
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Commands: status"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-commands-status"
     5  description: >
     6    The status command displays information about the state of your application's
     7    development environment, infrastructure, builds, and deploys.
     8  ---
    10  # Command: status
    12  The `status` command displays status information about the state of your
    13  application's development environment, infrastructure, builds, and deploys. It
    14  is a quick way to see what has been built for a given application.
    16  ## Usage
    18  ```
    19  otto status
    20  ```
    22  Otto maintains the information displayed in the status command in a local
    23  cache. This makes the command very fast, but it means that the output may not
    24  reflect the true state of the world in cases where changes are made externally.
    26  In case this happens, you can re-run Otto's command to manage the out-of-sync
    27  component to get it to update. For example, if the development environment has
    28  been shut down externally, but `otto status` reports it as up, just rerun `otto
    29  dev` or `otto dev destroy` to refresh the status.
    31  ## Example
    33  ```
    34  ❯ otto status
    35  ==> App Info
    36      Application:    website (ruby)
    37      Project:        website
    38      Infrastructure: aws (simple)
    39  ==> Component Status
    40      Dev environment: CREATED
    41      Infra:           NOT CREATED
    42      Build:           NOT BUILT
    43      Deploy:          NOT DEPLOYED
    44  ```