
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Infra Types"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-infra"
     5  description: |-
     6    The infrastructure type in the Appfile tells Otto what kind of
     7    infrastructure you'd like to use to deploy your application
     8  ---
    10  # Infrastructure Types
    12  The infrastructure type in the [Appfile](/docs/concepts/appfile.html)
    13  tells Otto what kind of infrastructure you'd like to use to deploy your
    14  application. Otto uses this information to create a base infrastructure, to
    15  build your application for that infrastructure, and finally to deploy your
    16  application into that infrastructure.
    18  This section documents the infrastructure types that Otto supports by default
    19  as well as how to work with those infrastructure types.
    21  Use the navigation to the left to read about the available infrastructure types.
    23  A few notes that are common to all infrastructure types can be found below.
    25  ## Credentials
    27  For most infrastructure types, Otto needs API credentials to be able to manage
    28  resources for your application.
    30  Otto will ask for any credentials it needs the first time it needs to interact
    31  with infrastructure.
    33  Otto maintains a local encrypted cache file of these credentials, which it will
    34  also create on first run. You will be prompted for a password to decrypt this
    35  file anytime Otto interacts with your infrastructure. To skip the prompt, you
    36  can specify this password via the `OTTO_CREDS_PASSWORD` environment variable.