
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  set -e
     3  #
     4  # This script is meant for quick & easy install via:
     5  #   'curl -sSL | sh'
     6  # or:
     7  #   'wget -qO- | sh'
     8  #
     9  #
    10  # Docker Maintainers:
    11  #   To update this script on,
    12  #   use hack/ during a normal release,
    13  #   or the following one-liner for script hotfixes:
    14  #     s3cmd put --acl-public -P hack/ s3://
    15  #
    17  url=''
    19  command_exists() {
    20  	command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
    21  }
    23  case "$(uname -m)" in
    24  	*64)
    25  		;;
    26  	*)
    27  		echo >&2 'Error: you are not using a 64bit platform.'
    28  		echo >&2 'Docker currently only supports 64bit platforms.'
    29  		exit 1
    30  		;;
    31  esac
    33  if command_exists docker || command_exists lxc-docker; then
    34  	echo >&2 'Warning: "docker" or "lxc-docker" command appears to already exist.'
    35  	echo >&2 'Please ensure that you do not already have docker installed.'
    36  	echo >&2 'You may press Ctrl+C now to abort this process and rectify this situation.'
    37  	( set -x; sleep 20 )
    38  fi
    40  user="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)"
    42  sh_c='sh -c'
    43  if [ "$user" != 'root' ]; then
    44  	if command_exists sudo; then
    45  		sh_c='sudo -E sh -c'
    46  	elif command_exists su; then
    47  		sh_c='su -c'
    48  	else
    49  		echo >&2 'Error: this installer needs the ability to run commands as root.'
    50  		echo >&2 'We are unable to find either "sudo" or "su" available to make this happen.'
    51  		exit 1
    52  	fi
    53  fi
    55  curl=''
    56  if command_exists curl; then
    57  	curl='curl -sSL'
    58  elif command_exists wget; then
    59  	curl='wget -qO-'
    60  elif command_exists busybox && busybox --list-modules | grep -q wget; then
    61  	curl='busybox wget -qO-'
    62  fi
    64  # perform some very rudimentary platform detection
    65  lsb_dist=''
    66  if command_exists lsb_release; then
    67  	lsb_dist="$(lsb_release -si)"
    68  fi
    69  if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then
    70  	lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_ID")"
    71  fi
    72  if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then
    73  	lsb_dist='debian'
    74  fi
    75  if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then
    76  	lsb_dist='fedora'
    77  fi
    78  if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then
    79  	lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")"
    80  fi
    82  lsb_dist="$(echo "$lsb_dist" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
    83  case "$lsb_dist" in
    84  	amzn|fedora)
    85  		if [ "$lsb_dist" = 'amzn' ]; then
    86  			(
    87  				set -x
    88  				$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker'
    89  			)
    90  		else
    91  			(
    92  				set -x
    93  				$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker-io'
    94  			)
    95  		fi
    96  		if command_exists docker && [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then
    97  			(
    98  				set -x
    99  				$sh_c 'docker version'
   100  			) || true
   101  		fi
   102  		your_user=your-user
   103  		[ "$user" != 'root' ] && your_user="$user"
   104  		echo
   105  		echo 'If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider'
   106  		echo 'adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:'
   107  		echo
   108  		echo '  sudo usermod -aG docker' $your_user
   109  		echo
   110  		echo 'Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!'
   111  		echo
   112  		exit 0
   113  		;;
   115  	ubuntu|debian|linuxmint)
   116  		export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
   118  		did_apt_get_update=
   119  		apt_get_update() {
   120  			if [ -z "$did_apt_get_update" ]; then
   121  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update' )
   122  				did_apt_get_update=1
   123  			fi
   124  		}
   126  		# aufs is preferred over devicemapper; try to ensure the driver is available.
   127  		if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   128  			kern_extras="linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)"
   130  			apt_get_update
   131  			( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q '"$kern_extras" ) || true
   133  			if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   134  				echo >&2 'Warning: tried to install '"$kern_extras"' (for AUFS)'
   135  				echo >&2 ' but we still have no AUFS.  Docker may not work. Proceeding anyways!'
   136  				( set -x; sleep 10 )
   137  			fi
   138  		fi
   140  		# install apparmor utils if they're missing and apparmor is enabled in the kernel
   141  		# otherwise Docker will fail to start
   142  		if [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled 2>/dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then
   143  			if command -v apparmor_parser &> /dev/null; then
   144  				echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel and apparmor utils were already installed'
   145  			else
   146  				echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel, but apparmor_parser missing'
   147  				apt_get_update
   148  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apparmor' )
   149  			fi
   150  		fi
   152  		if [ ! -e /usr/lib/apt/methods/https ]; then
   153  			apt_get_update
   154  			( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apt-transport-https' )
   155  		fi
   156  		if [ -z "$curl" ]; then
   157  			apt_get_update
   158  			( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q curl' )
   159  			curl='curl -sSL'
   160  		fi
   161  		(
   162  			set -x
   163  			if [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   164  				$sh_c "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9"
   165  			elif [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   166  				$sh_c "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 740B314AE3941731B942C66ADF4FD13717AAD7D6"
   167  			else
   168  				$sh_c "$curl ${url}gpg | apt-key add -"
   169  			fi
   170  			$sh_c "echo deb ${url}ubuntu docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
   171  			$sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update; apt-get install -y -q lxc-docker'
   172  		)
   173  		if command_exists docker && [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then
   174  			(
   175  				set -x
   176  				$sh_c 'docker version'
   177  			) || true
   178  		fi
   179  		your_user=your-user
   180  		[ "$user" != 'root' ] && your_user="$user"
   181  		echo
   182  		echo 'If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider'
   183  		echo 'adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:'
   184  		echo
   185  		echo '  sudo usermod -aG docker' $your_user
   186  		echo
   187  		echo 'Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!'
   188  		echo
   189  		exit 0
   190  		;;
   192  	gentoo)
   193  		if [ "$url" = "" ]; then
   194  			echo >&2
   195  			echo >&2 '  You appear to be trying to install the latest nightly build in Gentoo.'
   196  			echo >&2 '  The portage tree should contain the latest stable release of Docker, but'
   197  			echo >&2 '  if you want something more recent, you can always use the live ebuild'
   198  			echo >&2 '  provided in the "docker" overlay available via layman.  For more'
   199  			echo >&2 '  instructions, please see the following URL:'
   200  			echo >&2 ''
   201  			echo >&2 '  After adding the "docker" overlay, you should be able to:'
   202  			echo >&2 '    emerge -av =app-emulation/docker-9999'
   203  			echo >&2
   204  			exit 1
   205  		fi
   207  		(
   208  			set -x
   209  			$sh_c 'sleep 3; emerge app-emulation/docker'
   210  		)
   211  		exit 0
   212  		;;
   213  esac
   215  cat >&2 <<'EOF'
   217    Either your platform is not easily detectable, is not supported by this
   218    installer script (yet - PRs welcome! [hack/]), or does not yet have
   219    a package for Docker.  Please visit the following URL for more detailed
   220    installation instructions:
   224  EOF
   225  exit 1