
     1  package aws
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"testing"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  func TestAccAWSVpnConnection_basic(t *testing.T) {
    18  	rInt := acctest.RandInt()
    19  	rBgpAsn := acctest.RandIntRange(64512, 65534)
    20  	var vpn ec2.VpnConnection
    22  	resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
    23  		PreCheck:      func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
    24  		IDRefreshName: "",
    25  		Providers:     testAccProviders,
    26  		CheckDestroy:  testAccAwsVpnConnectionDestroy,
    27  		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
    28  			{
    29  				Config: testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfig(rBgpAsn),
    30  				Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    31  					testAccAwsVpnConnection(
    32  						"aws_vpc.vpc",
    33  						"aws_vpn_gateway.vpn_gateway",
    34  						"aws_customer_gateway.customer_gateway",
    35  						"",
    36  						&vpn,
    37  					),
    38  				),
    39  			},
    40  			{
    41  				Config: testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfigUpdate(rInt, rBgpAsn),
    42  				Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    43  					testAccAwsVpnConnection(
    44  						"aws_vpc.vpc",
    45  						"aws_vpn_gateway.vpn_gateway",
    46  						"aws_customer_gateway.customer_gateway",
    47  						"",
    48  						&vpn,
    49  					),
    50  				),
    51  			},
    52  		},
    53  	})
    54  }
    56  func TestAccAWSVpnConnection_withoutStaticRoutes(t *testing.T) {
    57  	rInt := acctest.RandInt()
    58  	rBgpAsn := acctest.RandIntRange(64512, 65534)
    59  	var vpn ec2.VpnConnection
    60  	resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
    61  		PreCheck:      func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
    62  		IDRefreshName: "",
    63  		Providers:     testAccProviders,
    64  		CheckDestroy:  testAccAwsVpnConnectionDestroy,
    65  		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
    66  			{
    67  				Config: testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfigUpdate(rInt, rBgpAsn),
    68  				Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    69  					testAccAwsVpnConnection(
    70  						"aws_vpc.vpc",
    71  						"aws_vpn_gateway.vpn_gateway",
    72  						"aws_customer_gateway.customer_gateway",
    73  						"",
    74  						&vpn,
    75  					),
    76  					resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("", "static_routes_only", "false"),
    77  				),
    78  			},
    79  		},
    80  	})
    81  }
    83  func TestAccAWSVpnConnection_disappears(t *testing.T) {
    84  	rBgpAsn := acctest.RandIntRange(64512, 65534)
    85  	var vpn ec2.VpnConnection
    87  	resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
    88  		PreCheck:     func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
    89  		Providers:    testAccProviders,
    90  		CheckDestroy: testAccAwsVpnConnectionDestroy,
    91  		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
    92  			{
    93  				Config: testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfig(rBgpAsn),
    94  				Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    95  					testAccAwsVpnConnection(
    96  						"aws_vpc.vpc",
    97  						"aws_vpn_gateway.vpn_gateway",
    98  						"aws_customer_gateway.customer_gateway",
    99  						"",
   100  						&vpn,
   101  					),
   102  					testAccAWSVpnConnectionDisappears(&vpn),
   103  				),
   104  				ExpectNonEmptyPlan: true,
   105  			},
   106  		},
   107  	})
   108  }
   110  func testAccAWSVpnConnectionDisappears(connection *ec2.VpnConnection) resource.TestCheckFunc {
   111  	return func(s *terraform.State) error {
   112  		conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
   114  		_, err := conn.DeleteVpnConnection(&ec2.DeleteVpnConnectionInput{
   115  			VpnConnectionId: connection.VpnConnectionId,
   116  		})
   117  		if err != nil {
   118  			if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVpnConnectionID.NotFound" {
   119  				return nil
   120  			}
   121  			if err != nil {
   122  				return err
   123  			}
   124  		}
   126  		return resource.Retry(40*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError {
   127  			opts := &ec2.DescribeVpnConnectionsInput{
   128  				VpnConnectionIds: []*string{connection.VpnConnectionId},
   129  			}
   130  			resp, err := conn.DescribeVpnConnections(opts)
   131  			if err != nil {
   132  				cgw, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
   133  				if ok && cgw.Code() == "InvalidVpnConnectionID.NotFound" {
   134  					return nil
   135  				}
   136  				if ok && cgw.Code() == "IncorrectState" {
   137  					return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf(
   138  						"Waiting for VPN Connection to be in the correct state: %v", connection.VpnConnectionId))
   139  				}
   140  				return resource.NonRetryableError(
   141  					fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving VPN Connection: %s", err))
   142  			}
   143  			if *resp.VpnConnections[0].State == "deleted" {
   144  				return nil
   145  			}
   146  			return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf(
   147  				"Waiting for VPN Connection: %v", connection.VpnConnectionId))
   148  		})
   149  	}
   150  }
   152  func testAccAwsVpnConnectionDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
   153  	conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
   154  	for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources {
   155  		if rs.Type != "aws_vpn_connection" {
   156  			continue
   157  		}
   159  		resp, err := conn.DescribeVpnConnections(&ec2.DescribeVpnConnectionsInput{
   160  			VpnConnectionIds: []*string{aws.String(rs.Primary.ID)},
   161  		})
   163  		if err != nil {
   164  			if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVpnConnectionID.NotFound" {
   165  				// not found
   166  				return nil
   167  			}
   168  			return err
   169  		}
   171  		var vpn *ec2.VpnConnection
   172  		for _, v := range resp.VpnConnections {
   173  			if v.VpnConnectionId != nil && *v.VpnConnectionId == rs.Primary.ID {
   174  				vpn = v
   175  			}
   176  		}
   178  		if vpn == nil {
   179  			// vpn connection not found
   180  			return nil
   181  		}
   183  		if vpn.State != nil && *vpn.State == "deleted" {
   184  			return nil
   185  		}
   187  	}
   189  	return nil
   190  }
   192  func testAccAwsVpnConnection(
   193  	vpcResource string,
   194  	vpnGatewayResource string,
   195  	customerGatewayResource string,
   196  	vpnConnectionResource string,
   197  	vpnConnection *ec2.VpnConnection) resource.TestCheckFunc {
   198  	return func(s *terraform.State) error {
   199  		rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[vpnConnectionResource]
   200  		if !ok {
   201  			return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", vpnConnectionResource)
   202  		}
   204  		if rs.Primary.ID == "" {
   205  			return fmt.Errorf("No ID is set")
   206  		}
   207  		connection, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[vpnConnectionResource]
   208  		if !ok {
   209  			return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", vpnConnectionResource)
   210  		}
   212  		ec2conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
   214  		resp, err := ec2conn.DescribeVpnConnections(&ec2.DescribeVpnConnectionsInput{
   215  			VpnConnectionIds: []*string{aws.String(connection.Primary.ID)},
   216  		})
   218  		if err != nil {
   219  			return err
   220  		}
   222  		*vpnConnection = *resp.VpnConnections[0]
   224  		return nil
   225  	}
   226  }
   228  func TestAWSVpnConnection_xmlconfig(t *testing.T) {
   229  	tunnelInfo, err := xmlConfigToTunnelInfo(testAccAwsVpnTunnelInfoXML)
   230  	if err != nil {
   231  		t.Fatalf("Error unmarshalling XML: %s", err)
   232  	}
   233  	if tunnelInfo.Tunnel1Address != "FIRST_ADDRESS" {
   234  		t.Fatalf("First address from tunnel XML was incorrect.")
   235  	}
   236  	if tunnelInfo.Tunnel1PreSharedKey != "FIRST_KEY" {
   237  		t.Fatalf("First key from tunnel XML was incorrect.")
   238  	}
   239  	if tunnelInfo.Tunnel2Address != "SECOND_ADDRESS" {
   240  		t.Fatalf("Second address from tunnel XML was incorrect.")
   241  	}
   242  	if tunnelInfo.Tunnel2PreSharedKey != "SECOND_KEY" {
   243  		t.Fatalf("Second key from tunnel XML was incorrect.")
   244  	}
   245  }
   247  func testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfig(rBgpAsn int) string {
   248  	return fmt.Sprintf(`
   249  		resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "vpn_gateway" {
   250  		  tags {
   251  		    Name = "vpn_gateway"
   252  		  }
   253  		}
   255  		resource "aws_customer_gateway" "customer_gateway" {
   256  		  bgp_asn = %d
   257  		  ip_address = ""
   258  		  type = "ipsec.1"
   259  			tags {
   260  				Name = "main-customer-gateway"
   261  			}
   262  		}
   264  		resource "aws_vpn_connection" "foo" {
   265  		  vpn_gateway_id = "${}"
   266  		  customer_gateway_id = "${}"
   267  		  type = "ipsec.1"
   268  		  static_routes_only = true
   269  		}
   270  		`, rBgpAsn)
   271  }
   273  // Change static_routes_only to be false, forcing a refresh.
   274  func testAccAwsVpnConnectionConfigUpdate(rInt, rBgpAsn int) string {
   275  	return fmt.Sprintf(`
   276  	resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "vpn_gateway" {
   277  	  tags {
   278  	    Name = "vpn_gateway"
   279  	  }
   280  	}
   282  	resource "aws_customer_gateway" "customer_gateway" {
   283  	  bgp_asn = %d
   284  	  ip_address = ""
   285  	  type = "ipsec.1"
   286  		tags {
   287  	    Name = "main-customer-gateway-%d"
   288  	  }
   289  	}
   291  	resource "aws_vpn_connection" "foo" {
   292  	  vpn_gateway_id = "${}"
   293  	  customer_gateway_id = "${}"
   294  	  type = "ipsec.1"
   295  	  static_routes_only = false
   296  	}
   297  	`, rBgpAsn, rInt)
   298  }
   300  // Test our VPN tunnel config XML parsing
   301  const testAccAwsVpnTunnelInfoXML = `
   302  <vpn_connection id="vpn-abc123">
   303    <ipsec_tunnel>
   304      <vpn_gateway>
   305        <tunnel_outside_address>
   306          <ip_address>SECOND_ADDRESS</ip_address>
   307        </tunnel_outside_address>
   308      </vpn_gateway>
   309      <ike>
   310        <pre_shared_key>SECOND_KEY</pre_shared_key>
   311      </ike>
   312    </ipsec_tunnel>
   313    <ipsec_tunnel>
   314      <vpn_gateway>
   315        <tunnel_outside_address>
   316          <ip_address>FIRST_ADDRESS</ip_address>
   317        </tunnel_outside_address>
   318      </vpn_gateway>
   319      <ike>
   320        <pre_shared_key>FIRST_KEY</pre_shared_key>
   321      </ike>
   322    </ipsec_tunnel>
   323  </vpn_connection>
   324  `