
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "State: Sensitive Data"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-state-sensitive-data"
     5  description: |-
     6    Sensitive data in Terraform state.
     7  ---
     9  # Sensitive Data in State
    11  Terraform state can contain sensitive data depending on the resources in-use
    12  and your definition of "sensitive." The state contains resource IDs and all
    13  resource attributes. For resources such as databases, this may contain initial
    14  passwords.
    16  Some resources (such as RDS databases) have options for PGP encrypting the
    17  values within the state. This is implemented on a per-resource basis and
    18  you should assume the value is plaintext unless otherwise documented.
    20  When using local state, state is stored in plain-text JSON files. When
    21  using [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html), state is only ever held in memory when used by Terraform.
    22  It may be encrypted at rest but this depends on the specific remote state
    23  backend.
    25  It is important to keep this in mind if you do (or plan to) store sensitive
    26  data (e.g. database passwords, user passwords, private keys) as it may affect
    27  the risk of exposure of such sensitive data.
    29  ## Recommendations
    31  Storing state remotely may provide you encryption at rest depending on the
    32  backend you choose. As of Terraform 0.9, Terraform will only hold the state
    33  value in memory when remote state is in use. It is never explicitly persisted
    34  to disk.
    36  For example, encryption at rest can be enabled with the S3 backend and IAM
    37  policies and logging can be used to identify any invalid access. Requests for
    38  the state go over a TLS connection.
    40  [Terraform Enterprise]( is
    41  a commercial product from HashiCorp that also acts as a [backend](/docs/backends)
    42  and provides encryption at rest for state. Terraform Enterprise also knows
    43  the identity of the user requesting state and maintains a history of state
    44  changes. This can be used to provide access control and detect any breaches.
    46  ## Future Work
    48  Long term, the Terraform project wants to further improve the ability to
    49  secure sensitive data. There are plans to provide a
    50  generic mechanism for specific state attributes to be encrypted or even
    51  completely omitted from the state. These do not exist yet except on a
    52  resource-by-resource basis if documented.