
     1  // This file is autogenerated using x/tools/cmd/bundle from
     2  //
     3  // Usage:
     4  // $ bundle net/http http2 > /tmp/x.go; mv /tmp/x.go $GOROOT/src/net/http/h2_bundle.go
     6  // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     7  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     8  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
    10  package http
    12  import (
    13  	"bufio"
    14  	"bytes"
    15  	"crypto/tls"
    16  	"encoding/binary"
    17  	"errors"
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"io"
    20  	"log"
    21  	"net"
    22  	"net/url"
    23  	"os"
    24  	"runtime"
    25  	"strconv"
    26  	"strings"
    27  	"sync"
    28  	"time"
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  // buffer is an io.ReadWriteCloser backed by a fixed size buffer.
    34  // It never allocates, but moves old data as new data is written.
    35  type http2buffer struct {
    36  	buf    []byte
    37  	r, w   int
    38  	closed bool
    39  	err    error // err to return to reader
    40  }
    42  var (
    43  	http2errReadEmpty   = errors.New("read from empty buffer")
    44  	http2errWriteClosed = errors.New("write on closed buffer")
    45  	http2errWriteFull   = errors.New("write on full buffer")
    46  )
    48  // Read copies bytes from the buffer into p.
    49  // It is an error to read when no data is available.
    50  func (b *http2buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    51  	n = copy(p, b.buf[b.r:b.w])
    52  	b.r += n
    53  	if b.closed && b.r == b.w {
    54  		err = b.err
    55  	} else if b.r == b.w && n == 0 {
    56  		err = http2errReadEmpty
    57  	}
    58  	return n, err
    59  }
    61  // Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the buffer.
    62  func (b *http2buffer) Len() int {
    63  	return b.w - b.r
    64  }
    66  // Write copies bytes from p into the buffer.
    67  // It is an error to write more data than the buffer can hold.
    68  func (b *http2buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    69  	if b.closed {
    70  		return 0, http2errWriteClosed
    71  	}
    73  	if b.r > 0 && len(p) > len(b.buf)-b.w {
    74  		copy(b.buf, b.buf[b.r:b.w])
    75  		b.w -= b.r
    76  		b.r = 0
    77  	}
    79  	n = copy(b.buf[b.w:], p)
    80  	b.w += n
    81  	if n < len(p) {
    82  		err = http2errWriteFull
    83  	}
    84  	return n, err
    85  }
    87  // Close marks the buffer as closed. Future calls to Write will
    88  // return an error. Future calls to Read, once the buffer is
    89  // empty, will return err.
    90  func (b *http2buffer) Close(err error) {
    91  	if !b.closed {
    92  		b.closed = true
    93  		b.err = err
    94  	}
    95  }
    97  // An ErrCode is an unsigned 32-bit error code as defined in the HTTP/2 spec.
    98  type http2ErrCode uint32
   100  const (
   101  	http2ErrCodeNo                 http2ErrCode = 0x0
   102  	http2ErrCodeProtocol           http2ErrCode = 0x1
   103  	http2ErrCodeInternal           http2ErrCode = 0x2
   104  	http2ErrCodeFlowControl        http2ErrCode = 0x3
   105  	http2ErrCodeSettingsTimeout    http2ErrCode = 0x4
   106  	http2ErrCodeStreamClosed       http2ErrCode = 0x5
   107  	http2ErrCodeFrameSize          http2ErrCode = 0x6
   108  	http2ErrCodeRefusedStream      http2ErrCode = 0x7
   109  	http2ErrCodeCancel             http2ErrCode = 0x8
   110  	http2ErrCodeCompression        http2ErrCode = 0x9
   111  	http2ErrCodeConnect            http2ErrCode = 0xa
   112  	http2ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm    http2ErrCode = 0xb
   113  	http2ErrCodeInadequateSecurity http2ErrCode = 0xc
   114  	http2ErrCodeHTTP11Required     http2ErrCode = 0xd
   115  )
   117  var http2errCodeName = map[http2ErrCode]string{
   118  	http2ErrCodeNo:                 "NO_ERROR",
   119  	http2ErrCodeProtocol:           "PROTOCOL_ERROR",
   120  	http2ErrCodeInternal:           "INTERNAL_ERROR",
   121  	http2ErrCodeFlowControl:        "FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR",
   122  	http2ErrCodeSettingsTimeout:    "SETTINGS_TIMEOUT",
   123  	http2ErrCodeStreamClosed:       "STREAM_CLOSED",
   124  	http2ErrCodeFrameSize:          "FRAME_SIZE_ERROR",
   125  	http2ErrCodeRefusedStream:      "REFUSED_STREAM",
   126  	http2ErrCodeCancel:             "CANCEL",
   127  	http2ErrCodeCompression:        "COMPRESSION_ERROR",
   128  	http2ErrCodeConnect:            "CONNECT_ERROR",
   129  	http2ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm:    "ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM",
   130  	http2ErrCodeInadequateSecurity: "INADEQUATE_SECURITY",
   131  	http2ErrCodeHTTP11Required:     "HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED",
   132  }
   134  func (e http2ErrCode) String() string {
   135  	if s, ok := http2errCodeName[e]; ok {
   136  		return s
   137  	}
   138  	return fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code 0x%x", uint32(e))
   139  }
   141  // ConnectionError is an error that results in the termination of the
   142  // entire connection.
   143  type http2ConnectionError http2ErrCode
   145  func (e http2ConnectionError) Error() string {
   146  	return fmt.Sprintf("connection error: %s", http2ErrCode(e))
   147  }
   149  // StreamError is an error that only affects one stream within an
   150  // HTTP/2 connection.
   151  type http2StreamError struct {
   152  	StreamID uint32
   153  	Code     http2ErrCode
   154  }
   156  func (e http2StreamError) Error() string {
   157  	return fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v", e.StreamID, e.Code)
   158  }
   160  // 6.9.1 The Flow Control Window
   161  // "If a sender receives a WINDOW_UPDATE that causes a flow control
   162  // window to exceed this maximum it MUST terminate either the stream
   163  // or the connection, as appropriate. For streams, [...]; for the
   164  // connection, a GOAWAY frame with a FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR code."
   165  type http2goAwayFlowError struct{}
   167  func (http2goAwayFlowError) Error() string { return "connection exceeded flow control window size" }
   169  // flow is the flow control window's size.
   170  type http2flow struct {
   171  	// n is the number of DATA bytes we're allowed to send.
   172  	// A flow is kept both on a conn and a per-stream.
   173  	n int32
   175  	// conn points to the shared connection-level flow that is
   176  	// shared by all streams on that conn. It is nil for the flow
   177  	// that's on the conn directly.
   178  	conn *http2flow
   179  }
   181  func (f *http2flow) setConnFlow(cf *http2flow) { f.conn = cf }
   183  func (f *http2flow) available() int32 {
   184  	n := f.n
   185  	if f.conn != nil && f.conn.n < n {
   186  		n = f.conn.n
   187  	}
   188  	return n
   189  }
   191  func (f *http2flow) take(n int32) {
   192  	if n > f.available() {
   193  		panic("internal error: took too much")
   194  	}
   195  	f.n -= n
   196  	if f.conn != nil {
   197  		f.conn.n -= n
   198  	}
   199  }
   201  // add adds n bytes (positive or negative) to the flow control window.
   202  // It returns false if the sum would exceed 2^31-1.
   203  func (f *http2flow) add(n int32) bool {
   204  	remain := (1<<31 - 1) - f.n
   205  	if n > remain {
   206  		return false
   207  	}
   208  	f.n += n
   209  	return true
   210  }
   212  const http2frameHeaderLen = 9
   214  var http2padZeros = make([]byte, 255) // zeros for padding
   216  // A FrameType is a registered frame type as defined in
   217  //
   218  type http2FrameType uint8
   220  const (
   221  	http2FrameData         http2FrameType = 0x0
   222  	http2FrameHeaders      http2FrameType = 0x1
   223  	http2FramePriority     http2FrameType = 0x2
   224  	http2FrameRSTStream    http2FrameType = 0x3
   225  	http2FrameSettings     http2FrameType = 0x4
   226  	http2FramePushPromise  http2FrameType = 0x5
   227  	http2FramePing         http2FrameType = 0x6
   228  	http2FrameGoAway       http2FrameType = 0x7
   229  	http2FrameWindowUpdate http2FrameType = 0x8
   230  	http2FrameContinuation http2FrameType = 0x9
   231  )
   233  var http2frameName = map[http2FrameType]string{
   234  	http2FrameData:         "DATA",
   235  	http2FrameHeaders:      "HEADERS",
   236  	http2FramePriority:     "PRIORITY",
   237  	http2FrameRSTStream:    "RST_STREAM",
   238  	http2FrameSettings:     "SETTINGS",
   239  	http2FramePushPromise:  "PUSH_PROMISE",
   240  	http2FramePing:         "PING",
   241  	http2FrameGoAway:       "GOAWAY",
   242  	http2FrameWindowUpdate: "WINDOW_UPDATE",
   243  	http2FrameContinuation: "CONTINUATION",
   244  }
   246  func (t http2FrameType) String() string {
   247  	if s, ok := http2frameName[t]; ok {
   248  		return s
   249  	}
   250  	return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_FRAME_TYPE_%d", uint8(t))
   251  }
   253  // Flags is a bitmask of HTTP/2 flags.
   254  // The meaning of flags varies depending on the frame type.
   255  type http2Flags uint8
   257  // Has reports whether f contains all (0 or more) flags in v.
   258  func (f http2Flags) Has(v http2Flags) bool {
   259  	return (f & v) == v
   260  }
   262  // Frame-specific FrameHeader flag bits.
   263  const (
   264  	// Data Frame
   265  	http2FlagDataEndStream http2Flags = 0x1
   266  	http2FlagDataPadded    http2Flags = 0x8
   268  	// Headers Frame
   269  	http2FlagHeadersEndStream  http2Flags = 0x1
   270  	http2FlagHeadersEndHeaders http2Flags = 0x4
   271  	http2FlagHeadersPadded     http2Flags = 0x8
   272  	http2FlagHeadersPriority   http2Flags = 0x20
   274  	// Settings Frame
   275  	http2FlagSettingsAck http2Flags = 0x1
   277  	// Ping Frame
   278  	http2FlagPingAck http2Flags = 0x1
   280  	// Continuation Frame
   281  	http2FlagContinuationEndHeaders http2Flags = 0x4
   283  	http2FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders http2Flags = 0x4
   284  	http2FlagPushPromisePadded     http2Flags = 0x8
   285  )
   287  var http2flagName = map[http2FrameType]map[http2Flags]string{
   288  	http2FrameData: {
   289  		http2FlagDataEndStream: "END_STREAM",
   290  		http2FlagDataPadded:    "PADDED",
   291  	},
   292  	http2FrameHeaders: {
   293  		http2FlagHeadersEndStream:  "END_STREAM",
   294  		http2FlagHeadersEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS",
   295  		http2FlagHeadersPadded:     "PADDED",
   296  		http2FlagHeadersPriority:   "PRIORITY",
   297  	},
   298  	http2FrameSettings: {
   299  		http2FlagSettingsAck: "ACK",
   300  	},
   301  	http2FramePing: {
   302  		http2FlagPingAck: "ACK",
   303  	},
   304  	http2FrameContinuation: {
   305  		http2FlagContinuationEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS",
   306  	},
   307  	http2FramePushPromise: {
   308  		http2FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS",
   309  		http2FlagPushPromisePadded:     "PADDED",
   310  	},
   311  }
   313  // a frameParser parses a frame given its FrameHeader and payload
   314  // bytes. The length of payload will always equal fh.Length (which
   315  // might be 0).
   316  type http2frameParser func(fh http2FrameHeader, payload []byte) (http2Frame, error)
   318  var http2frameParsers = map[http2FrameType]http2frameParser{
   319  	http2FrameData:         http2parseDataFrame,
   320  	http2FrameHeaders:      http2parseHeadersFrame,
   321  	http2FramePriority:     http2parsePriorityFrame,
   322  	http2FrameRSTStream:    http2parseRSTStreamFrame,
   323  	http2FrameSettings:     http2parseSettingsFrame,
   324  	http2FramePushPromise:  http2parsePushPromise,
   325  	http2FramePing:         http2parsePingFrame,
   326  	http2FrameGoAway:       http2parseGoAwayFrame,
   327  	http2FrameWindowUpdate: http2parseWindowUpdateFrame,
   328  	http2FrameContinuation: http2parseContinuationFrame,
   329  }
   331  func http2typeFrameParser(t http2FrameType) http2frameParser {
   332  	if f := http2frameParsers[t]; f != nil {
   333  		return f
   334  	}
   335  	return http2parseUnknownFrame
   336  }
   338  // A FrameHeader is the 9 byte header of all HTTP/2 frames.
   339  //
   340  // See
   341  type http2FrameHeader struct {
   342  	valid bool // caller can access []byte fields in the Frame
   344  	// Type is the 1 byte frame type. There are ten standard frame
   345  	// types, but extension frame types may be written by WriteRawFrame
   346  	// and will be returned by ReadFrame (as UnknownFrame).
   347  	Type http2FrameType
   349  	// Flags are the 1 byte of 8 potential bit flags per frame.
   350  	// They are specific to the frame type.
   351  	Flags http2Flags
   353  	// Length is the length of the frame, not including the 9 byte header.
   354  	// The maximum size is one byte less than 16MB (uint24), but only
   355  	// frames up to 16KB are allowed without peer agreement.
   356  	Length uint32
   358  	// StreamID is which stream this frame is for. Certain frames
   359  	// are not stream-specific, in which case this field is 0.
   360  	StreamID uint32
   361  }
   363  // Header returns h. It exists so FrameHeaders can be embedded in other
   364  // specific frame types and implement the Frame interface.
   365  func (h http2FrameHeader) Header() http2FrameHeader { return h }
   367  func (h http2FrameHeader) String() string {
   368  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   369  	buf.WriteString("[FrameHeader ")
   370  	buf.WriteString(h.Type.String())
   371  	if h.Flags != 0 {
   372  		buf.WriteString(" flags=")
   373  		set := 0
   374  		for i := uint8(0); i < 8; i++ {
   375  			if h.Flags&(1<<i) == 0 {
   376  				continue
   377  			}
   378  			set++
   379  			if set > 1 {
   380  				buf.WriteByte('|')
   381  			}
   382  			name := http2flagName[h.Type][http2Flags(1<<i)]
   383  			if name != "" {
   384  				buf.WriteString(name)
   385  			} else {
   386  				fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "0x%x", 1<<i)
   387  			}
   388  		}
   389  	}
   390  	if h.StreamID != 0 {
   391  		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " stream=%d", h.StreamID)
   392  	}
   393  	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " len=%d]", h.Length)
   394  	return buf.String()
   395  }
   397  func (h *http2FrameHeader) checkValid() {
   398  	if !h.valid {
   399  		panic("Frame accessor called on non-owned Frame")
   400  	}
   401  }
   403  func (h *http2FrameHeader) invalidate() { h.valid = false }
   405  // frame header bytes.
   406  // Used only by ReadFrameHeader.
   407  var http2fhBytes = sync.Pool{
   408  	New: func() interface{} {
   409  		buf := make([]byte, http2frameHeaderLen)
   410  		return &buf
   411  	},
   412  }
   414  // ReadFrameHeader reads 9 bytes from r and returns a FrameHeader.
   415  // Most users should use Framer.ReadFrame instead.
   416  func http2ReadFrameHeader(r io.Reader) (http2FrameHeader, error) {
   417  	bufp := http2fhBytes.Get().(*[]byte)
   418  	defer http2fhBytes.Put(bufp)
   419  	return http2readFrameHeader(*bufp, r)
   420  }
   422  func http2readFrameHeader(buf []byte, r io.Reader) (http2FrameHeader, error) {
   423  	_, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:http2frameHeaderLen])
   424  	if err != nil {
   425  		return http2FrameHeader{}, err
   426  	}
   427  	return http2FrameHeader{
   428  		Length:   (uint32(buf[0])<<16 | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])),
   429  		Type:     http2FrameType(buf[3]),
   430  		Flags:    http2Flags(buf[4]),
   431  		StreamID: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[5:]) & (1<<31 - 1),
   432  		valid:    true,
   433  	}, nil
   434  }
   436  // A Frame is the base interface implemented by all frame types.
   437  // Callers will generally type-assert the specific frame type:
   438  // *HeadersFrame, *SettingsFrame, *WindowUpdateFrame, etc.
   439  //
   440  // Frames are only valid until the next call to Framer.ReadFrame.
   441  type http2Frame interface {
   442  	Header() http2FrameHeader
   444  	// invalidate is called by Framer.ReadFrame to make this
   445  	// frame's buffers as being invalid, since the subsequent
   446  	// frame will reuse them.
   447  	invalidate()
   448  }
   450  // A Framer reads and writes Frames.
   451  type http2Framer struct {
   452  	r         io.Reader
   453  	lastFrame http2Frame
   455  	maxReadSize uint32
   456  	headerBuf   [http2frameHeaderLen]byte
   458  	// TODO: let getReadBuf be configurable, and use a less memory-pinning
   459  	// allocator in server.go to minimize memory pinned for many idle conns.
   460  	// Will probably also need to make frame invalidation have a hook too.
   461  	getReadBuf func(size uint32) []byte
   462  	readBuf    []byte // cache for default getReadBuf
   464  	maxWriteSize uint32 // zero means unlimited; TODO: implement
   466  	w    io.Writer
   467  	wbuf []byte
   469  	// AllowIllegalWrites permits the Framer's Write methods to
   470  	// write frames that do not conform to the HTTP/2 spec.  This
   471  	// permits using the Framer to test other HTTP/2
   472  	// implementations' conformance to the spec.
   473  	// If false, the Write methods will prefer to return an error
   474  	// rather than comply.
   475  	AllowIllegalWrites bool
   476  }
   478  func (f *http2Framer) startWrite(ftype http2FrameType, flags http2Flags, streamID uint32) {
   480  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf[:0],
   481  		0,
   482  		0,
   483  		0,
   484  		byte(ftype),
   485  		byte(flags),
   486  		byte(streamID>>24),
   487  		byte(streamID>>16),
   488  		byte(streamID>>8),
   489  		byte(streamID))
   490  }
   492  func (f *http2Framer) endWrite() error {
   494  	length := len(f.wbuf) - http2frameHeaderLen
   495  	if length >= (1 << 24) {
   496  		return http2ErrFrameTooLarge
   497  	}
   498  	_ = append(f.wbuf[:0],
   499  		byte(length>>16),
   500  		byte(length>>8),
   501  		byte(length))
   502  	n, err := f.w.Write(f.wbuf)
   503  	if err == nil && n != len(f.wbuf) {
   504  		err = io.ErrShortWrite
   505  	}
   506  	return err
   507  }
   509  func (f *http2Framer) writeByte(v byte) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, v) }
   511  func (f *http2Framer) writeBytes(v []byte) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, v...) }
   513  func (f *http2Framer) writeUint16(v uint16) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, byte(v>>8), byte(v)) }
   515  func (f *http2Framer) writeUint32(v uint32) {
   516  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, byte(v>>24), byte(v>>16), byte(v>>8), byte(v))
   517  }
   519  const (
   520  	http2minMaxFrameSize = 1 << 14
   521  	http2maxFrameSize    = 1<<24 - 1
   522  )
   524  // NewFramer returns a Framer that writes frames to w and reads them from r.
   525  func http2NewFramer(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) *http2Framer {
   526  	fr := &http2Framer{
   527  		w: w,
   528  		r: r,
   529  	}
   530  	fr.getReadBuf = func(size uint32) []byte {
   531  		if cap(fr.readBuf) >= int(size) {
   532  			return fr.readBuf[:size]
   533  		}
   534  		fr.readBuf = make([]byte, size)
   535  		return fr.readBuf
   536  	}
   537  	fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(http2maxFrameSize)
   538  	return fr
   539  }
   541  // SetMaxReadFrameSize sets the maximum size of a frame
   542  // that will be read by a subsequent call to ReadFrame.
   543  // It is the caller's responsibility to advertise this
   544  // limit with a SETTINGS frame.
   545  func (fr *http2Framer) SetMaxReadFrameSize(v uint32) {
   546  	if v > http2maxFrameSize {
   547  		v = http2maxFrameSize
   548  	}
   549  	fr.maxReadSize = v
   550  }
   552  // ErrFrameTooLarge is returned from Framer.ReadFrame when the peer
   553  // sends a frame that is larger than declared with SetMaxReadFrameSize.
   554  var http2ErrFrameTooLarge = errors.New("http2: frame too large")
   556  // ReadFrame reads a single frame. The returned Frame is only valid
   557  // until the next call to ReadFrame.
   558  // If the frame is larger than previously set with SetMaxReadFrameSize,
   559  // the returned error is ErrFrameTooLarge.
   560  func (fr *http2Framer) ReadFrame() (http2Frame, error) {
   561  	if fr.lastFrame != nil {
   562  		fr.lastFrame.invalidate()
   563  	}
   564  	fh, err := http2readFrameHeader(fr.headerBuf[:], fr.r)
   565  	if err != nil {
   566  		return nil, err
   567  	}
   568  	if fh.Length > fr.maxReadSize {
   569  		return nil, http2ErrFrameTooLarge
   570  	}
   571  	payload := fr.getReadBuf(fh.Length)
   572  	if _, err := io.ReadFull(fr.r, payload); err != nil {
   573  		return nil, err
   574  	}
   575  	f, err := http2typeFrameParser(fh.Type)(fh, payload)
   576  	if err != nil {
   577  		return nil, err
   578  	}
   579  	fr.lastFrame = f
   580  	return f, nil
   581  }
   583  // A DataFrame conveys arbitrary, variable-length sequences of octets
   584  // associated with a stream.
   585  // See
   586  type http2DataFrame struct {
   587  	http2FrameHeader
   588  	data []byte
   589  }
   591  func (f *http2DataFrame) StreamEnded() bool {
   592  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagDataEndStream)
   593  }
   595  // Data returns the frame's data octets, not including any padding
   596  // size byte or padding suffix bytes.
   597  // The caller must not retain the returned memory past the next
   598  // call to ReadFrame.
   599  func (f *http2DataFrame) Data() []byte {
   600  	f.checkValid()
   601  	return
   602  }
   604  func http2parseDataFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, payload []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   605  	if fh.StreamID == 0 {
   607  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   608  	}
   609  	f := &http2DataFrame{
   610  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
   611  	}
   612  	var padSize byte
   613  	if fh.Flags.Has(http2FlagDataPadded) {
   614  		var err error
   615  		payload, padSize, err = http2readByte(payload)
   616  		if err != nil {
   617  			return nil, err
   618  		}
   619  	}
   620  	if int(padSize) > len(payload) {
   622  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   623  	}
   624 = payload[:len(payload)-int(padSize)]
   625  	return f, nil
   626  }
   628  var http2errStreamID = errors.New("invalid streamid")
   630  func http2validStreamID(streamID uint32) bool {
   631  	return streamID != 0 && streamID&(1<<31) == 0
   632  }
   634  // WriteData writes a DATA frame.
   635  //
   636  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
   637  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
   638  func (f *http2Framer) WriteData(streamID uint32, endStream bool, data []byte) error {
   640  	if !http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
   641  		return http2errStreamID
   642  	}
   643  	var flags http2Flags
   644  	if endStream {
   645  		flags |= http2FlagDataEndStream
   646  	}
   647  	f.startWrite(http2FrameData, flags, streamID)
   648  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, data...)
   649  	return f.endWrite()
   650  }
   652  // A SettingsFrame conveys configuration parameters that affect how
   653  // endpoints communicate, such as preferences and constraints on peer
   654  // behavior.
   655  //
   656  // See
   657  type http2SettingsFrame struct {
   658  	http2FrameHeader
   659  	p []byte
   660  }
   662  func http2parseSettingsFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   663  	if fh.Flags.Has(http2FlagSettingsAck) && fh.Length > 0 {
   665  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
   666  	}
   667  	if fh.StreamID != 0 {
   669  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   670  	}
   671  	if len(p)%6 != 0 {
   673  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
   674  	}
   675  	f := &http2SettingsFrame{http2FrameHeader: fh, p: p}
   676  	if v, ok := f.Value(http2SettingInitialWindowSize); ok && v > (1<<31)-1 {
   678  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFlowControl)
   679  	}
   680  	return f, nil
   681  }
   683  func (f *http2SettingsFrame) IsAck() bool {
   684  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagSettingsAck)
   685  }
   687  func (f *http2SettingsFrame) Value(s http2SettingID) (v uint32, ok bool) {
   688  	f.checkValid()
   689  	buf := f.p
   690  	for len(buf) > 0 {
   691  		settingID := http2SettingID(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[:2]))
   692  		if settingID == s {
   693  			return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[2:6]), true
   694  		}
   695  		buf = buf[6:]
   696  	}
   697  	return 0, false
   698  }
   700  // ForeachSetting runs fn for each setting.
   701  // It stops and returns the first error.
   702  func (f *http2SettingsFrame) ForeachSetting(fn func(http2Setting) error) error {
   703  	f.checkValid()
   704  	buf := f.p
   705  	for len(buf) > 0 {
   706  		if err := fn(http2Setting{
   707  			http2SettingID(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[:2])),
   708  			binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[2:6]),
   709  		}); err != nil {
   710  			return err
   711  		}
   712  		buf = buf[6:]
   713  	}
   714  	return nil
   715  }
   717  // WriteSettings writes a SETTINGS frame with zero or more settings
   718  // specified and the ACK bit not set.
   719  //
   720  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
   721  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
   722  func (f *http2Framer) WriteSettings(settings ...http2Setting) error {
   723  	f.startWrite(http2FrameSettings, 0, 0)
   724  	for _, s := range settings {
   725  		f.writeUint16(uint16(s.ID))
   726  		f.writeUint32(s.Val)
   727  	}
   728  	return f.endWrite()
   729  }
   731  // WriteSettings writes an empty SETTINGS frame with the ACK bit set.
   732  //
   733  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
   734  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
   735  func (f *http2Framer) WriteSettingsAck() error {
   736  	f.startWrite(http2FrameSettings, http2FlagSettingsAck, 0)
   737  	return f.endWrite()
   738  }
   740  // A PingFrame is a mechanism for measuring a minimal round trip time
   741  // from the sender, as well as determining whether an idle connection
   742  // is still functional.
   743  // See
   744  type http2PingFrame struct {
   745  	http2FrameHeader
   746  	Data [8]byte
   747  }
   749  func http2parsePingFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, payload []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   750  	if len(payload) != 8 {
   751  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
   752  	}
   753  	if fh.StreamID != 0 {
   754  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   755  	}
   756  	f := &http2PingFrame{http2FrameHeader: fh}
   757  	copy(f.Data[:], payload)
   758  	return f, nil
   759  }
   761  func (f *http2Framer) WritePing(ack bool, data [8]byte) error {
   762  	var flags http2Flags
   763  	if ack {
   764  		flags = http2FlagPingAck
   765  	}
   766  	f.startWrite(http2FramePing, flags, 0)
   767  	f.writeBytes(data[:])
   768  	return f.endWrite()
   769  }
   771  // A GoAwayFrame informs the remote peer to stop creating streams on this connection.
   772  // See
   773  type http2GoAwayFrame struct {
   774  	http2FrameHeader
   775  	LastStreamID uint32
   776  	ErrCode      http2ErrCode
   777  	debugData    []byte
   778  }
   780  // DebugData returns any debug data in the GOAWAY frame. Its contents
   781  // are not defined.
   782  // The caller must not retain the returned memory past the next
   783  // call to ReadFrame.
   784  func (f *http2GoAwayFrame) DebugData() []byte {
   785  	f.checkValid()
   786  	return f.debugData
   787  }
   789  func http2parseGoAwayFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   790  	if fh.StreamID != 0 {
   791  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   792  	}
   793  	if len(p) < 8 {
   794  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
   795  	}
   796  	return &http2GoAwayFrame{
   797  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
   798  		LastStreamID:     binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]) & (1<<31 - 1),
   799  		ErrCode:          http2ErrCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[4:8])),
   800  		debugData:        p[8:],
   801  	}, nil
   802  }
   804  func (f *http2Framer) WriteGoAway(maxStreamID uint32, code http2ErrCode, debugData []byte) error {
   805  	f.startWrite(http2FrameGoAway, 0, 0)
   806  	f.writeUint32(maxStreamID & (1<<31 - 1))
   807  	f.writeUint32(uint32(code))
   808  	f.writeBytes(debugData)
   809  	return f.endWrite()
   810  }
   812  // An UnknownFrame is the frame type returned when the frame type is unknown
   813  // or no specific frame type parser exists.
   814  type http2UnknownFrame struct {
   815  	http2FrameHeader
   816  	p []byte
   817  }
   819  // Payload returns the frame's payload (after the header).  It is not
   820  // valid to call this method after a subsequent call to
   821  // Framer.ReadFrame, nor is it valid to retain the returned slice.
   822  // The memory is owned by the Framer and is invalidated when the next
   823  // frame is read.
   824  func (f *http2UnknownFrame) Payload() []byte {
   825  	f.checkValid()
   826  	return f.p
   827  }
   829  func http2parseUnknownFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   830  	return &http2UnknownFrame{fh, p}, nil
   831  }
   833  // A WindowUpdateFrame is used to implement flow control.
   834  // See
   835  type http2WindowUpdateFrame struct {
   836  	http2FrameHeader
   837  	Increment uint32
   838  }
   840  func http2parseWindowUpdateFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
   841  	if len(p) != 4 {
   842  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
   843  	}
   844  	inc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]) & 0x7fffffff
   845  	if inc == 0 {
   847  		if fh.StreamID == 0 {
   848  			return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   849  		}
   850  		return nil, http2StreamError{fh.StreamID, http2ErrCodeProtocol}
   851  	}
   852  	return &http2WindowUpdateFrame{
   853  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
   854  		Increment:        inc,
   855  	}, nil
   856  }
   858  // WriteWindowUpdate writes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
   859  // The increment value must be between 1 and 2,147,483,647, inclusive.
   860  // If the Stream ID is zero, the window update applies to the
   861  // connection as a whole.
   862  func (f *http2Framer) WriteWindowUpdate(streamID, incr uint32) error {
   864  	if (incr < 1 || incr > 2147483647) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
   865  		return errors.New("illegal window increment value")
   866  	}
   867  	f.startWrite(http2FrameWindowUpdate, 0, streamID)
   868  	f.writeUint32(incr)
   869  	return f.endWrite()
   870  }
   872  // A HeadersFrame is used to open a stream and additionally carries a
   873  // header block fragment.
   874  type http2HeadersFrame struct {
   875  	http2FrameHeader
   877  	// Priority is set if FlagHeadersPriority is set in the FrameHeader.
   878  	Priority http2PriorityParam
   880  	headerFragBuf []byte // not owned
   881  }
   883  func (f *http2HeadersFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte {
   884  	f.checkValid()
   885  	return f.headerFragBuf
   886  }
   888  func (f *http2HeadersFrame) HeadersEnded() bool {
   889  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagHeadersEndHeaders)
   890  }
   892  func (f *http2HeadersFrame) StreamEnded() bool {
   893  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagHeadersEndStream)
   894  }
   896  func (f *http2HeadersFrame) HasPriority() bool {
   897  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagHeadersPriority)
   898  }
   900  func http2parseHeadersFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ http2Frame, err error) {
   901  	hf := &http2HeadersFrame{
   902  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
   903  	}
   904  	if fh.StreamID == 0 {
   906  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
   907  	}
   908  	var padLength uint8
   909  	if fh.Flags.Has(http2FlagHeadersPadded) {
   910  		if p, padLength, err = http2readByte(p); err != nil {
   911  			return
   912  		}
   913  	}
   914  	if fh.Flags.Has(http2FlagHeadersPriority) {
   915  		var v uint32
   916  		p, v, err = http2readUint32(p)
   917  		if err != nil {
   918  			return nil, err
   919  		}
   920  		hf.Priority.StreamDep = v & 0x7fffffff
   921  		hf.Priority.Exclusive = (v != hf.Priority.StreamDep)
   922  		p, hf.Priority.Weight, err = http2readByte(p)
   923  		if err != nil {
   924  			return nil, err
   925  		}
   926  	}
   927  	if len(p)-int(padLength) <= 0 {
   928  		return nil, http2StreamError{fh.StreamID, http2ErrCodeProtocol}
   929  	}
   930  	hf.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)]
   931  	return hf, nil
   932  }
   934  // HeadersFrameParam are the parameters for writing a HEADERS frame.
   935  type http2HeadersFrameParam struct {
   936  	// StreamID is the required Stream ID to initiate.
   937  	StreamID uint32
   938  	// BlockFragment is part (or all) of a Header Block.
   939  	BlockFragment []byte
   941  	// EndStream indicates that the header block is the last that
   942  	// the endpoint will send for the identified stream. Setting
   943  	// this flag causes the stream to enter one of "half closed"
   944  	// states.
   945  	EndStream bool
   947  	// EndHeaders indicates that this frame contains an entire
   948  	// header block and is not followed by any
   949  	// CONTINUATION frames.
   950  	EndHeaders bool
   952  	// PadLength is the optional number of bytes of zeros to add
   953  	// to this frame.
   954  	PadLength uint8
   956  	// Priority, if non-zero, includes stream priority information
   957  	// in the HEADER frame.
   958  	Priority http2PriorityParam
   959  }
   961  // WriteHeaders writes a single HEADERS frame.
   962  //
   963  // This is a low-level header writing method. Encoding headers and
   964  // splitting them into any necessary CONTINUATION frames is handled
   965  // elsewhere.
   966  //
   967  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
   968  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
   969  func (f *http2Framer) WriteHeaders(p http2HeadersFrameParam) error {
   970  	if !http2validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
   971  		return http2errStreamID
   972  	}
   973  	var flags http2Flags
   974  	if p.PadLength != 0 {
   975  		flags |= http2FlagHeadersPadded
   976  	}
   977  	if p.EndStream {
   978  		flags |= http2FlagHeadersEndStream
   979  	}
   980  	if p.EndHeaders {
   981  		flags |= http2FlagHeadersEndHeaders
   982  	}
   983  	if !p.Priority.IsZero() {
   984  		flags |= http2FlagHeadersPriority
   985  	}
   986  	f.startWrite(http2FrameHeaders, flags, p.StreamID)
   987  	if p.PadLength != 0 {
   988  		f.writeByte(p.PadLength)
   989  	}
   990  	if !p.Priority.IsZero() {
   991  		v := p.Priority.StreamDep
   992  		if !http2validStreamID(v) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
   993  			return errors.New("invalid dependent stream id")
   994  		}
   995  		if p.Priority.Exclusive {
   996  			v |= 1 << 31
   997  		}
   998  		f.writeUint32(v)
   999  		f.writeByte(p.Priority.Weight)
  1000  	}
  1001  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment...)
  1002  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, http2padZeros[:p.PadLength]...)
  1003  	return f.endWrite()
  1004  }
  1006  // A PriorityFrame specifies the sender-advised priority of a stream.
  1007  // See
  1008  type http2PriorityFrame struct {
  1009  	http2FrameHeader
  1010  	http2PriorityParam
  1011  }
  1013  // PriorityParam are the stream prioritzation parameters.
  1014  type http2PriorityParam struct {
  1015  	// StreamDep is a 31-bit stream identifier for the
  1016  	// stream that this stream depends on. Zero means no
  1017  	// dependency.
  1018  	StreamDep uint32
  1020  	// Exclusive is whether the dependency is exclusive.
  1021  	Exclusive bool
  1023  	// Weight is the stream's zero-indexed weight. It should be
  1024  	// set together with StreamDep, or neither should be set.  Per
  1025  	// the spec, "Add one to the value to obtain a weight between
  1026  	// 1 and 256."
  1027  	Weight uint8
  1028  }
  1030  func (p http2PriorityParam) IsZero() bool {
  1031  	return p == http2PriorityParam{}
  1032  }
  1034  func http2parsePriorityFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, payload []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
  1035  	if fh.StreamID == 0 {
  1036  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1037  	}
  1038  	if len(payload) != 5 {
  1039  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
  1040  	}
  1041  	v := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[:4])
  1042  	streamID := v & 0x7fffffff
  1043  	return &http2PriorityFrame{
  1044  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
  1045  		http2PriorityParam: http2PriorityParam{
  1046  			Weight:    payload[4],
  1047  			StreamDep: streamID,
  1048  			Exclusive: streamID != v,
  1049  		},
  1050  	}, nil
  1051  }
  1053  // WritePriority writes a PRIORITY frame.
  1054  //
  1055  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
  1056  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
  1057  func (f *http2Framer) WritePriority(streamID uint32, p http2PriorityParam) error {
  1058  	if !http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
  1059  		return http2errStreamID
  1060  	}
  1061  	f.startWrite(http2FramePriority, 0, streamID)
  1062  	v := p.StreamDep
  1063  	if p.Exclusive {
  1064  		v |= 1 << 31
  1065  	}
  1066  	f.writeUint32(v)
  1067  	f.writeByte(p.Weight)
  1068  	return f.endWrite()
  1069  }
  1071  // A RSTStreamFrame allows for abnormal termination of a stream.
  1072  // See
  1073  type http2RSTStreamFrame struct {
  1074  	http2FrameHeader
  1075  	ErrCode http2ErrCode
  1076  }
  1078  func http2parseRSTStreamFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
  1079  	if len(p) != 4 {
  1080  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
  1081  	}
  1082  	if fh.StreamID == 0 {
  1083  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1084  	}
  1085  	return &http2RSTStreamFrame{fh, http2ErrCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]))}, nil
  1086  }
  1088  // WriteRSTStream writes a RST_STREAM frame.
  1089  //
  1090  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
  1091  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
  1092  func (f *http2Framer) WriteRSTStream(streamID uint32, code http2ErrCode) error {
  1093  	if !http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
  1094  		return http2errStreamID
  1095  	}
  1096  	f.startWrite(http2FrameRSTStream, 0, streamID)
  1097  	f.writeUint32(uint32(code))
  1098  	return f.endWrite()
  1099  }
  1101  // A ContinuationFrame is used to continue a sequence of header block fragments.
  1102  // See
  1103  type http2ContinuationFrame struct {
  1104  	http2FrameHeader
  1105  	headerFragBuf []byte
  1106  }
  1108  func http2parseContinuationFrame(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (http2Frame, error) {
  1109  	return &http2ContinuationFrame{fh, p}, nil
  1110  }
  1112  func (f *http2ContinuationFrame) StreamEnded() bool {
  1113  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagDataEndStream)
  1114  }
  1116  func (f *http2ContinuationFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte {
  1117  	f.checkValid()
  1118  	return f.headerFragBuf
  1119  }
  1121  func (f *http2ContinuationFrame) HeadersEnded() bool {
  1122  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagContinuationEndHeaders)
  1123  }
  1125  // WriteContinuation writes a CONTINUATION frame.
  1126  //
  1127  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
  1128  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
  1129  func (f *http2Framer) WriteContinuation(streamID uint32, endHeaders bool, headerBlockFragment []byte) error {
  1130  	if !http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
  1131  		return http2errStreamID
  1132  	}
  1133  	var flags http2Flags
  1134  	if endHeaders {
  1135  		flags |= http2FlagContinuationEndHeaders
  1136  	}
  1137  	f.startWrite(http2FrameContinuation, flags, streamID)
  1138  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, headerBlockFragment...)
  1139  	return f.endWrite()
  1140  }
  1142  // A PushPromiseFrame is used to initiate a server stream.
  1143  // See
  1144  type http2PushPromiseFrame struct {
  1145  	http2FrameHeader
  1146  	PromiseID     uint32
  1147  	headerFragBuf []byte // not owned
  1148  }
  1150  func (f *http2PushPromiseFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte {
  1151  	f.checkValid()
  1152  	return f.headerFragBuf
  1153  }
  1155  func (f *http2PushPromiseFrame) HeadersEnded() bool {
  1156  	return f.http2FrameHeader.Flags.Has(http2FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders)
  1157  }
  1159  func http2parsePushPromise(fh http2FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ http2Frame, err error) {
  1160  	pp := &http2PushPromiseFrame{
  1161  		http2FrameHeader: fh,
  1162  	}
  1163  	if pp.StreamID == 0 {
  1165  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1166  	}
  1167  	// The PUSH_PROMISE frame includes optional padding.
  1168  	// Padding fields and flags are identical to those defined for DATA frames
  1169  	var padLength uint8
  1170  	if fh.Flags.Has(http2FlagPushPromisePadded) {
  1171  		if p, padLength, err = http2readByte(p); err != nil {
  1172  			return
  1173  		}
  1174  	}
  1176  	p, pp.PromiseID, err = http2readUint32(p)
  1177  	if err != nil {
  1178  		return
  1179  	}
  1180  	pp.PromiseID = pp.PromiseID & (1<<31 - 1)
  1182  	if int(padLength) > len(p) {
  1184  		return nil, http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1185  	}
  1186  	pp.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)]
  1187  	return pp, nil
  1188  }
  1190  // PushPromiseParam are the parameters for writing a PUSH_PROMISE frame.
  1191  type http2PushPromiseParam struct {
  1192  	// StreamID is the required Stream ID to initiate.
  1193  	StreamID uint32
  1195  	// PromiseID is the required Stream ID which this
  1196  	// Push Promises
  1197  	PromiseID uint32
  1199  	// BlockFragment is part (or all) of a Header Block.
  1200  	BlockFragment []byte
  1202  	// EndHeaders indicates that this frame contains an entire
  1203  	// header block and is not followed by any
  1204  	// CONTINUATION frames.
  1205  	EndHeaders bool
  1207  	// PadLength is the optional number of bytes of zeros to add
  1208  	// to this frame.
  1209  	PadLength uint8
  1210  }
  1212  // WritePushPromise writes a single PushPromise Frame.
  1213  //
  1214  // As with Header Frames, This is the low level call for writing
  1215  // individual frames. Continuation frames are handled elsewhere.
  1216  //
  1217  // It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer.
  1218  // It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently.
  1219  func (f *http2Framer) WritePushPromise(p http2PushPromiseParam) error {
  1220  	if !http2validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
  1221  		return http2errStreamID
  1222  	}
  1223  	var flags http2Flags
  1224  	if p.PadLength != 0 {
  1225  		flags |= http2FlagPushPromisePadded
  1226  	}
  1227  	if p.EndHeaders {
  1228  		flags |= http2FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders
  1229  	}
  1230  	f.startWrite(http2FramePushPromise, flags, p.StreamID)
  1231  	if p.PadLength != 0 {
  1232  		f.writeByte(p.PadLength)
  1233  	}
  1234  	if !http2validStreamID(p.PromiseID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites {
  1235  		return http2errStreamID
  1236  	}
  1237  	f.writeUint32(p.PromiseID)
  1238  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment...)
  1239  	f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, http2padZeros[:p.PadLength]...)
  1240  	return f.endWrite()
  1241  }
  1243  // WriteRawFrame writes a raw frame. This can be used to write
  1244  // extension frames unknown to this package.
  1245  func (f *http2Framer) WriteRawFrame(t http2FrameType, flags http2Flags, streamID uint32, payload []byte) error {
  1246  	f.startWrite(t, flags, streamID)
  1247  	f.writeBytes(payload)
  1248  	return f.endWrite()
  1249  }
  1251  func http2readByte(p []byte) (remain []byte, b byte, err error) {
  1252  	if len(p) == 0 {
  1253  		return nil, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
  1254  	}
  1255  	return p[1:], p[0], nil
  1256  }
  1258  func http2readUint32(p []byte) (remain []byte, v uint32, err error) {
  1259  	if len(p) < 4 {
  1260  		return nil, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
  1261  	}
  1262  	return p[4:], binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]), nil
  1263  }
  1265  type http2streamEnder interface {
  1266  	StreamEnded() bool
  1267  }
  1269  type http2headersEnder interface {
  1270  	HeadersEnded() bool
  1271  }
  1273  var http2DebugGoroutines = os.Getenv("DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES") == "1"
  1275  type http2goroutineLock uint64
  1277  func http2newGoroutineLock() http2goroutineLock {
  1278  	if !http2DebugGoroutines {
  1279  		return 0
  1280  	}
  1281  	return http2goroutineLock(http2curGoroutineID())
  1282  }
  1284  func (g http2goroutineLock) check() {
  1285  	if !http2DebugGoroutines {
  1286  		return
  1287  	}
  1288  	if http2curGoroutineID() != uint64(g) {
  1289  		panic("running on the wrong goroutine")
  1290  	}
  1291  }
  1293  func (g http2goroutineLock) checkNotOn() {
  1294  	if !http2DebugGoroutines {
  1295  		return
  1296  	}
  1297  	if http2curGoroutineID() == uint64(g) {
  1298  		panic("running on the wrong goroutine")
  1299  	}
  1300  }
  1302  var http2goroutineSpace = []byte("goroutine ")
  1304  func http2curGoroutineID() uint64 {
  1305  	bp := http2littleBuf.Get().(*[]byte)
  1306  	defer http2littleBuf.Put(bp)
  1307  	b := *bp
  1308  	b = b[:runtime.Stack(b, false)]
  1310  	b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, http2goroutineSpace)
  1311  	i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')
  1312  	if i < 0 {
  1313  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("No space found in %q", b))
  1314  	}
  1315  	b = b[:i]
  1316  	n, err := http2parseUintBytes(b, 10, 64)
  1317  	if err != nil {
  1318  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse goroutine ID out of %q: %v", b, err))
  1319  	}
  1320  	return n
  1321  }
  1323  var http2littleBuf = sync.Pool{
  1324  	New: func() interface{} {
  1325  		buf := make([]byte, 64)
  1326  		return &buf
  1327  	},
  1328  }
  1330  // parseUintBytes is like strconv.ParseUint, but using a []byte.
  1331  func http2parseUintBytes(s []byte, base int, bitSize int) (n uint64, err error) {
  1332  	var cutoff, maxVal uint64
  1334  	if bitSize == 0 {
  1335  		bitSize = int(strconv.IntSize)
  1336  	}
  1338  	s0 := s
  1339  	switch {
  1340  	case len(s) < 1:
  1341  		err = strconv.ErrSyntax
  1342  		goto Error
  1344  	case 2 <= base && base <= 36:
  1346  	case base == 0:
  1348  		switch {
  1349  		case s[0] == '0' && len(s) > 1 && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X'):
  1350  			base = 16
  1351  			s = s[2:]
  1352  			if len(s) < 1 {
  1353  				err = strconv.ErrSyntax
  1354  				goto Error
  1355  			}
  1356  		case s[0] == '0':
  1357  			base = 8
  1358  		default:
  1359  			base = 10
  1360  		}
  1362  	default:
  1363  		err = errors.New("invalid base " + strconv.Itoa(base))
  1364  		goto Error
  1365  	}
  1367  	n = 0
  1368  	cutoff = http2cutoff64(base)
  1369  	maxVal = 1<<uint(bitSize) - 1
  1371  	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
  1372  		var v byte
  1373  		d := s[i]
  1374  		switch {
  1375  		case '0' <= d && d <= '9':
  1376  			v = d - '0'
  1377  		case 'a' <= d && d <= 'z':
  1378  			v = d - 'a' + 10
  1379  		case 'A' <= d && d <= 'Z':
  1380  			v = d - 'A' + 10
  1381  		default:
  1382  			n = 0
  1383  			err = strconv.ErrSyntax
  1384  			goto Error
  1385  		}
  1386  		if int(v) >= base {
  1387  			n = 0
  1388  			err = strconv.ErrSyntax
  1389  			goto Error
  1390  		}
  1392  		if n >= cutoff {
  1394  			n = 1<<64 - 1
  1395  			err = strconv.ErrRange
  1396  			goto Error
  1397  		}
  1398  		n *= uint64(base)
  1400  		n1 := n + uint64(v)
  1401  		if n1 < n || n1 > maxVal {
  1403  			n = 1<<64 - 1
  1404  			err = strconv.ErrRange
  1405  			goto Error
  1406  		}
  1407  		n = n1
  1408  	}
  1410  	return n, nil
  1412  Error:
  1413  	return n, &strconv.NumError{Func: "ParseUint", Num: string(s0), Err: err}
  1414  }
  1416  // Return the first number n such that n*base >= 1<<64.
  1417  func http2cutoff64(base int) uint64 {
  1418  	if base < 2 {
  1419  		return 0
  1420  	}
  1421  	return (1<<64-1)/uint64(base) + 1
  1422  }
  1424  var (
  1425  	http2commonLowerHeader = map[string]string{} // Go-Canonical-Case -> lower-case
  1426  	http2commonCanonHeader = map[string]string{} // lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case
  1427  )
  1429  func init() {
  1430  	for _, v := range []string{
  1431  		"accept",
  1432  		"accept-charset",
  1433  		"accept-encoding",
  1434  		"accept-language",
  1435  		"accept-ranges",
  1436  		"age",
  1437  		"access-control-allow-origin",
  1438  		"allow",
  1439  		"authorization",
  1440  		"cache-control",
  1441  		"content-disposition",
  1442  		"content-encoding",
  1443  		"content-language",
  1444  		"content-length",
  1445  		"content-location",
  1446  		"content-range",
  1447  		"content-type",
  1448  		"cookie",
  1449  		"date",
  1450  		"etag",
  1451  		"expect",
  1452  		"expires",
  1453  		"from",
  1454  		"host",
  1455  		"if-match",
  1456  		"if-modified-since",
  1457  		"if-none-match",
  1458  		"if-unmodified-since",
  1459  		"last-modified",
  1460  		"link",
  1461  		"location",
  1462  		"max-forwards",
  1463  		"proxy-authenticate",
  1464  		"proxy-authorization",
  1465  		"range",
  1466  		"referer",
  1467  		"refresh",
  1468  		"retry-after",
  1469  		"server",
  1470  		"set-cookie",
  1471  		"strict-transport-security",
  1472  		"transfer-encoding",
  1473  		"user-agent",
  1474  		"vary",
  1475  		"via",
  1476  		"www-authenticate",
  1477  	} {
  1478  		chk := CanonicalHeaderKey(v)
  1479  		http2commonLowerHeader[chk] = v
  1480  		http2commonCanonHeader[v] = chk
  1481  	}
  1482  }
  1484  func http2lowerHeader(v string) string {
  1485  	if s, ok := http2commonLowerHeader[v]; ok {
  1486  		return s
  1487  	}
  1488  	return strings.ToLower(v)
  1489  }
  1491  var http2VerboseLogs = false
  1493  const (
  1494  	// ClientPreface is the string that must be sent by new
  1495  	// connections from clients.
  1496  	http2ClientPreface = "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n"
  1498  	// SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE default
  1499  	//
  1500  	http2initialMaxFrameSize = 16384
  1502  	// NextProtoTLS is the NPN/ALPN protocol negotiated during
  1503  	// HTTP/2's TLS setup.
  1504  	http2NextProtoTLS = "h2"
  1506  	//
  1507  	http2initialHeaderTableSize = 4096
  1509  	http2initialWindowSize = 65535 // 6.9.2 Initial Flow Control Window Size
  1511  	http2defaultMaxReadFrameSize = 1 << 20
  1512  )
  1514  var (
  1515  	http2clientPreface = []byte(http2ClientPreface)
  1516  )
  1518  type http2streamState int
  1520  const (
  1521  	http2stateIdle http2streamState = iota
  1522  	http2stateOpen
  1523  	http2stateHalfClosedLocal
  1524  	http2stateHalfClosedRemote
  1525  	http2stateResvLocal
  1526  	http2stateResvRemote
  1527  	http2stateClosed
  1528  )
  1530  var http2stateName = [...]string{
  1531  	http2stateIdle:             "Idle",
  1532  	http2stateOpen:             "Open",
  1533  	http2stateHalfClosedLocal:  "HalfClosedLocal",
  1534  	http2stateHalfClosedRemote: "HalfClosedRemote",
  1535  	http2stateResvLocal:        "ResvLocal",
  1536  	http2stateResvRemote:       "ResvRemote",
  1537  	http2stateClosed:           "Closed",
  1538  }
  1540  func (st http2streamState) String() string {
  1541  	return http2stateName[st]
  1542  }
  1544  // Setting is a setting parameter: which setting it is, and its value.
  1545  type http2Setting struct {
  1546  	// ID is which setting is being set.
  1547  	// See
  1548  	ID http2SettingID
  1550  	// Val is the value.
  1551  	Val uint32
  1552  }
  1554  func (s http2Setting) String() string {
  1555  	return fmt.Sprintf("[%v = %d]", s.ID, s.Val)
  1556  }
  1558  // Valid reports whether the setting is valid.
  1559  func (s http2Setting) Valid() error {
  1561  	switch s.ID {
  1562  	case http2SettingEnablePush:
  1563  		if s.Val != 1 && s.Val != 0 {
  1564  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1565  		}
  1566  	case http2SettingInitialWindowSize:
  1567  		if s.Val > 1<<31-1 {
  1568  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFlowControl)
  1569  		}
  1570  	case http2SettingMaxFrameSize:
  1571  		if s.Val < 16384 || s.Val > 1<<24-1 {
  1572  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  1573  		}
  1574  	}
  1575  	return nil
  1576  }
  1578  // A SettingID is an HTTP/2 setting as defined in
  1579  //
  1580  type http2SettingID uint16
  1582  const (
  1583  	http2SettingHeaderTableSize      http2SettingID = 0x1
  1584  	http2SettingEnablePush           http2SettingID = 0x2
  1585  	http2SettingMaxConcurrentStreams http2SettingID = 0x3
  1586  	http2SettingInitialWindowSize    http2SettingID = 0x4
  1587  	http2SettingMaxFrameSize         http2SettingID = 0x5
  1588  	http2SettingMaxHeaderListSize    http2SettingID = 0x6
  1589  )
  1591  var http2settingName = map[http2SettingID]string{
  1592  	http2SettingHeaderTableSize:      "HEADER_TABLE_SIZE",
  1593  	http2SettingEnablePush:           "ENABLE_PUSH",
  1594  	http2SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: "MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS",
  1595  	http2SettingInitialWindowSize:    "INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE",
  1596  	http2SettingMaxFrameSize:         "MAX_FRAME_SIZE",
  1597  	http2SettingMaxHeaderListSize:    "MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE",
  1598  }
  1600  func (s http2SettingID) String() string {
  1601  	if v, ok := http2settingName[s]; ok {
  1602  		return v
  1603  	}
  1604  	return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_SETTING_%d", uint16(s))
  1605  }
  1607  func http2validHeader(v string) bool {
  1608  	if len(v) == 0 {
  1609  		return false
  1610  	}
  1611  	for _, r := range v {
  1613  		if r >= 127 || ('A' <= r && r <= 'Z') {
  1614  			return false
  1615  		}
  1616  	}
  1617  	return true
  1618  }
  1620  var http2httpCodeStringCommon = map[int]string{} // n -> strconv.Itoa(n)
  1622  func init() {
  1623  	for i := 100; i <= 999; i++ {
  1624  		if v := StatusText(i); v != "" {
  1625  			http2httpCodeStringCommon[i] = strconv.Itoa(i)
  1626  		}
  1627  	}
  1628  }
  1630  func http2httpCodeString(code int) string {
  1631  	if s, ok := http2httpCodeStringCommon[code]; ok {
  1632  		return s
  1633  	}
  1634  	return strconv.Itoa(code)
  1635  }
  1637  // from pkg io
  1638  type http2stringWriter interface {
  1639  	WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
  1640  }
  1642  // A gate lets two goroutines coordinate their activities.
  1643  type http2gate chan struct{}
  1645  func (g http2gate) Done() { g <- struct{}{} }
  1647  func (g http2gate) Wait() { <-g }
  1649  // A closeWaiter is like a sync.WaitGroup but only goes 1 to 0 (open to closed).
  1650  type http2closeWaiter chan struct{}
  1652  // Init makes a closeWaiter usable.
  1653  // It exists because so a closeWaiter value can be placed inside a
  1654  // larger struct and have the Mutex and Cond's memory in the same
  1655  // allocation.
  1656  func (cw *http2closeWaiter) Init() {
  1657  	*cw = make(chan struct{})
  1658  }
  1660  // Close marks the closeWaiter as closed and unblocks any waiters.
  1661  func (cw http2closeWaiter) Close() {
  1662  	close(cw)
  1663  }
  1665  // Wait waits for the closeWaiter to become closed.
  1666  func (cw http2closeWaiter) Wait() {
  1667  	<-cw
  1668  }
  1670  // bufferedWriter is a buffered writer that writes to w.
  1671  // Its buffered writer is lazily allocated as needed, to minimize
  1672  // idle memory usage with many connections.
  1673  type http2bufferedWriter struct {
  1674  	w  io.Writer     // immutable
  1675  	bw *bufio.Writer // non-nil when data is buffered
  1676  }
  1678  func http2newBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *http2bufferedWriter {
  1679  	return &http2bufferedWriter{w: w}
  1680  }
  1682  var http2bufWriterPool = sync.Pool{
  1683  	New: func() interface{} {
  1685  		return bufio.NewWriterSize(nil, 4<<10)
  1686  	},
  1687  }
  1689  func (w *http2bufferedWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  1690  	if == nil {
  1691  		bw := http2bufWriterPool.Get().(*bufio.Writer)
  1692  		bw.Reset(w.w)
  1693 = bw
  1694  	}
  1695  	return
  1696  }
  1698  func (w *http2bufferedWriter) Flush() error {
  1699  	bw :=
  1700  	if bw == nil {
  1701  		return nil
  1702  	}
  1703  	err := bw.Flush()
  1704  	bw.Reset(nil)
  1705  	http2bufWriterPool.Put(bw)
  1706 = nil
  1707  	return err
  1708  }
  1710  type http2pipe struct {
  1711  	b http2buffer
  1712  	c sync.Cond
  1713  	m sync.Mutex
  1714  }
  1716  // Read waits until data is available and copies bytes
  1717  // from the buffer into p.
  1718  func (r *http2pipe) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  1719  	r.c.L.Lock()
  1720  	defer r.c.L.Unlock()
  1721  	for r.b.Len() == 0 && !r.b.closed {
  1722  		r.c.Wait()
  1723  	}
  1724  	return r.b.Read(p)
  1725  }
  1727  // Write copies bytes from p into the buffer and wakes a reader.
  1728  // It is an error to write more data than the buffer can hold.
  1729  func (w *http2pipe) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  1730  	w.c.L.Lock()
  1731  	defer w.c.L.Unlock()
  1732  	defer w.c.Signal()
  1733  	return w.b.Write(p)
  1734  }
  1736  func (c *http2pipe) Close(err error) {
  1737  	c.c.L.Lock()
  1738  	defer c.c.L.Unlock()
  1739  	defer c.c.Signal()
  1740  	c.b.Close(err)
  1741  }
  1743  const (
  1744  	http2prefaceTimeout        = 10 * time.Second
  1745  	http2firstSettingsTimeout  = 2 * time.Second // should be in-flight with preface anyway
  1746  	http2handlerChunkWriteSize = 4 << 10
  1747  	http2defaultMaxStreams     = 250 // TODO: make this 100 as the GFE seems to?
  1748  )
  1750  var (
  1751  	http2errClientDisconnected = errors.New("client disconnected")
  1752  	http2errClosedBody         = errors.New("body closed by handler")
  1753  	http2errStreamBroken       = errors.New("http2: stream broken")
  1754  )
  1756  var http2responseWriterStatePool = sync.Pool{
  1757  	New: func() interface{} {
  1758  		rws := &http2responseWriterState{}
  1759 = bufio.NewWriterSize(http2chunkWriter{rws}, http2handlerChunkWriteSize)
  1760  		return rws
  1761  	},
  1762  }
  1764  // Test hooks.
  1765  var (
  1766  	http2testHookOnConn        func()
  1767  	http2testHookGetServerConn func(*http2serverConn)
  1768  	http2testHookOnPanicMu     *sync.Mutex // nil except in tests
  1769  	http2testHookOnPanic       func(sc *http2serverConn, panicVal interface{}) (rePanic bool)
  1770  )
  1772  // Server is an HTTP/2 server.
  1773  type http2Server struct {
  1774  	// MaxHandlers limits the number of http.Handler ServeHTTP goroutines
  1775  	// which may run at a time over all connections.
  1776  	// Negative or zero no limit.
  1777  	// TODO: implement
  1778  	MaxHandlers int
  1780  	// MaxConcurrentStreams optionally specifies the number of
  1781  	// concurrent streams that each client may have open at a
  1782  	// time. This is unrelated to the number of http.Handler goroutines
  1783  	// which may be active globally, which is MaxHandlers.
  1784  	// If zero, MaxConcurrentStreams defaults to at least 100, per
  1785  	// the HTTP/2 spec's recommendations.
  1786  	MaxConcurrentStreams uint32
  1788  	// MaxReadFrameSize optionally specifies the largest frame
  1789  	// this server is willing to read. A valid value is between
  1790  	// 16k and 16M, inclusive. If zero or otherwise invalid, a
  1791  	// default value is used.
  1792  	MaxReadFrameSize uint32
  1794  	// PermitProhibitedCipherSuites, if true, permits the use of
  1795  	// cipher suites prohibited by the HTTP/2 spec.
  1796  	PermitProhibitedCipherSuites bool
  1797  }
  1799  func (s *http2Server) maxReadFrameSize() uint32 {
  1800  	if v := s.MaxReadFrameSize; v >= http2minMaxFrameSize && v <= http2maxFrameSize {
  1801  		return v
  1802  	}
  1803  	return http2defaultMaxReadFrameSize
  1804  }
  1806  func (s *http2Server) maxConcurrentStreams() uint32 {
  1807  	if v := s.MaxConcurrentStreams; v > 0 {
  1808  		return v
  1809  	}
  1810  	return http2defaultMaxStreams
  1811  }
  1813  // ConfigureServer adds HTTP/2 support to a net/http Server.
  1814  //
  1815  // The configuration conf may be nil.
  1816  //
  1817  // ConfigureServer must be called before s begins serving.
  1818  func http2ConfigureServer(s *Server, conf *http2Server) {
  1819  	if conf == nil {
  1820  		conf = new(http2Server)
  1821  	}
  1822  	if s.TLSConfig == nil {
  1823  		s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config)
  1824  	}
  1826  	if s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites != nil {
  1827  		const requiredCipher = tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  1828  		haveRequired := false
  1829  		for _, v := range s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites {
  1830  			if v == requiredCipher {
  1831  				haveRequired = true
  1832  				break
  1833  			}
  1834  		}
  1835  		if !haveRequired {
  1836  			s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites = append(s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites, requiredCipher)
  1837  		}
  1838  	}
  1840  	haveNPN := false
  1841  	for _, p := range s.TLSConfig.NextProtos {
  1842  		if p == http2NextProtoTLS {
  1843  			haveNPN = true
  1844  			break
  1845  		}
  1846  	}
  1847  	if !haveNPN {
  1848  		s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, http2NextProtoTLS)
  1849  	}
  1851  	s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "h2-14")
  1853  	if s.TLSNextProto == nil {
  1854  		s.TLSNextProto = map[string]func(*Server, *tls.Conn, Handler){}
  1855  	}
  1856  	protoHandler := func(hs *Server, c *tls.Conn, h Handler) {
  1857  		if http2testHookOnConn != nil {
  1858  			http2testHookOnConn()
  1859  		}
  1860  		conf.handleConn(hs, c, h)
  1861  	}
  1862  	s.TLSNextProto[http2NextProtoTLS] = protoHandler
  1863  	s.TLSNextProto["h2-14"] = protoHandler
  1864  }
  1866  func (srv *http2Server) handleConn(hs *Server, c net.Conn, h Handler) {
  1867  	sc := &http2serverConn{
  1868  		srv:              srv,
  1869  		hs:               hs,
  1870  		conn:             c,
  1871  		remoteAddrStr:    c.RemoteAddr().String(),
  1872  		bw:               http2newBufferedWriter(c),
  1873  		handler:          h,
  1874  		streams:          make(map[uint32]*http2stream),
  1875  		readFrameCh:      make(chan http2readFrameResult),
  1876  		wantWriteFrameCh: make(chan http2frameWriteMsg, 8),
  1877  		wroteFrameCh:     make(chan struct{}, 1),
  1878  		bodyReadCh:       make(chan http2bodyReadMsg),
  1879  		doneServing:      make(chan struct{}),
  1880  		advMaxStreams:    srv.maxConcurrentStreams(),
  1881  		writeSched: http2writeScheduler{
  1882  			maxFrameSize: http2initialMaxFrameSize,
  1883  		},
  1884  		initialWindowSize: http2initialWindowSize,
  1885  		headerTableSize:   http2initialHeaderTableSize,
  1886  		serveG:            http2newGoroutineLock(),
  1887  		pushEnabled:       true,
  1888  	}
  1889  	sc.flow.add(http2initialWindowSize)
  1890  	sc.inflow.add(http2initialWindowSize)
  1891  	sc.hpackEncoder = hpack.NewEncoder(&sc.headerWriteBuf)
  1892  	sc.hpackDecoder = hpack.NewDecoder(http2initialHeaderTableSize, sc.onNewHeaderField)
  1893  	sc.hpackDecoder.SetMaxStringLength(sc.maxHeaderStringLen())
  1895  	fr := http2NewFramer(, c)
  1896  	fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(srv.maxReadFrameSize())
  1897  	sc.framer = fr
  1899  	if tc, ok := c.(*tls.Conn); ok {
  1900  		sc.tlsState = new(tls.ConnectionState)
  1901  		*sc.tlsState = tc.ConnectionState()
  1903  		if sc.tlsState.Version < tls.VersionTLS12 {
  1904  			sc.rejectConn(http2ErrCodeInadequateSecurity, "TLS version too low")
  1905  			return
  1906  		}
  1908  		if sc.tlsState.ServerName == "" {
  1910  		}
  1912  		if !srv.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites && http2isBadCipher(sc.tlsState.CipherSuite) {
  1914  			sc.rejectConn(http2ErrCodeInadequateSecurity, fmt.Sprintf("Prohibited TLS 1.2 Cipher Suite: %x", sc.tlsState.CipherSuite))
  1915  			return
  1916  		}
  1917  	}
  1919  	if hook := http2testHookGetServerConn; hook != nil {
  1920  		hook(sc)
  1921  	}
  1922  	sc.serve()
  1923  }
  1925  // isBadCipher reports whether the cipher is blacklisted by the HTTP/2 spec.
  1926  func http2isBadCipher(cipher uint16) bool {
  1927  	switch cipher {
  1928  	case tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
  1929  		tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,
  1930  		tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
  1931  		tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
  1932  		tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
  1935  		tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
  1937  		tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
  1938  		tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA:
  1940  		return true
  1941  	default:
  1942  		return false
  1943  	}
  1944  }
  1946  func (sc *http2serverConn) rejectConn(err http2ErrCode, debug string) {
  1947  	sc.vlogf("REJECTING conn: %v, %s", err, debug)
  1949  	sc.framer.WriteGoAway(0, err, []byte(debug))
  1951  	sc.conn.Close()
  1952  }
  1954  type http2serverConn struct {
  1955  	// Immutable:
  1956  	srv              *http2Server
  1957  	hs               *Server
  1958  	conn             net.Conn
  1959  	bw               *http2bufferedWriter // writing to conn
  1960  	handler          Handler
  1961  	framer           *http2Framer
  1962  	hpackDecoder     *hpack.Decoder
  1963  	doneServing      chan struct{}             // closed when serverConn.serve ends
  1964  	readFrameCh      chan http2readFrameResult // written by serverConn.readFrames
  1965  	wantWriteFrameCh chan http2frameWriteMsg   // from handlers -> serve
  1966  	wroteFrameCh     chan struct{}             // from writeFrameAsync -> serve, tickles more frame writes
  1967  	bodyReadCh       chan http2bodyReadMsg     // from handlers -> serve
  1968  	testHookCh       chan func(int)            // code to run on the serve loop
  1969  	flow             http2flow                 // conn-wide (not stream-specific) outbound flow control
  1970  	inflow           http2flow                 // conn-wide inbound flow control
  1971  	tlsState         *tls.ConnectionState      // shared by all handlers, like net/http
  1972  	remoteAddrStr    string
  1974  	// Everything following is owned by the serve loop; use serveG.check():
  1975  	serveG                http2goroutineLock // used to verify funcs are on serve()
  1976  	pushEnabled           bool
  1977  	sawFirstSettings      bool // got the initial SETTINGS frame after the preface
  1978  	needToSendSettingsAck bool
  1979  	unackedSettings       int    // how many SETTINGS have we sent without ACKs?
  1980  	clientMaxStreams      uint32 // SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS from client (our PUSH_PROMISE limit)
  1981  	advMaxStreams         uint32 // our SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS advertised the client
  1982  	curOpenStreams        uint32 // client's number of open streams
  1983  	maxStreamID           uint32 // max ever seen
  1984  	streams               map[uint32]*http2stream
  1985  	initialWindowSize     int32
  1986  	headerTableSize       uint32
  1987  	peerMaxHeaderListSize uint32            // zero means unknown (default)
  1988  	canonHeader           map[string]string // http2-lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case
  1989  	req                   http2requestParam // non-zero while reading request headers
  1990  	writingFrame          bool              // started write goroutine but haven't heard back on wroteFrameCh
  1991  	needsFrameFlush       bool              // last frame write wasn't a flush
  1992  	writeSched            http2writeScheduler
  1993  	inGoAway              bool // we've started to or sent GOAWAY
  1994  	needToSendGoAway      bool // we need to schedule a GOAWAY frame write
  1995  	goAwayCode            http2ErrCode
  1996  	shutdownTimerCh       <-chan time.Time // nil until used
  1997  	shutdownTimer         *time.Timer      // nil until used
  1999  	// Owned by the writeFrameAsync goroutine:
  2000  	headerWriteBuf bytes.Buffer
  2001  	hpackEncoder   *hpack.Encoder
  2002  }
  2004  func (sc *http2serverConn) maxHeaderStringLen() int {
  2005  	v := sc.maxHeaderListSize()
  2006  	if uint32(int(v)) == v {
  2007  		return int(v)
  2008  	}
  2010  	return 0
  2011  }
  2013  func (sc *http2serverConn) maxHeaderListSize() uint32 {
  2014  	n := sc.hs.MaxHeaderBytes
  2015  	if n <= 0 {
  2016  		n = DefaultMaxHeaderBytes
  2017  	}
  2018  	// http2's count is in a slightly different unit and includes 32 bytes per pair.
  2019  	// So, take the net/http.Server value and pad it up a bit, assuming 10 headers.
  2020  	const perFieldOverhead = 32 // per http2 spec
  2021  	const typicalHeaders = 10   // conservative
  2022  	return uint32(n + typicalHeaders*perFieldOverhead)
  2023  }
  2025  // requestParam is the state of the next request, initialized over
  2026  // potentially several frames HEADERS + zero or more CONTINUATION
  2027  // frames.
  2028  type http2requestParam struct {
  2029  	// stream is non-nil if we're reading (HEADER or CONTINUATION)
  2030  	// frames for a request (but not DATA).
  2031  	stream            *http2stream
  2032  	header            Header
  2033  	method, path      string
  2034  	scheme, authority string
  2035  	sawRegularHeader  bool  // saw a non-pseudo header already
  2036  	invalidHeader     bool  // an invalid header was seen
  2037  	headerListSize    int64 // actually uint32, but easier math this way
  2038  }
  2040  // stream represents a stream. This is the minimal metadata needed by
  2041  // the serve goroutine. Most of the actual stream state is owned by
  2042  // the http.Handler's goroutine in the responseWriter. Because the
  2043  // responseWriter's responseWriterState is recycled at the end of a
  2044  // handler, this struct intentionally has no pointer to the
  2045  // *responseWriter{,State} itself, as the Handler ending nils out the
  2046  // responseWriter's state field.
  2047  type http2stream struct {
  2048  	// immutable:
  2049  	id   uint32
  2050  	body *http2pipe       // non-nil if expecting DATA frames
  2051  	cw   http2closeWaiter // closed wait stream transitions to closed state
  2053  	// owned by serverConn's serve loop:
  2054  	bodyBytes     int64        // body bytes seen so far
  2055  	declBodyBytes int64        // or -1 if undeclared
  2056  	flow          http2flow    // limits writing from Handler to client
  2057  	inflow        http2flow    // what the client is allowed to POST/etc to us
  2058  	parent        *http2stream // or nil
  2059  	weight        uint8
  2060  	state         http2streamState
  2061  	sentReset     bool // only true once detached from streams map
  2062  	gotReset      bool // only true once detacted from streams map
  2063  }
  2065  func (sc *http2serverConn) Framer() *http2Framer { return sc.framer }
  2067  func (sc *http2serverConn) CloseConn() error { return sc.conn.Close() }
  2069  func (sc *http2serverConn) Flush() error { return }
  2071  func (sc *http2serverConn) HeaderEncoder() (*hpack.Encoder, *bytes.Buffer) {
  2072  	return sc.hpackEncoder, &sc.headerWriteBuf
  2073  }
  2075  func (sc *http2serverConn) state(streamID uint32) (http2streamState, *http2stream) {
  2076  	sc.serveG.check()
  2078  	if st, ok := sc.streams[streamID]; ok {
  2079  		return st.state, st
  2080  	}
  2082  	if streamID <= sc.maxStreamID {
  2083  		return http2stateClosed, nil
  2084  	}
  2085  	return http2stateIdle, nil
  2086  }
  2088  func (sc *http2serverConn) vlogf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
  2089  	if http2VerboseLogs {
  2090  		sc.logf(format, args...)
  2091  	}
  2092  }
  2094  func (sc *http2serverConn) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
  2095  	if lg := sc.hs.ErrorLog; lg != nil {
  2096  		lg.Printf(format, args...)
  2097  	} else {
  2098  		log.Printf(format, args...)
  2099  	}
  2100  }
  2102  func (sc *http2serverConn) condlogf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
  2103  	if err == nil {
  2104  		return
  2105  	}
  2106  	str := err.Error()
  2107  	if err == io.EOF || strings.Contains(str, "use of closed network connection") {
  2109  		sc.vlogf(format, args...)
  2110  	} else {
  2111  		sc.logf(format, args...)
  2112  	}
  2113  }
  2115  func (sc *http2serverConn) onNewHeaderField(f hpack.HeaderField) {
  2116  	sc.serveG.check()
  2117  	sc.vlogf("got header field %+v", f)
  2118  	switch {
  2119  	case !http2validHeader(f.Name):
  2120  		sc.req.invalidHeader = true
  2121  	case strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, ":"):
  2122  		if sc.req.sawRegularHeader {
  2123  			sc.logf("pseudo-header after regular header")
  2124  			sc.req.invalidHeader = true
  2125  			return
  2126  		}
  2127  		var dst *string
  2128  		switch f.Name {
  2129  		case ":method":
  2130  			dst = &sc.req.method
  2131  		case ":path":
  2132  			dst = &sc.req.path
  2133  		case ":scheme":
  2134  			dst = &sc.req.scheme
  2135  		case ":authority":
  2136  			dst = &sc.req.authority
  2137  		default:
  2139  			sc.logf("invalid pseudo-header %q", f.Name)
  2140  			sc.req.invalidHeader = true
  2141  			return
  2142  		}
  2143  		if *dst != "" {
  2144  			sc.logf("duplicate pseudo-header %q sent", f.Name)
  2145  			sc.req.invalidHeader = true
  2146  			return
  2147  		}
  2148  		*dst = f.Value
  2149  	default:
  2150  		sc.req.sawRegularHeader = true
  2151  		sc.req.header.Add(sc.canonicalHeader(f.Name), f.Value)
  2152  		const headerFieldOverhead = 32 // per spec
  2153  		sc.req.headerListSize += int64(len(f.Name)) + int64(len(f.Value)) + headerFieldOverhead
  2154  		if sc.req.headerListSize > int64(sc.maxHeaderListSize()) {
  2155  			sc.hpackDecoder.SetEmitEnabled(false)
  2156  		}
  2157  	}
  2158  }
  2160  func (sc *http2serverConn) canonicalHeader(v string) string {
  2161  	sc.serveG.check()
  2162  	cv, ok := http2commonCanonHeader[v]
  2163  	if ok {
  2164  		return cv
  2165  	}
  2166  	cv, ok = sc.canonHeader[v]
  2167  	if ok {
  2168  		return cv
  2169  	}
  2170  	if sc.canonHeader == nil {
  2171  		sc.canonHeader = make(map[string]string)
  2172  	}
  2173  	cv = CanonicalHeaderKey(v)
  2174  	sc.canonHeader[v] = cv
  2175  	return cv
  2176  }
  2178  type http2readFrameResult struct {
  2179  	f   http2Frame // valid until readMore is called
  2180  	err error
  2182  	// readMore should be called once the consumer no longer needs or
  2183  	// retains f. After readMore, f is invalid and more frames can be
  2184  	// read.
  2185  	readMore func()
  2186  }
  2188  // readFrames is the loop that reads incoming frames.
  2189  // It takes care to only read one frame at a time, blocking until the
  2190  // consumer is done with the frame.
  2191  // It's run on its own goroutine.
  2192  func (sc *http2serverConn) readFrames() {
  2193  	gate := make(http2gate)
  2194  	for {
  2195  		f, err := sc.framer.ReadFrame()
  2196  		select {
  2197  		case sc.readFrameCh <- http2readFrameResult{f, err, gate.Done}:
  2198  		case <-sc.doneServing:
  2199  			return
  2200  		}
  2201  		select {
  2202  		case <-gate:
  2203  		case <-sc.doneServing:
  2204  			return
  2205  		}
  2206  	}
  2207  }
  2209  // writeFrameAsync runs in its own goroutine and writes a single frame
  2210  // and then reports when it's done.
  2211  // At most one goroutine can be running writeFrameAsync at a time per
  2212  // serverConn.
  2213  func (sc *http2serverConn) writeFrameAsync(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  2214  	err := wm.write.writeFrame(sc)
  2215  	if ch := wm.done; ch != nil {
  2216  		select {
  2217  		case ch <- err:
  2218  		default:
  2219  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unbuffered done channel passed in for type %T", wm.write))
  2220  		}
  2221  	}
  2222  	sc.wroteFrameCh <- struct{}{}
  2223  }
  2225  func (sc *http2serverConn) closeAllStreamsOnConnClose() {
  2226  	sc.serveG.check()
  2227  	for _, st := range sc.streams {
  2228  		sc.closeStream(st, http2errClientDisconnected)
  2229  	}
  2230  }
  2232  func (sc *http2serverConn) stopShutdownTimer() {
  2233  	sc.serveG.check()
  2234  	if t := sc.shutdownTimer; t != nil {
  2235  		t.Stop()
  2236  	}
  2237  }
  2239  func (sc *http2serverConn) notePanic() {
  2240  	if http2testHookOnPanicMu != nil {
  2241  		http2testHookOnPanicMu.Lock()
  2242  		defer http2testHookOnPanicMu.Unlock()
  2243  	}
  2244  	if http2testHookOnPanic != nil {
  2245  		if e := recover(); e != nil {
  2246  			if http2testHookOnPanic(sc, e) {
  2247  				panic(e)
  2248  			}
  2249  		}
  2250  	}
  2251  }
  2253  func (sc *http2serverConn) serve() {
  2254  	sc.serveG.check()
  2255  	defer sc.notePanic()
  2256  	defer sc.conn.Close()
  2257  	defer sc.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose()
  2258  	defer sc.stopShutdownTimer()
  2259  	defer close(sc.doneServing)
  2261  	sc.vlogf("HTTP/2 connection from %v on %p", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), sc.hs)
  2263  	sc.writeFrame(http2frameWriteMsg{
  2264  		write: http2writeSettings{
  2265  			{http2SettingMaxFrameSize, sc.srv.maxReadFrameSize()},
  2266  			{http2SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, sc.advMaxStreams},
  2267  			{http2SettingMaxHeaderListSize, sc.maxHeaderListSize()},
  2268  		},
  2269  	})
  2270  	sc.unackedSettings++
  2272  	if err := sc.readPreface(); err != nil {
  2273  		sc.condlogf(err, "error reading preface from client %v: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), err)
  2274  		return
  2275  	}
  2277  	go sc.readFrames()
  2279  	settingsTimer := time.NewTimer(http2firstSettingsTimeout)
  2280  	loopNum := 0
  2281  	for {
  2282  		loopNum++
  2283  		select {
  2284  		case wm := <-sc.wantWriteFrameCh:
  2285  			sc.writeFrame(wm)
  2286  		case <-sc.wroteFrameCh:
  2287  			if sc.writingFrame != true {
  2288  				panic("internal error: expected to be already writing a frame")
  2289  			}
  2290  			sc.writingFrame = false
  2291  			sc.scheduleFrameWrite()
  2292  		case res := <-sc.readFrameCh:
  2293  			if !sc.processFrameFromReader(res) {
  2294  				return
  2295  			}
  2296  			res.readMore()
  2297  			if settingsTimer.C != nil {
  2298  				settingsTimer.Stop()
  2299  				settingsTimer.C = nil
  2300  			}
  2301  		case m := <-sc.bodyReadCh:
  2302  			sc.noteBodyRead(, m.n)
  2303  		case <-settingsTimer.C:
  2304  			sc.logf("timeout waiting for SETTINGS frames from %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr())
  2305  			return
  2306  		case <-sc.shutdownTimerCh:
  2307  			sc.vlogf("GOAWAY close timer fired; closing conn from %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr())
  2308  			return
  2309  		case fn := <-sc.testHookCh:
  2310  			fn(loopNum)
  2311  		}
  2312  	}
  2313  }
  2315  // readPreface reads the ClientPreface greeting from the peer
  2316  // or returns an error on timeout or an invalid greeting.
  2317  func (sc *http2serverConn) readPreface() error {
  2318  	errc := make(chan error, 1)
  2319  	go func() {
  2321  		buf := make([]byte, len(http2ClientPreface))
  2322  		if _, err := io.ReadFull(sc.conn, buf); err != nil {
  2323  			errc <- err
  2324  		} else if !bytes.Equal(buf, http2clientPreface) {
  2325  			errc <- fmt.Errorf("bogus greeting %q", buf)
  2326  		} else {
  2327  			errc <- nil
  2328  		}
  2329  	}()
  2330  	timer := time.NewTimer(http2prefaceTimeout)
  2331  	defer timer.Stop()
  2332  	select {
  2333  	case <-timer.C:
  2334  		return errors.New("timeout waiting for client preface")
  2335  	case err := <-errc:
  2336  		if err == nil {
  2337  			sc.vlogf("client %v said hello", sc.conn.RemoteAddr())
  2338  		}
  2339  		return err
  2340  	}
  2341  }
  2343  var http2errChanPool = sync.Pool{
  2344  	New: func() interface{} { return make(chan error, 1) },
  2345  }
  2347  // writeDataFromHandler writes the data described in req to
  2348  //
  2349  // The flow control currently happens in the Handler where it waits
  2350  // for 1 or more bytes to be available to then write here.  So at this
  2351  // point we know that we have flow control. But this might have to
  2352  // change when priority is implemented, so the serve goroutine knows
  2353  // the total amount of bytes waiting to be sent and can can have more
  2354  // scheduling decisions available.
  2355  func (sc *http2serverConn) writeDataFromHandler(stream *http2stream, writeData *http2writeData) error {
  2356  	ch := http2errChanPool.Get().(chan error)
  2357  	sc.writeFrameFromHandler(http2frameWriteMsg{
  2358  		write:  writeData,
  2359  		stream: stream,
  2360  		done:   ch,
  2361  	})
  2362  	select {
  2363  	case err := <-ch:
  2364  		http2errChanPool.Put(ch)
  2365  		return err
  2366  	case <-sc.doneServing:
  2367  		return http2errClientDisconnected
  2368  	case <
  2369  		return http2errStreamBroken
  2370  	}
  2371  }
  2373  // writeFrameFromHandler sends wm to sc.wantWriteFrameCh, but aborts
  2374  // if the connection has gone away.
  2375  //
  2376  // This must not be run from the serve goroutine itself, else it might
  2377  // deadlock writing to sc.wantWriteFrameCh (which is only mildly
  2378  // buffered and is read by serve itself). If you're on the serve
  2379  // goroutine, call writeFrame instead.
  2380  func (sc *http2serverConn) writeFrameFromHandler(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  2381  	sc.serveG.checkNotOn()
  2382  	var scheduled bool
  2383  	select {
  2384  	case sc.wantWriteFrameCh <- wm:
  2385  		scheduled = true
  2386  	case <-sc.doneServing:
  2388  	case <
  2390  	}
  2392  	if !scheduled && wm.done != nil {
  2393  		select {
  2394  		case wm.done <- http2errStreamBroken:
  2395  		default:
  2396  			panic("expected buffered channel")
  2397  		}
  2398  	}
  2399  }
  2401  // writeFrame schedules a frame to write and sends it if there's nothing
  2402  // already being written.
  2403  //
  2404  // There is no pushback here (the serve goroutine never blocks). It's
  2405  // the http.Handlers that block, waiting for their previous frames to
  2406  // make it onto the wire
  2407  //
  2408  // If you're not on the serve goroutine, use writeFrameFromHandler instead.
  2409  func (sc *http2serverConn) writeFrame(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  2410  	sc.serveG.check()
  2411  	sc.writeSched.add(wm)
  2412  	sc.scheduleFrameWrite()
  2413  }
  2415  // startFrameWrite starts a goroutine to write wm (in a separate
  2416  // goroutine since that might block on the network), and updates the
  2417  // serve goroutine's state about the world, updated from info in wm.
  2418  func (sc *http2serverConn) startFrameWrite(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  2419  	sc.serveG.check()
  2420  	if sc.writingFrame {
  2421  		panic("internal error: can only be writing one frame at a time")
  2422  	}
  2423  	sc.writingFrame = true
  2425  	st :=
  2426  	if st != nil {
  2427  		switch st.state {
  2428  		case http2stateHalfClosedLocal:
  2429  			panic("internal error: attempt to send frame on half-closed-local stream")
  2430  		case http2stateClosed:
  2431  			if st.sentReset || st.gotReset {
  2433  				sc.wroteFrameCh <- struct{}{}
  2434  				return
  2435  			}
  2436  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send a write %v on a closed stream", wm))
  2437  		}
  2438  	}
  2440  	sc.needsFrameFlush = true
  2441  	if http2endsStream(wm.write) {
  2442  		if st == nil {
  2443  			panic("internal error: expecting non-nil stream")
  2444  		}
  2445  		switch st.state {
  2446  		case http2stateOpen:
  2448  			st.state = http2stateHalfClosedLocal
  2449  			errCancel := http2StreamError{, http2ErrCodeCancel}
  2450  			sc.resetStream(errCancel)
  2451  		case http2stateHalfClosedRemote:
  2452  			sc.closeStream(st, nil)
  2453  		}
  2454  	}
  2455  	go sc.writeFrameAsync(wm)
  2456  }
  2458  // scheduleFrameWrite tickles the frame writing scheduler.
  2459  //
  2460  // If a frame is already being written, nothing happens. This will be called again
  2461  // when the frame is done being written.
  2462  //
  2463  // If a frame isn't being written we need to send one, the best frame
  2464  // to send is selected, preferring first things that aren't
  2465  // stream-specific (e.g. ACKing settings), and then finding the
  2466  // highest priority stream.
  2467  //
  2468  // If a frame isn't being written and there's nothing else to send, we
  2469  // flush the write buffer.
  2470  func (sc *http2serverConn) scheduleFrameWrite() {
  2471  	sc.serveG.check()
  2472  	if sc.writingFrame {
  2473  		return
  2474  	}
  2475  	if sc.needToSendGoAway {
  2476  		sc.needToSendGoAway = false
  2477  		sc.startFrameWrite(http2frameWriteMsg{
  2478  			write: &http2writeGoAway{
  2479  				maxStreamID: sc.maxStreamID,
  2480  				code:        sc.goAwayCode,
  2481  			},
  2482  		})
  2483  		return
  2484  	}
  2485  	if sc.needToSendSettingsAck {
  2486  		sc.needToSendSettingsAck = false
  2487  		sc.startFrameWrite(http2frameWriteMsg{write: http2writeSettingsAck{}})
  2488  		return
  2489  	}
  2490  	if !sc.inGoAway {
  2491  		if wm, ok := sc.writeSched.take(); ok {
  2492  			sc.startFrameWrite(wm)
  2493  			return
  2494  		}
  2495  	}
  2496  	if sc.needsFrameFlush {
  2497  		sc.startFrameWrite(http2frameWriteMsg{write: http2flushFrameWriter{}})
  2498  		sc.needsFrameFlush = false
  2499  		return
  2500  	}
  2501  }
  2503  func (sc *http2serverConn) goAway(code http2ErrCode) {
  2504  	sc.serveG.check()
  2505  	if sc.inGoAway {
  2506  		return
  2507  	}
  2508  	if code != http2ErrCodeNo {
  2509  		sc.shutDownIn(250 * time.Millisecond)
  2510  	} else {
  2512  		sc.shutDownIn(1 * time.Second)
  2513  	}
  2514  	sc.inGoAway = true
  2515  	sc.needToSendGoAway = true
  2516  	sc.goAwayCode = code
  2517  	sc.scheduleFrameWrite()
  2518  }
  2520  func (sc *http2serverConn) shutDownIn(d time.Duration) {
  2521  	sc.serveG.check()
  2522  	sc.shutdownTimer = time.NewTimer(d)
  2523  	sc.shutdownTimerCh = sc.shutdownTimer.C
  2524  }
  2526  func (sc *http2serverConn) resetStream(se http2StreamError) {
  2527  	sc.serveG.check()
  2528  	sc.writeFrame(http2frameWriteMsg{write: se})
  2529  	if st, ok := sc.streams[se.StreamID]; ok {
  2530  		st.sentReset = true
  2531  		sc.closeStream(st, se)
  2532  	}
  2533  }
  2535  // curHeaderStreamID returns the stream ID of the header block we're
  2536  // currently in the middle of reading. If this returns non-zero, the
  2537  // next frame must be a CONTINUATION with this stream id.
  2538  func (sc *http2serverConn) curHeaderStreamID() uint32 {
  2539  	sc.serveG.check()
  2540  	st :=
  2541  	if st == nil {
  2542  		return 0
  2543  	}
  2544  	return
  2545  }
  2547  // processFrameFromReader processes the serve loop's read from readFrameCh from the
  2548  // frame-reading goroutine.
  2549  // processFrameFromReader returns whether the connection should be kept open.
  2550  func (sc *http2serverConn) processFrameFromReader(res http2readFrameResult) bool {
  2551  	sc.serveG.check()
  2552  	err := res.err
  2553  	if err != nil {
  2554  		if err == http2ErrFrameTooLarge {
  2555  			sc.goAway(http2ErrCodeFrameSize)
  2556  			return true
  2557  		}
  2558  		clientGone := err == io.EOF || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection")
  2559  		if clientGone {
  2561  			return false
  2562  		}
  2563  	} else {
  2564  		f := res.f
  2565  		sc.vlogf("got %v: %#v", f.Header(), f)
  2566  		err = sc.processFrame(f)
  2567  		if err == nil {
  2568  			return true
  2569  		}
  2570  	}
  2572  	switch ev := err.(type) {
  2573  	case http2StreamError:
  2574  		sc.resetStream(ev)
  2575  		return true
  2576  	case http2goAwayFlowError:
  2577  		sc.goAway(http2ErrCodeFlowControl)
  2578  		return true
  2579  	case http2ConnectionError:
  2580  		sc.logf("%v: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), ev)
  2581  		sc.goAway(http2ErrCode(ev))
  2582  		return true
  2583  	default:
  2584  		if res.err != nil {
  2585  			sc.logf("disconnecting; error reading frame from client %s: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), err)
  2586  		} else {
  2587  			sc.logf("disconnection due to other error: %v", err)
  2588  		}
  2589  		return false
  2590  	}
  2591  }
  2593  func (sc *http2serverConn) processFrame(f http2Frame) error {
  2594  	sc.serveG.check()
  2596  	if !sc.sawFirstSettings {
  2597  		if _, ok := f.(*http2SettingsFrame); !ok {
  2598  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2599  		}
  2600  		sc.sawFirstSettings = true
  2601  	}
  2603  	if s := sc.curHeaderStreamID(); s != 0 {
  2604  		if cf, ok := f.(*http2ContinuationFrame); !ok {
  2605  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2606  		} else if cf.Header().StreamID != s {
  2607  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2608  		}
  2609  	}
  2611  	switch f := f.(type) {
  2612  	case *http2SettingsFrame:
  2613  		return sc.processSettings(f)
  2614  	case *http2HeadersFrame:
  2615  		return sc.processHeaders(f)
  2616  	case *http2ContinuationFrame:
  2617  		return sc.processContinuation(f)
  2618  	case *http2WindowUpdateFrame:
  2619  		return sc.processWindowUpdate(f)
  2620  	case *http2PingFrame:
  2621  		return sc.processPing(f)
  2622  	case *http2DataFrame:
  2623  		return sc.processData(f)
  2624  	case *http2RSTStreamFrame:
  2625  		return sc.processResetStream(f)
  2626  	case *http2PriorityFrame:
  2627  		return sc.processPriority(f)
  2628  	case *http2PushPromiseFrame:
  2630  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2631  	default:
  2632  		sc.vlogf("Ignoring frame: %v", f.Header())
  2633  		return nil
  2634  	}
  2635  }
  2637  func (sc *http2serverConn) processPing(f *http2PingFrame) error {
  2638  	sc.serveG.check()
  2639  	if f.Flags.Has(http2FlagSettingsAck) {
  2641  		return nil
  2642  	}
  2643  	if f.StreamID != 0 {
  2645  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2646  	}
  2647  	sc.writeFrame(http2frameWriteMsg{write: http2writePingAck{f}})
  2648  	return nil
  2649  }
  2651  func (sc *http2serverConn) processWindowUpdate(f *http2WindowUpdateFrame) error {
  2652  	sc.serveG.check()
  2653  	switch {
  2654  	case f.StreamID != 0:
  2655  		st := sc.streams[f.StreamID]
  2656  		if st == nil {
  2658  			return nil
  2659  		}
  2660  		if !st.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) {
  2661  			return http2StreamError{f.StreamID, http2ErrCodeFlowControl}
  2662  		}
  2663  	default:
  2664  		if !sc.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) {
  2665  			return http2goAwayFlowError{}
  2666  		}
  2667  	}
  2668  	sc.scheduleFrameWrite()
  2669  	return nil
  2670  }
  2672  func (sc *http2serverConn) processResetStream(f *http2RSTStreamFrame) error {
  2673  	sc.serveG.check()
  2675  	state, st := sc.state(f.StreamID)
  2676  	if state == http2stateIdle {
  2678  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2679  	}
  2680  	if st != nil {
  2681  		st.gotReset = true
  2682  		sc.closeStream(st, http2StreamError{f.StreamID, f.ErrCode})
  2683  	}
  2684  	return nil
  2685  }
  2687  func (sc *http2serverConn) closeStream(st *http2stream, err error) {
  2688  	sc.serveG.check()
  2689  	if st.state == http2stateIdle || st.state == http2stateClosed {
  2690  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invariant; can't close stream in state %v", st.state))
  2691  	}
  2692  	st.state = http2stateClosed
  2693  	sc.curOpenStreams--
  2694  	delete(sc.streams,
  2695  	if p := st.body; p != nil {
  2696  		p.Close(err)
  2697  	}
  2699  	sc.writeSched.forgetStream(
  2700  }
  2702  func (sc *http2serverConn) processSettings(f *http2SettingsFrame) error {
  2703  	sc.serveG.check()
  2704  	if f.IsAck() {
  2705  		sc.unackedSettings--
  2706  		if sc.unackedSettings < 0 {
  2708  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2709  		}
  2710  		return nil
  2711  	}
  2712  	if err := f.ForeachSetting(sc.processSetting); err != nil {
  2713  		return err
  2714  	}
  2715  	sc.needToSendSettingsAck = true
  2716  	sc.scheduleFrameWrite()
  2717  	return nil
  2718  }
  2720  func (sc *http2serverConn) processSetting(s http2Setting) error {
  2721  	sc.serveG.check()
  2722  	if err := s.Valid(); err != nil {
  2723  		return err
  2724  	}
  2725  	sc.vlogf("processing setting %v", s)
  2726  	switch s.ID {
  2727  	case http2SettingHeaderTableSize:
  2728  		sc.headerTableSize = s.Val
  2729  		sc.hpackEncoder.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(s.Val)
  2730  	case http2SettingEnablePush:
  2731  		sc.pushEnabled = s.Val != 0
  2732  	case http2SettingMaxConcurrentStreams:
  2733  		sc.clientMaxStreams = s.Val
  2734  	case http2SettingInitialWindowSize:
  2735  		return sc.processSettingInitialWindowSize(s.Val)
  2736  	case http2SettingMaxFrameSize:
  2737  		sc.writeSched.maxFrameSize = s.Val
  2738  	case http2SettingMaxHeaderListSize:
  2739  		sc.peerMaxHeaderListSize = s.Val
  2740  	default:
  2742  	}
  2743  	return nil
  2744  }
  2746  func (sc *http2serverConn) processSettingInitialWindowSize(val uint32) error {
  2747  	sc.serveG.check()
  2749  	old := sc.initialWindowSize
  2750  	sc.initialWindowSize = int32(val)
  2751  	growth := sc.initialWindowSize - old
  2752  	for _, st := range sc.streams {
  2753  		if !st.flow.add(growth) {
  2755  			return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeFlowControl)
  2756  		}
  2757  	}
  2758  	return nil
  2759  }
  2761  func (sc *http2serverConn) processData(f *http2DataFrame) error {
  2762  	sc.serveG.check()
  2764  	id := f.Header().StreamID
  2765  	st, ok := sc.streams[id]
  2766  	if !ok || st.state != http2stateOpen {
  2768  		return http2StreamError{id, http2ErrCodeStreamClosed}
  2769  	}
  2770  	if st.body == nil {
  2771  		panic("internal error: should have a body in this state")
  2772  	}
  2773  	data := f.Data()
  2775  	if st.declBodyBytes != -1 && st.bodyBytes+int64(len(data)) > st.declBodyBytes {
  2776  		st.body.Close(fmt.Errorf("sender tried to send more than declared Content-Length of %d bytes", st.declBodyBytes))
  2777  		return http2StreamError{id, http2ErrCodeStreamClosed}
  2778  	}
  2779  	if len(data) > 0 {
  2781  		if int(st.inflow.available()) < len(data) {
  2782  			return http2StreamError{id, http2ErrCodeFlowControl}
  2783  		}
  2784  		st.inflow.take(int32(len(data)))
  2785  		wrote, err := st.body.Write(data)
  2786  		if err != nil {
  2787  			return http2StreamError{id, http2ErrCodeStreamClosed}
  2788  		}
  2789  		if wrote != len(data) {
  2790  			panic("internal error: bad Writer")
  2791  		}
  2792  		st.bodyBytes += int64(len(data))
  2793  	}
  2794  	if f.StreamEnded() {
  2795  		if st.declBodyBytes != -1 && st.declBodyBytes != st.bodyBytes {
  2796  			st.body.Close(fmt.Errorf("request declared a Content-Length of %d but only wrote %d bytes",
  2797  				st.declBodyBytes, st.bodyBytes))
  2798  		} else {
  2799  			st.body.Close(io.EOF)
  2800  		}
  2801  		st.state = http2stateHalfClosedRemote
  2802  	}
  2803  	return nil
  2804  }
  2806  func (sc *http2serverConn) processHeaders(f *http2HeadersFrame) error {
  2807  	sc.serveG.check()
  2808  	id := f.Header().StreamID
  2809  	if sc.inGoAway {
  2811  		return nil
  2812  	}
  2814  	if id%2 != 1 || id <= sc.maxStreamID || != nil {
  2816  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2817  	}
  2818  	if id > sc.maxStreamID {
  2819  		sc.maxStreamID = id
  2820  	}
  2821  	st := &http2stream{
  2822  		id:    id,
  2823  		state: http2stateOpen,
  2824  	}
  2825  	if f.StreamEnded() {
  2826  		st.state = http2stateHalfClosedRemote
  2827  	}
  2830  	st.flow.conn = &sc.flow
  2831  	st.flow.add(sc.initialWindowSize)
  2832  	st.inflow.conn = &sc.inflow
  2833  	st.inflow.add(http2initialWindowSize)
  2835  	sc.streams[id] = st
  2836  	if f.HasPriority() {
  2837  		http2adjustStreamPriority(sc.streams,, f.Priority)
  2838  	}
  2839  	sc.curOpenStreams++
  2840  	sc.req = http2requestParam{
  2841  		stream: st,
  2842  		header: make(Header),
  2843  	}
  2844  	sc.hpackDecoder.SetEmitEnabled(true)
  2845  	return sc.processHeaderBlockFragment(st, f.HeaderBlockFragment(), f.HeadersEnded())
  2846  }
  2848  func (sc *http2serverConn) processContinuation(f *http2ContinuationFrame) error {
  2849  	sc.serveG.check()
  2850  	st := sc.streams[f.Header().StreamID]
  2851  	if st == nil || sc.curHeaderStreamID() != {
  2852  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  2853  	}
  2854  	return sc.processHeaderBlockFragment(st, f.HeaderBlockFragment(), f.HeadersEnded())
  2855  }
  2857  func (sc *http2serverConn) processHeaderBlockFragment(st *http2stream, frag []byte, end bool) error {
  2858  	sc.serveG.check()
  2859  	if _, err := sc.hpackDecoder.Write(frag); err != nil {
  2860  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeCompression)
  2861  	}
  2862  	if !end {
  2863  		return nil
  2864  	}
  2865  	if err := sc.hpackDecoder.Close(); err != nil {
  2866  		return http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeCompression)
  2867  	}
  2868  	defer sc.resetPendingRequest()
  2869  	if sc.curOpenStreams > sc.advMaxStreams {
  2871  		if sc.unackedSettings == 0 {
  2873  			return http2StreamError{, http2ErrCodeProtocol}
  2874  		}
  2876  		return http2StreamError{, http2ErrCodeRefusedStream}
  2877  	}
  2879  	rw, req, err := sc.newWriterAndRequest()
  2880  	if err != nil {
  2881  		return err
  2882  	}
  2883  	st.body = req.Body.(*http2requestBody).pipe
  2884  	st.declBodyBytes = req.ContentLength
  2886  	handler := sc.handler.ServeHTTP
  2887  	if !sc.hpackDecoder.EmitEnabled() {
  2889  		handler = http2handleHeaderListTooLong
  2890  	}
  2892  	go sc.runHandler(rw, req, handler)
  2893  	return nil
  2894  }
  2896  func (sc *http2serverConn) processPriority(f *http2PriorityFrame) error {
  2897  	http2adjustStreamPriority(sc.streams, f.StreamID, f.http2PriorityParam)
  2898  	return nil
  2899  }
  2901  func http2adjustStreamPriority(streams map[uint32]*http2stream, streamID uint32, priority http2PriorityParam) {
  2902  	st, ok := streams[streamID]
  2903  	if !ok {
  2905  		return
  2906  	}
  2907  	st.weight = priority.Weight
  2908  	parent := streams[priority.StreamDep]
  2909  	if parent == st {
  2911  		return
  2912  	}
  2914  	for piter := parent; piter != nil; piter = piter.parent {
  2915  		if piter == st {
  2916  			parent.parent = st.parent
  2917  			break
  2918  		}
  2919  	}
  2920  	st.parent = parent
  2921  	if priority.Exclusive && (st.parent != nil || priority.StreamDep == 0) {
  2922  		for _, openStream := range streams {
  2923  			if openStream != st && openStream.parent == st.parent {
  2924  				openStream.parent = st
  2925  			}
  2926  		}
  2927  	}
  2928  }
  2930  // resetPendingRequest zeros out all state related to a HEADERS frame
  2931  // and its zero or more CONTINUATION frames sent to start a new
  2932  // request.
  2933  func (sc *http2serverConn) resetPendingRequest() {
  2934  	sc.serveG.check()
  2935  	sc.req = http2requestParam{}
  2936  }
  2938  func (sc *http2serverConn) newWriterAndRequest() (*http2responseWriter, *Request, error) {
  2939  	sc.serveG.check()
  2940  	rp := &sc.req
  2941  	if rp.invalidHeader || rp.method == "" || rp.path == "" ||
  2942  		(rp.scheme != "https" && rp.scheme != "http") {
  2944  		return nil, nil, http2StreamError{, http2ErrCodeProtocol}
  2945  	}
  2946  	var tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // nil if not scheme https
  2947  	if rp.scheme == "https" {
  2948  		tlsState = sc.tlsState
  2949  	}
  2950  	authority := rp.authority
  2951  	if authority == "" {
  2952  		authority = rp.header.Get("Host")
  2953  	}
  2954  	needsContinue := rp.header.Get("Expect") == "100-continue"
  2955  	if needsContinue {
  2956  		rp.header.Del("Expect")
  2957  	}
  2959  	if cookies := rp.header["Cookie"]; len(cookies) > 1 {
  2960  		rp.header.Set("Cookie", strings.Join(cookies, "; "))
  2961  	}
  2962  	bodyOpen := == http2stateOpen
  2963  	body := &http2requestBody{
  2964  		conn:          sc,
  2965  		stream:,
  2966  		needsContinue: needsContinue,
  2967  	}
  2969  	url, err := url.ParseRequestURI(rp.path)
  2970  	if err != nil {
  2972  		return nil, nil, http2StreamError{, http2ErrCodeProtocol}
  2973  	}
  2974  	req := &Request{
  2975  		Method:     rp.method,
  2976  		URL:        url,
  2977  		RemoteAddr: sc.remoteAddrStr,
  2978  		Header:     rp.header,
  2979  		RequestURI: rp.path,
  2980  		Proto:      "HTTP/2.0",
  2981  		ProtoMajor: 2,
  2982  		ProtoMinor: 0,
  2983  		TLS:        tlsState,
  2984  		Host:       authority,
  2985  		Body:       body,
  2986  	}
  2987  	if bodyOpen {
  2988  		body.pipe = &http2pipe{
  2989  			b: http2buffer{buf: make([]byte, http2initialWindowSize)},
  2990  		}
  2991  		body.pipe.c.L = &body.pipe.m
  2993  		if vv, ok := rp.header["Content-Length"]; ok {
  2994  			req.ContentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(vv[0], 10, 64)
  2995  		} else {
  2996  			req.ContentLength = -1
  2997  		}
  2998  	}
  3000  	rws := http2responseWriterStatePool.Get().(*http2responseWriterState)
  3001  	bwSave :=
  3002  	*rws = http2responseWriterState{}
  3003  	rws.conn = sc
  3004 = bwSave
  3006 =
  3007  	rws.req = req
  3008  	rws.body = body
  3010  	rw := &http2responseWriter{rws: rws}
  3011  	return rw, req, nil
  3012  }
  3014  // Run on its own goroutine.
  3015  func (sc *http2serverConn) runHandler(rw *http2responseWriter, req *Request, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
  3016  	defer rw.handlerDone()
  3018  	handler(rw, req)
  3019  }
  3021  func http2handleHeaderListTooLong(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
  3022  	// 10.5.1 Limits on Header Block Size:
  3023  	// .. "A server that receives a larger header block than it is
  3024  	// willing to handle can send an HTTP 431 (Request Header Fields Too
  3025  	// Large) status code"
  3026  	const statusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431 // only in Go 1.6+
  3027  	w.WriteHeader(statusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge)
  3028  	io.WriteString(w, "<h1>HTTP Error 431</h1><p>Request Header Field(s) Too Large</p>")
  3029  }
  3031  // called from handler goroutines.
  3032  // h may be nil.
  3033  func (sc *http2serverConn) writeHeaders(st *http2stream, headerData *http2writeResHeaders) {
  3034  	sc.serveG.checkNotOn()
  3035  	var errc chan error
  3036  	if headerData.h != nil {
  3038  		errc = http2errChanPool.Get().(chan error)
  3039  	}
  3040  	sc.writeFrameFromHandler(http2frameWriteMsg{
  3041  		write:  headerData,
  3042  		stream: st,
  3043  		done:   errc,
  3044  	})
  3045  	if errc != nil {
  3046  		select {
  3047  		case <-errc:
  3049  			http2errChanPool.Put(errc)
  3050  		case <-sc.doneServing:
  3052  		case <
  3054  		}
  3055  	}
  3056  }
  3058  // called from handler goroutines.
  3059  func (sc *http2serverConn) write100ContinueHeaders(st *http2stream) {
  3060  	sc.writeFrameFromHandler(http2frameWriteMsg{
  3061  		write:  http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame{},
  3062  		stream: st,
  3063  	})
  3064  }
  3066  // A bodyReadMsg tells the server loop that the http.Handler read n
  3067  // bytes of the DATA from the client on the given stream.
  3068  type http2bodyReadMsg struct {
  3069  	st *http2stream
  3070  	n  int
  3071  }
  3073  // called from handler goroutines.
  3074  // Notes that the handler for the given stream ID read n bytes of its body
  3075  // and schedules flow control tokens to be sent.
  3076  func (sc *http2serverConn) noteBodyReadFromHandler(st *http2stream, n int) {
  3077  	sc.serveG.checkNotOn()
  3078  	sc.bodyReadCh <- http2bodyReadMsg{st, n}
  3079  }
  3081  func (sc *http2serverConn) noteBodyRead(st *http2stream, n int) {
  3082  	sc.serveG.check()
  3083  	sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, n)
  3084  	if st.state != http2stateHalfClosedRemote && st.state != http2stateClosed {
  3086  		sc.sendWindowUpdate(st, n)
  3087  	}
  3088  }
  3090  // st may be nil for conn-level
  3091  func (sc *http2serverConn) sendWindowUpdate(st *http2stream, n int) {
  3092  	sc.serveG.check()
  3093  	// "The legal range for the increment to the flow control
  3094  	// window is 1 to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) octets."
  3095  	// A Go Read call on 64-bit machines could in theory read
  3096  	// a larger Read than this. Very unlikely, but we handle it here
  3097  	// rather than elsewhere for now.
  3098  	const maxUint31 = 1<<31 - 1
  3099  	for n >= maxUint31 {
  3100  		sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, maxUint31)
  3101  		n -= maxUint31
  3102  	}
  3103  	sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, int32(n))
  3104  }
  3106  // st may be nil for conn-level
  3107  func (sc *http2serverConn) sendWindowUpdate32(st *http2stream, n int32) {
  3108  	sc.serveG.check()
  3109  	if n == 0 {
  3110  		return
  3111  	}
  3112  	if n < 0 {
  3113  		panic("negative update")
  3114  	}
  3115  	var streamID uint32
  3116  	if st != nil {
  3117  		streamID =
  3118  	}
  3119  	sc.writeFrame(http2frameWriteMsg{
  3120  		write:  http2writeWindowUpdate{streamID: streamID, n: uint32(n)},
  3121  		stream: st,
  3122  	})
  3123  	var ok bool
  3124  	if st == nil {
  3125  		ok = sc.inflow.add(n)
  3126  	} else {
  3127  		ok = st.inflow.add(n)
  3128  	}
  3129  	if !ok {
  3130  		panic("internal error; sent too many window updates without decrements?")
  3131  	}
  3132  }
  3134  type http2requestBody struct {
  3135  	stream        *http2stream
  3136  	conn          *http2serverConn
  3137  	closed        bool
  3138  	pipe          *http2pipe // non-nil if we have a HTTP entity message body
  3139  	needsContinue bool       // need to send a 100-continue
  3140  }
  3142  func (b *http2requestBody) Close() error {
  3143  	if b.pipe != nil {
  3144  		b.pipe.Close(http2errClosedBody)
  3145  	}
  3146  	b.closed = true
  3147  	return nil
  3148  }
  3150  func (b *http2requestBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  3151  	if b.needsContinue {
  3152  		b.needsContinue = false
  3153  		b.conn.write100ContinueHeaders(
  3154  	}
  3155  	if b.pipe == nil {
  3156  		return 0, io.EOF
  3157  	}
  3158  	n, err = b.pipe.Read(p)
  3159  	if n > 0 {
  3160  		b.conn.noteBodyReadFromHandler(, n)
  3161  	}
  3162  	return
  3163  }
  3165  // responseWriter is the http.ResponseWriter implementation.  It's
  3166  // intentionally small (1 pointer wide) to minimize garbage.  The
  3167  // responseWriterState pointer inside is zeroed at the end of a
  3168  // request (in handlerDone) and calls on the responseWriter thereafter
  3169  // simply crash (caller's mistake), but the much larger responseWriterState
  3170  // and buffers are reused between multiple requests.
  3171  type http2responseWriter struct {
  3172  	rws *http2responseWriterState
  3173  }
  3175  // Optional http.ResponseWriter interfaces implemented.
  3176  var (
  3177  	_ CloseNotifier     = (*http2responseWriter)(nil)
  3178  	_ Flusher           = (*http2responseWriter)(nil)
  3179  	_ http2stringWriter = (*http2responseWriter)(nil)
  3180  )
  3182  type http2responseWriterState struct {
  3183  	// immutable within a request:
  3184  	stream *http2stream
  3185  	req    *Request
  3186  	body   *http2requestBody // to close at end of request, if DATA frames didn't
  3187  	conn   *http2serverConn
  3189  	// TODO: adjust buffer writing sizes based on server config, frame size updates from peer, etc
  3190  	bw *bufio.Writer // writing to a chunkWriter{this *responseWriterState}
  3192  	// mutated by http.Handler goroutine:
  3193  	handlerHeader Header // nil until called
  3194  	snapHeader    Header // snapshot of handlerHeader at WriteHeader time
  3195  	status        int    // status code passed to WriteHeader
  3196  	wroteHeader   bool   // WriteHeader called (explicitly or implicitly). Not necessarily sent to user yet.
  3197  	sentHeader    bool   // have we sent the header frame?
  3198  	handlerDone   bool   // handler has finished
  3199  	curWrite      http2writeData
  3201  	closeNotifierMu sync.Mutex // guards closeNotifierCh
  3202  	closeNotifierCh chan bool  // nil until first used
  3203  }
  3205  type http2chunkWriter struct{ rws *http2responseWriterState }
  3207  func (cw http2chunkWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return cw.rws.writeChunk(p) }
  3209  // writeChunk writes chunks from the bufio.Writer. But because
  3210  // bufio.Writer may bypass its chunking, sometimes p may be
  3211  // arbitrarily large.
  3212  //
  3213  // writeChunk is also responsible (on the first chunk) for sending the
  3214  // HEADER response.
  3215  func (rws *http2responseWriterState) writeChunk(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  3216  	if !rws.wroteHeader {
  3217  		rws.writeHeader(200)
  3218  	}
  3219  	if !rws.sentHeader {
  3220  		rws.sentHeader = true
  3221  		var ctype, clen string // implicit ones, if we can calculate it
  3222  		if rws.handlerDone && rws.snapHeader.Get("Content-Length") == "" {
  3223  			clen = strconv.Itoa(len(p))
  3224  		}
  3225  		if rws.snapHeader.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
  3226  			ctype = DetectContentType(p)
  3227  		}
  3228  		endStream := rws.handlerDone && len(p) == 0
  3229  		rws.conn.writeHeaders(, &http2writeResHeaders{
  3230  			streamID:,
  3231  			httpResCode:   rws.status,
  3232  			h:             rws.snapHeader,
  3233  			endStream:     endStream,
  3234  			contentType:   ctype,
  3235  			contentLength: clen,
  3236  		})
  3237  		if endStream {
  3238  			return 0, nil
  3239  		}
  3240  	}
  3241  	if len(p) == 0 && !rws.handlerDone {
  3242  		return 0, nil
  3243  	}
  3244  	curWrite := &rws.curWrite
  3245  	curWrite.streamID =
  3246  	curWrite.p = p
  3247  	curWrite.endStream = rws.handlerDone
  3248  	if err := rws.conn.writeDataFromHandler(, curWrite); err != nil {
  3249  		return 0, err
  3250  	}
  3251  	return len(p), nil
  3252  }
  3254  func (w *http2responseWriter) Flush() {
  3255  	rws := w.rws
  3256  	if rws == nil {
  3257  		panic("Header called after Handler finished")
  3258  	}
  3259  	if > 0 {
  3260  		if err :=; err != nil {
  3262  			return
  3263  		}
  3264  	} else {
  3266  		rws.writeChunk(nil)
  3267  	}
  3268  }
  3270  func (w *http2responseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
  3271  	rws := w.rws
  3272  	if rws == nil {
  3273  		panic("CloseNotify called after Handler finished")
  3274  	}
  3275  	rws.closeNotifierMu.Lock()
  3276  	ch := rws.closeNotifierCh
  3277  	if ch == nil {
  3278  		ch = make(chan bool, 1)
  3279  		rws.closeNotifierCh = ch
  3280  		go func() {
  3282  			ch <- true
  3283  		}()
  3284  	}
  3285  	rws.closeNotifierMu.Unlock()
  3286  	return ch
  3287  }
  3289  func (w *http2responseWriter) Header() Header {
  3290  	rws := w.rws
  3291  	if rws == nil {
  3292  		panic("Header called after Handler finished")
  3293  	}
  3294  	if rws.handlerHeader == nil {
  3295  		rws.handlerHeader = make(Header)
  3296  	}
  3297  	return rws.handlerHeader
  3298  }
  3300  func (w *http2responseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
  3301  	rws := w.rws
  3302  	if rws == nil {
  3303  		panic("WriteHeader called after Handler finished")
  3304  	}
  3305  	rws.writeHeader(code)
  3306  }
  3308  func (rws *http2responseWriterState) writeHeader(code int) {
  3309  	if !rws.wroteHeader {
  3310  		rws.wroteHeader = true
  3311  		rws.status = code
  3312  		if len(rws.handlerHeader) > 0 {
  3313  			rws.snapHeader = http2cloneHeader(rws.handlerHeader)
  3314  		}
  3315  	}
  3316  }
  3318  func http2cloneHeader(h Header) Header {
  3319  	h2 := make(Header, len(h))
  3320  	for k, vv := range h {
  3321  		vv2 := make([]string, len(vv))
  3322  		copy(vv2, vv)
  3323  		h2[k] = vv2
  3324  	}
  3325  	return h2
  3326  }
  3328  // The Life Of A Write is like this:
  3329  //
  3330  // * Handler calls w.Write or w.WriteString ->
  3331  // * -> (*bufio.Writer) ->
  3332  // * (Handler migth call Flush)
  3333  // * -> chunkWriter{rws}
  3334  // * -> responseWriterState.writeChunk(p []byte)
  3335  // * -> responseWriterState.writeChunk (most of the magic; see comment there)
  3336  func (w *http2responseWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  3337  	return w.write(len(p), p, "")
  3338  }
  3340  func (w *http2responseWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
  3341  	return w.write(len(s), nil, s)
  3342  }
  3344  // either dataB or dataS is non-zero.
  3345  func (w *http2responseWriter) write(lenData int, dataB []byte, dataS string) (n int, err error) {
  3346  	rws := w.rws
  3347  	if rws == nil {
  3348  		panic("Write called after Handler finished")
  3349  	}
  3350  	if !rws.wroteHeader {
  3351  		w.WriteHeader(200)
  3352  	}
  3353  	if dataB != nil {
  3354  		return
  3355  	} else {
  3356  		return
  3357  	}
  3358  }
  3360  func (w *http2responseWriter) handlerDone() {
  3361  	rws := w.rws
  3362  	if rws == nil {
  3363  		panic("handlerDone called twice")
  3364  	}
  3365  	rws.handlerDone = true
  3366  	w.Flush()
  3367  	w.rws = nil
  3368  	http2responseWriterStatePool.Put(rws)
  3369  }
  3371  type http2Transport struct {
  3372  	Fallback RoundTripper
  3374  	// TODO: remove this and make more general with a TLS dial hook, like http
  3375  	InsecureTLSDial bool
  3377  	connMu sync.Mutex
  3378  	conns  map[string][]*http2clientConn // key is host:port
  3379  }
  3381  type http2clientConn struct {
  3382  	t        *http2Transport
  3383  	tconn    *tls.Conn
  3384  	tlsState *tls.ConnectionState
  3385  	connKey  []string // key(s) this connection is cached in, in t.conns
  3387  	readerDone chan struct{} // closed on error
  3388  	readerErr  error         // set before readerDone is closed
  3389  	hdec       *hpack.Decoder
  3390  	nextRes    *Response
  3392  	mu           sync.Mutex
  3393  	closed       bool
  3394  	goAway       *http2GoAwayFrame // if non-nil, the GoAwayFrame we received
  3395  	streams      map[uint32]*http2clientStream
  3396  	nextStreamID uint32
  3397  	bw           *bufio.Writer
  3398  	werr         error // first write error that has occurred
  3399  	br           *bufio.Reader
  3400  	fr           *http2Framer
  3401  	// Settings from peer:
  3402  	maxFrameSize         uint32
  3403  	maxConcurrentStreams uint32
  3404  	initialWindowSize    uint32
  3405  	hbuf                 bytes.Buffer // HPACK encoder writes into this
  3406  	henc                 *hpack.Encoder
  3407  }
  3409  type http2clientStream struct {
  3410  	ID   uint32
  3411  	resc chan http2resAndError
  3412  	pw   *io.PipeWriter
  3413  	pr   *io.PipeReader
  3414  }
  3416  type http2stickyErrWriter struct {
  3417  	w   io.Writer
  3418  	err *error
  3419  }
  3421  func (sew http2stickyErrWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  3422  	if *sew.err != nil {
  3423  		return 0, *sew.err
  3424  	}
  3425  	n, err = sew.w.Write(p)
  3426  	*sew.err = err
  3427  	return
  3428  }
  3430  func (t *http2Transport) RoundTrip(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
  3431  	if req.URL.Scheme != "https" {
  3432  		if t.Fallback == nil {
  3433  			return nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme and no Fallback")
  3434  		}
  3435  		return t.Fallback.RoundTrip(req)
  3436  	}
  3438  	host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.URL.Host)
  3439  	if err != nil {
  3440  		host = req.URL.Host
  3441  		port = "443"
  3442  	}
  3444  	for {
  3445  		cc, err := t.getClientConn(host, port)
  3446  		if err != nil {
  3447  			return nil, err
  3448  		}
  3449  		res, err := cc.roundTrip(req)
  3450  		if http2shouldRetryRequest(err) {
  3451  			continue
  3452  		}
  3453  		if err != nil {
  3454  			return nil, err
  3455  		}
  3456  		return res, nil
  3457  	}
  3458  }
  3460  // CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously
  3461  // connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle.
  3462  // It does not interrupt any connections currently in use.
  3463  func (t *http2Transport) CloseIdleConnections() {
  3464  	t.connMu.Lock()
  3465  	defer t.connMu.Unlock()
  3466  	for _, vv := range t.conns {
  3467  		for _, cc := range vv {
  3468  			cc.closeIfIdle()
  3469  		}
  3470  	}
  3471  }
  3473  var http2errClientConnClosed = errors.New("http2: client conn is closed")
  3475  func http2shouldRetryRequest(err error) bool {
  3477  	return err == http2errClientConnClosed
  3478  }
  3480  func (t *http2Transport) removeClientConn(cc *http2clientConn) {
  3481  	t.connMu.Lock()
  3482  	defer t.connMu.Unlock()
  3483  	for _, key := range cc.connKey {
  3484  		vv, ok := t.conns[key]
  3485  		if !ok {
  3486  			continue
  3487  		}
  3488  		newList := http2filterOutClientConn(vv, cc)
  3489  		if len(newList) > 0 {
  3490  			t.conns[key] = newList
  3491  		} else {
  3492  			delete(t.conns, key)
  3493  		}
  3494  	}
  3495  }
  3497  func http2filterOutClientConn(in []*http2clientConn, exclude *http2clientConn) []*http2clientConn {
  3498  	out := in[:0]
  3499  	for _, v := range in {
  3500  		if v != exclude {
  3501  			out = append(out, v)
  3502  		}
  3503  	}
  3504  	return out
  3505  }
  3507  func (t *http2Transport) getClientConn(host, port string) (*http2clientConn, error) {
  3508  	t.connMu.Lock()
  3509  	defer t.connMu.Unlock()
  3511  	key := net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
  3513  	for _, cc := range t.conns[key] {
  3514  		if cc.canTakeNewRequest() {
  3515  			return cc, nil
  3516  		}
  3517  	}
  3518  	if t.conns == nil {
  3519  		t.conns = make(map[string][]*http2clientConn)
  3520  	}
  3521  	cc, err := t.newClientConn(host, port, key)
  3522  	if err != nil {
  3523  		return nil, err
  3524  	}
  3525  	t.conns[key] = append(t.conns[key], cc)
  3526  	return cc, nil
  3527  }
  3529  func (t *http2Transport) newClientConn(host, port, key string) (*http2clientConn, error) {
  3530  	cfg := &tls.Config{
  3531  		ServerName:         host,
  3532  		NextProtos:         []string{http2NextProtoTLS},
  3533  		InsecureSkipVerify: t.InsecureTLSDial,
  3534  	}
  3535  	tconn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(host, port), cfg)
  3536  	if err != nil {
  3537  		return nil, err
  3538  	}
  3539  	if err := tconn.Handshake(); err != nil {
  3540  		return nil, err
  3541  	}
  3542  	if !t.InsecureTLSDial {
  3543  		if err := tconn.VerifyHostname(cfg.ServerName); err != nil {
  3544  			return nil, err
  3545  		}
  3546  	}
  3547  	state := tconn.ConnectionState()
  3548  	if p := state.NegotiatedProtocol; p != http2NextProtoTLS {
  3550  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad protocol: %v", p)
  3551  	}
  3552  	if !state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual {
  3553  		return nil, errors.New("could not negotiate protocol mutually")
  3554  	}
  3555  	if _, err := tconn.Write(http2clientPreface); err != nil {
  3556  		return nil, err
  3557  	}
  3559  	cc := &http2clientConn{
  3560  		t:                    t,
  3561  		tconn:                tconn,
  3562  		connKey:              []string{key},
  3563  		tlsState:             &state,
  3564  		readerDone:           make(chan struct{}),
  3565  		nextStreamID:         1,
  3566  		maxFrameSize:         16 << 10,
  3567  		initialWindowSize:    65535,
  3568  		maxConcurrentStreams: 1000,
  3569  		streams:              make(map[uint32]*http2clientStream),
  3570  	}
  3571 = bufio.NewWriter(http2stickyErrWriter{tconn, &cc.werr})
  3572 = bufio.NewReader(tconn)
  3573 = http2NewFramer(,
  3574  	cc.henc = hpack.NewEncoder(&cc.hbuf)
  3578, 1<<30)
  3580  	if cc.werr != nil {
  3581  		return nil, cc.werr
  3582  	}
  3584  	f, err :=
  3585  	if err != nil {
  3586  		return nil, err
  3587  	}
  3588  	sf, ok := f.(*http2SettingsFrame)
  3589  	if !ok {
  3590  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected settings frame, got: %T", f)
  3591  	}
  3595  	sf.ForeachSetting(func(s http2Setting) error {
  3596  		switch s.ID {
  3597  		case http2SettingMaxFrameSize:
  3598  			cc.maxFrameSize = s.Val
  3599  		case http2SettingMaxConcurrentStreams:
  3600  			cc.maxConcurrentStreams = s.Val
  3601  		case http2SettingInitialWindowSize:
  3602  			cc.initialWindowSize = s.Val
  3603  		default:
  3605  			log.Printf("Unhandled Setting: %v", s)
  3606  		}
  3607  		return nil
  3608  	})
  3610  	cc.hdec = hpack.NewDecoder(http2initialHeaderTableSize, cc.onNewHeaderField)
  3612  	go cc.readLoop()
  3613  	return cc, nil
  3614  }
  3616  func (cc *http2clientConn) setGoAway(f *http2GoAwayFrame) {
  3618  	defer
  3619  	cc.goAway = f
  3620  }
  3622  func (cc *http2clientConn) canTakeNewRequest() bool {
  3624  	defer
  3625  	return cc.goAway == nil &&
  3626  		int64(len(cc.streams)+1) < int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) &&
  3627  		cc.nextStreamID < 2147483647
  3628  }
  3630  func (cc *http2clientConn) closeIfIdle() {
  3632  	if len(cc.streams) > 0 {
  3634  		return
  3635  	}
  3636  	cc.closed = true
  3640  	cc.tconn.Close()
  3641  }
  3643  func (cc *http2clientConn) roundTrip(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
  3646  	if cc.closed {
  3648  		return nil, http2errClientConnClosed
  3649  	}
  3651  	cs := cc.newStream()
  3652  	hasBody := false
  3654  	hdrs := cc.encodeHeaders(req)
  3655  	first := true
  3656  	for len(hdrs) > 0 {
  3657  		chunk := hdrs
  3658  		if len(chunk) > int(cc.maxFrameSize) {
  3659  			chunk = chunk[:cc.maxFrameSize]
  3660  		}
  3661  		hdrs = hdrs[len(chunk):]
  3662  		endHeaders := len(hdrs) == 0
  3663  		if first {
  3665  				StreamID:      cs.ID,
  3666  				BlockFragment: chunk,
  3667  				EndStream:     !hasBody,
  3668  				EndHeaders:    endHeaders,
  3669  			})
  3670  			first = false
  3671  		} else {
  3672, endHeaders, chunk)
  3673  		}
  3674  	}
  3676  	werr := cc.werr
  3679  	if hasBody {
  3681  	}
  3683  	if werr != nil {
  3684  		return nil, werr
  3685  	}
  3687  	re := <-cs.resc
  3688  	if re.err != nil {
  3689  		return nil, re.err
  3690  	}
  3691  	res := re.res
  3692  	res.Request = req
  3693  	res.TLS = cc.tlsState
  3694  	return res, nil
  3695  }
  3697  // requires be held.
  3698  func (cc *http2clientConn) encodeHeaders(req *Request) []byte {
  3699  	cc.hbuf.Reset()
  3701  	host := req.Host
  3702  	if host == "" {
  3703  		host = req.URL.Host
  3704  	}
  3706  	path := req.URL.Path
  3707  	if path == "" {
  3708  		path = "/"
  3709  	}
  3711  	cc.writeHeader(":authority", host)
  3712  	cc.writeHeader(":method", req.Method)
  3713  	cc.writeHeader(":path", path)
  3714  	cc.writeHeader(":scheme", "https")
  3716  	for k, vv := range req.Header {
  3717  		lowKey := strings.ToLower(k)
  3718  		if lowKey == "host" {
  3719  			continue
  3720  		}
  3721  		for _, v := range vv {
  3722  			cc.writeHeader(lowKey, v)
  3723  		}
  3724  	}
  3725  	return cc.hbuf.Bytes()
  3726  }
  3728  func (cc *http2clientConn) writeHeader(name, value string) {
  3729  	log.Printf("sending %q = %q", name, value)
  3730  	cc.henc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: name, Value: value})
  3731  }
  3733  type http2resAndError struct {
  3734  	res *Response
  3735  	err error
  3736  }
  3738  // requires be held.
  3739  func (cc *http2clientConn) newStream() *http2clientStream {
  3740  	cs := &http2clientStream{
  3741  		ID:   cc.nextStreamID,
  3742  		resc: make(chan http2resAndError, 1),
  3743  	}
  3744  	cc.nextStreamID += 2
  3745  	cc.streams[cs.ID] = cs
  3746  	return cs
  3747  }
  3749  func (cc *http2clientConn) streamByID(id uint32, andRemove bool) *http2clientStream {
  3751  	defer
  3752  	cs := cc.streams[id]
  3753  	if andRemove {
  3754  		delete(cc.streams, id)
  3755  	}
  3756  	return cs
  3757  }
  3759  // runs in its own goroutine.
  3760  func (cc *http2clientConn) readLoop() {
  3761  	defer cc.t.removeClientConn(cc)
  3762  	defer close(cc.readerDone)
  3764  	activeRes := map[uint32]*http2clientStream{}
  3766  	defer func() {
  3767  		err := cc.readerErr
  3768  		if err == io.EOF {
  3769  			err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
  3770  		}
  3771  		for _, cs := range activeRes {
  3773  		}
  3774  	}()
  3776  	// continueStreamID is the stream ID we're waiting for
  3777  	// continuation frames for.
  3778  	var continueStreamID uint32
  3780  	for {
  3781  		f, err :=
  3782  		if err != nil {
  3783  			cc.readerErr = err
  3784  			return
  3785  		}
  3786  		log.Printf("Transport received %v: %#v", f.Header(), f)
  3788  		streamID := f.Header().StreamID
  3790  		_, isContinue := f.(*http2ContinuationFrame)
  3791  		if isContinue {
  3792  			if streamID != continueStreamID {
  3793  				log.Printf("Protocol violation: got CONTINUATION with id %d; want %d", streamID, continueStreamID)
  3794  				cc.readerErr = http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  3795  				return
  3796  			}
  3797  		} else if continueStreamID != 0 {
  3799  			log.Printf("Protocol violation: got %T for stream %d, want CONTINUATION for %d", f, streamID, continueStreamID)
  3800  			cc.readerErr = http2ConnectionError(http2ErrCodeProtocol)
  3801  			return
  3802  		}
  3804  		if streamID%2 == 0 {
  3806  			continue
  3807  		}
  3808  		streamEnded := false
  3809  		if ff, ok := f.(http2streamEnder); ok {
  3810  			streamEnded = ff.StreamEnded()
  3811  		}
  3813  		cs := cc.streamByID(streamID, streamEnded)
  3814  		if cs == nil {
  3815  			log.Printf("Received frame for untracked stream ID %d", streamID)
  3816  			continue
  3817  		}
  3819  		switch f := f.(type) {
  3820  		case *http2HeadersFrame:
  3821  			cc.nextRes = &Response{
  3822  				Proto:      "HTTP/2.0",
  3823  				ProtoMajor: 2,
  3824  				Header:     make(Header),
  3825  			}
  3826, = io.Pipe()
  3827  			cc.hdec.Write(f.HeaderBlockFragment())
  3828  		case *http2ContinuationFrame:
  3829  			cc.hdec.Write(f.HeaderBlockFragment())
  3830  		case *http2DataFrame:
  3831  			log.Printf("DATA: %q", f.Data())
  3833  		case *http2GoAwayFrame:
  3834  			cc.t.removeClientConn(cc)
  3835  			if f.ErrCode != 0 {
  3837  				log.Printf("transport got GOAWAY with error code = %v", f.ErrCode)
  3838  			}
  3839  			cc.setGoAway(f)
  3840  		default:
  3841  			log.Printf("Transport: unhandled response frame type %T", f)
  3842  		}
  3843  		headersEnded := false
  3844  		if he, ok := f.(http2headersEnder); ok {
  3845  			headersEnded = he.HeadersEnded()
  3846  			if headersEnded {
  3847  				continueStreamID = 0
  3848  			} else {
  3849  				continueStreamID = streamID
  3850  			}
  3851  		}
  3853  		if streamEnded {
  3855  			delete(activeRes, streamID)
  3856  		}
  3857  		if headersEnded {
  3858  			if cs == nil {
  3859  				panic("couldn't find stream")
  3860  			}
  3862  			cc.nextRes.Body =
  3863  			res := cc.nextRes
  3864  			activeRes[streamID] = cs
  3865  			cs.resc <- http2resAndError{res: res}
  3866  		}
  3867  	}
  3868  }
  3870  func (cc *http2clientConn) onNewHeaderField(f hpack.HeaderField) {
  3872  	log.Printf("Header field: %+v", f)
  3873  	if f.Name == ":status" {
  3874  		code, err := strconv.Atoi(f.Value)
  3875  		if err != nil {
  3876  			panic("TODO: be graceful")
  3877  		}
  3878  		cc.nextRes.Status = f.Value + " " + StatusText(code)
  3879  		cc.nextRes.StatusCode = code
  3880  		return
  3881  	}
  3882  	if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, ":") {
  3884  		return
  3885  	}
  3886  	cc.nextRes.Header.Add(CanonicalHeaderKey(f.Name), f.Value)
  3887  }
  3889  // writeFramer is implemented by any type that is used to write frames.
  3890  type http2writeFramer interface {
  3891  	writeFrame(http2writeContext) error
  3892  }
  3894  // writeContext is the interface needed by the various frame writer
  3895  // types below. All the writeFrame methods below are scheduled via the
  3896  // frame writing scheduler (see writeScheduler in writesched.go).
  3897  //
  3898  // This interface is implemented by *serverConn.
  3899  // TODO: use it from the client code too, once it exists.
  3900  type http2writeContext interface {
  3901  	Framer() *http2Framer
  3902  	Flush() error
  3903  	CloseConn() error
  3904  	// HeaderEncoder returns an HPACK encoder that writes to the
  3905  	// returned buffer.
  3906  	HeaderEncoder() (*hpack.Encoder, *bytes.Buffer)
  3907  }
  3909  // endsStream reports whether the given frame writer w will locally
  3910  // close the stream.
  3911  func http2endsStream(w http2writeFramer) bool {
  3912  	switch v := w.(type) {
  3913  	case *http2writeData:
  3914  		return v.endStream
  3915  	case *http2writeResHeaders:
  3916  		return v.endStream
  3917  	}
  3918  	return false
  3919  }
  3921  type http2flushFrameWriter struct{}
  3923  func (http2flushFrameWriter) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3924  	return ctx.Flush()
  3925  }
  3927  type http2writeSettings []http2Setting
  3929  func (s http2writeSettings) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3930  	return ctx.Framer().WriteSettings([]http2Setting(s)...)
  3931  }
  3933  type http2writeGoAway struct {
  3934  	maxStreamID uint32
  3935  	code        http2ErrCode
  3936  }
  3938  func (p *http2writeGoAway) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3939  	err := ctx.Framer().WriteGoAway(p.maxStreamID, p.code, nil)
  3940  	if p.code != 0 {
  3941  		ctx.Flush()
  3942  		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
  3943  		ctx.CloseConn()
  3944  	}
  3945  	return err
  3946  }
  3948  type http2writeData struct {
  3949  	streamID  uint32
  3950  	p         []byte
  3951  	endStream bool
  3952  }
  3954  func (w *http2writeData) String() string {
  3955  	return fmt.Sprintf("writeData(stream=%d, p=%d, endStream=%v)", w.streamID, len(w.p), w.endStream)
  3956  }
  3958  func (w *http2writeData) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3959  	return ctx.Framer().WriteData(w.streamID, w.endStream, w.p)
  3960  }
  3962  func (se http2StreamError) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3963  	return ctx.Framer().WriteRSTStream(se.StreamID, se.Code)
  3964  }
  3966  type http2writePingAck struct{ pf *http2PingFrame }
  3968  func (w http2writePingAck) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3969  	return ctx.Framer().WritePing(true,
  3970  }
  3972  type http2writeSettingsAck struct{}
  3974  func (http2writeSettingsAck) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3975  	return ctx.Framer().WriteSettingsAck()
  3976  }
  3978  // writeResHeaders is a request to write a HEADERS and 0+ CONTINUATION frames
  3979  // for HTTP response headers from a server handler.
  3980  type http2writeResHeaders struct {
  3981  	streamID    uint32
  3982  	httpResCode int
  3983  	h           Header // may be nil
  3984  	endStream   bool
  3986  	contentType   string
  3987  	contentLength string
  3988  }
  3990  func (w *http2writeResHeaders) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  3991  	enc, buf := ctx.HeaderEncoder()
  3992  	buf.Reset()
  3993  	enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":status", Value: http2httpCodeString(w.httpResCode)})
  3994  	for k, vv := range w.h {
  3995  		k = http2lowerHeader(k)
  3996  		for _, v := range vv {
  3998  			if k == "transfer-encoding" && v != "trailers" {
  3999  				continue
  4000  			}
  4001  			enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: v})
  4002  		}
  4003  	}
  4004  	if w.contentType != "" {
  4005  		enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: "content-type", Value: w.contentType})
  4006  	}
  4007  	if w.contentLength != "" {
  4008  		enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: "content-length", Value: w.contentLength})
  4009  	}
  4011  	headerBlock := buf.Bytes()
  4012  	if len(headerBlock) == 0 {
  4013  		panic("unexpected empty hpack")
  4014  	}
  4016  	// For now we're lazy and just pick the minimum MAX_FRAME_SIZE
  4017  	// that all peers must support (16KB). Later we could care
  4018  	// more and send larger frames if the peer advertised it, but
  4019  	// there's little point. Most headers are small anyway (so we
  4020  	// generally won't have CONTINUATION frames), and extra frames
  4021  	// only waste 9 bytes anyway.
  4022  	const maxFrameSize = 16384
  4024  	first := true
  4025  	for len(headerBlock) > 0 {
  4026  		frag := headerBlock
  4027  		if len(frag) > maxFrameSize {
  4028  			frag = frag[:maxFrameSize]
  4029  		}
  4030  		headerBlock = headerBlock[len(frag):]
  4031  		endHeaders := len(headerBlock) == 0
  4032  		var err error
  4033  		if first {
  4034  			first = false
  4035  			err = ctx.Framer().WriteHeaders(http2HeadersFrameParam{
  4036  				StreamID:      w.streamID,
  4037  				BlockFragment: frag,
  4038  				EndStream:     w.endStream,
  4039  				EndHeaders:    endHeaders,
  4040  			})
  4041  		} else {
  4042  			err = ctx.Framer().WriteContinuation(w.streamID, endHeaders, frag)
  4043  		}
  4044  		if err != nil {
  4045  			return err
  4046  		}
  4047  	}
  4048  	return nil
  4049  }
  4051  type http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame struct {
  4052  	streamID uint32
  4053  }
  4055  func (w http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  4056  	enc, buf := ctx.HeaderEncoder()
  4057  	buf.Reset()
  4058  	enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":status", Value: "100"})
  4059  	return ctx.Framer().WriteHeaders(http2HeadersFrameParam{
  4060  		StreamID:      w.streamID,
  4061  		BlockFragment: buf.Bytes(),
  4062  		EndStream:     false,
  4063  		EndHeaders:    true,
  4064  	})
  4065  }
  4067  type http2writeWindowUpdate struct {
  4068  	streamID uint32 // or 0 for conn-level
  4069  	n        uint32
  4070  }
  4072  func (wu http2writeWindowUpdate) writeFrame(ctx http2writeContext) error {
  4073  	return ctx.Framer().WriteWindowUpdate(wu.streamID, wu.n)
  4074  }
  4076  // frameWriteMsg is a request to write a frame.
  4077  type http2frameWriteMsg struct {
  4078  	// write is the interface value that does the writing, once the
  4079  	// writeScheduler (below) has decided to select this frame
  4080  	// to write. The write functions are all defined in write.go.
  4081  	write http2writeFramer
  4083  	stream *http2stream // used for prioritization. nil for non-stream frames.
  4085  	// done, if non-nil, must be a buffered channel with space for
  4086  	// 1 message and is sent the return value from write (or an
  4087  	// earlier error) when the frame has been written.
  4088  	done chan error
  4089  }
  4091  // for debugging only:
  4092  func (wm http2frameWriteMsg) String() string {
  4093  	var streamID uint32
  4094  	if != nil {
  4095  		streamID =
  4096  	}
  4097  	var des string
  4098  	if s, ok := wm.write.(fmt.Stringer); ok {
  4099  		des = s.String()
  4100  	} else {
  4101  		des = fmt.Sprintf("%T", wm.write)
  4102  	}
  4103  	return fmt.Sprintf("[frameWriteMsg stream=%d, ch=%v, type: %v]", streamID, wm.done != nil, des)
  4104  }
  4106  // writeScheduler tracks pending frames to write, priorities, and decides
  4107  // the next one to use. It is not thread-safe.
  4108  type http2writeScheduler struct {
  4109  	// zero are frames not associated with a specific stream.
  4110  	// They're sent before any stream-specific freams.
  4111  	zero http2writeQueue
  4113  	// maxFrameSize is the maximum size of a DATA frame
  4114  	// we'll write. Must be non-zero and between 16K-16M.
  4115  	maxFrameSize uint32
  4117  	// sq contains the stream-specific queues, keyed by stream ID.
  4118  	// when a stream is idle, it's deleted from the map.
  4119  	sq map[uint32]*http2writeQueue
  4121  	// canSend is a slice of memory that's reused between frame
  4122  	// scheduling decisions to hold the list of writeQueues (from sq)
  4123  	// which have enough flow control data to send. After canSend is
  4124  	// built, the best is selected.
  4125  	canSend []*http2writeQueue
  4127  	// pool of empty queues for reuse.
  4128  	queuePool []*http2writeQueue
  4129  }
  4131  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) putEmptyQueue(q *http2writeQueue) {
  4132  	if len(q.s) != 0 {
  4133  		panic("queue must be empty")
  4134  	}
  4135  	ws.queuePool = append(ws.queuePool, q)
  4136  }
  4138  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) getEmptyQueue() *http2writeQueue {
  4139  	ln := len(ws.queuePool)
  4140  	if ln == 0 {
  4141  		return new(http2writeQueue)
  4142  	}
  4143  	q := ws.queuePool[ln-1]
  4144  	ws.queuePool = ws.queuePool[:ln-1]
  4145  	return q
  4146  }
  4148  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) empty() bool { return && len(ws.sq) == 0 }
  4150  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) add(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  4151  	st :=
  4152  	if st == nil {
  4154  	} else {
  4155  		ws.streamQueue(
  4156  	}
  4157  }
  4159  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) streamQueue(streamID uint32) *http2writeQueue {
  4160  	if q, ok := ws.sq[streamID]; ok {
  4161  		return q
  4162  	}
  4163  	if ws.sq == nil {
  4164  		ws.sq = make(map[uint32]*http2writeQueue)
  4165  	}
  4166  	q := ws.getEmptyQueue()
  4167  	ws.sq[streamID] = q
  4168  	return q
  4169  }
  4171  // take returns the most important frame to write and removes it from the scheduler.
  4172  // It is illegal to call this if the scheduler is empty or if there are no connection-level
  4173  // flow control bytes available.
  4174  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) take() (wm http2frameWriteMsg, ok bool) {
  4175  	if ws.maxFrameSize == 0 {
  4176  		panic("internal error: ws.maxFrameSize not initialized or invalid")
  4177  	}
  4179  	if ! {
  4180  		return, true
  4181  	}
  4182  	if len(ws.sq) == 0 {
  4183  		return
  4184  	}
  4186  	for id, q := range ws.sq {
  4187  		if q.firstIsNoCost() {
  4188  			return ws.takeFrom(id, q)
  4189  		}
  4190  	}
  4192  	if len(ws.canSend) != 0 {
  4193  		panic("should be empty")
  4194  	}
  4195  	for _, q := range ws.sq {
  4196  		if n := ws.streamWritableBytes(q); n > 0 {
  4197  			ws.canSend = append(ws.canSend, q)
  4198  		}
  4199  	}
  4200  	if len(ws.canSend) == 0 {
  4201  		return
  4202  	}
  4203  	defer ws.zeroCanSend()
  4205  	q := ws.canSend[0]
  4207  	return ws.takeFrom(q.streamID(), q)
  4208  }
  4210  // zeroCanSend is defered from take.
  4211  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) zeroCanSend() {
  4212  	for i := range ws.canSend {
  4213  		ws.canSend[i] = nil
  4214  	}
  4215  	ws.canSend = ws.canSend[:0]
  4216  }
  4218  // streamWritableBytes returns the number of DATA bytes we could write
  4219  // from the given queue's stream, if this stream/queue were
  4220  // selected. It is an error to call this if q's head isn't a
  4221  // *writeData.
  4222  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) streamWritableBytes(q *http2writeQueue) int32 {
  4223  	wm := q.head()
  4224  	ret :=
  4225  	if ret == 0 {
  4226  		return 0
  4227  	}
  4228  	if int32(ws.maxFrameSize) < ret {
  4229  		ret = int32(ws.maxFrameSize)
  4230  	}
  4231  	if ret == 0 {
  4232  		panic("internal error: ws.maxFrameSize not initialized or invalid")
  4233  	}
  4234  	wd := wm.write.(*http2writeData)
  4235  	if len(wd.p) < int(ret) {
  4236  		ret = int32(len(wd.p))
  4237  	}
  4238  	return ret
  4239  }
  4241  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) takeFrom(id uint32, q *http2writeQueue) (wm http2frameWriteMsg, ok bool) {
  4242  	wm = q.head()
  4244  	if wd, ok := wm.write.(*http2writeData); ok && len(wd.p) > 0 {
  4245  		allowed :=
  4246  		if allowed == 0 {
  4248  			return http2frameWriteMsg{}, false
  4249  		}
  4250  		if int32(ws.maxFrameSize) < allowed {
  4251  			allowed = int32(ws.maxFrameSize)
  4252  		}
  4254  		if len(wd.p) > int(allowed) {
  4256  			chunk := wd.p[:allowed]
  4257  			wd.p = wd.p[allowed:]
  4259  			return http2frameWriteMsg{
  4260  				stream:,
  4261  				write: &http2writeData{
  4262  					streamID: wd.streamID,
  4263  					p:        chunk,
  4265  					endStream: false,
  4266  				},
  4268  				done: nil,
  4269  			}, true
  4270  		}
  4272  	}
  4274  	q.shift()
  4275  	if q.empty() {
  4276  		ws.putEmptyQueue(q)
  4277  		delete(ws.sq, id)
  4278  	}
  4279  	return wm, true
  4280  }
  4282  func (ws *http2writeScheduler) forgetStream(id uint32) {
  4283  	q, ok := ws.sq[id]
  4284  	if !ok {
  4285  		return
  4286  	}
  4287  	delete(ws.sq, id)
  4289  	for i := range q.s {
  4290  		q.s[i] = http2frameWriteMsg{}
  4291  	}
  4292  	q.s = q.s[:0]
  4293  	ws.putEmptyQueue(q)
  4294  }
  4296  type http2writeQueue struct {
  4297  	s []http2frameWriteMsg
  4298  }
  4300  // streamID returns the stream ID for a non-empty stream-specific queue.
  4301  func (q *http2writeQueue) streamID() uint32 { return q.s[0] }
  4303  func (q *http2writeQueue) empty() bool { return len(q.s) == 0 }
  4305  func (q *http2writeQueue) push(wm http2frameWriteMsg) {
  4306  	q.s = append(q.s, wm)
  4307  }
  4309  // head returns the next item that would be removed by shift.
  4310  func (q *http2writeQueue) head() http2frameWriteMsg {
  4311  	if len(q.s) == 0 {
  4312  		panic("invalid use of queue")
  4313  	}
  4314  	return q.s[0]
  4315  }
  4317  func (q *http2writeQueue) shift() http2frameWriteMsg {
  4318  	if len(q.s) == 0 {
  4319  		panic("invalid use of queue")
  4320  	}
  4321  	wm := q.s[0]
  4323  	copy(q.s, q.s[1:])
  4324  	q.s[len(q.s)-1] = http2frameWriteMsg{}
  4325  	q.s = q.s[:len(q.s)-1]
  4326  	return wm
  4327  }
  4329  func (q *http2writeQueue) firstIsNoCost() bool {
  4330  	if df, ok := q.s[0].write.(*http2writeData); ok {
  4331  		return len(df.p) == 0
  4332  	}
  4333  	return true
  4334  }