
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Deploy"
     4  sidebar_current: "gettingstarted-deploy"
     5  description: |-
     6    Deploy an application with Otto in the Otto getting started guide.
     7  ---
     9  # Deploy
    11  We've now [launched infrastructure](/intro/getting-started/infra.html)
    12  and [built the application](/intro/getting-started/build.html). It is time
    13  to deploy it.
    15  To deploy, run `otto deploy`.
    17  Otto will now take the AMI built in the previous step and launch a
    18  server in the infrastructure built previously. Otto will configure firewalls
    19  properly to secure the server if necessary.
    21  Once the deploy is done, you'll see the IP address of the application.
    22  Open this address in your browser and you'll see that the application is
    23  deployed!
    25  <center>
    26  <img src="/assets/images/getting-started/deploy-screenshot.png">
    27  </center>
    29  If you ever want to know more about a deploy, you can use `otto deploy info`.
    30  This will include information such as the address of the deployed application.
    32  For our simple application, Otto launched a single server. If the
    33  infrastructure flavor (covered in the
    34  [infrastructure page](/intro/getting-started/infra.html)) was
    35  something other than "simple", Otto would launch multiple servers
    36  behind a load balancer. This is another example of the power of
    37  Otto: it has built-in knowledge of different ways to deploy an application
    38  depending on your needs.
    40  ## Next
    42  We've deployed the example application!
    44  With a few simple steps, anybody could've deployed this application,
    45  whether or not they know anything about operations, Ruby runtimes, etc.
    46  Otto exposes unified workflow from development to deployment for any
    47  application type.
    49  As technology improves or best practices changes, these will be
    50  encoded into Otto and Otto will roll out these changes for you. For example,
    51  if cheaper or more optimized hardware becomes available in AWS, then
    52  Otto can begin to use those instead.
    54  Up to this point, we've done everything with _zero configuration_
    55  (other than the credentials to access AWS). Next, we'll introduce
    56  a way to configure Otto using the [Appfile](/intro/getting-started/appfile.html).