
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Otto vs. MAMP, XAMPP, etc."
     4  sidebar_current: "vs-other-mamp"
     5  description: |-
     6    Comparison between Otto and MAMP, XAMPP, etc.
     7  ---
     9  # Otto vs. MAMP, XAMPP, etc.
    11  MAMP, XAMPP, and other similar tools are one-click installers for a
    12  complete PHP development stack. They're very popular due to their ease
    13  of use and graphical user interfaces (GUI).
    15  Otto brings the same ease of use for PHP development environments.
    16  Otto is a single binary that will automatically install anything else
    17  needed to develop for PHP, including databases, web servers, and more.
    19  Unlike MAMP and XAMPP, Otto does not have a GUI.
    21  However, Otto is able to bring the ease of use of a single installer
    22  for PHP to other languages as well. For Ruby, Node.JS, and more, Otto
    23  is a just a single command away from building a fully capable
    24  development environment.