
     1  ---
     2  layout: "enterprise"
     3  page_title: "GitHub - VCS Integrations - Terraform Enterprise"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-enterprise-vcs-github"
     5  description: |-
     6    GitHub repositories can be integrated with Terraform Enterprise by using push command.
     7  ---
     9  # GitHub Integration
    11  GitHub can be used to import Terraform configuration, automatically queuing runs
    12  when changes are merged into a repository's default branch. Additionally, plans
    13  are run when a pull request is created or updated. Terraform Enterprise will
    14  update the pull request with the result of the Terraform plan providing quick
    15  feedback on proposed changes.
    17  ## Setup
    19  Terraform Enterprise environments are linked to individual GitHub repositories.
    20  However, a single GitHub repository can be linked to multiple environments
    21  allowing a single set of Terraform configuration to be used across multiple
    22  environments.
    24  Environments can be linked when they're initially created using the New
    25  Environment process. Existing environments can be linked by setting GitHub
    26  details in their **Integrations**.
    28  To link a Terraform Enterprise environment to a GitHub repository, you need
    29  three pieces of information:
    31  - **GitHub repository** - The location of the repository being imported in the
    32  format _username/repository_.
    34  - **GitHub branch** - The branch from which to ingress new versions. This
    35  defaults to the value GitHub provides as the default branch for this repository.
    37  - **Path to directory of Terraform files** - The repository's subdirectory that
    38  contains its terraform files. This defaults to the root of the repository.