
     1  // Copyright (c) 2014 The btcsuite developers
     2  // Copyright (c) 2016 The Dash developers
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package btcjson_test
     8  import (
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"encoding/json"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"reflect"
    13  	"testing"
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  // TestChainSvrWsNtfns tests all of the chain server websocket-specific
    19  // notifications marshal and unmarshal into valid results include handling of
    20  // optional fields being omitted in the marshalled command, while optional
    21  // fields with defaults have the default assigned on unmarshalled commands.
    22  func TestChainSvrWsNtfns(t *testing.T) {
    23  	t.Parallel()
    25  	tests := []struct {
    26  		name         string
    27  		newNtfn      func() (interface{}, error)
    28  		staticNtfn   func() interface{}
    29  		marshalled   string
    30  		unmarshalled interface{}
    31  	}{
    32  		{
    33  			name: "blockconnected",
    34  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
    35  				return btcjson.NewCmd("blockconnected", "123", 100000, 123456789)
    36  			},
    37  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
    38  				return btcjson.NewBlockConnectedNtfn("123", 100000, 123456789)
    39  			},
    40  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"blockconnected","params":["123",100000,123456789],"id":null}`,
    41  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.BlockConnectedNtfn{
    42  				Hash:   "123",
    43  				Height: 100000,
    44  				Time:   123456789,
    45  			},
    46  		},
    47  		{
    48  			name: "blockdisconnected",
    49  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
    50  				return btcjson.NewCmd("blockdisconnected", "123", 100000, 123456789)
    51  			},
    52  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
    53  				return btcjson.NewBlockDisconnectedNtfn("123", 100000, 123456789)
    54  			},
    55  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"blockdisconnected","params":["123",100000,123456789],"id":null}`,
    56  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.BlockDisconnectedNtfn{
    57  				Hash:   "123",
    58  				Height: 100000,
    59  				Time:   123456789,
    60  			},
    61  		},
    62  		{
    63  			name: "recvtx",
    64  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
    65  				return btcjson.NewCmd("recvtx", "001122", `{"height":100000,"hash":"123","index":0,"time":12345678}`)
    66  			},
    67  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
    68  				blockDetails := btcjson.BlockDetails{
    69  					Height: 100000,
    70  					Hash:   "123",
    71  					Index:  0,
    72  					Time:   12345678,
    73  				}
    74  				return btcjson.NewRecvTxNtfn("001122", &blockDetails)
    75  			},
    76  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"recvtx","params":["001122",{"height":100000,"hash":"123","index":0,"time":12345678}],"id":null}`,
    77  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.RecvTxNtfn{
    78  				HexTx: "001122",
    79  				Block: &btcjson.BlockDetails{
    80  					Height: 100000,
    81  					Hash:   "123",
    82  					Index:  0,
    83  					Time:   12345678,
    84  				},
    85  			},
    86  		},
    87  		{
    88  			name: "redeemingtx",
    89  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
    90  				return btcjson.NewCmd("redeemingtx", "001122", `{"height":100000,"hash":"123","index":0,"time":12345678}`)
    91  			},
    92  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
    93  				blockDetails := btcjson.BlockDetails{
    94  					Height: 100000,
    95  					Hash:   "123",
    96  					Index:  0,
    97  					Time:   12345678,
    98  				}
    99  				return btcjson.NewRedeemingTxNtfn("001122", &blockDetails)
   100  			},
   101  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"redeemingtx","params":["001122",{"height":100000,"hash":"123","index":0,"time":12345678}],"id":null}`,
   102  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.RedeemingTxNtfn{
   103  				HexTx: "001122",
   104  				Block: &btcjson.BlockDetails{
   105  					Height: 100000,
   106  					Hash:   "123",
   107  					Index:  0,
   108  					Time:   12345678,
   109  				},
   110  			},
   111  		},
   112  		{
   113  			name: "rescanfinished",
   114  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
   115  				return btcjson.NewCmd("rescanfinished", "123", 100000, 12345678)
   116  			},
   117  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
   118  				return btcjson.NewRescanFinishedNtfn("123", 100000, 12345678)
   119  			},
   120  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"rescanfinished","params":["123",100000,12345678],"id":null}`,
   121  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.RescanFinishedNtfn{
   122  				Hash:   "123",
   123  				Height: 100000,
   124  				Time:   12345678,
   125  			},
   126  		},
   127  		{
   128  			name: "rescanprogress",
   129  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
   130  				return btcjson.NewCmd("rescanprogress", "123", 100000, 12345678)
   131  			},
   132  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
   133  				return btcjson.NewRescanProgressNtfn("123", 100000, 12345678)
   134  			},
   135  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"rescanprogress","params":["123",100000,12345678],"id":null}`,
   136  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.RescanProgressNtfn{
   137  				Hash:   "123",
   138  				Height: 100000,
   139  				Time:   12345678,
   140  			},
   141  		},
   142  		{
   143  			name: "txaccepted",
   144  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
   145  				return btcjson.NewCmd("txaccepted", "123", 1.5)
   146  			},
   147  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
   148  				return btcjson.NewTxAcceptedNtfn("123", 1.5)
   149  			},
   150  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"txaccepted","params":["123",1.5],"id":null}`,
   151  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.TxAcceptedNtfn{
   152  				TxID:   "123",
   153  				Amount: 1.5,
   154  			},
   155  		},
   156  		{
   157  			name: "txacceptedverbose",
   158  			newNtfn: func() (interface{}, error) {
   159  				return btcjson.NewCmd("txacceptedverbose", `{"hex":"001122","txid":"123","version":1,"locktime":4294967295,"vin":null,"vout":null,"confirmations":0}`)
   160  			},
   161  			staticNtfn: func() interface{} {
   162  				txResult := btcjson.TxRawResult{
   163  					Hex:           "001122",
   164  					Txid:          "123",
   165  					Version:       1,
   166  					LockTime:      4294967295,
   167  					Vin:           nil,
   168  					Vout:          nil,
   169  					Confirmations: 0,
   170  				}
   171  				return btcjson.NewTxAcceptedVerboseNtfn(txResult)
   172  			},
   173  			marshalled: `{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"txacceptedverbose","params":[{"hex":"001122","txid":"123","version":1,"locktime":4294967295,"vin":null,"vout":null}],"id":null}`,
   174  			unmarshalled: &btcjson.TxAcceptedVerboseNtfn{
   175  				RawTx: btcjson.TxRawResult{
   176  					Hex:           "001122",
   177  					Txid:          "123",
   178  					Version:       1,
   179  					LockTime:      4294967295,
   180  					Vin:           nil,
   181  					Vout:          nil,
   182  					Confirmations: 0,
   183  				},
   184  			},
   185  		},
   186  	}
   188  	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
   189  	for i, test := range tests {
   190  		// Marshal the notification as created by the new static
   191  		// creation function.  The ID is nil for notifications.
   192  		marshalled, err := btcjson.MarshalCmd(nil, test.staticNtfn())
   193  		if err != nil {
   194  			t.Errorf("MarshalCmd #%d (%s) unexpected error: %v", i,
   195, err)
   196  			continue
   197  		}
   199  		if !bytes.Equal(marshalled, []byte(test.marshalled)) {
   200  			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected marshalled data - "+
   201  				"got %s, want %s", i,, marshalled,
   202  				test.marshalled)
   203  			continue
   204  		}
   206  		// Ensure the notification is created without error via the
   207  		// generic new notification creation function.
   208  		cmd, err := test.newNtfn()
   209  		if err != nil {
   210  			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected NewCmd error: %v ",
   211  				i,, err)
   212  		}
   214  		// Marshal the notification as created by the generic new
   215  		// notification creation function.    The ID is nil for
   216  		// notifications.
   217  		marshalled, err = btcjson.MarshalCmd(nil, cmd)
   218  		if err != nil {
   219  			t.Errorf("MarshalCmd #%d (%s) unexpected error: %v", i,
   220, err)
   221  			continue
   222  		}
   224  		if !bytes.Equal(marshalled, []byte(test.marshalled)) {
   225  			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected marshalled data - "+
   226  				"got %s, want %s", i,, marshalled,
   227  				test.marshalled)
   228  			continue
   229  		}
   231  		var request btcjson.Request
   232  		if err := json.Unmarshal(marshalled, &request); err != nil {
   233  			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected error while "+
   234  				"unmarshalling JSON-RPC request: %v", i,
   235, err)
   236  			continue
   237  		}
   239  		cmd, err = btcjson.UnmarshalCmd(&request)
   240  		if err != nil {
   241  			t.Errorf("UnmarshalCmd #%d (%s) unexpected error: %v", i,
   242, err)
   243  			continue
   244  		}
   246  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(cmd, test.unmarshalled) {
   247  			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected unmarshalled command "+
   248  				"- got %s, want %s", i,,
   249  				fmt.Sprintf("(%T) %+[1]v", cmd),
   250  				fmt.Sprintf("(%T) %+[1]v\n", test.unmarshalled))
   251  			continue
   252  		}
   253  	}
   254  }