 0x%04x%04x%04x",
   184  		m.x, m.y,
   185  		m.gotRGB[0], m.gotRGB[1], m.gotRGB[2],
   186  		m.wantRGB[0], m.wantRGB[1], m.wantRGB[2],
   187  	)
   188  }
   190  func checkImageCorners(img image.Image, topLeft, topRight, botLeft, botRight color.Color) error {
   191  	// The colors are split in four rectangular sections. Check the corners
   192  	// of each of the sections. We check the corners left to right, top to
   193  	// bottom, like when reading left-to-right text.
   195  	size := img.Bounds().Size()
   196  	var mismatches []colorMismatch
   198  	checkColor := func(x, y int, want color.Color) {
   199  		r, g, b, _ := want.RGBA()
   200  		got := img.At(x, y)
   201  		r_, g_, b_, _ := got.RGBA()
   202  		if r_ != r || g_ != g || b_ != b {
   203  			mismatches = append(mismatches, colorMismatch{
   204  				x:       x,
   205  				y:       y,
   206  				wantRGB: [3]uint32{r, g, b},
   207  				gotRGB:  [3]uint32{r_, g_, b_},
   208  			})
   209  		}
   210  	}
   212  	{
   213  		minX, minY := 5, 5
   214  		maxX, maxY := (size.X/2)-5, (size.Y/2)-5
   215  		checkColor(minX, minY, topLeft)
   216  		checkColor(maxX, minY, topLeft)
   217  		checkColor(minX, maxY, topLeft)
   218  		checkColor(maxX, maxY, topLeft)
   219  	}
   220  	{
   221  		minX, minY := (size.X/2)+5, 5
   222  		maxX, maxY := size.X-5, (size.Y/2)-5
   223  		checkColor(minX, minY, topRight)
   224  		checkColor(maxX, minY, topRight)
   225  		checkColor(minX, maxY, topRight)
   226  		checkColor(maxX, maxY, topRight)
   227  	}
   228  	{
   229  		minX, minY := 5, (size.Y/2)+5
   230  		maxX, maxY := (size.X/2)-5, size.Y-5
   231  		checkColor(minX, minY, botLeft)
   232  		checkColor(maxX, minY, botLeft)
   233  		checkColor(minX, maxY, botLeft)
   234  		checkColor(maxX, maxY, botLeft)
   235  	}
   236  	{
   237  		minX, minY := (size.X/2)+5, (size.Y/2)+5
   238  		maxX, maxY := size.X-5, size.Y-5
   239  		checkColor(minX, minY, botRight)
   240  		checkColor(maxX, minY, botRight)
   241  		checkColor(minX, maxY, botRight)
   242  		checkColor(maxX, maxY, botRight)
   243  	}
   244  	if n := len(mismatches); n > 0 {
   245  		b := new(strings.Builder)
   246  		fmt.Fprintf(b, "encountered %d color mismatches:\n", n)
   247  		for _, m := range mismatches {
   248  			fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s\n", m)
   249  		}
   250  		return errors.New(b.String())
   251  	}
   252  	return nil
   253  }
   255  func (d *driverBase) waitForFrame() {
   256  	d.Helper()
   258  	if d.frameNotifs == nil {
   259  		// Start the goroutine that reads output lines and notifies of
   260  		// new frames via frameNotifs. The test doesn't wait for this
   261  		// goroutine to finish; it will naturally end when the output
   262  		// reader reaches an error like EOF.
   263  		d.frameNotifs = make(chan bool, 1)
   264  		if d.output == nil {
   265  			d.Fatal("need an output reader to be notified of frames")
   266  		}
   267  		go func() {
   268  			scanner := bufio.NewScanner(d.output)
   269  			for scanner.Scan() {
   270  				line := scanner.Text()
   271  				d.Log(line)
   272  				if strings.Contains(line, "gio frame ready") {
   273  					d.frameNotifs <- true
   274  				}
   275  			}
   276  			// Since we're only interested in the output while the
   277  			// app runs, and we don't know when it finishes here,
   278  			// ignore "already closed" pipe errors.
   279  			if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrClosed) {
   280  				d.Errorf("reading app output: %v", err)
   281  			}
   282  		}()
   283  	}
   285  	// Unfortunately, there isn't a way to select on a test failing, since
   286  	// testing.T doesn't have anything like a context or a "done" channel.
   287  	//
   288  	// We can't let selects block forever, since the default -test.timeout
   289  	// is ten minutes - far too long for tests that take seconds.
   290  	//
   291  	// For now, a static short timeout is better than nothing. 5s is plenty
   292  	// for our simple test app to render on any device.
   293  	select {
   294  	case <-d.frameNotifs:
   295  	case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
   296  		d.Fatalf("timed out waiting for a frame to be ready")
   297  	}
   298  }
   300  func (d *driverBase) needPrograms(names ...string) {
   301  	d.Helper()
   302  	for _, name := range names {
   303  		if _, err := exec.LookPath(name); err != nil {
   304  			d.Skipf("%s needed to run", name)
   305  		}
   306  	}
   307  }
   309  func (d *driverBase) tempDir(name string) string {
   310  	d.Helper()
   311  	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", name)
   312  	if err != nil {
   313  		d.Fatal(err)
   314  	}
   315  	d.Cleanup(func() { os.RemoveAll(dir) })
   316  	return dir
   317  }
   319  func (d *driverBase) gogio(args ...string) {
   320  	d.Helper()
   321  	prog, err := os.Executable()
   322  	if err != nil {
   323  		d.Fatal(err)
   324  	}
   325  	cmd := exec.Command(prog, args...)
   326  	cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "RUN_GOGIO=1")
   327  	if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
   328  		d.Fatalf("gogio error: %s:\n%s", err, out)
   329  	}
   330  }