
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Collaboration"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-concepts-collab"
     5  description: |-
     6    Development and especially deployment is a collaborative process. Typically
     7    multiple developers are working on and deploying an application. It is
     8    important to understand how Otto can be used in a team environment.
     9  ---
    11  # Collaboration
    13  Development and especially deployment is a collaborative process. Typically
    14  multiple developers are working on and deploying an application. It is
    15  important to understand how Otto can be used in a team environment.
    17  ## Appfiles in Version Control
    19  First, Appfiles themselves should go into version control.
    21  This allows anyone on the team to clone a repository and immediately
    22  start using Otto to develop and deploy without any prior knowledge. Typically
    23  one developer sets up the initial Appfile, and everybody on the team benefits.
    25  The real power behind this is even people who know very little about an
    26  application can easily get it up and running. For example: a designer, a
    27  new employee, a manager, or even just an experienced engineer working on
    28  a very old project.
    30  ## Dependencies as URLs
    32  [Dependencies](/docs/concepts/deps.html) are configured in Otto using
    33  URLs. These URLs can be to files, GitHub, BitBucket, and more. This makes it
    34  easy for one team to point to another team's application as a dependency,
    35  and automatically get those updates as they occur.
    37  In addition to this, an application only needs to specify its immediate
    38  dependencies. For example if application "foo" depends on "bar", and "bar"
    39  depends on "baz", then the developers of "foo" only need to know that
    40  they depend on "bar". Otto automatically determines the fully tree of
    41  dependencies.
    43  Both of these features are very important for collaboration.
    45  Dependencies as URLs keeps version control and the Appfile as the source
    46  of truth. And only needing to know immediate dependencies limits the complexity
    47  of working with other teams, and also gives the other teams flexibility to
    48  change their dependencies without negatively affecting consumers of their
    49  application.
    51  ## Imports for Shared Configuration
    53  Appfiles support [import statements](#)
    54  to import configuration from many sources. This allows organizations to
    55  create shared repositories of Appfile fragments that can be used by teams.
    57  For example, if an organization made a standardized Ruby Appfile, a team
    58  could potentially make an Appfile just like this:
    60  ```
    61  import "" {}
    63  application {
    64      name = "my-app"
    65      type = "ruby"
    66  }
    67  ```
    69  These import fragments are downloaded as part of the
    70  [compilation step](/docs/concepts/compile.html), so just like many other
    71  features, changes to upstream imports don't affect a developer working
    72  with Otto until they recompile.
    74  ## Shared Infrastructure
    76  Infrastructures with the same names (as specified in the Appfile) are
    77  only created once. This allows multiple applications to share a single
    78  infrastructure. Multiple teams can then deploy their applications together
    79  into the same place.
    81  Paired with Appfile imports above to share the fragment to configure
    82  infrastructures, this makes it very easy to work on multiple applications
    83  that are meant to co-exist in the same infrastructure.
    85  ~> **NOTE:** Otto 0.1 doesn't support [shared directories](/docs/concepts/directory.html)
    86     yet, making this point basically impossible at the time. This is a top
    87     priority feature to ship in an upcoming release and will be addressed soon.