
     1  ---
     2  layout: "app_ruby"
     3  page_title: "Development - Ruby App Type"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-ruby-dev"
     5  description: |-
     6    The development environment built for Ruby applications is built for
     7    general Ruby development with a lean towards web development.
     8  ---
    10  # Development
    12  The development environment built for Ruby applications is built for
    13  general Ruby development with a lean towards web development.
    15  Please see the [customizations](/docs/apps/ruby/customization.html)
    16  page for details on how to customize some of the behavior on this page.
    18  ## Pre-Installed Software
    20    * **Ruby and RubyGems** - The version of Ruby is determined based on
    21        [customizations](/docs/apps/ruby/customization.html). See that page
    22        for defaults as well.
    23    * **Bundler**
    24    * **Node.JS** - A common requirement for web development.
    25    * **Git, Mercurial** - Useful for Bundler
    26    * **PostgreSQL dev headers** - A common requirement for web development.
    28  ## Common Issues and Solutions
    30  **I can't access my web application!** When you start your web server,
    31  such as via `rails s`, make sure it is bound to ``. For Rails,
    32  the command is `rails s -b`. If this isn't specified, many
    33  servers default to binding to localhost. This means that only
    34  that machine can access it. Since the Otto development environment is in
    35  a virtual machine, you have to configure it to bind to `` to
    36  allow your host machine to access it.