
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "App Types - Appfile"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-apps"
     5  description: |-
     6    The application type in the Appfile
     7    is the most important piece of information that tells Otto how to function.
     8    Otto uses this information to know how to develop, build, and deploy
     9    the application.
    10  ---
    12  # App Types
    14  The application type in the [Appfile](/docs/concepts/appfile.html)
    15  is the most important piece of information that tells Otto how to function.
    16  Otto uses this information to know how to develop, build, and deploy
    17  the application.
    19  This section documents the application types that Otto supports by default
    20  as well as how to work with those application types. If you're a Ruby
    21  developer, for example, you should read the [Ruby](/docs/apps/ruby/index.html)
    22  section.
    24  In addition to the built-in types, Otto makes it possible to create your
    25  own [custom types](/docs/apps/custom).
    27  Use the navigation to the left to read about the available application types.
    29  ## Documentation Format
    31  Each application type will follow a similar documentation format. The sidebar
    32  will contain the following sections:
    34    * **Detection** documents how the application type is automatically
    35      detected in the absense of an explicit Appfile.
    37    * **Development** documents the development environment and how to work
    38      in development for this application type.
    40    * **Build and Deploy** documents the build and deploy process for
    41      the application. This may have subsections for different infrastructures.
    43    * **Customizations** documents the customizations that are available
    44      for this application type.