
     3  <div id="hero">
     4  	<div class="container">
     5  		<div class="row">
     6  			<div class="col-md-12">
     7  				<div id="hero-text">
     8  					<h1>Development and Deployment Made Easy</h1>
     9  					<h3>Meet the Successor to <span class="vagrant-logo">Vagrant</span></h3>
    10  				</div>
    11  				<div id="hero-graphic">
    12  				</div>
    13  				<div id="hero-btns">
    14  					<a class="h-btn orange has-border lrg intro" href="/intro">Learn More</a>
    15  				</div>
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    21  <div id="subhero-banner" class="section bg-black">
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    26  				</div>
    27  			</div>
    28  			<div class="col col-md-7">
    29  				<h2>Why Otto?</h2>
    30  				<p>
    31  				Developers want to focus on building scalable, secure applications.
    32  				But it is overwhelming and time consuming to learn all the tooling required to develop
    33  				locally, provision infrastructure,
    34  				deploy the application, and secure the application. Otto abstracts away
    35  				this complexity into one tool to handle all the
    36  				aspects of development and deployment to any cloud platform. Maximize
    37  				developer productivity, follow best practices, and automate
    38  				operations with Otto.
    39  				</p>
    40  				<a class="h-btn minimal light lrg" href="/intro">Read more<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
    41  			</div>
    42  		</div>
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    44  </div>
    46  <div id="automate" class="feature section bg-light-orange">
    47  	<div class="container">
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    50  				<div class="feature-graphic"></div>
    51  			</div> <!-- .col -->
    52  			<div class=" col-md-4">
    53  				<div class="feature-content">
    54  					<div class="feature-header">
    55  						<h3>Automated<br>Development Environments</h3>
    56  						<p>Otto detects your application type and builds a development environment tailored specifically for that application, with zero or minimal configuration.</p>
    57  					</div>
    58  					<div class="feature-footer">
    59  						<a class="h-btn minimal orange lrg" href="/intro">Read more<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
    60  					</div>
    61  				</div>
    62  			</div> <!-- .col -->
    63  			<div class=" col-md-4">
    64  				<div class="feature-terminal">
    65  					<div class="terminal-graphic"><a href="#"></a></div>
    66  					<a class="h-btn minimal orange lrg" href="#">Watch<span class="mono-block">$ otto dev</span><span class="h-caret"></span></a>
    67  					<p>Video coming soon.</p>
    68  				</div>
    69  			</div> <!-- .col -->
    70  		</div> <!-- .row -->
    71  	</div> <!-- /container -->
    72  </div> <!-- #automate -->
    74  <div id="features-split" class="section section-50">
    75  	<div id="focus" class="feature r50 bg-black">
    76  		<div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-offset-3 col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
    77  			<div class="feature-graphic"></div>
    78  			<div class="feature-header">
    79  				<h3>Focus on your Application, Automate the Rest</h3>
    80  				<p>Don't worry about what you need to build a development environment or how to deploy your application, Otto does this for you.</p>
    81  			</div>
    82  			<div class="feature-footer">
    83  				<a class="h-btn minimal orange lrg" href="/intro">Read more<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
    84  			</div>
    85  		</div>
    86  	</div><!-- #focus -->
    88  	<div id="deployment" class="feature r50 bg-orange">
    89  		<div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-offset-3 col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
    90  			<div class="feature-graphic"></div>
    91  			<div class="feature-header">
    92  				<h3>Deployment</h3>
    93  				<p>Otto manages your infrastructure and deploys your application to any cloud platform.</p>
    94  			</div>
    95  			<div class="feature-footer">
    96  				<a class="h-btn minimal light lrg" href="/intro">Read more<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
    97  			</div>
    98  		</div>
    99  	</div><!-- #deployment -->
   100  </div>
   103  <div id="microservices" class="feature section">
   104  	<div class="container">
   105  		<div class="row">
   106  			<div class="col-md-offset-8 col-md-4">
   107  				<div class="feature-content">
   108  					<div class="feature-header">
   109  						<h3>Microservices<br>Made Simple</h3>
   110  						<p>
   111  						Otto automatically fetches dependencies, detects conflicts, and installs and configures
   112  						these dependencies for development and deployment.
   113  						</p>
   114  						<div class="micro-docker"></div>
   115  					</div>
   116  					<div class="feature-footer">
   117  						<a class="h-btn minimal orange lrg" href="/intro">Read more<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
   118  					</div>
   119  				</div>
   120  			</div> <!-- .col -->
   121  		</div> <!-- .row -->
   122  		<div class="feature-graphic"></div>
   123  	</div> <!-- /container -->
   124  </div> <!-- #microservices -->
   126  <div id="use-cases" class="section section-50">
   127      <h2>Use Case</h2>
   129      <div class="tab-content">
   130          <div id="case-1" class="use-case tab-pane active" role="tabpanel">
   131              <div class="use-overview r50">
   132                  <div class="col-lg-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-offset-3 col-lg-10 col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
   133                      <h2>Otto Use Case: <span class="use-subtitle">Rails on AWS</span></h2>
   134                      <div class="use-icons">
   135                          <ul>
   136                              <li><span class="rails icon">rails</span></li>
   137                              <li><span class="aws icon">aws</span></li>
   138                          </ul>
   139                      </div>
   140                      <p>A story of the development and deployment of a fully functional Rails application onto
   141                          AWS with Otto.</p>
   142                  </div><!-- .col -->
   143              </div><!-- .use-overview .r50-->
   145              <div class="use-steps r50 bg-gray">
   146                  <div class="col-lg-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-offset-3 col-lg-10 col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
   148                      <div class="use-step">
   149                          <h3><span class="use-count">01.</span> Start your Rails project</h3>
   150                          <p>Initialize a new Rails application with out-of-the-box
   151                              defaults.</p>
   152                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ rails new</pre>
   153                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   155                      <div class="use-step">
   156                          <h3><span class="use-count">02.</span> Run Otto Compile</h3>
   157                          <p>Otto's compile step automatically detects the type
   158                              of application as Rails and prepares Otto to manage
   159                              your app's lifecycle. (You can also customize nearly every
   160                              aspect of Otto's behavior by writing an Appfile.)</p>
   161                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ otto compile</pre>
   162                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   163                      <div class="use-step">
   164                          <h3><span class="use-count">03.</span> Develop Locally</h3>
   165                          <p>Otto builds and runs a local development
   166                              environment, so you can easily test and make changes
   167                              to your application.</p>
   168                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ otto dev</pre>
   169                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   170                      <div class="use-step">
   171                          <h3><span class="use-count">04.</span> Construct Infrastructure</h3>
   172                          <p>Otto creates a base infrastructure according to
   173                              industry best practices.</p>
   174                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ otto infra</pre>
   175                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   176                      <div class="use-step">
   177                          <h3><span class="use-count">05.</span> Build Your Application</h3>
   178                          <p>Otto packages your application and prepares it
   179                              for deployment onto your infrastructure.</p>
   180                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ otto build</pre>
   181                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   182                      <div class="use-step">
   183                          <h3><span class="use-count">06.</span> Deploy</h3>
   184                          <p>Your Rails application is converted to running
   185                              infrastructure. Your app is now available
   186                              to the world!</p>
   187                          <pre class="prettyprint">$ otto deploy</pre>
   188                      </div><!-- .use-step -->
   190                  </div><!-- .col -->
   191              </div><!-- .use-steps .r50 -->
   192          </div><!-- .use-case -->
   193      </div><!-- .tab-content -->
   194  </div><!-- #use-cases -->
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   199  				<p>Completely free and open source.</p>
   200  				<a class="blog-btn h-btn dark lrg fill" href="/intro">Get Started<span class="h-caret"></span></a>
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