
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Commands: build"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-commands-build"
     5  description: >
     6    The build command tells Otto to build your application for deployment. Otto
     7    uses Packer to perform its builds.
     8  ---
    10  # Command: build
    12  The `build` command tells Otto to build your application in preparation for
    13  deployment. Otto uses [Packer]( internally to accomplish
    14  this. Depending on your configured [infrastructure](/docs/appfile/infra.html),
    15  this could involve booting a Vagrant VM, an EC2 instance, or some other
    16  environment where the build can be performed.
    18  The Infrastructure also determines what kind of __artifact__ is created by the
    19  build. For example, in AWS-based infrastructures, Otto builds yield Amazon
    20  Machine Images (AMIs). The result of a successful deploy is made available for
    21  the [deploy command](/docs/commands/deploy.html).
    23  ## Usage
    25  ```
    26  otto build
    27  ```
    29  Because Otto uses your infrastructure to perform builds, the [infra
    30  command](/docs/commands/infra.html) must be run before `otto build`. Otto will
    31  tell you to do this if it does not detect any infrastructure.