
     1  version: 2
     2  jobs:
     3    build:
     4      working_directory: /go/src/
     5      parallelism: 3
     6      docker:
     7        - image: golang:1.8
     8      environment:
     9        PROJECT_NAME: "kubernetes-helm"
    10      steps:
    11        - checkout
    12        - setup_remote_docker
    13        - restore_cache:
    14            keys:
    15              - glide-{{ checksum "glide.yaml" }}-{{ checksum "glide.lock" }}
    16              - glide- # used as a fall through if the checksum fails to find exact entry
    17        - run:
    18            name: install dependencies
    19            command: make bootstrap
    20        - save_cache:
    21            key: glide-{{ checksum "glide.yaml" }}-{{ checksum "glide.lock" }}
    22            paths:
    23              - /root/.glide  # Where the glide cache is stored
    24        - run:
    25            name: test
    26            command: .circleci/
    27        - deploy:
    28            name: deploy
    29            command: .circleci/
    30  workflows:
    31    version: 2
    32    build:
    33      jobs:
    34        - build:
    35            filters:
    36              tags:
    37                only: /.*/