
     1  //second version, more robust but more complicated, uses custom hashtable that can be found in my github repos
     2  #include <arrayList.h>
     3  #include <hashTable.h>
     4  #include <stdbool.h>
     5  #include <stdio.h>
     6  #include <stdlib.h>
     7  #include <string.h>
     9  typedef struct {
    10      bool byrOk, iyrOk, eyrOk, hgtOk, hclOk, eclOk, pidOk;
    11  } ppValidator;
    13  void printStringp(void* str) {
    14      puts((char*)str);
    15  }
    17  arrayList* getPassports() {
    18      FILE* in = fopen("inputFiles/day4.txt", "r");
    19      arrayList* al = createArrayList();
    20      char *buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100), lastChar;
    21      int buffInd = 0;
    23      for (char c = fgetc(in); lastChar != EOF; c = fgetc(in)) {
    24          if (c == '\n' && lastChar == '\n' || c == EOF) {
    25              buffer[buffInd] = '\0';
    26              appendToAl(al, buffer);
    27              buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
    28              buffInd = 0;
    29          } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
    30              buffer[buffInd++] = ' ';
    31          } else {
    32              buffer[buffInd++] = c;
    33          }
    34          lastChar = c;
    35      }
    36      free(buffer);
    37      fclose(in);
    38      return al;
    39  }
    41  bool checkPpv(ppValidator* ppvp) {
    42      for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    43          if (!((bool*)ppvp)[i]) {
    44              return false;
    45          }
    46      }
    47      return true;
    48  }
    50  bool partTwo = false;
    51  hashTable* eyeColorTable;
    52  char* codes[] = { "byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid" };
    54  void processSection(char* section, ppValidator* ppvp) {
    55      section[3] = '\0';
    56      if (strcmp(section, codes[0]) == 0) {
    57          if (partTwo) {
    58              section += 4;
    59              int year = atoi(section);
    60              year >= 1920 && year <= 2002 ? ppvp->byrOk = true : false;
    61          } else {
    62              ppvp->byrOk = true;
    63          }
    64      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[1]) == 0) {
    65          if (partTwo) {
    66              section += 4;
    67              int year = atoi(section);
    68              year >= 2010 && year <= 2020 ? ppvp->iyrOk = true : false;
    69          } else {
    70              ppvp->iyrOk = true;
    71          }
    72      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[2]) == 0) {
    73          if (partTwo) {
    74              section += 4;
    75              int year = atoi(section);
    76              year >= 2020 && year <= 2030 ? ppvp->eyrOk = true : false;
    77          } else {
    78              ppvp->eyrOk = true;
    79          }
    80      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[3]) == 0) {
    81          if (partTwo) {
    82              section += 4;
    83              int height = atoi(section);
    84              int len = strlen(section);
    85              if (section[len - 2] == 'c' && section[len - 1] == 'm') {
    86                  height >= 150 && height <= 193 ? ppvp->hgtOk = true : false;
    87              } else if (section[len - 2] == 'i' && section[len - 1] == 'n') {
    88                  height >= 59 && height <= 76 ? ppvp->hgtOk = true : false;
    89              }
    90          } else {
    91              ppvp->hgtOk = true;
    92          }
    93      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[4]) == 0) {
    94          if (partTwo) {
    95              section += 4;
    96              int len = strlen(section);
    97              bool hash = *section++ == '#';
    98              bool charsOk = true;
    99              for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
   100                  char c = section[i];
   101                  if (!((section[i] >= '0' && section[i] <= '9') || (section[i] >= 'a' && section[i] <= 'f'))) {
   102                      charsOk = false;
   103                  }
   104              }
   105              hash&& len == 7 && charsOk ? ppvp->hclOk = true : false;
   106          } else {
   107              ppvp->hclOk = true;
   108          }
   109      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[5]) == 0) {
   110          if (partTwo) {
   111              section += 4;
   112              ppvp->eclOk = tableContains(eyeColorTable, section);
   113          } else {
   114              ppvp->eclOk = true;
   115          }
   116      } else if (strcmp(section, codes[6]) == 0) {
   117          if (partTwo) {
   118              section += 4;
   119              int len = strlen(section);
   120              bool numsOk = true;
   121              for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   122                  if (!(section[i] <= '9' && section[i] >= '0')) {
   123                      numsOk = false;
   124                  }
   125              }
   126              len == 9 && numsOk ? ppvp->pidOk = true : false;
   127          } else {
   128              ppvp->pidOk = true;
   129          }
   130      }
   131  }
   133  bool checkPassport(char* passport) {
   135      ppValidator ppv = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false };
   136      for (char* section = strtok(passport, " "); section; section = strtok(NULL, " ")) {
   137          processSection(section, &ppv);
   138      }
   139      return checkPpv(&ppv);
   140  }
   142  int getValidPassports(arrayList* passports) {
   144      int validCount = 0;
   145      for (int i = 0; i < getSize(passports); i++) {
   146          if (checkPassport(getItemAt(passports, i))) {
   147              validCount++;
   148          }
   149      }
   150      return validCount;
   151  }
   153  int main() {
   155      arrayList* al = getPassports();
   156      printf("Passport count: %d\n", getSize(al));
   157      printf("Part one valid passports: %d\n", getValidPassports(al));
   158      freeAl(al, true);
   160      partTwo = true;
   161      eyeColorTable = createHashTable(strHash, strComp);
   162      addTableItems(eyeColorTable, 7, "amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth");
   163      arrayList* al2 = getPassports();
   164      printf("Part two valid passports: %d\n", getValidPassports(al2));
   165      freeAl(al2, true);
   166      freeTable(eyeColorTable, false);
   167  }