
     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package xml
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"errors"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"io"
    12  	"reflect"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"sync"
    16  	"testing"
    17  	"time"
    18  )
    20  type DriveType int
    22  const (
    23  	HyperDrive DriveType = iota
    24  	ImprobabilityDrive
    25  )
    27  type Passenger struct {
    28  	Name   []string `xml:"name"`
    29  	Weight float32  `xml:"weight"`
    30  }
    32  type Ship struct {
    33  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"spaceship"`
    35  	Name      string       `xml:"name,attr"`
    36  	Pilot     string       `xml:"pilot,attr"`
    37  	Drive     DriveType    `xml:"drive"`
    38  	Age       uint         `xml:"age"`
    39  	Passenger []*Passenger `xml:"passenger"`
    40  	secret    string
    41  }
    43  type NamedType string
    45  type Port struct {
    46  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"port"`
    47  	Type    string   `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
    48  	Comment string   `xml:",comment"`
    49  	Number  string   `xml:",chardata"`
    50  }
    52  type Domain struct {
    53  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"domain"`
    54  	Country string   `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
    55  	Name    []byte   `xml:",chardata"`
    56  	Comment []byte   `xml:",comment"`
    57  }
    59  type Book struct {
    60  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"book"`
    61  	Title   string   `xml:",chardata"`
    62  }
    64  type Event struct {
    65  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"event"`
    66  	Year    int      `xml:",chardata"`
    67  }
    69  type Movie struct {
    70  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"movie"`
    71  	Length  uint     `xml:",chardata"`
    72  }
    74  type Pi struct {
    75  	XMLName       struct{} `xml:"pi"`
    76  	Approximation float32  `xml:",chardata"`
    77  }
    79  type Universe struct {
    80  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"universe"`
    81  	Visible float64  `xml:",chardata"`
    82  }
    84  type Particle struct {
    85  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"particle"`
    86  	HasMass bool     `xml:",chardata"`
    87  }
    89  type Departure struct {
    90  	XMLName struct{}  `xml:"departure"`
    91  	When    time.Time `xml:",chardata"`
    92  }
    94  type SecretAgent struct {
    95  	XMLName   struct{} `xml:"agent"`
    96  	Handle    string   `xml:"handle,attr"`
    97  	Identity  string
    98  	Obfuscate string `xml:",innerxml"`
    99  }
   101  type NestedItems struct {
   102  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
   103  	Items   []string `xml:">item"`
   104  	Item1   []string `xml:"Items>item1"`
   105  }
   107  type NestedOrder struct {
   108  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
   109  	Field1  string   `xml:"parent>c"`
   110  	Field2  string   `xml:"parent>b"`
   111  	Field3  string   `xml:"parent>a"`
   112  }
   114  type MixedNested struct {
   115  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
   116  	A       string   `xml:"parent1>a"`
   117  	B       string   `xml:"b"`
   118  	C       string   `xml:"parent1>parent2>c"`
   119  	D       string   `xml:"parent1>d"`
   120  }
   122  type NilTest struct {
   123  	A interface{} `xml:"parent1>parent2>a"`
   124  	B interface{} `xml:"parent1>b"`
   125  	C interface{} `xml:"parent1>parent2>c"`
   126  }
   128  type Service struct {
   129  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"service"`
   130  	Domain  *Domain  `xml:"host>domain"`
   131  	Port    *Port    `xml:"host>port"`
   132  	Extra1  interface{}
   133  	Extra2  interface{} `xml:"host>extra2"`
   134  }
   136  var nilStruct *Ship
   138  type EmbedA struct {
   139  	EmbedC
   140  	EmbedB EmbedB
   141  	FieldA string
   142  	embedD
   143  }
   145  type EmbedB struct {
   146  	FieldB string
   147  	*EmbedC
   148  }
   150  type EmbedC struct {
   151  	FieldA1 string `xml:"FieldA>A1"`
   152  	FieldA2 string `xml:"FieldA>A2"`
   153  	FieldB  string
   154  	FieldC  string
   155  }
   157  type embedD struct {
   158  	fieldD string
   159  	FieldE string // Promoted and visible when embedD is embedded.
   160  }
   162  type NameCasing struct {
   163  	XMLName struct{} `xml:"casing"`
   164  	Xy      string
   165  	XY      string
   166  	XyA     string `xml:"Xy,attr"`
   167  	XYA     string `xml:"XY,attr"`
   168  }
   170  type NamePrecedence struct {
   171  	XMLName     Name              `xml:"Parent"`
   172  	FromTag     XMLNameWithoutTag `xml:"InTag"`
   173  	FromNameVal XMLNameWithoutTag
   174  	FromNameTag XMLNameWithTag
   175  	InFieldName string
   176  }
   178  type XMLNameWithTag struct {
   179  	XMLName Name   `xml:"InXMLNameTag"`
   180  	Value   string `xml:",chardata"`
   181  }
   183  type XMLNameWithoutTag struct {
   184  	XMLName Name
   185  	Value   string `xml:",chardata"`
   186  }
   188  type NameInField struct {
   189  	Foo Name `xml:"ns foo"`
   190  }
   192  type AttrTest struct {
   193  	Int   int     `xml:",attr"`
   194  	Named int     `xml:"int,attr"`
   195  	Float float64 `xml:",attr"`
   196  	Uint8 uint8   `xml:",attr"`
   197  	Bool  bool    `xml:",attr"`
   198  	Str   string  `xml:",attr"`
   199  	Bytes []byte  `xml:",attr"`
   200  }
   202  type AttrsTest struct {
   203  	Attrs []Attr  `xml:",any,attr"`
   204  	Int   int     `xml:",attr"`
   205  	Named int     `xml:"int,attr"`
   206  	Float float64 `xml:",attr"`
   207  	Uint8 uint8   `xml:",attr"`
   208  	Bool  bool    `xml:",attr"`
   209  	Str   string  `xml:",attr"`
   210  	Bytes []byte  `xml:",attr"`
   211  }
   213  type OmitAttrTest struct {
   214  	Int   int     `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   215  	Named int     `xml:"int,attr,omitempty"`
   216  	Float float64 `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   217  	Uint8 uint8   `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   218  	Bool  bool    `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   219  	Str   string  `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   220  	Bytes []byte  `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   221  	PStr  *string `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
   222  }
   224  type OmitFieldTest struct {
   225  	Int   int           `xml:",omitempty"`
   226  	Named int           `xml:"int,omitempty"`
   227  	Float float64       `xml:",omitempty"`
   228  	Uint8 uint8         `xml:",omitempty"`
   229  	Bool  bool          `xml:",omitempty"`
   230  	Str   string        `xml:",omitempty"`
   231  	Bytes []byte        `xml:",omitempty"`
   232  	PStr  *string       `xml:",omitempty"`
   233  	Ptr   *PresenceTest `xml:",omitempty"`
   234  }
   236  type AnyTest struct {
   237  	XMLName  struct{}  `xml:"a"`
   238  	Nested   string    `xml:"nested>value"`
   239  	AnyField AnyHolder `xml:",any"`
   240  }
   242  type AnyOmitTest struct {
   243  	XMLName  struct{}   `xml:"a"`
   244  	Nested   string     `xml:"nested>value"`
   245  	AnyField *AnyHolder `xml:",any,omitempty"`
   246  }
   248  type AnySliceTest struct {
   249  	XMLName  struct{}    `xml:"a"`
   250  	Nested   string      `xml:"nested>value"`
   251  	AnyField []AnyHolder `xml:",any"`
   252  }
   254  type AnyHolder struct {
   255  	XMLName Name
   256  	XML     string `xml:",innerxml"`
   257  }
   259  type RecurseA struct {
   260  	A string
   261  	B *RecurseB
   262  }
   264  type RecurseB struct {
   265  	A *RecurseA
   266  	B string
   267  }
   269  type PresenceTest struct {
   270  	Exists *struct{}
   271  }
   273  type IgnoreTest struct {
   274  	PublicSecret string `xml:"-"`
   275  }
   277  type MyBytes []byte
   279  type Data struct {
   280  	Bytes  []byte
   281  	Attr   []byte `xml:",attr"`
   282  	Custom MyBytes
   283  }
   285  type Plain struct {
   286  	V interface{}
   287  }
   289  type MyInt int
   291  type EmbedInt struct {
   292  	MyInt
   293  }
   295  type Strings struct {
   296  	X []string `xml:"A>B,omitempty"`
   297  }
   299  type PointerFieldsTest struct {
   300  	XMLName  Name    `xml:"dummy"`
   301  	Name     *string `xml:"name,attr"`
   302  	Age      *uint   `xml:"age,attr"`
   303  	Empty    *string `xml:"empty,attr"`
   304  	Contents *string `xml:",chardata"`
   305  }
   307  type ChardataEmptyTest struct {
   308  	XMLName  Name    `xml:"test"`
   309  	Contents *string `xml:",chardata"`
   310  }
   312  type MyMarshalerTest struct {
   313  }
   315  var _ Marshaler = (*MyMarshalerTest)(nil)
   317  func (m *MyMarshalerTest) MarshalXML(e *Encoder, start StartElement) error {
   318  	e.EncodeToken(start)
   319  	e.EncodeToken(CharData([]byte("hello world")))
   320  	e.EncodeToken(EndElement{start.Name})
   321  	return nil
   322  }
   324  type MyMarshalerAttrTest struct {
   325  }
   327  var _ MarshalerAttr = (*MyMarshalerAttrTest)(nil)
   329  func (m *MyMarshalerAttrTest) MarshalXMLAttr(name Name) (Attr, error) {
   330  	return Attr{name, "hello world"}, nil
   331  }
   333  func (m *MyMarshalerAttrTest) UnmarshalXMLAttr(attr Attr) error {
   334  	return nil
   335  }
   337  type MarshalerStruct struct {
   338  	Foo MyMarshalerAttrTest `xml:",attr"`
   339  }
   341  type InnerStruct struct {
   342  	XMLName Name `xml:"testns outer"`
   343  }
   345  type OuterStruct struct {
   346  	InnerStruct
   347  	IntAttr int `xml:"int,attr"`
   348  }
   350  type OuterNamedStruct struct {
   351  	InnerStruct
   352  	XMLName Name `xml:"outerns test"`
   353  	IntAttr int  `xml:"int,attr"`
   354  }
   356  type OuterNamedOrderedStruct struct {
   357  	XMLName Name `xml:"outerns test"`
   358  	InnerStruct
   359  	IntAttr int `xml:"int,attr"`
   360  }
   362  type OuterOuterStruct struct {
   363  	OuterStruct
   364  }
   366  type NestedAndChardata struct {
   367  	AB       []string `xml:"A>B"`
   368  	Chardata string   `xml:",chardata"`
   369  }
   371  type NestedAndComment struct {
   372  	AB      []string `xml:"A>B"`
   373  	Comment string   `xml:",comment"`
   374  }
   376  type CDataTest struct {
   377  	Chardata string `xml:",cdata"`
   378  }
   380  type NestedAndCData struct {
   381  	AB    []string `xml:"A>B"`
   382  	CDATA string   `xml:",cdata"`
   383  }
   385  func ifaceptr(x interface{}) interface{} {
   386  	return &x
   387  }
   389  var (
   390  	nameAttr     = "Sarah"
   391  	ageAttr      = uint(12)
   392  	contentsAttr = "lorem ipsum"
   393  	empty        = ""
   394  )
   396  // Unless explicitly stated as such (or *Plain), all of the
   397  // tests below are two-way tests. When introducing new tests,
   398  // please try to make them two-way as well to ensure that
   399  // marshalling and unmarshalling are as symmetrical as feasible.
   400  var marshalTests = []struct {
   401  	Value         interface{}
   402  	ExpectXML     string
   403  	MarshalOnly   bool
   404  	UnmarshalOnly bool
   405  }{
   406  	// Test nil marshals to nothing
   407  	{Value: nil, ExpectXML: ``, MarshalOnly: true},
   408  	{Value: nilStruct, ExpectXML: ``, MarshalOnly: true},
   410  	// Test value types
   411  	{Value: &Plain{true}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>true</V></Plain>`},
   412  	{Value: &Plain{false}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>false</V></Plain>`},
   413  	{Value: &Plain{int(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   414  	{Value: &Plain{int8(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   415  	{Value: &Plain{int16(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   416  	{Value: &Plain{int32(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   417  	{Value: &Plain{uint(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   418  	{Value: &Plain{uint8(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   419  	{Value: &Plain{uint16(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   420  	{Value: &Plain{uint32(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
   421  	{Value: &Plain{float32(1.25)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1.25</V></Plain>`},
   422  	{Value: &Plain{float64(1.25)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1.25</V></Plain>`},
   423  	{Value: &Plain{uintptr(0xFFDD)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>65501</V></Plain>`},
   424  	{Value: &Plain{"gopher"}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>gopher</V></Plain>`},
   425  	{Value: &Plain{[]byte("gopher")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>gopher</V></Plain>`},
   426  	{Value: &Plain{"</>"}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
   427  	{Value: &Plain{[]byte("</>")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
   428  	{Value: &Plain{[3]byte{'<', '/', '>'}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
   429  	{Value: &Plain{NamedType("potato")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>potato</V></Plain>`},
   430  	{Value: &Plain{[]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
   431  	{Value: &Plain{[3]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
   432  	{Value: ifaceptr(true), MarshalOnly: true, ExpectXML: `<bool>true</bool>`},
   434  	// Test time.
   435  	{
   436  		Value:     &Plain{time.Unix(1e9, 123456789).UTC()},
   437  		ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>2001-09-09T01:46:40.123456789Z</V></Plain>`,
   438  	},
   440  	// A pointer to struct{} may be used to test for an element's presence.
   441  	{
   442  		Value:     &PresenceTest{new(struct{})},
   443  		ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest><Exists></Exists></PresenceTest>`,
   444  	},
   445  	{
   446  		Value:     &PresenceTest{},
   447  		ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest></PresenceTest>`,
   448  	},
   450  	// A pointer to struct{} may be used to test for an element's presence.
   451  	{
   452  		Value:     &PresenceTest{new(struct{})},
   453  		ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest><Exists></Exists></PresenceTest>`,
   454  	},
   455  	{
   456  		Value:     &PresenceTest{},
   457  		ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest></PresenceTest>`,
   458  	},
   460  	// A []byte field is only nil if the element was not found.
   461  	{
   462  		Value:         &Data{},
   463  		ExpectXML:     `<Data></Data>`,
   464  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
   465  	},
   466  	{
   467  		Value:         &Data{Bytes: []byte{}, Custom: MyBytes{}, Attr: []byte{}},
   468  		ExpectXML:     `<Data Attr=""><Bytes></Bytes><Custom></Custom></Data>`,
   469  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
   470  	},
   472  	// Check that []byte works, including named []byte types.
   473  	{
   474  		Value:     &Data{Bytes: []byte("ab"), Custom: MyBytes("cd"), Attr: []byte{'v'}},
   475  		ExpectXML: `<Data Attr="v"><Bytes>ab</Bytes><Custom>cd</Custom></Data>`,
   476  	},
   478  	// Test innerxml
   479  	{
   480  		Value: &SecretAgent{
   481  			Handle:    "007",
   482  			Identity:  "James Bond",
   483  			Obfuscate: "<redacted/>",
   484  		},
   485  		ExpectXML:   `<agent handle="007"><Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/></agent>`,
   486  		MarshalOnly: true,
   487  	},
   488  	{
   489  		Value: &SecretAgent{
   490  			Handle:    "007",
   491  			Identity:  "James Bond",
   492  			Obfuscate: "<Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/>",
   493  		},
   494  		ExpectXML:     `<agent handle="007"><Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/></agent>`,
   495  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
   496  	},
   498  	// Test structs
   499  	{Value: &Port{Type: "ssl", Number: "443"}, ExpectXML: `<port type="ssl">443</port>`},
   500  	{Value: &Port{Number: "443"}, ExpectXML: `<port>443</port>`},
   501  	{Value: &Port{Type: "<unix>"}, ExpectXML: `<port type="&lt;unix&gt;"></port>`},
   502  	{Value: &Port{Number: "443", Comment: "https"}, ExpectXML: `<port><!--https-->443</port>`},
   503  	{Value: &Port{Number: "443", Comment: "add space-"}, ExpectXML: `<port><!--add space- -->443</port>`, MarshalOnly: true},
   504  	{Value: &Domain{Name: []byte("")}, ExpectXML: `<domain>;friends</domain>`},
   505  	{Value: &Domain{Name: []byte(""), Comment: []byte(" &friends ")}, ExpectXML: `<domain><!-- &friends --></domain>`},
   506  	{Value: &Book{Title: "Pride & Prejudice"}, ExpectXML: `<book>Pride &amp; Prejudice</book>`},
   507  	{Value: &Event{Year: -3114}, ExpectXML: `<event>-3114</event>`},
   508  	{Value: &Movie{Length: 13440}, ExpectXML: `<movie>13440</movie>`},
   509  	{Value: &Pi{Approximation: 3.14159265}, ExpectXML: `<pi>3.1415927</pi>`},
   510  	{Value: &Universe{Visible: 9.3e13}, ExpectXML: `<universe>9.3e+13</universe>`},
   511  	{Value: &Particle{HasMass: true}, ExpectXML: `<particle>true</particle>`},
   512  	{Value: &Departure{When: ParseTime("2013-01-09T00:15:00-09:00")}, ExpectXML: `<departure>2013-01-09T00:15:00-09:00</departure>`},
   513  	{Value: atomValue, ExpectXML: atomXml},
   514  	{
   515  		Value: &Ship{
   516  			Name:  "Heart of Gold",
   517  			Pilot: "Computer",
   518  			Age:   1,
   519  			Drive: ImprobabilityDrive,
   520  			Passenger: []*Passenger{
   521  				{
   522  					Name:   []string{"Zaphod", "Beeblebrox"},
   523  					Weight: 7.25,
   524  				},
   525  				{
   526  					Name:   []string{"Trisha", "McMillen"},
   527  					Weight: 5.5,
   528  				},
   529  				{
   530  					Name:   []string{"Ford", "Prefect"},
   531  					Weight: 7,
   532  				},
   533  				{
   534  					Name:   []string{"Arthur", "Dent"},
   535  					Weight: 6.75,
   536  				},
   537  			},
   538  		},
   539  		ExpectXML: `<spaceship name="Heart of Gold" pilot="Computer">` +
   540  			`<drive>` + strconv.Itoa(int(ImprobabilityDrive)) + `</drive>` +
   541  			`<age>1</age>` +
   542  			`<passenger>` +
   543  			`<name>Zaphod</name>` +
   544  			`<name>Beeblebrox</name>` +
   545  			`<weight>7.25</weight>` +
   546  			`</passenger>` +
   547  			`<passenger>` +
   548  			`<name>Trisha</name>` +
   549  			`<name>McMillen</name>` +
   550  			`<weight>5.5</weight>` +
   551  			`</passenger>` +
   552  			`<passenger>` +
   553  			`<name>Ford</name>` +
   554  			`<name>Prefect</name>` +
   555  			`<weight>7</weight>` +
   556  			`</passenger>` +
   557  			`<passenger>` +
   558  			`<name>Arthur</name>` +
   559  			`<name>Dent</name>` +
   560  			`<weight>6.75</weight>` +
   561  			`</passenger>` +
   562  			`</spaceship>`,
   563  	},
   565  	// Test a>b
   566  	{
   567  		Value: &NestedItems{Items: nil, Item1: nil},
   568  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   569  			`<Items>` +
   570  			`</Items>` +
   571  			`</result>`,
   572  	},
   573  	{
   574  		Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{}, Item1: []string{}},
   575  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   576  			`<Items>` +
   577  			`</Items>` +
   578  			`</result>`,
   579  		MarshalOnly: true,
   580  	},
   581  	{
   582  		Value: &NestedItems{Items: nil, Item1: []string{"A"}},
   583  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   584  			`<Items>` +
   585  			`<item1>A</item1>` +
   586  			`</Items>` +
   587  			`</result>`,
   588  	},
   589  	{
   590  		Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{"A", "B"}, Item1: nil},
   591  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   592  			`<Items>` +
   593  			`<item>A</item>` +
   594  			`<item>B</item>` +
   595  			`</Items>` +
   596  			`</result>`,
   597  	},
   598  	{
   599  		Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{"A", "B"}, Item1: []string{"C"}},
   600  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   601  			`<Items>` +
   602  			`<item>A</item>` +
   603  			`<item>B</item>` +
   604  			`<item1>C</item1>` +
   605  			`</Items>` +
   606  			`</result>`,
   607  	},
   608  	{
   609  		Value: &NestedOrder{Field1: "C", Field2: "B", Field3: "A"},
   610  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   611  			`<parent>` +
   612  			`<c>C</c>` +
   613  			`<b>B</b>` +
   614  			`<a>A</a>` +
   615  			`</parent>` +
   616  			`</result>`,
   617  	},
   618  	{
   619  		Value: &NilTest{A: "A", B: nil, C: "C"},
   620  		ExpectXML: `<NilTest>` +
   621  			`<parent1>` +
   622  			`<parent2><a>A</a></parent2>` +
   623  			`<parent2><c>C</c></parent2>` +
   624  			`</parent1>` +
   625  			`</NilTest>`,
   626  		MarshalOnly: true, // Uses interface{}
   627  	},
   628  	{
   629  		Value: &MixedNested{A: "A", B: "B", C: "C", D: "D"},
   630  		ExpectXML: `<result>` +
   631  			`<parent1><a>A</a></parent1>` +
   632  			`<b>B</b>` +
   633  			`<parent1>` +
   634  			`<parent2><c>C</c></parent2>` +
   635  			`<d>D</d>` +
   636  			`</parent1>` +
   637  			`</result>`,
   638  	},
   639  	{
   640  		Value:     &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}},
   641  		ExpectXML: `<service><host><port>80</port></host></service>`,
   642  	},
   643  	{
   644  		Value:     &Service{},
   645  		ExpectXML: `<service></service>`,
   646  	},
   647  	{
   648  		Value: &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}, Extra1: "A", Extra2: "B"},
   649  		ExpectXML: `<service>` +
   650  			`<host><port>80</port></host>` +
   651  			`<Extra1>A</Extra1>` +
   652  			`<host><extra2>B</extra2></host>` +
   653  			`</service>`,
   654  		MarshalOnly: true,
   655  	},
   656  	{
   657  		Value: &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}, Extra2: "example"},
   658  		ExpectXML: `<service>` +
   659  			`<host><port>80</port></host>` +
   660  			`<host><extra2>example</extra2></host>` +
   661  			`</service>`,
   662  		MarshalOnly: true,
   663  	},
   664  	{
   665  		Value: &struct {
   666  			XMLName struct{} `xml:"space top"`
   667  			A       string   `xml:"x>a"`
   668  			B       string   `xml:"x>b"`
   669  			C       string   `xml:"space x>c"`
   670  			C1      string   `xml:"space1 x>c"`
   671  			D1      string   `xml:"space1 x>d"`
   672  		}{
   673  			A:  "a",
   674  			B:  "b",
   675  			C:  "c",
   676  			C1: "c1",
   677  			D1: "d1",
   678  		},
   679  		ExpectXML: `<top xmlns="space">` +
   680  			`<x><a>a</a><b>b</b><c xmlns="space">c</c>` +
   681  			`<c xmlns="space1">c1</c>` +
   682  			`<d xmlns="space1">d1</d>` +
   683  			`</x>` +
   684  			`</top>`,
   685  	},
   686  	{
   687  		Value: &struct {
   688  			XMLName Name
   689  			A       string `xml:"x>a"`
   690  			B       string `xml:"x>b"`
   691  			C       string `xml:"space x>c"`
   692  			C1      string `xml:"space1 x>c"`
   693  			D1      string `xml:"space1 x>d"`
   694  		}{
   695  			XMLName: Name{
   696  				Space: "space0",
   697  				Local: "top",
   698  			},
   699  			A:  "a",
   700  			B:  "b",
   701  			C:  "c",
   702  			C1: "c1",
   703  			D1: "d1",
   704  		},
   705  		ExpectXML: `<top xmlns="space0">` +
   706  			`<x><a>a</a><b>b</b>` +
   707  			`<c xmlns="space">c</c>` +
   708  			`<c xmlns="space1">c1</c>` +
   709  			`<d xmlns="space1">d1</d>` +
   710  			`</x>` +
   711  			`</top>`,
   712  	},
   713  	{
   714  		Value: &struct {
   715  			XMLName struct{} `xml:"top"`
   716  			B       string   `xml:"space x>b"`
   717  			B1      string   `xml:"space1 x>b"`
   718  		}{
   719  			B:  "b",
   720  			B1: "b1",
   721  		},
   722  		ExpectXML: `<top>` +
   723  			`<x><b xmlns="space">b</b>` +
   724  			`<b xmlns="space1">b1</b></x>` +
   725  			`</top>`,
   726  	},
   728  	// Test struct embedding
   729  	{
   730  		Value: &EmbedA{
   731  			EmbedC: EmbedC{
   732  				FieldA1: "", // Shadowed by A.A
   733  				FieldA2: "", // Shadowed by A.A
   734  				FieldB:  "A.C.B",
   735  				FieldC:  "A.C.C",
   736  			},
   737  			EmbedB: EmbedB{
   738  				FieldB: "A.B.B",
   739  				EmbedC: &EmbedC{
   740  					FieldA1: "A.B.C.A1",
   741  					FieldA2: "A.B.C.A2",
   742  					FieldB:  "", // Shadowed by A.B.B
   743  					FieldC:  "A.B.C.C",
   744  				},
   745  			},
   746  			FieldA: "A.A",
   747  			embedD: embedD{
   748  				FieldE: "A.D.E",
   749  			},
   750  		},
   751  		ExpectXML: `<EmbedA>` +
   752  			`<FieldB>A.C.B</FieldB>` +
   753  			`<FieldC>A.C.C</FieldC>` +
   754  			`<EmbedB>` +
   755  			`<FieldB>A.B.B</FieldB>` +
   756  			`<FieldA>` +
   757  			`<A1>A.B.C.A1</A1>` +
   758  			`<A2>A.B.C.A2</A2>` +
   759  			`</FieldA>` +
   760  			`<FieldC>A.B.C.C</FieldC>` +
   761  			`</EmbedB>` +
   762  			`<FieldA>A.A</FieldA>` +
   763  			`<FieldE>A.D.E</FieldE>` +
   764  			`</EmbedA>`,
   765  	},
   767  	// Test that name casing matters
   768  	{
   769  		Value:     &NameCasing{Xy: "mixed", XY: "upper", XyA: "mixedA", XYA: "upperA"},
   770  		ExpectXML: `<casing Xy="mixedA" XY="upperA"><Xy>mixed</Xy><XY>upper</XY></casing>`,
   771  	},
   773  	// Test the order in which the XML element name is chosen
   774  	{
   775  		Value: &NamePrecedence{
   776  			FromTag:     XMLNameWithoutTag{Value: "A"},
   777  			FromNameVal: XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InXMLName"}, Value: "B"},
   778  			FromNameTag: XMLNameWithTag{Value: "C"},
   779  			InFieldName: "D",
   780  		},
   781  		ExpectXML: `<Parent>` +
   782  			`<InTag>A</InTag>` +
   783  			`<InXMLName>B</InXMLName>` +
   784  			`<InXMLNameTag>C</InXMLNameTag>` +
   785  			`<InFieldName>D</InFieldName>` +
   786  			`</Parent>`,
   787  		MarshalOnly: true,
   788  	},
   789  	{
   790  		Value: &NamePrecedence{
   791  			XMLName:     Name{Local: "Parent"},
   792  			FromTag:     XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InTag"}, Value: "A"},
   793  			FromNameVal: XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "FromNameVal"}, Value: "B"},
   794  			FromNameTag: XMLNameWithTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InXMLNameTag"}, Value: "C"},
   795  			InFieldName: "D",
   796  		},
   797  		ExpectXML: `<Parent>` +
   798  			`<InTag>A</InTag>` +
   799  			`<FromNameVal>B</FromNameVal>` +
   800  			`<InXMLNameTag>C</InXMLNameTag>` +
   801  			`<InFieldName>D</InFieldName>` +
   802  			`</Parent>`,
   803  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
   804  	},
   806  	// xml.Name works in a plain field as well.
   807  	{
   808  		Value:     &NameInField{Name{Space: "ns", Local: "foo"}},
   809  		ExpectXML: `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"></foo></NameInField>`,
   810  	},
   811  	{
   812  		Value:         &NameInField{Name{Space: "ns", Local: "foo"}},
   813  		ExpectXML:     `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"><ignore></ignore></foo></NameInField>`,
   814  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
   815  	},
   817  	// Marshaling zero xml.Name uses the tag or field name.
   818  	{
   819  		Value:       &NameInField{},
   820  		ExpectXML:   `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"></foo></NameInField>`,
   821  		MarshalOnly: true,
   822  	},
   824  	// Test attributes
   825  	{
   826  		Value: &AttrTest{
   827  			Int:   8,
   828  			Named: 9,
   829  			Float: 23.5,
   830  			Uint8: 255,
   831  			Bool:  true,
   832  			Str:   "str",
   833  			Bytes: []byte("byt"),
   834  		},
   835  		ExpectXML: `<AttrTest Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255"` +
   836  			` Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt"></AttrTest>`,
   837  	},
   838  	{
   839  		Value: &AttrTest{Bytes: []byte{}},
   840  		ExpectXML: `<AttrTest Int="0" int="0" Float="0" Uint8="0"` +
   841  			` Bool="false" Str="" Bytes=""></AttrTest>`,
   842  	},
   843  	{
   844  		Value: &AttrsTest{
   845  			Attrs: []Attr{
   846  				{Name: Name{Local: "Answer"}, Value: "42"},
   847  				{Name: Name{Local: "Int"}, Value: "8"},
   848  				{Name: Name{Local: "int"}, Value: "9"},
   849  				{Name: Name{Local: "Float"}, Value: "23.5"},
   850  				{Name: Name{Local: "Uint8"}, Value: "255"},
   851  				{Name: Name{Local: "Bool"}, Value: "true"},
   852  				{Name: Name{Local: "Str"}, Value: "str"},
   853  				{Name: Name{Local: "Bytes"}, Value: "byt"},
   854  			},
   855  		},
   856  		ExpectXML:   `<AttrsTest Answer="42" Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255" Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt" Int="0" int="0" Float="0" Uint8="0" Bool="false" Str="" Bytes=""></AttrsTest>`,
   857  		MarshalOnly: true,
   858  	},
   859  	{
   860  		Value: &AttrsTest{
   861  			Attrs: []Attr{
   862  				{Name: Name{Local: "Answer"}, Value: "42"},
   863  			},
   864  			Int:   8,
   865  			Named: 9,
   866  			Float: 23.5,
   867  			Uint8: 255,
   868  			Bool:  true,
   869  			Str:   "str",
   870  			Bytes: []byte("byt"),
   871  		},
   872  		ExpectXML: `<AttrsTest Answer="42" Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255" Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt"></AttrsTest>`,
   873  	},
   874  	{
   875  		Value: &AttrsTest{
   876  			Attrs: []Attr{
   877  				{Name: Name{Local: "Int"}, Value: "0"},
   878  				{Name: Name{Local: "int"}, Value: "0"},
   879  				{Name: Name{Local: "Float"}, Value: "0"},
   880  				{Name: Name{Local: "Uint8"}, Value: "0"},
   881  				{Name: Name{Local: "Bool"}, Value: "false"},
   882  				{Name: Name{Local: "Str"}},
   883  				{Name: Name{Local: "Bytes"}},
   884  			},
   885  			Bytes: []byte{},
   886  		},
   887  		ExpectXML:   `<AttrsTest Int="0" int="0" Float="0" Uint8="0" Bool="false" Str="" Bytes="" Int="0" int="0" Float="0" Uint8="0" Bool="false" Str="" Bytes=""></AttrsTest>`,
   888  		MarshalOnly: true,
   889  	},
   890  	{
   891  		Value: &OmitAttrTest{
   892  			Int:   8,
   893  			Named: 9,
   894  			Float: 23.5,
   895  			Uint8: 255,
   896  			Bool:  true,
   897  			Str:   "str",
   898  			Bytes: []byte("byt"),
   899  			PStr:  &empty,
   900  		},
   901  		ExpectXML: `<OmitAttrTest Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255"` +
   902  			` Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt" PStr=""></OmitAttrTest>`,
   903  	},
   904  	{
   905  		Value:     &OmitAttrTest{},
   906  		ExpectXML: `<OmitAttrTest></OmitAttrTest>`,
   907  	},
   909  	// pointer fields
   910  	{
   911  		Value:       &PointerFieldsTest{Name: &nameAttr, Age: &ageAttr, Contents: &contentsAttr},
   912  		ExpectXML:   `<dummy name="Sarah" age="12">lorem ipsum</dummy>`,
   913  		MarshalOnly: true,
   914  	},
   916  	// empty chardata pointer field
   917  	{
   918  		Value:       &ChardataEmptyTest{},
   919  		ExpectXML:   `<test></test>`,
   920  		MarshalOnly: true,
   921  	},
   923  	// omitempty on fields
   924  	{
   925  		Value: &OmitFieldTest{
   926  			Int:   8,
   927  			Named: 9,
   928  			Float: 23.5,
   929  			Uint8: 255,
   930  			Bool:  true,
   931  			Str:   "str",
   932  			Bytes: []byte("byt"),
   933  			PStr:  &empty,
   934  			Ptr:   &PresenceTest{},
   935  		},
   936  		ExpectXML: `<OmitFieldTest>` +
   937  			`<Int>8</Int>` +
   938  			`<int>9</int>` +
   939  			`<Float>23.5</Float>` +
   940  			`<Uint8>255</Uint8>` +
   941  			`<Bool>true</Bool>` +
   942  			`<Str>str</Str>` +
   943  			`<Bytes>byt</Bytes>` +
   944  			`<PStr></PStr>` +
   945  			`<Ptr></Ptr>` +
   946  			`</OmitFieldTest>`,
   947  	},
   948  	{
   949  		Value:     &OmitFieldTest{},
   950  		ExpectXML: `<OmitFieldTest></OmitFieldTest>`,
   951  	},
   953  	// Test ",any"
   954  	{
   955  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>known</value></nested><other><sub>unknown</sub></other></a>`,
   956  		Value: &AnyTest{
   957  			Nested: "known",
   958  			AnyField: AnyHolder{
   959  				XMLName: Name{Local: "other"},
   960  				XML:     "<sub>unknown</sub>",
   961  			},
   962  		},
   963  	},
   964  	{
   965  		Value: &AnyTest{Nested: "known",
   966  			AnyField: AnyHolder{
   967  				XML:     "<unknown/>",
   968  				XMLName: Name{Local: "AnyField"},
   969  			},
   970  		},
   971  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>known</value></nested><AnyField><unknown/></AnyField></a>`,
   972  	},
   973  	{
   974  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested></a>`,
   975  		Value: &AnyOmitTest{
   976  			Nested: "b",
   977  		},
   978  	},
   979  	{
   980  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested><c><d>e</d></c><g xmlns="f"><h>i</h></g></a>`,
   981  		Value: &AnySliceTest{
   982  			Nested: "b",
   983  			AnyField: []AnyHolder{
   984  				{
   985  					XMLName: Name{Local: "c"},
   986  					XML:     "<d>e</d>",
   987  				},
   988  				{
   989  					XMLName: Name{Space: "f", Local: "g"},
   990  					XML:     "<h>i</h>",
   991  				},
   992  			},
   993  		},
   994  	},
   995  	{
   996  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested></a>`,
   997  		Value: &AnySliceTest{
   998  			Nested: "b",
   999  		},
  1000  	},
  1002  	// Test recursive types.
  1003  	{
  1004  		Value: &RecurseA{
  1005  			A: "a1",
  1006  			B: &RecurseB{
  1007  				A: &RecurseA{"a2", nil},
  1008  				B: "b1",
  1009  			},
  1010  		},
  1011  		ExpectXML: `<RecurseA><A>a1</A><B><A><A>a2</A></A><B>b1</B></B></RecurseA>`,
  1012  	},
  1014  	// Test ignoring fields via "-" tag
  1015  	{
  1016  		ExpectXML: `<IgnoreTest></IgnoreTest>`,
  1017  		Value:     &IgnoreTest{},
  1018  	},
  1019  	{
  1020  		ExpectXML:   `<IgnoreTest></IgnoreTest>`,
  1021  		Value:       &IgnoreTest{PublicSecret: "can't tell"},
  1022  		MarshalOnly: true,
  1023  	},
  1024  	{
  1025  		ExpectXML:     `<IgnoreTest><PublicSecret>ignore me</PublicSecret></IgnoreTest>`,
  1026  		Value:         &IgnoreTest{},
  1027  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
  1028  	},
  1030  	// Test escaping.
  1031  	{
  1032  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>dquote: &#34;; squote: &#39;; ampersand: &amp;; less: &lt;; greater: &gt;;</value></nested><empty></empty></a>`,
  1033  		Value: &AnyTest{
  1034  			Nested:   `dquote: "; squote: '; ampersand: &; less: <; greater: >;`,
  1035  			AnyField: AnyHolder{XMLName: Name{Local: "empty"}},
  1036  		},
  1037  	},
  1038  	{
  1039  		ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>newline: &#xA;; cr: &#xD;; tab: &#x9;;</value></nested><AnyField></AnyField></a>`,
  1040  		Value: &AnyTest{
  1041  			Nested:   "newline: \n; cr: \r; tab: \t;",
  1042  			AnyField: AnyHolder{XMLName: Name{Local: "AnyField"}},
  1043  		},
  1044  	},
  1045  	{
  1046  		ExpectXML: "<a><nested><value>1\r2\r\n3\n\r4\n5</value></nested></a>",
  1047  		Value: &AnyTest{
  1048  			Nested: "1\n2\n3\n\n4\n5",
  1049  		},
  1050  		UnmarshalOnly: true,
  1051  	},
  1052  	{
  1053  		ExpectXML: `<EmbedInt><MyInt>42</MyInt></EmbedInt>`,
  1054  		Value: &EmbedInt{
  1055  			MyInt: 42,
  1056  		},
  1057  	},
  1058  	// Test outputting CDATA-wrapped text.
  1059  	{
  1060  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest></CDataTest>`,
  1061  		Value:     &CDataTest{},
  1062  	},
  1063  	{
  1064  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest><![CDATA[]]></CDataTest>`,
  1065  		Value: &CDataTest{
  1066  			Chardata: "",
  1067  		},
  1068  	},
  1069  	{
  1070  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest><![CDATA[Literal <![CDATA[Nested]]]]><![CDATA[>!]]></CDataTest>`,
  1071  		Value: &CDataTest{
  1072  			Chardata: "Literal <![CDATA[Nested]]>!",
  1073  		},
  1074  	},
  1075  	{
  1076  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest><![CDATA[<![CDATA[Nested]]]]><![CDATA[> Literal!]]></CDataTest>`,
  1077  		Value: &CDataTest{
  1078  			Chardata: "<![CDATA[Nested]]> Literal!",
  1079  		},
  1080  	},
  1081  	{
  1082  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest><![CDATA[<![CDATA[Nested]]]]><![CDATA[> Literal! <![CDATA[Nested]]]]><![CDATA[> Literal!]]></CDataTest>`,
  1083  		Value: &CDataTest{
  1084  			Chardata: "<![CDATA[Nested]]> Literal! <![CDATA[Nested]]> Literal!",
  1085  		},
  1086  	},
  1087  	{
  1088  		ExpectXML: `<CDataTest><![CDATA[<![CDATA[<![CDATA[Nested]]]]><![CDATA[>]]]]><![CDATA[>]]></CDataTest>`,
  1089  		Value: &CDataTest{
  1090  			Chardata: "<![CDATA[<![CDATA[Nested]]>]]>",
  1091  		},
  1092  	},
  1094  	// Test omitempty with parent chain; see
  1095  	{
  1096  		ExpectXML: `<Strings><A></A></Strings>`,
  1097  		Value:     &Strings{},
  1098  	},
  1099  	// Custom marshalers.
  1100  	{
  1101  		ExpectXML: `<MyMarshalerTest>hello world</MyMarshalerTest>`,
  1102  		Value:     &MyMarshalerTest{},
  1103  	},
  1104  	{
  1105  		ExpectXML: `<MarshalerStruct Foo="hello world"></MarshalerStruct>`,
  1106  		Value:     &MarshalerStruct{},
  1107  	},
  1108  	{
  1109  		ExpectXML: `<outer xmlns="testns" int="10"></outer>`,
  1110  		Value:     &OuterStruct{IntAttr: 10},
  1111  	},
  1112  	{
  1113  		ExpectXML: `<test xmlns="outerns" int="10"></test>`,
  1114  		Value:     &OuterNamedStruct{XMLName: Name{Space: "outerns", Local: "test"}, IntAttr: 10},
  1115  	},
  1116  	{
  1117  		ExpectXML: `<test xmlns="outerns" int="10"></test>`,
  1118  		Value:     &OuterNamedOrderedStruct{XMLName: Name{Space: "outerns", Local: "test"}, IntAttr: 10},
  1119  	},
  1120  	{
  1121  		ExpectXML: `<outer xmlns="testns" int="10"></outer>`,
  1122  		Value:     &OuterOuterStruct{OuterStruct{IntAttr: 10}},
  1123  	},
  1124  	{
  1125  		ExpectXML: `<NestedAndChardata><A><B></B><B></B></A>test</NestedAndChardata>`,
  1126  		Value:     &NestedAndChardata{AB: make([]string, 2), Chardata: "test"},
  1127  	},
  1128  	{
  1129  		ExpectXML: `<NestedAndComment><A><B></B><B></B></A><!--test--></NestedAndComment>`,
  1130  		Value:     &NestedAndComment{AB: make([]string, 2), Comment: "test"},
  1131  	},
  1132  	{
  1133  		ExpectXML: `<NestedAndCData><A><B></B><B></B></A><![CDATA[test]]></NestedAndCData>`,
  1134  		Value:     &NestedAndCData{AB: make([]string, 2), CDATA: "test"},
  1135  	},
  1136  }
  1138  func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
  1139  	for idx, test := range marshalTests {
  1140  		if test.UnmarshalOnly {
  1141  			continue
  1142  		}
  1143  		data, err := Marshal(test.Value)
  1144  		if err != nil {
  1145  			t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v): %s", idx, test.Value, err)
  1146  			continue
  1147  		}
  1148  		if got, want := string(data), test.ExpectXML; got != want {
  1149  			if strings.Contains(want, "\n") {
  1150  				t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v):\nHAVE:\n%s\nWANT:\n%s", idx, test.Value, got, want)
  1151  			} else {
  1152  				t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v):\nhave %#q\nwant %#q", idx, test.Value, got, want)
  1153  			}
  1154  		}
  1155  	}
  1156  }
  1158  type AttrParent struct {
  1159  	X string `xml:"X>Y,attr"`
  1160  }
  1162  type BadAttr struct {
  1163  	Name map[string]string `xml:"name,attr"`
  1164  }
  1166  var marshalErrorTests = []struct {
  1167  	Value interface{}
  1168  	Err   string
  1169  	Kind  reflect.Kind
  1170  }{
  1171  	{
  1172  		Value: make(chan bool),
  1173  		Err:   "xml: unsupported type: chan bool",
  1174  		Kind:  reflect.Chan,
  1175  	},
  1176  	{
  1177  		Value: map[string]string{
  1178  			"question": "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?",
  1179  			"answer":   "42",
  1180  		},
  1181  		Err:  "xml: unsupported type: map[string]string",
  1182  		Kind: reflect.Map,
  1183  	},
  1184  	{
  1185  		Value: map[*Ship]bool{nil: false},
  1186  		Err:   "xml: unsupported type: map[*xml.Ship]bool",
  1187  		Kind:  reflect.Map,
  1188  	},
  1189  	{
  1190  		Value: &Domain{Comment: []byte("f--bar")},
  1191  		Err:   `xml: comments must not contain "--"`,
  1192  	},
  1193  	// Reject parent chain with attr, never worked; see
  1194  	{
  1195  		Value: &AttrParent{},
  1196  		Err:   `xml: X>Y chain not valid with attr flag`,
  1197  	},
  1198  	{
  1199  		Value: BadAttr{map[string]string{"X": "Y"}},
  1200  		Err:   `xml: unsupported type: map[string]string`,
  1201  	},
  1202  }
  1204  var marshalIndentTests = []struct {
  1205  	Value     interface{}
  1206  	Prefix    string
  1207  	Indent    string
  1208  	ExpectXML string
  1209  }{
  1210  	{
  1211  		Value: &SecretAgent{
  1212  			Handle:    "007",
  1213  			Identity:  "James Bond",
  1214  			Obfuscate: "<redacted/>",
  1215  		},
  1216  		Prefix:    "",
  1217  		Indent:    "\t",
  1218  		ExpectXML: fmt.Sprintf("<agent handle=\"007\">\n\t<Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/>\n</agent>"),
  1219  	},
  1220  }
  1222  func TestMarshalErrors(t *testing.T) {
  1223  	for idx, test := range marshalErrorTests {
  1224  		data, err := Marshal(test.Value)
  1225  		if err == nil {
  1226  			t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v) = [success] %q, want error %v", idx, test.Value, data, test.Err)
  1227  			continue
  1228  		}
  1229  		if err.Error() != test.Err {
  1230  			t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v) = [error] %v, want %v", idx, test.Value, err, test.Err)
  1231  		}
  1232  		if test.Kind != reflect.Invalid {
  1233  			if kind := err.(*UnsupportedTypeError).Type.Kind(); kind != test.Kind {
  1234  				t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v) = [error kind] %s, want %s", idx, test.Value, kind, test.Kind)
  1235  			}
  1236  		}
  1237  	}
  1238  }
  1240  // Do invertibility testing on the various structures that we test
  1241  func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
  1242  	for i, test := range marshalTests {
  1243  		if test.MarshalOnly {
  1244  			continue
  1245  		}
  1246  		if _, ok := test.Value.(*Plain); ok {
  1247  			continue
  1248  		}
  1249  		if test.ExpectXML == `<top>`+
  1250  			`<x><b xmlns="space">b</b>`+
  1251  			`<b xmlns="space1">b1</b></x>`+
  1252  			`</top>` {
  1253  			// TODO(rogpeppe): re-enable this test in
  1254  			//
  1255  			continue
  1256  		}
  1258  		vt := reflect.TypeOf(test.Value)
  1259  		dest := reflect.New(vt.Elem()).Interface()
  1260  		err := Unmarshal([]byte(test.ExpectXML), dest)
  1262  		switch fix := dest.(type) {
  1263  		case *Feed:
  1264  			fix.Author.InnerXML = ""
  1265  			for i := range fix.Entry {
  1266  				fix.Entry[i].Author.InnerXML = ""
  1267  			}
  1268  		}
  1270  		if err != nil {
  1271  			t.Errorf("#%d: unexpected error: %#v", i, err)
  1272  		} else if got, want := dest, test.Value; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
  1273  			t.Errorf("#%d: unmarshal(%q):\nhave %#v\nwant %#v", i, test.ExpectXML, got, want)
  1274  		}
  1275  	}
  1276  }
  1278  func TestMarshalIndent(t *testing.T) {
  1279  	for i, test := range marshalIndentTests {
  1280  		data, err := MarshalIndent(test.Value, test.Prefix, test.Indent)
  1281  		if err != nil {
  1282  			t.Errorf("#%d: Error: %s", i, err)
  1283  			continue
  1284  		}
  1285  		if got, want := string(data), test.ExpectXML; got != want {
  1286  			t.Errorf("#%d: MarshalIndent:\nGot:%s\nWant:\n%s", i, got, want)
  1287  		}
  1288  	}
  1289  }
  1291  type limitedBytesWriter struct {
  1292  	w      io.Writer
  1293  	remain int // until writes fail
  1294  }
  1296  func (lw *limitedBytesWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  1297  	if lw.remain <= 0 {
  1298  		println("error")
  1299  		return 0, errors.New("write limit hit")
  1300  	}
  1301  	if len(p) > lw.remain {
  1302  		p = p[:lw.remain]
  1303  		n, _ = lw.w.Write(p)
  1304  		lw.remain = 0
  1305  		return n, errors.New("write limit hit")
  1306  	}
  1307  	n, err = lw.w.Write(p)
  1308  	lw.remain -= n
  1309  	return n, err
  1310  }
  1312  func TestMarshalWriteErrors(t *testing.T) {
  1313  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1314  	const writeCap = 1024
  1315  	w := &limitedBytesWriter{&buf, writeCap}
  1316  	enc := NewEncoder(w)
  1317  	var err error
  1318  	var i int
  1319  	const n = 4000
  1320  	for i = 1; i <= n; i++ {
  1321  		err = enc.Encode(&Passenger{
  1322  			Name:   []string{"Alice", "Bob"},
  1323  			Weight: 5,
  1324  		})
  1325  		if err != nil {
  1326  			break
  1327  		}
  1328  	}
  1329  	if err == nil {
  1330  		t.Error("expected an error")
  1331  	}
  1332  	if i == n {
  1333  		t.Errorf("expected to fail before the end")
  1334  	}
  1335  	if buf.Len() != writeCap {
  1336  		t.Errorf("buf.Len() = %d; want %d", buf.Len(), writeCap)
  1337  	}
  1338  }
  1340  func TestMarshalWriteIOErrors(t *testing.T) {
  1341  	enc := NewEncoder(errWriter{})
  1343  	expectErr := "unwritable"
  1344  	err := enc.Encode(&Passenger{})
  1345  	if err == nil || err.Error() != expectErr {
  1346  		t.Errorf("EscapeTest = [error] %v, want %v", err, expectErr)
  1347  	}
  1348  }
  1350  func TestMarshalFlush(t *testing.T) {
  1351  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1352  	enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
  1353  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(CharData("hello world")); err != nil {
  1354  		t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken: %v", err)
  1355  	}
  1356  	if buf.Len() > 0 {
  1357  		t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken caused actual write: %q", buf.Bytes())
  1358  	}
  1359  	if err := enc.Flush(); err != nil {
  1360  		t.Fatalf("enc.Flush: %v", err)
  1361  	}
  1362  	if buf.String() != "hello world" {
  1363  		t.Fatalf("after enc.Flush, buf.String() = %q, want %q", buf.String(), "hello world")
  1364  	}
  1365  }
  1367  func BenchmarkMarshal(b *testing.B) {
  1368  	b.ReportAllocs()
  1369  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  1370  		Marshal(atomValue)
  1371  	}
  1372  }
  1374  func BenchmarkUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
  1375  	b.ReportAllocs()
  1376  	xml := []byte(atomXml)
  1377  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  1378  		Unmarshal(xml, &Feed{})
  1379  	}
  1380  }
  1382  //
  1383  func TestStructPointerMarshal(t *testing.T) {
  1384  	type A struct {
  1385  		XMLName string `xml:"a"`
  1386  		B       []interface{}
  1387  	}
  1388  	type C struct {
  1389  		XMLName Name
  1390  		Value   string `xml:"value"`
  1391  	}
  1393  	a := new(A)
  1394  	a.B = append(a.B, &C{
  1395  		XMLName: Name{Local: "c"},
  1396  		Value:   "x",
  1397  	})
  1399  	b, err := Marshal(a)
  1400  	if err != nil {
  1401  		t.Fatal(err)
  1402  	}
  1403  	if x := string(b); x != "<a><c><value>x</value></c></a>" {
  1404  		t.Fatal(x)
  1405  	}
  1406  	var v A
  1407  	err = Unmarshal(b, &v)
  1408  	if err != nil {
  1409  		t.Fatal(err)
  1410  	}
  1411  }
  1413  var encodeTokenTests = []struct {
  1414  	desc string
  1415  	toks []Token
  1416  	want string
  1417  	err  string
  1418  }{{
  1419  	desc: "start element with name space",
  1420  	toks: []Token{
  1421  		StartElement{Name{"space", "local"}, nil},
  1422  	},
  1423  	want: `<local xmlns="space">`,
  1424  }, {
  1425  	desc: "start element with no name",
  1426  	toks: []Token{
  1427  		StartElement{Name{"space", ""}, nil},
  1428  	},
  1429  	err: "xml: start tag with no name",
  1430  }, {
  1431  	desc: "end element with no name",
  1432  	toks: []Token{
  1433  		EndElement{Name{"space", ""}},
  1434  	},
  1435  	err: "xml: end tag with no name",
  1436  }, {
  1437  	desc: "char data",
  1438  	toks: []Token{
  1439  		CharData("foo"),
  1440  	},
  1441  	want: `foo`,
  1442  }, {
  1443  	desc: "char data with escaped chars",
  1444  	toks: []Token{
  1445  		CharData(" \t\n"),
  1446  	},
  1447  	want: " &#x9;\n",
  1448  }, {
  1449  	desc: "comment",
  1450  	toks: []Token{
  1451  		Comment("foo"),
  1452  	},
  1453  	want: `<!--foo-->`,
  1454  }, {
  1455  	desc: "comment with invalid content",
  1456  	toks: []Token{
  1457  		Comment("foo-->"),
  1458  	},
  1459  	err: "xml: EncodeToken of Comment containing --> marker",
  1460  }, {
  1461  	desc: "proc instruction",
  1462  	toks: []Token{
  1463  		ProcInst{"Target", []byte("Instruction")},
  1464  	},
  1465  	want: `<?Target Instruction?>`,
  1466  }, {
  1467  	desc: "proc instruction with empty target",
  1468  	toks: []Token{
  1469  		ProcInst{"", []byte("Instruction")},
  1470  	},
  1471  	err: "xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst with invalid Target",
  1472  }, {
  1473  	desc: "proc instruction with bad content",
  1474  	toks: []Token{
  1475  		ProcInst{"", []byte("Instruction?>")},
  1476  	},
  1477  	err: "xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst with invalid Target",
  1478  }, {
  1479  	desc: "directive",
  1480  	toks: []Token{
  1481  		Directive("foo"),
  1482  	},
  1483  	want: `<!foo>`,
  1484  }, {
  1485  	desc: "more complex directive",
  1486  	toks: []Token{
  1487  		Directive("DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc '>'> <!-- com>ment --> ]"),
  1488  	},
  1489  	want: `<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc '>'> <!-- com>ment --> ]>`,
  1490  }, {
  1491  	desc: "directive instruction with bad name",
  1492  	toks: []Token{
  1493  		Directive("foo>"),
  1494  	},
  1495  	err: "xml: EncodeToken of Directive containing wrong < or > markers",
  1496  }, {
  1497  	desc: "end tag without start tag",
  1498  	toks: []Token{
  1499  		EndElement{Name{"foo", "bar"}},
  1500  	},
  1501  	err: "xml: end tag </bar> without start tag",
  1502  }, {
  1503  	desc: "mismatching end tag local name",
  1504  	toks: []Token{
  1505  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, nil},
  1506  		EndElement{Name{"", "bar"}},
  1507  	},
  1508  	err:  "xml: end tag </bar> does not match start tag <foo>",
  1509  	want: `<foo>`,
  1510  }, {
  1511  	desc: "mismatching end tag namespace",
  1512  	toks: []Token{
  1513  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, nil},
  1514  		EndElement{Name{"another", "foo"}},
  1515  	},
  1516  	err:  "xml: end tag </foo> in namespace another does not match start tag <foo> in namespace space",
  1517  	want: `<foo xmlns="space">`,
  1518  }, {
  1519  	desc: "start element with explicit namespace",
  1520  	toks: []Token{
  1521  		StartElement{Name{"space", "local"}, []Attr{
  1522  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space"},
  1523  			{Name{"space", "foo"}, "value"},
  1524  		}},
  1525  	},
  1526  	want: `<local xmlns="space" xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space" xmlns:space="space" space:foo="value">`,
  1527  }, {
  1528  	desc: "start element with explicit namespace and colliding prefix",
  1529  	toks: []Token{
  1530  		StartElement{Name{"space", "local"}, []Attr{
  1531  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space"},
  1532  			{Name{"space", "foo"}, "value"},
  1533  			{Name{"x", "bar"}, "other"},
  1534  		}},
  1535  	},
  1536  	want: `<local xmlns="space" xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space" xmlns:space="space" space:foo="value" xmlns:x="x" x:bar="other">`,
  1537  }, {
  1538  	desc: "start element using previously defined namespace",
  1539  	toks: []Token{
  1540  		StartElement{Name{"", "local"}, []Attr{
  1541  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space"},
  1542  		}},
  1543  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1544  			{Name{"space", "x"}, "y"},
  1545  		}},
  1546  	},
  1547  	want: `<local xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space"><foo xmlns="space" xmlns:space="space" space:x="y">`,
  1548  }, {
  1549  	desc: "nested name space with same prefix",
  1550  	toks: []Token{
  1551  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1552  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space1"},
  1553  		}},
  1554  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1555  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space2"},
  1556  		}},
  1557  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1558  			{Name{"space1", "a"}, "space1 value"},
  1559  			{Name{"space2", "b"}, "space2 value"},
  1560  		}},
  1561  		EndElement{Name{"", "foo"}},
  1562  		EndElement{Name{"", "foo"}},
  1563  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1564  			{Name{"space1", "a"}, "space1 value"},
  1565  			{Name{"space2", "b"}, "space2 value"},
  1566  		}},
  1567  	},
  1568  	want: `<foo xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space1"><foo _xmlns:x="space2"><foo xmlns:space1="space1" space1:a="space1 value" xmlns:space2="space2" space2:b="space2 value"></foo></foo><foo xmlns:space1="space1" space1:a="space1 value" xmlns:space2="space2" space2:b="space2 value">`,
  1569  }, {
  1570  	desc: "start element defining several prefixes for the same name space",
  1571  	toks: []Token{
  1572  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1573  			{Name{"xmlns", "a"}, "space"},
  1574  			{Name{"xmlns", "b"}, "space"},
  1575  			{Name{"space", "x"}, "value"},
  1576  		}},
  1577  	},
  1578  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:a="space" _xmlns:b="space" xmlns:space="space" space:x="value">`,
  1579  }, {
  1580  	desc: "nested element redefines name space",
  1581  	toks: []Token{
  1582  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1583  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space"},
  1584  		}},
  1585  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1586  			{Name{"xmlns", "y"}, "space"},
  1587  			{Name{"space", "a"}, "value"},
  1588  		}},
  1589  	},
  1590  	want: `<foo xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space"><foo xmlns="space" _xmlns:y="space" xmlns:space="space" space:a="value">`,
  1591  }, {
  1592  	desc: "nested element creates alias for default name space",
  1593  	toks: []Token{
  1594  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1595  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1596  		}},
  1597  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1598  			{Name{"xmlns", "y"}, "space"},
  1599  			{Name{"space", "a"}, "value"},
  1600  		}},
  1601  	},
  1602  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space"><foo xmlns="space" xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:y="space" xmlns:space="space" space:a="value">`,
  1603  }, {
  1604  	desc: "nested element defines default name space with existing prefix",
  1605  	toks: []Token{
  1606  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1607  			{Name{"xmlns", "x"}, "space"},
  1608  		}},
  1609  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1610  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1611  			{Name{"space", "a"}, "value"},
  1612  		}},
  1613  	},
  1614  	want: `<foo xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:x="space"><foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space" xmlns:space="space" space:a="value">`,
  1615  }, {
  1616  	desc: "nested element uses empty attribute name space when default ns defined",
  1617  	toks: []Token{
  1618  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1619  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1620  		}},
  1621  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1622  			{Name{"", "attr"}, "value"},
  1623  		}},
  1624  	},
  1625  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space"><foo xmlns="space" attr="value">`,
  1626  }, {
  1627  	desc: "redefine xmlns",
  1628  	toks: []Token{
  1629  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1630  			{Name{"foo", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1631  		}},
  1632  	},
  1633  	want: `<foo xmlns:foo="foo" foo:xmlns="space">`,
  1634  }, {
  1635  	desc: "xmlns with explicit name space #1",
  1636  	toks: []Token{
  1637  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1638  			{Name{"xml", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1639  		}},
  1640  	},
  1641  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns:_xml="xml" _xml:xmlns="space">`,
  1642  }, {
  1643  	desc: "xmlns with explicit name space #2",
  1644  	toks: []Token{
  1645  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1646  			{Name{xmlURL, "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1647  		}},
  1648  	},
  1649  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xml:xmlns="space">`,
  1650  }, {
  1651  	desc: "empty name space declaration is ignored",
  1652  	toks: []Token{
  1653  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1654  			{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, ""},
  1655  		}},
  1656  	},
  1657  	want: `<foo xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:foo="">`,
  1658  }, {
  1659  	desc: "attribute with no name is ignored",
  1660  	toks: []Token{
  1661  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1662  			{Name{"", ""}, "value"},
  1663  		}},
  1664  	},
  1665  	want: `<foo>`,
  1666  }, {
  1667  	desc: "namespace URL with non-valid name",
  1668  	toks: []Token{
  1669  		StartElement{Name{"/34", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1670  			{Name{"/34", "x"}, "value"},
  1671  		}},
  1672  	},
  1673  	want: `<foo xmlns="/34" xmlns:_="/34" _:x="value">`,
  1674  }, {
  1675  	desc: "nested element resets default namespace to empty",
  1676  	toks: []Token{
  1677  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1678  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1679  		}},
  1680  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1681  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, ""},
  1682  			{Name{"", "x"}, "value"},
  1683  			{Name{"space", "x"}, "value"},
  1684  		}},
  1685  	},
  1686  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space"><foo xmlns="" x="value" xmlns:space="space" space:x="value">`,
  1687  }, {
  1688  	desc: "nested element requires empty default name space",
  1689  	toks: []Token{
  1690  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1691  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1692  		}},
  1693  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, nil},
  1694  	},
  1695  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space"><foo>`,
  1696  }, {
  1697  	desc: "attribute uses name space from xmlns",
  1698  	toks: []Token{
  1699  		StartElement{Name{"some/space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1700  			{Name{"", "attr"}, "value"},
  1701  			{Name{"some/space", "other"}, "other value"},
  1702  		}},
  1703  	},
  1704  	want: `<foo xmlns="some/space" attr="value" xmlns:space="some/space" space:other="other value">`,
  1705  }, {
  1706  	desc: "default name space should not be used by attributes",
  1707  	toks: []Token{
  1708  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1709  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1710  			{Name{"xmlns", "bar"}, "space"},
  1711  			{Name{"space", "baz"}, "foo"},
  1712  		}},
  1713  		StartElement{Name{"space", "baz"}, nil},
  1714  		EndElement{Name{"space", "baz"}},
  1715  		EndElement{Name{"space", "foo"}},
  1716  	},
  1717  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space" xmlns:_xmlns="xmlns" _xmlns:bar="space" xmlns:space="space" space:baz="foo"><baz xmlns="space"></baz></foo>`,
  1718  }, {
  1719  	desc: "default name space not used by attributes, not explicitly defined",
  1720  	toks: []Token{
  1721  		StartElement{Name{"space", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1722  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1723  			{Name{"space", "baz"}, "foo"},
  1724  		}},
  1725  		StartElement{Name{"space", "baz"}, nil},
  1726  		EndElement{Name{"space", "baz"}},
  1727  		EndElement{Name{"space", "foo"}},
  1728  	},
  1729  	want: `<foo xmlns="space" xmlns="space" xmlns:space="space" space:baz="foo"><baz xmlns="space"></baz></foo>`,
  1730  }, {
  1731  	desc: "impossible xmlns declaration",
  1732  	toks: []Token{
  1733  		StartElement{Name{"", "foo"}, []Attr{
  1734  			{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "space"},
  1735  		}},
  1736  		StartElement{Name{"space", "bar"}, []Attr{
  1737  			{Name{"space", "attr"}, "value"},
  1738  		}},
  1739  	},
  1740  	want: `<foo xmlns="space"><bar xmlns="space" xmlns:space="space" space:attr="value">`,
  1741  }}
  1743  func TestEncodeToken(t *testing.T) {
  1744  loop:
  1745  	for i, tt := range encodeTokenTests {
  1746  		var buf bytes.Buffer
  1747  		enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
  1748  		var err error
  1749  		for j, tok := range tt.toks {
  1750  			err = enc.EncodeToken(tok)
  1751  			if err != nil && j < len(tt.toks)-1 {
  1752  				t.Errorf("#%d %s token #%d: %v", i, tt.desc, j, err)
  1753  				continue loop
  1754  			}
  1755  		}
  1756  		errorf := func(f string, a ...interface{}) {
  1757  			t.Errorf("#%d %s token #%d:%s", i, tt.desc, len(tt.toks)-1, fmt.Sprintf(f, a...))
  1758  		}
  1759  		switch {
  1760  		case tt.err != "" && err == nil:
  1761  			errorf(" expected error; got none")
  1762  			continue
  1763  		case tt.err == "" && err != nil:
  1764  			errorf(" got error: %v", err)
  1765  			continue
  1766  		case tt.err != "" && err != nil && tt.err != err.Error():
  1767  			errorf(" error mismatch; got %v, want %v", err, tt.err)
  1768  			continue
  1769  		}
  1770  		if err := enc.Flush(); err != nil {
  1771  			errorf(" %v", err)
  1772  			continue
  1773  		}
  1774  		if got := buf.String(); got != tt.want {
  1775  			errorf("\ngot  %v\nwant %v", got, tt.want)
  1776  			continue
  1777  		}
  1778  	}
  1779  }
  1781  func TestProcInstEncodeToken(t *testing.T) {
  1782  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1783  	enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
  1785  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(ProcInst{"xml", []byte("Instruction")}); err != nil {
  1786  		t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken: expected to be able to encode xml target ProcInst as first token, %s", err)
  1787  	}
  1789  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(ProcInst{"Target", []byte("Instruction")}); err != nil {
  1790  		t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken: expected to be able to add non-xml target ProcInst")
  1791  	}
  1793  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(ProcInst{"xml", []byte("Instruction")}); err == nil {
  1794  		t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken: expected to not be allowed to encode xml target ProcInst when not first token")
  1795  	}
  1796  }
  1798  func TestDecodeEncode(t *testing.T) {
  1799  	var in, out bytes.Buffer
  1800  	in.WriteString(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  1801  <?Target Instruction?>
  1802  <root>
  1803  </root>
  1804  `)
  1805  	dec := NewDecoder(&in)
  1806  	enc := NewEncoder(&out)
  1807  	for tok, err := dec.Token(); err == nil; tok, err = dec.Token() {
  1808  		err = enc.EncodeToken(tok)
  1809  		if err != nil {
  1810  			t.Fatalf("enc.EncodeToken: Unable to encode token (%#v), %v", tok, err)
  1811  		}
  1812  	}
  1813  }
  1815  // Issue 9796. Used to fail with GORACE="halt_on_error=1" -race.
  1816  func TestRace9796(t *testing.T) {
  1817  	type A struct{}
  1818  	type B struct {
  1819  		C []A `xml:"X>Y"`
  1820  	}
  1821  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1822  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  1823  		wg.Add(1)
  1824  		go func() {
  1825  			Marshal(B{[]A{{}}})
  1826  			wg.Done()
  1827  		}()
  1828  	}
  1829  	wg.Wait()
  1830  }
  1832  func TestIsValidDirective(t *testing.T) {
  1833  	testOK := []string{
  1834  		"<>",
  1835  		"< < > >",
  1836  		"<!DOCTYPE '<' '>' '>' <!--nothing-->>",
  1837  		"<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc ANY> <!ELEMENT doc ANY> ]>",
  1838  		"<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc \"ANY> '<' <!E\" LEMENT '>' doc ANY> ]>",
  1839  		"<!DOCTYPE doc <!-- just>>>> a < comment --> [ <!ITEM anything> ] >",
  1840  	}
  1841  	testKO := []string{
  1842  		"<",
  1843  		">",
  1844  		"<!--",
  1845  		"-->",
  1846  		"< > > < < >",
  1847  		"<!dummy <!-- > -->",
  1848  		"<!DOCTYPE doc '>",
  1849  		"<!DOCTYPE doc '>'",
  1850  		"<!DOCTYPE doc <!--comment>",
  1851  	}
  1852  	for _, s := range testOK {
  1853  		if !isValidDirective(Directive(s)) {
  1854  			t.Errorf("Directive %q is expected to be valid", s)
  1855  		}
  1856  	}
  1857  	for _, s := range testKO {
  1858  		if isValidDirective(Directive(s)) {
  1859  			t.Errorf("Directive %q is expected to be invalid", s)
  1860  		}
  1861  	}
  1862  }
  1864  // Issue 11719. EncodeToken used to silently eat tokens with an invalid type.
  1865  func TestSimpleUseOfEncodeToken(t *testing.T) {
  1866  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1867  	enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
  1868  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(&StartElement{Name: Name{"", "object1"}}); err == nil {
  1869  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: pointer type should be rejected")
  1870  	}
  1871  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(&EndElement{Name: Name{"", "object1"}}); err == nil {
  1872  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: pointer type should be rejected")
  1873  	}
  1874  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(StartElement{Name: Name{"", "object2"}}); err != nil {
  1875  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: StartElement %s", err)
  1876  	}
  1877  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(EndElement{Name: Name{"", "object2"}}); err != nil {
  1878  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: EndElement %s", err)
  1879  	}
  1880  	if err := enc.EncodeToken(Universe{}); err == nil {
  1881  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: invalid type not caught")
  1882  	}
  1883  	if err := enc.Flush(); err != nil {
  1884  		t.Errorf("enc.Flush: %s", err)
  1885  	}
  1886  	if buf.Len() == 0 {
  1887  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: empty buffer")
  1888  	}
  1889  	want := "<object2></object2>"
  1890  	if buf.String() != want {
  1891  		t.Errorf("enc.EncodeToken: expected %q; got %q", want, buf.String())
  1892  	}
  1893  }
  1895  // Issue 16158. Decoder.unmarshalAttr ignores the return value of copyValue.
  1896  func TestIssue16158(t *testing.T) {
  1897  	const data = `<foo b="HELLOWORLD"></foo>`
  1898  	err := Unmarshal([]byte(data), &struct {
  1899  		B byte `xml:"b,attr,omitempty"`
  1900  	}{})
  1901  	if err == nil {
  1902  		t.Errorf("Unmarshal: expected error, got nil")
  1903  	}
  1904  }