
     1  ---
     2  layout: "app_node"
     3  page_title: "Development - Node.js App Type"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-node-dev"
     5  description: |-
     6    The development environment built for Node.js applications is built for
     7    general Node.js development with a lean towards web development.
     8  ---
    10  # Development
    12  The development environment built for Node.js applications is built for
    13  general Node.js development with a lean towards web development.
    15  Please see the [customizations](/docs/apps/node/customization.html)
    16  page for details on how to customize some of the behavior on this page.
    18  ## Pre-Installed Software
    20    * **Node.js**
    21    * **Git, Mercurial** - Useful for fetching dependencies
    22    * **GCC/G++ 0.8** - Required for newer versions of Node
    24  ## Usage
    26  To work on your project, edit files locally on your own machine. The file changes
    27  will be synced to the development environment.
    29  When you're ready to build or test your project, run `otto dev ssh` to enter
    30  the development environment. You'll be placed directly into the working
    31  directory where you can run `npm install`, `npm run`, etc.
    33  You can access the environment from your machine using development
    34  environment's IP address. For example, if your app is running on port 5000,
    35  then access it using the IP address from `otto dev address` plus that port.