
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Otto vs. Custom Solutions"
     4  sidebar_current: "vs-other-custom"
     5  description: |-
     6    Comparison between Otto and custom solutions.
     7  ---
     9  # Otto vs. Custom Solutions
    11  The problems Otto solves are not new: applications need to be developed,
    12  built, and deployed. Therefore, you likely already have solutions in place
    13  to do this and may be wondering why Otto should be used over custom scripts
    14  and so on.
    16  When we released [Vagrant]( in 2010, we got similar
    17  questions. Over time, Vagrant has grown to millions of users for a simple
    18  reason: consistent and powerful workflow while being technology agnostic.
    20  Otto has the same benefits. Otto introduces a powerful, consistent workflow
    21  that you can share across all your projects. These projects can be in
    22  any language. They can be deployed to virtual machines or containers. It
    23  doesn't matter. All of it has the same workflow for development, build,
    24  and deployment.
    26  Otto codifies the shared knowledge of the global community: as more people
    27  use Otto, Otto improves and brings more best practices to your own
    28  applications. With custom solutions, you would have to keep up with the
    29  latest tools, learn them, and bring in the changes manually.