
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "App Plugins - Appfile"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-plugins-app"
     5  description: |-
     6    App plugins enable Otto to detect and work with new application types.
     7  ---
     9  # App Plugins
    11  Apps in Otto are responsible for development, build, and deploy of
    12  an application. An example of an app type is [PHP](/docs/apps/php).
    14  By writing an app plugin for Otto, you can add support to Otto for new
    15  kinds of languages and frameworks. You can also override the defaults that
    16  are built-in to Otto by replacing the built-in plugins.
    18  The primary reasons to care about app plugins are:
    20    * You want to add support for a new language or framework.
    22    * You want to change the behavior of an existing plugin.
    24    * You want to support highly custom or legacy application types. This is
    25      very common in large organizations adopting Otto.
    27  ~> **Advanced topic!** Plugin development is a highly advanced topic in
    28     Otto, and is not required knowledge for day-to-day usage. If you don't plan
    29     on writing any plugins, we recommend not reading this section of the
    30     documentation.
    32  If you're interested in provider development, then read on. The remainder of
    33  this page will assume you're familiar with
    34  [plugin basics](/docs/plugins/basics.html)
    35  and that you already have a basic development environment setup.
    37  ## Low-Level Interface
    39  The interface you must implement for app plugins is
    40  [App](
    42  The interface is extremely low level, giving you the ability to do almost
    43  anything with Otto. However, we provide a lot of higher level helpers
    44  that we recommend using to make your experience writing plugins a lot easier.
    45  The core types also use these high-level helpers.
    47  Rather than go into detail about what each function does for `App`,
    48  we recommend looking at the
    49  [builtin app types](
    50  for real examples of how we use the `App` interface.
    52  There is also a very basic
    53  [example app type plugin](
    54  to show the general structure of things in the simplest possible form.
    56  ## Compilation
    58  Otto has a distinct compilation step through `otto compile`. During this
    59  step, your application type should inspect the environment and use that
    60  to generate files (covered below) that will be used for the other commands
    61  such as `Dev`, `Build`, etc.
    63  In general, Otto tries to do _as much work as possible_ during the
    64  compilation step. Try to compute all the values you need such that when
    65  `Dev`, `Build`, etc. are called, they almost only have to execute an
    66  underlying tool such as Vagrant or Packer to achieve their goals. You
    67  should not be rendering any new configuration outside of the `Compile`
    68  call.
    70  To assist with compilation, we use the
    71  [helper/compile](
    72  helper library. This automatically handles file structure, templating,
    73  [ScriptPack usage](/docs/plugins/scriptpack.html),
    74  etc. More on this is covered below.
    76  One thing to be very careful about: set a compilation version on the
    77  `app.CompileResult` value (helper/compile gives you a way to do this). This
    78  version should be used in subsequent function calls to expect a certain file
    79  layout. This lets you change templates in your plugin over time but still
    80  be able to work with previously compiled data.
    82  Practically speaking, a user shouldn't update your plugin and have all
    83  their existing environments break without an `otto compile`. Existing
    84  environments should continue to work even if you changed the directory
    85  structure.
    87  ## Bindata
    89  A lot of Otto has static data that is templated onto the filesystem during
    90  the compilation phase. You can see the files that Otto generates in the
    91  `.otto` directory after running `otto compile` on a directory.
    93  The templates for this static data are compiled directly into Otto plugins.
    94  To do this, we use a tool called [go-bindata](
    95  To invoke `go-bindata`, we use `go generate` which is a command built-in
    96  to Go that executes a command as part of the Go compilation process.
    97  You can see an example of
    98  [how we do this for Ruby](
   100  This will create an autogenerated `bindata.go` file. We gitignore this
   101  from the main Otto repository. But you can view it by running `make` within
   102  the Otto directory which will generate all the files for the project.
   104  That bindata is then used in combination with `helper/bindata` which
   105  is covered below in the templating section in order to write the files to
   106  disk. You can see an
   107  [example of that for Ruby here](
   109  ## Templating
   111  In addition to compiling the static data directly into the final binary,
   112  Otto does a lot of templating. It uses templates to generate the proper output
   113  during `otto compile`.
   115  All of this templating is handled by `helper/bindata` automatically: any
   116  rendered static asset will be processed by the templating engine if the
   117  static asset ends in ".tpl". The final filename removes the ".tpl" extension.
   119  Again, you can see examples of templates in the `data` directory of
   120  the [built-in Ruby application type](
   122  You can use `helper/bindata` directly, which we do in some places, or more
   123  likely you'll be using the `helper/compile` helper to assist with compilation
   124  which automatically processes your data directory for templates.
   126  ## ScriptPacks
   128  Otto encourages the use of [ScriptPacks](/docs/plugins/scriptpack.html) for
   129  any logic that isn't running directly on the user's machine, such as in
   130  a development or deployment environmet.
   132  ScriptPacks are pure standalone shell libraries. By putting complex logic
   133  within ScriptPacks, we encourage unit testing and reusability for more stable
   134  app types.
   136  ScriptPacks are integrated directly within the `helper/compile` interface
   137  for easy use. For example, directly from the Ruby application type, within
   138  the compilation options for `helper/compile`:
   140      ScriptPacks: []*scriptpack.ScriptPack{
   141          &stdSP.ScriptPack,
   142          &rubySP.ScriptPack,
   143      },
   145  This tells the compilation helper to automatically compile in the Ruby
   146  and stdlib ScriptPacks (referenced using their Go package names). Then,
   147  within the shell scripts used by the app type, you can see ScriptPack usage:
   149      . /otto/scriptpacks/STDLIB/
   150      . /otto/scriptpacks/RUBY/
   151      otto_init
   153      otto_output "Installing Ruby ${RUBY_VERSION}. This can take a few minutes..."
   154      ruby_install_prepare
   155      ruby_install ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}
   157  The application type then uses the high-level functions from the ScriptPack
   158  directly, which are each well tested on their own.