(about) 1 package azurerm 2 3 import ( 4 "fmt" 5 "log" 6 "time" 7 8 "" 9 "" 10 "" 11 "" 12 "" 13 ) 14 15 func resourceArmLoadBalancerProbe() *schema.Resource { 16 return &schema.Resource{ 17 Create: resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeCreate, 18 Read: resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeRead, 19 Update: resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeCreate, 20 Delete: resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeDelete, 21 Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{ 22 State: loadBalancerSubResourceStateImporter, 23 }, 24 25 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ 26 "name": { 27 Type: schema.TypeString, 28 Required: true, 29 ForceNew: true, 30 }, 31 32 "location": { 33 Type: schema.TypeString, 34 ForceNew: true, 35 Optional: true, 36 StateFunc: azureRMNormalizeLocation, 37 DiffSuppressFunc: azureRMSuppressLocationDiff, 38 Deprecated: "location is no longer used", 39 }, 40 41 "resource_group_name": { 42 Type: schema.TypeString, 43 Required: true, 44 ForceNew: true, 45 }, 46 47 "loadbalancer_id": { 48 Type: schema.TypeString, 49 Required: true, 50 ForceNew: true, 51 }, 52 53 "protocol": { 54 Type: schema.TypeString, 55 Computed: true, 56 Optional: true, 57 StateFunc: ignoreCaseStateFunc, 58 DiffSuppressFunc: ignoreCaseDiffSuppressFunc, 59 }, 60 61 "port": { 62 Type: schema.TypeInt, 63 Required: true, 64 }, 65 66 "request_path": { 67 Type: schema.TypeString, 68 Optional: true, 69 }, 70 71 "interval_in_seconds": { 72 Type: schema.TypeInt, 73 Optional: true, 74 Default: 15, 75 }, 76 77 "number_of_probes": { 78 Type: schema.TypeInt, 79 Optional: true, 80 Default: 2, 81 }, 82 83 "load_balancer_rules": { 84 Type: schema.TypeSet, 85 Computed: true, 86 Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, 87 Set: schema.HashString, 88 }, 89 }, 90 } 91 } 92 93 func resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { 94 client := meta.(*ArmClient) 95 lbClient := client.loadBalancerClient 96 97 loadBalancerID := d.Get("loadbalancer_id").(string) 98 armMutexKV.Lock(loadBalancerID) 99 defer armMutexKV.Unlock(loadBalancerID) 100 101 loadBalancer, exists, err := retrieveLoadBalancerById(loadBalancerID, meta) 102 if err != nil { 103 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer By ID {{err}}", err) 104 } 105 if !exists { 106 d.SetId("") 107 log.Printf("[INFO] LoadBalancer %q not found. Removing from state", d.Get("name").(string)) 108 return nil 109 } 110 111 newProbe, err := expandAzureRmLoadBalancerProbe(d, loadBalancer) 112 if err != nil { 113 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Expanding Probe {{err}}", err) 114 } 115 116 probes := append(*loadBalancer.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat.Probes, *newProbe) 117 118 existingProbe, existingProbeIndex, exists := findLoadBalancerProbeByName(loadBalancer, d.Get("name").(string)) 119 if exists { 120 if d.Get("name").(string) == *existingProbe.Name { 121 // this probe is being updated/reapplied remove old copy from the slice 122 probes = append(probes[:existingProbeIndex], probes[existingProbeIndex+1:]...) 123 } 124 } 125 126 loadBalancer.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat.Probes = &probes 127 resGroup, loadBalancerName, err := resourceGroupAndLBNameFromId(d.Get("loadbalancer_id").(string)) 128 if err != nil { 129 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer Name and Group: {{err}}", err) 130 } 131 132 _, err = lbClient.CreateOrUpdate(resGroup, loadBalancerName, *loadBalancer, make(chan struct{})) 133 if err != nil { 134 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Creating/Updating LoadBalancer {{err}}", err) 135 } 136 137 read, err := lbClient.Get(resGroup, loadBalancerName, "") 138 if err != nil { 139 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer {{err}}", err) 140 } 141 if read.ID == nil { 142 return fmt.Errorf("Cannot read LoadBalancer %s (resource group %s) ID", loadBalancerName, resGroup) 143 } 144 145 var createdProbe_id string 146 for _, Probe := range *(*read.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat).Probes { 147 if *Probe.Name == d.Get("name").(string) { 148 createdProbe_id = *Probe.ID 149 } 150 } 151 152 if createdProbe_id != "" { 153 d.SetId(createdProbe_id) 154 } else { 155 return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find created LoadBalancer Probe ID %q", createdProbe_id) 156 } 157 158 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for LoadBalancer (%s) to become available", loadBalancerName) 159 stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{ 160 Pending: []string{"Accepted", "Updating"}, 161 Target: []string{"Succeeded"}, 162 Refresh: loadbalancerStateRefreshFunc(client, resGroup, loadBalancerName), 163 Timeout: 10 * time.Minute, 164 } 165 if _, err := stateConf.WaitForState(); err != nil { 166 return fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for LoadBalancer (%s) to become available: %s", loadBalancerName, err) 167 } 168 169 return resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeRead(d, meta) 170 } 171 172 func resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { 173 id, err := parseAzureResourceID(d.Id()) 174 if err != nil { 175 return err 176 } 177 name := id.Path["probes"] 178 179 loadBalancer, exists, err := retrieveLoadBalancerById(d.Get("loadbalancer_id").(string), meta) 180 if err != nil { 181 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer By ID {{err}}", err) 182 } 183 if !exists { 184 d.SetId("") 185 log.Printf("[INFO] LoadBalancer %q not found. Removing from state", name) 186 return nil 187 } 188 189 config, _, exists := findLoadBalancerProbeByName(loadBalancer, name) 190 if !exists { 191 d.SetId("") 192 log.Printf("[INFO] LoadBalancer Probe %q not found. Removing from state", name) 193 return nil 194 } 195 196 d.Set("name", config.Name) 197 d.Set("resource_group_name", id.ResourceGroup) 198 d.Set("protocol", config.ProbePropertiesFormat.Protocol) 199 d.Set("interval_in_seconds", config.ProbePropertiesFormat.IntervalInSeconds) 200 d.Set("number_of_probes", config.ProbePropertiesFormat.NumberOfProbes) 201 d.Set("port", config.ProbePropertiesFormat.Port) 202 d.Set("request_path", config.ProbePropertiesFormat.RequestPath) 203 204 var load_balancer_rules []string 205 if config.ProbePropertiesFormat.LoadBalancingRules != nil { 206 for _, ruleConfig := range *config.ProbePropertiesFormat.LoadBalancingRules { 207 load_balancer_rules = append(load_balancer_rules, *ruleConfig.ID) 208 } 209 } 210 d.Set("load_balancer_rules", load_balancer_rules) 211 212 return nil 213 } 214 215 func resourceArmLoadBalancerProbeDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { 216 client := meta.(*ArmClient) 217 lbClient := client.loadBalancerClient 218 219 loadBalancerID := d.Get("loadbalancer_id").(string) 220 armMutexKV.Lock(loadBalancerID) 221 defer armMutexKV.Unlock(loadBalancerID) 222 223 loadBalancer, exists, err := retrieveLoadBalancerById(loadBalancerID, meta) 224 if err != nil { 225 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer By ID {{err}}", err) 226 } 227 if !exists { 228 d.SetId("") 229 return nil 230 } 231 232 _, index, exists := findLoadBalancerProbeByName(loadBalancer, d.Get("name").(string)) 233 if !exists { 234 return nil 235 } 236 237 oldProbes := *loadBalancer.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat.Probes 238 newProbes := append(oldProbes[:index], oldProbes[index+1:]...) 239 loadBalancer.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat.Probes = &newProbes 240 241 resGroup, loadBalancerName, err := resourceGroupAndLBNameFromId(d.Get("loadbalancer_id").(string)) 242 if err != nil { 243 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer Name and Group: {{err}}", err) 244 } 245 246 _, err = lbClient.CreateOrUpdate(resGroup, loadBalancerName, *loadBalancer, make(chan struct{})) 247 if err != nil { 248 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Creating/Updating LoadBalancer {{err}}", err) 249 } 250 251 read, err := lbClient.Get(resGroup, loadBalancerName, "") 252 if err != nil { 253 return errwrap.Wrapf("Error Getting LoadBalancer {{err}}", err) 254 } 255 if read.ID == nil { 256 return fmt.Errorf("Cannot read LoadBalancer %s (resource group %s) ID", loadBalancerName, resGroup) 257 } 258 259 return nil 260 } 261 262 func expandAzureRmLoadBalancerProbe(d *schema.ResourceData, lb *network.LoadBalancer) (*network.Probe, error) { 263 264 properties := network.ProbePropertiesFormat{ 265 NumberOfProbes: azure.Int32(int32(d.Get("number_of_probes").(int))), 266 IntervalInSeconds: azure.Int32(int32(d.Get("interval_in_seconds").(int))), 267 Port: azure.Int32(int32(d.Get("port").(int))), 268 } 269 270 if v, ok := d.GetOk("protocol"); ok { 271 properties.Protocol = network.ProbeProtocol(v.(string)) 272 } 273 274 if v, ok := d.GetOk("request_path"); ok { 275 properties.RequestPath = azure.String(v.(string)) 276 } 277 278 probe := network.Probe{ 279 Name: azure.String(d.Get("name").(string)), 280 ProbePropertiesFormat: &properties, 281 } 282 283 return &probe, nil 284 }