
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Go 1.2 Release Notes",
     3  	"Path":  "/doc/go1.2",
     4  	"Template": true
     5  }-->
     7  <h2 id="introduction">Introduction to Go 1.2</h2>
     9  <p>
    10  Since the release of <a href="/doc/go1.1.html">Go version 1.1</a> in April, 2013,
    11  the release schedule has been shortened to make the release process more efficient.
    12  This release, Go version 1.2 or Go 1.2 for short, arrives roughly six months after 1.1,
    13  while 1.1 took over a year to appear after 1.0.
    14  Because of the shorter time scale, 1.2 is a smaller delta than the step from 1.0 to 1.1,
    15  but it still has some significant developments, including
    16  a better scheduler and one new language feature.
    17  Of course, Go 1.2 keeps the <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">promise
    18  of compatibility</a>.
    19  The overwhelming majority of programs built with Go 1.1 (or 1.0 for that matter)
    20  will run without any changes whatsoever when moved to 1.2,
    21  although the introduction of one restriction
    22  to a corner of the language may expose already-incorrect code
    23  (see the discussion of the <a href="#use_of_nil">use of nil</a>).
    24  </p>
    26  <h2 id="language">Changes to the language</h2>
    28  <p>
    29  In the interest of firming up the specification, one corner case has been clarified,
    30  with consequences for programs.
    31  There is also one new language feature.
    32  </p>
    34  <h3 id="use_of_nil">Use of nil</h3>
    36  <p>
    37  The language now specifies that, for safety reasons,
    38  certain uses of nil pointers are guaranteed to trigger a run-time panic.
    39  For instance, in Go 1.0, given code like
    40  </p>
    42  <pre>
    43  type T struct {
    44      X [1<<24]byte
    45      Field int32
    46  }
    48  func main() {
    49      var x *T
    50      ...
    51  }
    52  </pre>
    54  <p>
    55  the <code>nil</code> pointer <code>x</code> could be used to access memory incorrectly:
    56  the expression <code>x.Field</code> could access memory at address <code>1<<24</code>.
    57  To prevent such unsafe behavior, in Go 1.2 the compilers now guarantee that any indirection through
    58  a nil pointer, such as illustrated here but also in nil pointers to arrays, nil interface values,
    59  nil slices, and so on, will either panic or return a correct, safe non-nil value.
    60  In short, any expression that explicitly or implicitly requires evaluation of a nil address is an error.
    61  The implementation may inject extra tests into the compiled program to enforce this behavior.
    62  </p>
    64  <p>
    65  Further details are in the
    66  <a href="//">design document</a>.
    67  </p>
    69  <p>
    70  <em>Updating</em>:
    71  Most code that depended on the old behavior is erroneous and will fail when run.
    72  Such programs will need to be updated by hand.
    73  </p>
    75  <h3 id="three_index">Three-index slices</h3>
    77  <p>
    78  Go 1.2 adds the ability to specify the capacity as well as the length when using a slicing operation
    79  on an existing array or slice.
    80  A slicing operation creates a new slice by describing a contiguous section of an already-created array or slice:
    81  </p>
    83  <pre>
    84  var array [10]int
    85  slice := array[2:4]
    86  </pre>
    88  <p>
    89  The capacity of the slice is the maximum number of elements that the slice may hold, even after reslicing;
    90  it reflects the size of the underlying array.
    91  In this example, the capacity of the <code>slice</code> variable is 8.
    92  </p>
    94  <p>
    95  Go 1.2 adds new syntax to allow a slicing operation to specify the capacity as well as the length.
    96  A second
    97  colon introduces the capacity value, which must be less than or equal to the capacity of the
    98  source slice or array, adjusted for the origin. For instance,
    99  </p>
   101  <pre>
   102  slice = array[2:4:7]
   103  </pre>
   105  <p>
   106  sets the slice to have the same length as in the earlier example but its capacity is now only 5 elements (7-2).
   107  It is impossible to use this new slice value to access the last three elements of the original array.
   108  </p>
   110  <p>
   111  In this three-index notation, a missing first index (<code>[:i:j]</code>) defaults to zero but the other
   112  two indices must always be specified explicitly.
   113  It is possible that future releases of Go may introduce default values for these indices.
   114  </p>
   116  <p>
   117  Further details are in the
   118  <a href="//">design document</a>.
   119  </p>
   121  <p>
   122  <em>Updating</em>:
   123  This is a backwards-compatible change that affects no existing programs.
   124  </p>
   126  <h2 id="impl">Changes to the implementations and tools</h2>
   128  <h3 id="preemption">Pre-emption in the scheduler</h3>
   130  <p>
   131  In prior releases, a goroutine that was looping forever could starve out other
   132  goroutines on the same thread, a serious problem when GOMAXPROCS
   133  provided only one user thread.
   134  In Go 1.2, this is partially addressed: The scheduler is invoked occasionally
   135  upon entry to a function.
   136  This means that any loop that includes a (non-inlined) function call can
   137  be pre-empted, allowing other goroutines to run on the same thread.
   138  </p>
   140  <h3 id="thread_limit">Limit on the number of threads</h3>
   142  <p>
   143  Go 1.2 introduces a configurable limit (default 10,000) to the total number of threads
   144  a single program may have in its address space, to avoid resource starvation
   145  issues in some environments.
   146  Note that goroutines are multiplexed onto threads so this limit does not directly
   147  limit the number of goroutines, only the number that may be simultaneously blocked
   148  in a system call.
   149  In practice, the limit is hard to reach.
   150  </p>
   152  <p>
   153  The new <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#SetMaxThreads"><code>SetMaxThreads</code></a> function in the
   154  <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/"><code>runtime/debug</code></a> package controls the thread count limit.
   155  </p>
   157  <p>
   158  <em>Updating</em>:
   159  Few functions will be affected by the limit, but if a program dies because it hits the
   160  limit, it could be modified to call <code>SetMaxThreads</code> to set a higher count.
   161  Even better would be to refactor the program to need fewer threads, reducing consumption
   162  of kernel resources.
   163  </p>
   165  <h3 id="stack_size">Stack size</h3>
   167  <p>
   168  In Go 1.2, the minimum size of the stack when a goroutine is created has been lifted from 4KB to 8KB.
   169  Many programs were suffering performance problems with the old size, which had a tendency
   170  to introduce expensive stack-segment switching in performance-critical sections.
   171  The new number was determined by empirical testing.
   172  </p>
   174  <p>
   175  At the other end, the new function <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#SetMaxStack"><code>SetMaxStack</code></a>
   176  in the <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug"><code>runtime/debug</code></a> package controls
   177  the <em>maximum</em> size of a single goroutine's stack.
   178  The default is 1GB on 64-bit systems and 250MB on 32-bit systems.
   179  Before Go 1.2, it was too easy for a runaway recursion to consume all the memory on a machine.
   180  </p>
   182  <p>
   183  <em>Updating</em>:
   184  The increased minimum stack size may cause programs with many goroutines to use
   185  more memory. There is no workaround, but plans for future releases
   186  include new stack management technology that should address the problem better.
   187  </p>
   189  <h3 id="cgo_and_cpp">Cgo and C++</h3>
   191  <p>
   192  The <a href="/cmd/cgo/"><code>cgo</code></a> command will now invoke the C++
   193  compiler to build any pieces of the linked-to library that are written in C++;
   194  <a href="/cmd/cgo/">the documentation</a> has more detail.
   195  </p>
   197  <h3 id="go_tools_godoc">Godoc and vet moved to the subrepository</h3>
   199  <p>
   200  Both binaries are still included with the distribution, but the source code for the
   201  godoc and vet commands has moved to the
   202  <a href="//"></a> subrepository.
   203  </p>
   205  <p>
   206  Also, the core of the godoc program has been split into a
   207  <a href="">library</a>,
   208  while the command itself is in a separate
   209  <a href="">directory</a>.
   210  The move allows the code to be updated easily and the separation into a library and command
   211  makes it easier to construct custom binaries for local sites and different deployment methods.
   212  </p>
   214  <p>
   215  <em>Updating</em>:
   216  Since godoc and vet are not part of the library,
   217  no client Go code depends on the their source and no updating is required.
   218  </p>
   220  <p>
   221  The binary distributions available from <a href="//"></a>
   222  include these binaries, so users of these distributions are unaffected.
   223  </p>
   225  <p>
   226  When building from source, users must use "go get" to install godoc and vet.
   227  (The binaries will continue to be installed in their usual locations, not
   228  <code>$GOPATH/bin</code>.)
   229  </p>
   231  <pre>
   232  $ go get
   233  $ go get
   234  </pre>
   236  <h3 id="gccgo">Status of gccgo</h3>
   238  <p>
   239  We expect the future GCC 4.9 release to include gccgo with full
   240  support for Go 1.2.
   241  In the current (4.8.2) release of GCC, gccgo implements Go 1.1.2.
   242  </p>
   244  <h3 id="gc_changes">Changes to the gc compiler and linker</h3>
   246  <p>
   247  Go 1.2 has several semantic changes to the workings of the gc compiler suite.
   248  Most users will be unaffected by them.
   249  </p>
   251  <p>
   252  The <a href="/cmd/cgo/"><code>cgo</code></a> command now
   253  works when C++ is included in the library being linked against.
   254  See the <a href="/cmd/cgo/"><code>cgo</code></a> documentation
   255  for details.
   256  </p>
   258  <p>
   259  The gc compiler displayed a vestigial detail of its origins when
   260  a program had no <code>package</code> clause: it assumed
   261  the file was in package <code>main</code>.
   262  The past has been erased, and a missing <code>package</code> clause
   263  is now an error.
   264  </p>
   266  <p>
   267  On the ARM, the toolchain supports "external linking", which
   268  is a step towards being able to build shared libraries with the gc
   269  tool chain and to provide dynamic linking support for environments
   270  in which that is necessary.
   271  </p>
   273  <p>
   274  In the runtime for the ARM, with <code>5a</code>, it used to be possible to refer
   275  to the runtime-internal <code>m</code> (machine) and <code>g</code>
   276  (goroutine) variables using <code>R9</code> and <code>R10</code> directly.
   277  It is now necessary to refer to them by their proper names.
   278  </p>
   280  <p>
   281  Also on the ARM, the <code>5l</code> linker (sic) now defines the
   282  <code>MOVBS</code> and <code>MOVHS</code> instructions
   283  as synonyms of <code>MOVB</code> and <code>MOVH</code>,
   284  to make clearer the separation between signed and unsigned
   285  sub-word moves; the unsigned versions already existed with a
   286  <code>U</code> suffix.
   287  </p>
   289  <h3 id="cover">Test coverage</h3>
   291  <p>
   292  One major new feature of <a href="/pkg/go/"><code>go test</code></a> is
   293  that it can now compute and, with help from a new, separately installed
   294  "go tool cover" program, display test coverage results.
   295  </p>
   297  <p>
   298  The cover tool is part of the
   299  <a href=""><code></code></a>
   300  subrepository.
   301  It can be installed by running
   302  </p>
   304  <pre>
   305  $ go get
   306  </pre>
   308  <p>
   309  The cover tool does two things.
   310  First, when "go test" is given the <code>-cover</code> flag, it is run automatically 
   311  to rewrite the source for the package and insert instrumentation statements.
   312  The test is then compiled and run as usual, and basic coverage statistics are reported:
   313  </p>
   315  <pre>
   316  $ go test -cover fmt
   317  ok  	fmt	0.060s	coverage: 91.4% of statements
   318  $
   319  </pre>
   321  <p>
   322  Second, for more detailed reports, different flags to "go test" can create a coverage profile file,
   323  which the cover program, invoked with "go tool cover", can then analyze.
   324  </p>
   326  <p>
   327  Details on how to generate and analyze coverage statistics can be found by running the commands
   328  </p>
   330  <pre>
   331  $ go help testflag
   332  $ go tool cover -help
   333  </pre>
   335  <h3 id="go_doc">The go doc command is deleted</h3>
   337  <p>
   338  The "go doc" command is deleted.
   339  Note that the <a href="/cmd/godoc/"><code>godoc</code></a> tool itself is not deleted,
   340  just the wrapping of it by the <a href="/cmd/go/"><code>go</code></a> command.
   341  All it did was show the documents for a package by package path,
   342  which godoc itself already does with more flexibility.
   343  It has therefore been deleted to reduce the number of documentation tools and,
   344  as part of the restructuring of godoc, encourage better options in future.
   345  </p>
   347  <p>
   348  <em>Updating</em>: For those who still need the precise functionality of running
   349  </p>
   351  <pre>
   352  $ go doc
   353  </pre>
   355  <p>
   356  in a directory, the behavior is identical to running
   357  </p>
   359  <pre>
   360  $ godoc .
   361  </pre>
   363  <h3 id="gocmd">Changes to the go command</h3>
   365  <p>
   366  The <a href="/cmd/go/"><code>go get</code></a> command
   367  now has a <code>-t</code> flag that causes it to download the dependencies
   368  of the tests run by the package, not just those of the package itself.
   369  By default, as before, dependencies of the tests are not downloaded.
   370  </p>
   372  <h2 id="performance">Performance</h2>
   374  <p>
   375  There are a number of significant performance improvements in the standard library; here are a few of them.
   376  </p>
   378  <ul> 
   380  <li>
   381  The <a href="/pkg/compress/bzip2/"><code>compress/bzip2</code></a>
   382  decompresses about 30% faster.
   383  </li>
   385  <li>
   386  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/des/"><code>crypto/des</code></a> package
   387  is about five times faster.
   388  </li>
   390  <li>
   391  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a> package
   392  encodes about 30% faster.
   393  </li>
   395  <li>
   396  Networking performance on Windows and BSD systems is about 30% faster through the use
   397  of an integrated network poller in the runtime, similar to what was done for Linux and OS X
   398  in Go 1.1.
   399  </li>
   401  </ul>
   403  <h2 id="library">Changes to the standard library</h2>
   406  <h3 id="archive_tar_zip">The archive/tar and archive/zip packages</h3>
   408  <p>
   409  The
   410  <a href="/pkg/archive/tar/"><code>archive/tar</code></a>
   411  and
   412  <a href="/pkg/archive/zip/"><code>archive/zip</code></a>
   413  packages have had a change to their semantics that may break existing programs.
   414  The issue is that they both provided an implementation of the
   415  <a href="/pkg/os/#FileInfo"><code>os.FileInfo</code></a>
   416  interface that was not compliant with the specification for that interface.
   417  In particular, their <code>Name</code> method returned the full
   418  path name of the entry, but the interface specification requires that
   419  the method return only the base name (final path element).
   420  </p>
   422  <p>
   423  <em>Updating</em>: Since this behavior was newly implemented and
   424  a bit obscure, it is possible that no code depends on the broken behavior.
   425  If there are programs that do depend on it, they will need to be identified
   426  and fixed manually.
   427  </p>
   429  <h3 id="encoding">The new encoding package</h3>
   431  <p>
   432  There is a new package, <a href="/pkg/encoding/"><code>encoding</code></a>,
   433  that defines a set of standard encoding interfaces that may be used to
   434  build custom marshalers and unmarshalers for packages such as
   435  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/"><code>encoding/xml</code></a>,
   436  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a>,
   437  and
   438  <a href="/pkg/encoding/binary/"><code>encoding/binary</code></a>.
   439  These new interfaces have been used to tidy up some implementations in
   440  the standard library.
   441  </p>
   443  <p>
   444  The new interfaces are called
   445  <a href="/pkg/encoding/#BinaryMarshaler"><code>BinaryMarshaler</code></a>,
   446  <a href="/pkg/encoding/#BinaryUnmarshaler"><code>BinaryUnmarshaler</code></a>,
   447  <a href="/pkg/encoding/#TextMarshaler"><code>TextMarshaler</code></a>,
   448  and
   449  <a href="/pkg/encoding/#TextUnmarshaler"><code>TextUnmarshaler</code></a>.
   450  Full details are in the <a href="/pkg/encoding/">documentation</a> for the package
   451  and a separate <a href="//">design document</a>.
   452  </p>
   454  <h3 id="fmt_indexed_arguments">The fmt package</h3>
   456  <p>
   457  The <a href="/pkg/fmt/"><code>fmt</code></a> package's formatted print
   458  routines such as <a href="/pkg/fmt/#Printf"><code>Printf</code></a>
   459  now allow the data items to be printed to be accessed in arbitrary order
   460  by using an indexing operation in the formatting specifications.
   461  Wherever an argument is to be fetched from the argument list for formatting,
   462  either as the value to be formatted or as a width or specification integer,
   463  a new optional indexing notation <code>[</code><em>n</em><code>]</code>
   464  fetches argument <em>n</em> instead.
   465  The value of <em>n</em> is 1-indexed.
   466  After such an indexing operating, the next argument to be fetched by normal
   467  processing will be <em>n</em>+1.
   468  </p>
   470  <p>
   471  For example, the normal <code>Printf</code> call
   472  </p>
   474  <pre>
   475  fmt.Sprintf("%c %c %c\n", 'a', 'b', 'c')
   476  </pre>
   478  <p>
   479  would create the string <code>"a b c"</code>, but with indexing operations like this,
   480  </p>
   482  <pre>
   483  fmt.Sprintf("%[3]c %[1]c %c\n", 'a', 'b', 'c')
   484  </pre>
   486  <p>
   487  the result is "<code>"c a b"</code>. The <code>[3]</code> index accesses the third formatting
   488  argument, which is <code>'c'</code>, <code>[1]</code> accesses the first, <code>'a'</code>,
   489  and then the next fetch accesses the argument following that one, <code>'b'</code>.
   490  </p>
   492  <p>
   493  The motivation for this feature is programmable format statements to access
   494  the arguments in different order for localization, but it has other uses:
   495  </p>
   497  <pre>
   498  log.Printf("trace: value %v of type %[1]T\n", expensiveFunction(a.b[c]))
   499  </pre>
   501  <p>
   502  <em>Updating</em>: The change to the syntax of format specifications
   503  is strictly backwards compatible, so it affects no working programs.
   504  </p>
   506  <h3 id="text_template">The text/template and html/template packages</h3>
   508  <p>
   509  The
   510  <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a> package
   511  has a couple of changes in Go 1.2, both of which are also mirrored in the
   512  <a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a> package.
   513  </p>
   515  <p>
   516  First, there are new default functions for comparing basic types.
   517  The functions are listed in this table, which shows their names and
   518  the associated familiar comparison operator.
   519  </p>
   521  <table cellpadding="0" summary="Template comparison functions">
   522  <tr>
   523  <th width="50"></th><th width="100">Name</th> <th width="50">Operator</th>
   524  </tr>
   525  <tr>
   526  <td></td><td><code>eq</code></td> <td><code>==</code></td>
   527  </tr>
   528  <tr>
   529  <td></td><td><code>ne</code></td> <td><code>!=</code></td>
   530  </tr>
   531  <tr>
   532  <td></td><td><code>lt</code></td> <td><code>&lt;</code></td>
   533  </tr>
   534  <tr>
   535  <td></td><td><code>le</code></td> <td><code>&lt;=</code></td>
   536  </tr>
   537  <tr>
   538  <td></td><td><code>gt</code></td> <td><code>&gt;</code></td>
   539  </tr>
   540  <tr>
   541  <td></td><td><code>ge</code></td> <td><code>&gt;=</code></td>
   542  </tr>
   543  </table>
   545  <p>
   546  These functions behave slightly differently from the corresponding Go operators.
   547  First, they operate only on basic types (<code>bool</code>, <code>int</code>,
   548  <code>float64</code>, <code>string</code>, etc.).
   549  (Go allows comparison of arrays and structs as well, under some circumstances.)
   550  Second, values can be compared as long as they are the same sort of value:
   551  any signed integer value can be compared to any other signed integer value for example. (Go
   552  does not permit comparing an <code>int8</code> and an <code>int16</code>).
   553  Finally, the <code>eq</code> function (only) allows comparison of the first
   554  argument with one or more following arguments. The template in this example,
   555  </p>
   557  <pre>
   558  {{"{{"}}if eq .A 1 2 3 {{"}}"}} equal {{"{{"}}else{{"}}"}} not equal {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}}
   559  </pre>
   561  <p>
   562  reports "equal" if <code>.A</code> is equal to <em>any</em> of 1, 2, or 3.
   563  </p>
   565  <p>
   566  The second change is that a small addition to the grammar makes "if else if" chains easier to write.
   567  Instead of writing,
   568  </p>
   570  <pre>
   571  {{"{{"}}if eq .A 1{{"}}"}} X {{"{{"}}else{{"}}"}} {{"{{"}}if eq .A 2{{"}}"}} Y {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}} {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}} 
   572  </pre>
   574  <p>
   575  one can fold the second "if" into the "else" and have only one "end", like this:
   576  </p>
   578  <pre>
   579  {{"{{"}}if eq .A 1{{"}}"}} X {{"{{"}}else if eq .A 2{{"}}"}} Y {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}}
   580  </pre>
   582  <p>
   583  The two forms are identical in effect; the difference is just in the syntax.
   584  </p>
   586  <p>
   587  <em>Updating</em>: Neither the "else if" change nor the comparison functions
   588  affect existing programs. Those that
   589  already define functions called <code>eq</code> and so on through a function
   590  map are unaffected because the associated function map will override the new
   591  default function definitions.
   592  </p>
   594  <h3 id="new_packages">New packages</h3>
   596  <p>
   597  There are two new packages.
   598  </p>
   600  <ul>
   601  <li>
   602  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/"><code>encoding</code></a> package is
   603  <a href="#encoding">described above</a>.
   604  </li>
   605  <li>
   606  The <a href="/pkg/image/color/palette/"><code>image/color/palette</code></a> package
   607  provides standard color palettes.
   608  </li>
   609  </ul>
   611  <h3 id="minor_library_changes">Minor changes to the library</h3>
   613  <p>
   614  The following list summarizes a number of minor changes to the library, mostly additions.
   615  See the relevant package documentation for more information about each change.
   616  </p>
   618  <ul>
   620  <li>
   621  The <a href="/pkg/archive/zip/"><code>archive/zip</code></a> package
   622  adds the
   623  <a href="/pkg/archive/zip/#File.DataOffset"><code>DataOffset</code></a> accessor
   624  to return the offset of a file's (possibly compressed) data within the archive.
   625  </li>
   627  <li>
   628  The <a href="/pkg/bufio/"><code>bufio</code></a> package
   629  adds <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a>
   630  methods to <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a> and
   631  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>.
   632  These methods allow the <a href="/pkg/io/#Reader"><code>Readers</code></a>
   633  and <a href="/pkg/io/#Writer"><code>Writers</code></a>
   634  to be re-used on new input and output readers and writers, saving
   635  allocation overhead. 
   636  </li>
   638  <li>
   639  The <a href="/pkg/compress/bzip2/"><code>compress/bzip2</code></a>
   640  can now decompress concatenated archives.
   641  </li>
   643  <li>
   644  The <a href="/pkg/compress/flate/"><code>compress/flate</code></a>
   645  package adds a <a href="/pkg/compress/flate/#Writer.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a> 
   646  method on the <a href="/pkg/compress/flate/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>,
   647  to make it possible to reduce allocation when, for instance, constructing an
   648  archive to hold multiple compressed files.
   649  </li>
   651  <li>
   652  The <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/"><code>compress/gzip</code></a> package's
   653  <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a> type adds a
   654  <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a>
   655  so it may be reused.
   656  </li>
   658  <li>
   659  The <a href="/pkg/compress/zlib/"><code>compress/zlib</code></a> package's
   660  <a href="/pkg/compress/zlib/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a> type adds a
   661  <a href="/pkg/compress/zlib/#Writer.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a>
   662  so it may be reused.
   663  </li>
   665  <li>
   666  The <a href="/pkg/container/heap/"><code>container/heap</code></a> package
   667  adds a <a href="/pkg/container/heap/#Fix"><code>Fix</code></a>
   668  method to provide a more efficient way to update an item's position in the heap.
   669  </li>
   671  <li>
   672  The <a href="/pkg/container/list/"><code>container/list</code></a> package
   673  adds the <a href="/pkg/container/list/#List.MoveBefore"><code>MoveBefore</code></a>
   674  and
   675  <a href="/pkg/container/list/#List.MoveAfter"><code>MoveAfter</code></a>
   676  methods, which implement the obvious rearrangement.
   677  </li>
   679  <li>
   680  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/cipher/"><code>crypto/cipher</code></a> package
   681  adds the a new GCM mode (Galois Counter Mode), which is almost always
   682  used with AES encryption.
   683  </li>
   685  <li>
   686  The 
   687  <a href="/pkg/crypto/md5/"><code>crypto/md5</code></a> package
   688  adds a new <a href="/pkg/crypto/md5/#Sum"><code>Sum</code></a> function
   689  to simplify hashing without sacrificing performance.
   690  </li>
   692  <li>
   693  Similarly, the 
   694  <a href="/pkg/crypto/md5/"><code>crypto/sha1</code></a> package
   695  adds a new <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha1/#Sum"><code>Sum</code></a> function.
   696  </li>
   698  <li>
   699  Also, the
   700  <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha256/"><code>crypto/sha256</code></a> package
   701  adds <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha256/#Sum256"><code>Sum256</code></a>
   702  and <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha256/#Sum224"><code>Sum224</code></a> functions.
   703  </li>
   705  <li>
   706  Finally, the <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha512/"><code>crypto/sha512</code></a> package
   707  adds <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha512/#Sum512"><code>Sum512</code></a> and
   708  <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha512/#Sum384"><code>Sum384</code></a> functions.
   709  </li>
   711  <li>
   712  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/"><code>crypto/x509</code></a> package
   713  adds support for reading and writing arbitrary extensions.
   714  </li>
   716  <li>
   717  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/"><code>crypto/tls</code></a> package adds
   718  support for TLS 1.1, 1.2 and AES-GCM.
   719  </li>
   721  <li>
   722  The <a href="/pkg/database/sql/"><code>database/sql</code></a> package adds a
   723  <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.SetMaxOpenConns"><code>SetMaxOpenConns</code></a>
   724  method on <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB"><code>DB</code></a> to limit the
   725  number of open connections to the database.
   726  </li>
   728  <li>
   729  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/csv/"><code>encoding/csv</code></a> package
   730  now always allows trailing commas on fields.
   731  </li>
   733  <li>
   734  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/gob/"><code>encoding/gob</code></a> package
   735  now treats channel and function fields of structures as if they were unexported,
   736  even if they are not. That is, it ignores them completely. Previously they would
   737  trigger an error, which could cause unexpected compatibility problems if an
   738  embedded structure added such a field.
   739  The package also now supports the generic <code>BinaryMarshaler</code> and
   740  <code>BinaryUnmarshaler</code> interfaces of the
   741  <a href="/pkg/encoding/"><code>encoding</code></a> package
   742  described above.
   743  </li>
   745  <li>
   746  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a> package
   747  now will always escape ampersands as "\u0026" when printing strings.
   748  It will now accept but correct invalid UTF-8 in
   749  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal"><code>Marshal</code></a>
   750  (such input was previously rejected).
   751  Finally, it now supports the generic encoding interfaces of the
   752  <a href="/pkg/encoding/"><code>encoding</code></a> package
   753  described above.
   754  </li>
   756  <li>
   757  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/"><code>encoding/xml</code></a> package
   758  now allows attributes stored in pointers to be marshaled.
   759  It also supports the generic encoding interfaces of the
   760  <a href="/pkg/encoding/"><code>encoding</code></a> package
   761  described above through the new
   762  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Marshaler"><code>Marshaler</code></a>,
   763  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Unmarshaler"><code>Unmarshaler</code></a>,
   764  and related
   765  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#MarshalerAttr"><code>MarshalerAttr</code></a> and
   766  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#UnmarshalerAttr"><code>UnmarshalerAttr</code></a>
   767  interfaces.
   768  The package also adds a
   769  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder.Flush"><code>Flush</code></a> method
   770  to the
   771  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder"><code>Encoder</code></a>
   772  type for use by custom encoders. See the documentation for
   773  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder.EncodeToken"><code>EncodeToken</code></a>
   774  to see how to use it.
   775  </li>
   777  <li>
   778  The <a href="/pkg/flag/"><code>flag</code></a> package now
   779  has a <a href="/pkg/flag/#Getter"><code>Getter</code></a> interface
   780  to allow the value of a flag to be retrieved. Due to the
   781  Go 1 compatibility guidelines, this method cannot be added to the existing
   782  <a href="/pkg/flag/#Value"><code>Value</code></a>
   783  interface, but all the existing standard flag types implement it.
   784  The package also now exports the <a href="/pkg/flag/#CommandLine"><code>CommandLine</code></a>
   785  flag set, which holds the flags from the command line.
   786  </li>
   788  <li>
   789  The <a href="/pkg/go/ast/"><code>go/ast</code></a> package's
   790  <a href="/pkg/go/ast/#SliceExpr"><code>SliceExpr</code></a> struct
   791  has a new boolean field, <code>Slice3</code>, which is set to true
   792  when representing a slice expression with three indices (two colons).
   793  The default is false, representing the usual two-index form.
   794  </li>
   796  <li>
   797  The <a href="/pkg/go/build/"><code>go/build</code></a> package adds
   798  the <code>AllTags</code> field
   799  to the <a href="/pkg/go/build/#Package"><code>Package</code></a> type,
   800  to make it easier to process build tags.
   801  </li>
   803  <li>
   804  The <a href="/pkg/image/draw/"><code>image/draw</code></a> package now
   805  exports an interface, <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Drawer"><code>Drawer</code></a>,
   806  that wraps the standard <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Draw"><code>Draw</code></a> method.
   807  The Porter-Duff operators now implement this interface, in effect binding an operation to
   808  the draw operator rather than providing it explicitly.
   809  Given a paletted image as its destination, the new
   810  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#FloydSteinberg"><code>FloydSteinberg</code></a>
   811  implementation of the
   812  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Drawer"><code>Drawer</code></a>
   813  interface will use the Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion algorithm to draw the image.
   814  To create palettes suitable for such processing, the new
   815  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Quantizer"><code>Quantizer</code></a> interface
   816  represents implementations of quantization algorithms that choose a palette
   817  given a full-color image.
   818  There are no implementations of this interface in the library.
   819  </li>
   821  <li>
   822  The <a href="/pkg/image/gif/"><code>image/gif</code></a> package
   823  can now create GIF files using the new
   824  <a href="/pkg/image/gif/#Encode"><code>Encode</code></a>
   825  and <a href="/pkg/image/gif/#EncodeAll"><code>EncodeAll</code></a>
   826  functions.
   827  Their options argument allows specification of an image
   828  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Quantizer"><code>Quantizer</code></a> to use;
   829  if it is <code>nil</code>, the generated GIF will use the 
   830  <a href="/pkg/image/color/palette/#Plan9"><code>Plan9</code></a>
   831  color map (palette) defined in the new
   832  <a href="/pkg/image/color/palette/"><code>image/color/palette</code></a> package.
   833  The options also specify a
   834  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Drawer"><code>Drawer</code></a>
   835  to use to create the output image;
   836  if it is <code>nil</code>, Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion is used.
   837  </li>
   839  <li>
   840  The <a href="/pkg/io/#Copy"><code>Copy</code></a> method of the
   841  <a href="/pkg/io/"><code>io</code></a> package now prioritizes its
   842  arguments differently.
   843  If one argument implements <a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>WriterTo</code></a>
   844  and the other implements <a href="/pkg/io/#ReaderFrom"><code>ReaderFrom</code></a>,
   845  <a href="/pkg/io/#Copy"><code>Copy</code></a> will now invoke
   846  <a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>WriterTo</code></a> to do the work,
   847  so that less intermediate buffering is required in general.
   848  </li>
   850  <li>
   851  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package requires cgo by default
   852  because the host operating system must in general mediate network call setup.
   853  On some systems, though, it is possible to use the network without cgo, and useful
   854  to do so, for instance to avoid dynamic linking.
   855  The new build tag <code>netgo</code> (off by default) allows the construction of a
   856  <code>net</code> package in pure Go on those systems where it is possible.
   857  </li>
   859  <li>
   860  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds a new field
   861  <code>DualStack</code> to the <a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer"><code>Dialer</code></a>
   862  struct for TCP connection setup using a dual IP stack as described in
   863  <a href="">RFC 6555</a>.
   864  </li>
   866  <li>
   867  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/"><code>net/http</code></a> package will no longer
   868  transmit cookies that are incorrect according to
   869  <a href="">RFC 6265</a>.
   870  It just logs an error and sends nothing.
   871  Also,
   872  the <a href="/pkg/net/http/"><code>net/http</code></a> package's
   873  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ReadResponse"><code>ReadResponse</code></a>
   874  function now permits the <code>*Request</code> parameter to be <code>nil</code>,
   875  whereupon it assumes a GET request.
   876  Finally, an HTTP server will now serve HEAD
   877  requests transparently, without the need for special casing in handler code.
   878  While serving a HEAD request, writes to a 
   879  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Handler"><code>Handler</code></a>'s
   880  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter"><code>ResponseWriter</code></a>
   881  are absorbed by the
   882  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Server"><code>Server</code></a>
   883  and the client receives an empty body as required by the HTTP specification.
   884  </li>
   886  <li>
   887  The <a href="/pkg/os/exec/"><code>os/exec</code></a> package's 
   888  <a href="/pkg/os/exec/#Cmd.StdinPipe"><code>Cmd.StdinPipe</code></a> method 
   889  returns an <code>io.WriteCloser</code>, but has changed its concrete
   890  implementation from <code>*os.File</code> to an unexported type that embeds
   891  <code>*os.File</code>, and it is now safe to close the returned value.
   892  Before Go 1.2, there was an unavoidable race that this change fixes.
   893  Code that needs access to the methods of <code>*os.File</code> can use an
   894  interface type assertion, such as <code>wc.(interface{ Sync() error })</code>.
   895  </li>
   897  <li>
   898  The <a href="/pkg/runtime/"><code>runtime</code></a> package relaxes
   899  the constraints on finalizer functions in
   900  <a href="/pkg/runtime/#SetFinalizer"><code>SetFinalizer</code></a>: the
   901  actual argument can now be any type that is assignable to the formal type of
   902  the function, as is the case for any normal function call in Go.
   903  </li>
   905  <li>
   906  The <a href="/pkg/sort/"><code>sort</code></a> package has a new
   907  <a href="/pkg/sort/#Stable"><code>Stable</code></a> function that implements
   908  stable sorting. It is less efficient than the normal sort algorithm, however.
   909  </li>
   911  <li>
   912  The <a href="/pkg/strings/"><code>strings</code></a> package adds
   913  an <a href="/pkg/strings/#IndexByte"><code>IndexByte</code></a>
   914  function for consistency with the <a href="/pkg/bytes/"><code>bytes</code></a> package.
   915  </li>
   917  <li>
   918  The <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/"><code>sync/atomic</code></a> package
   919  adds a new set of swap functions that atomically exchange the argument with the
   920  value stored in the pointer, returning the old value.
   921  The functions are
   922  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapInt32"><code>SwapInt32</code></a>,
   923  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapInt64"><code>SwapInt64</code></a>,
   924  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapUint32"><code>SwapUint32</code></a>,
   925  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapUint64"><code>SwapUint64</code></a>,
   926  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapUintptr"><code>SwapUintptr</code></a>,
   927  and
   928  <a href="/pkg/sync/atomic/#SwapPointer"><code>SwapPointer</code></a>,
   929  which swaps an <code>unsafe.Pointer</code>.
   930  </li>
   932  <li>
   933  The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package now implements
   934  <a href="/pkg/syscall/#Sendfile"><code>Sendfile</code></a> for Darwin.
   935  </li>
   937  <li>
   938  The <a href="/pkg/testing/"><code>testing</code></a> package
   939  now exports the <a href="/pkg/testing/#TB"><code>TB</code></a> interface.
   940  It records the methods in common with the
   941  <a href="/pkg/testing/#T"><code>T</code></a>
   942  and
   943  <a href="/pkg/testing/#B"><code>B</code></a> types,
   944  to make it easier to share code between tests and benchmarks.
   945  Also, the
   946  <a href="/pkg/testing/#AllocsPerRun"><code>AllocsPerRun</code></a>
   947  function now quantizes the return value to an integer (although it
   948  still has type <code>float64</code>), to round off any error caused by
   949  initialization and make the result more repeatable. 
   950  </li>
   952  <li>
   953  The <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a> package
   954  now automatically dereferences pointer values when evaluating the arguments
   955  to "escape" functions such as "html", to bring the behavior of such functions
   956  in agreement with that of other printing functions such as "printf".
   957  </li>
   959  <li>
   960  In the <a href="/pkg/time/"><code>time</code></a> package, the
   961  <a href="/pkg/time/#Parse"><code>Parse</code></a> function
   962  and
   963  <a href="/pkg/time/#Time.Format"><code>Format</code></a>
   964  method
   965  now handle time zone offsets with seconds, such as in the historical
   966  date "1871-01-01T05:33:02+00:34:08".
   967  Also, pattern matching in the formats for those routines is stricter: a non-lowercase letter
   968  must now follow the standard words such as "Jan" and "Mon".
   969  </li>
   971  <li>
   972  The <a href="/pkg/unicode/"><code>unicode</code></a> package
   973  adds <a href="/pkg/unicode/#In"><code>In</code></a>,
   974  a nicer-to-use but equivalent version of the original
   975  <a href="/pkg/unicode/#IsOneOf"><code>IsOneOf</code></a>,
   976  to see whether a character is a member of a Unicode category.
   977  </li>
   979  </ul>