
     1  package infrastructure
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  )
     9  // Infrastructure is an interface that must be implemented by each
    10  // infrastructure type with a method of creating it.
    11  type Infrastructure interface {
    12  	// Creds is called when Otto determines that it needs credentials
    13  	// for this infrastructure provider. The Infra should query the
    14  	// user (or environment) for creds and return them. Otto will
    15  	// handle encrypting, storing, and retrieving the credentials.
    16  	Creds(*Context) (map[string]string, error)
    18  	// VerifyCreds is called with the result of either prompting or
    19  	// retrieving cached credentials. This gives Infrastructure
    20  	// implementations a chance to check that credentials are good before
    21  	// continuing to perform any operations.
    22  	VerifyCreds(*Context) error
    24  	Execute(*Context) error
    25  	Compile(*Context) (*CompileResult, error)
    26  	Flavors() []string
    27  }
    29  // Context is the context for operations on infrastructures. Some of
    30  // the fields in this struct are only available for certain operations.
    31  type Context struct {
    32  	context.Shared
    34  	// Action is the sub-action to take when being executed.
    35  	//
    36  	// ActionArgs is the list of arguments for this action.
    37  	//
    38  	// Both of these fields will only be set for the Execute call.
    39  	Action     string
    40  	ActionArgs []string
    42  	// Dir is the directory that the compilation is allowed to write to
    43  	// for persistant storage of data. For other tasks, this will be the
    44  	// directory that was already populated by compilation.
    45  	Dir string
    47  	// The infrastructure configuration itself from the Appfile. This includes
    48  	// the flavor of the infrastructure we want to launch.
    49  	Infra *appfile.Infrastructure
    50  }
    52  // RouteName implements the router.Context interface so we can use Router
    53  func (c *Context) RouteName() string {
    54  	return c.Action
    55  }
    57  // RouteArgs implements the router.Context interface so we can use Router
    58  func (c *Context) RouteArgs() []string {
    59  	return c.ActionArgs
    60  }
    62  // UI implements router.Context so we can use this in router.Router
    63  func (c *Context) UI() ui.Ui {
    64  	return c.Ui
    65  }
    67  // CompileResult is the structure containing compilation result values.
    68  type CompileResult struct{}