
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Consul Foundation"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-foundations-consul"
     5  description: |-
     6    Otto's Consul foundation provides service discovery in your infrastructure.
     7  ---
     9  # Consul Foundation
    11  Otto's Consul foundation provides service discovery in to your applications and
    12  infrastructure.
    14  ## Development
    16  The Consul foundation installs a local Consul server in your development
    17  environment and configures it to respond to `*.consul` DNS queries.
    19  ## Infrastructure
    21  When the Consul foundation is active, Otto spins up a Consul cluster in your
    22  infrastructure, ready for agents to connect. The size of this cluster varies by
    23  [infrastructure type and flavor](/docs/infra/index.html).
    25   * __AWS (simple)__: This infrastructure type is meant for small demos, so Otto
    26     spins up a minimal one-node Consul server using a `t2.micro` instance type.
    27   * __AWS (vpc-public-private)__: Otto will spin up a 3-node highly available
    28     Consul cluster. Currently this also uses a `t2.micro` type, but in future
    29     versions the instance size will be configurable.
    31  ## Build & Deploy
    33  Otto uses the Consul foundation during the build phase to ensure that a Consul
    34  agent is installed and configured on each application instance that is built
    35  and deployed. This agent will automatically join the Consul cluster in your
    36  infrastructure and publish a service for your application.