(about) 1 #!/bin/sh -eux 2 3 # Unset these as if they're empty it'll break freebsd-update 4 [ -z "$no_proxy" ] && unset no_proxy 5 [ -z "$http_proxy" ] && unset http_proxy 6 [ -z "$https_proxy" ] && unset https_proxy 7 8 major_version="`uname -r | awk -F. '{print $1}'`"; 9 10 if [ "$major_version" -lt 10 ]; then 11 # Allow freebsd-update to run fetch without stdin attached to a terminal 12 sed 's/\[ ! -t 0 \]/false/' /usr/sbin/freebsd-update >/tmp/freebsd-update; 13 chmod +x /tmp/freebsd-update; 14 15 freebsd_update="/tmp/freebsd-update"; 16 else 17 freebsd_update="/usr/sbin/freebsd-update --not-running-from-cron"; 18 fi 19 20 # Update FreeBSD 21 # NOTE: this will fail if there aren't any patches available for the release yet 22 env PAGER=/bin/cat $freebsd_update fetch; 23 env PAGER=/bin/cat $freebsd_update install; 24 25 # Always use pkgng - pkg_add is EOL as of 1 September 2014 26 env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=true pkg bootstrap; 27 if [ "$major_version" -lt 10 ]; then 28 echo "WITH_PKGNG=yes" >>/etc/make.conf; 29 fi 30 31 pkg update;