
     1  // Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The btcsuite developers
     2  // Copyright (c) 2016 The Dash developers
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package wire_test
     8  import (
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"io"
    11  	"reflect"
    12  	"testing"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  // TestMsgAlert tests the MsgAlert API.
    19  func TestMsgAlert(t *testing.T) {
    20  	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion
    21  	serializedpayload := []byte("some message")
    22  	signature := []byte("some sig")
    24  	// Ensure we get the same payload and signature back out.
    25  	msg := wire.NewMsgAlert(serializedpayload, signature)
    26  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(msg.SerializedPayload, serializedpayload) {
    27  		t.Errorf("NewMsgAlert: wrong serializedpayload - got %v, want %v",
    28  			msg.SerializedPayload, serializedpayload)
    29  	}
    30  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(msg.Signature, signature) {
    31  		t.Errorf("NewMsgAlert: wrong signature - got %v, want %v",
    32  			msg.Signature, signature)
    33  	}
    35  	// Ensure the command is expected value.
    36  	wantCmd := "alert"
    37  	if cmd := msg.Command(); cmd != wantCmd {
    38  		t.Errorf("NewMsgAlert: wrong command - got %v want %v",
    39  			cmd, wantCmd)
    40  	}
    42  	// Ensure max payload is expected value.
    43  	wantPayload := uint32(1024 * 1024 * 32)
    44  	maxPayload := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
    45  	if maxPayload != wantPayload {
    46  		t.Errorf("MaxPayloadLength: wrong max payload length for "+
    47  			"protocol version %d - got %v, want %v", pver,
    48  			maxPayload, wantPayload)
    49  	}
    51  	// Test BtcEncode with Payload == nil
    52  	var buf bytes.Buffer
    53  	err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, pver)
    54  	if err != nil {
    55  		t.Error(err.Error())
    56  	}
    57  	// expected = 0x0c + serializedpayload + 0x08 + signature
    58  	expectedBuf := append([]byte{0x0c}, serializedpayload...)
    59  	expectedBuf = append(expectedBuf, []byte{0x08}...)
    60  	expectedBuf = append(expectedBuf, signature...)
    61  	if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), expectedBuf) {
    62  		t.Errorf("BtcEncode got: %s want: %s",
    63  			spew.Sdump(buf.Bytes()), spew.Sdump(expectedBuf))
    64  	}
    66  	// Test BtcEncode with Payload != nil
    67  	// note: Payload is an empty Alert but not nil
    68  	msg.Payload = new(wire.Alert)
    69  	buf = *new(bytes.Buffer)
    70  	err = msg.BtcEncode(&buf, pver)
    71  	if err != nil {
    72  		t.Error(err.Error())
    73  	}
    74  	// empty Alert is 45 null bytes, see Alert comments
    75  	// for details
    76  	// expected = 0x2d + 45*0x00 + 0x08 + signature
    77  	expectedBuf = append([]byte{0x2d}, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00}, 45)...)
    78  	expectedBuf = append(expectedBuf, []byte{0x08}...)
    79  	expectedBuf = append(expectedBuf, signature...)
    80  	if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), expectedBuf) {
    81  		t.Errorf("BtcEncode got: %s want: %s",
    82  			spew.Sdump(buf.Bytes()), spew.Sdump(expectedBuf))
    83  	}
    84  }
    86  // TestMsgAlertWire tests the MsgAlert wire encode and decode for various protocol
    87  // versions.
    88  func TestMsgAlertWire(t *testing.T) {
    89  	baseMsgAlert := wire.NewMsgAlert([]byte("some payload"), []byte("somesig"))
    90  	baseMsgAlertEncoded := []byte{
    91  		0x0c, // Varint for payload length
    92  		0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x70, 0x61, 0x79,
    93  		0x6c, 0x6f, 0x61, 0x64, // "some payload"
    94  		0x07,                                     // Varint for signature length
    95  		0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x69, 0x67, // "somesig"
    96  	}
    98  	tests := []struct {
    99  		in   *wire.MsgAlert // Message to encode
   100  		out  *wire.MsgAlert // Expected decoded message
   101  		buf  []byte         // Wire encoding
   102  		pver uint32         // Protocol version for wire encoding
   103  	}{
   104  		// Latest protocol version.
   105  		{
   106  			baseMsgAlert,
   107  			baseMsgAlert,
   108  			baseMsgAlertEncoded,
   109  			wire.ProtocolVersion,
   110  		},
   112  		// Protocol version BIP0035Version.
   113  		{
   114  			baseMsgAlert,
   115  			baseMsgAlert,
   116  			baseMsgAlertEncoded,
   117  			wire.BIP0035Version,
   118  		},
   120  		// Protocol version BIP0031Version.
   121  		{
   122  			baseMsgAlert,
   123  			baseMsgAlert,
   124  			baseMsgAlertEncoded,
   125  			wire.BIP0031Version,
   126  		},
   128  		// Protocol version NetAddressTimeVersion.
   129  		{
   130  			baseMsgAlert,
   131  			baseMsgAlert,
   132  			baseMsgAlertEncoded,
   133  			wire.NetAddressTimeVersion,
   134  		},
   136  		// Protocol version MultipleAddressVersion.
   137  		{
   138  			baseMsgAlert,
   139  			baseMsgAlert,
   140  			baseMsgAlertEncoded,
   141  			wire.MultipleAddressVersion,
   142  		},
   143  	}
   145  	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
   146  	for i, test := range tests {
   147  		// Encode the message to wire format.
   148  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   149  		err :=, test.pver)
   150  		if err != nil {
   151  			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d error %v", i, err)
   152  			continue
   153  		}
   154  		if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), test.buf) {
   155  			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d\n got: %s want: %s", i,
   156  				spew.Sdump(buf.Bytes()), spew.Sdump(test.buf))
   157  			continue
   158  		}
   160  		// Decode the message from wire format.
   161  		var msg wire.MsgAlert
   162  		rbuf := bytes.NewReader(test.buf)
   163  		err = msg.BtcDecode(rbuf, test.pver)
   164  		if err != nil {
   165  			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d error %v", i, err)
   166  			continue
   167  		}
   168  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(&msg, test.out) {
   169  			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d\n got: %s want: %s", i,
   170  				spew.Sdump(msg), spew.Sdump(test.out))
   171  			continue
   172  		}
   173  	}
   174  }
   176  // TestMsgAlertWireErrors performs negative tests against wire encode and decode
   177  // of MsgAlert to confirm error paths work correctly.
   178  func TestMsgAlertWireErrors(t *testing.T) {
   179  	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion
   181  	baseMsgAlert := wire.NewMsgAlert([]byte("some payload"), []byte("somesig"))
   182  	baseMsgAlertEncoded := []byte{
   183  		0x0c, // Varint for payload length
   184  		0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x70, 0x61, 0x79,
   185  		0x6c, 0x6f, 0x61, 0x64, // "some payload"
   186  		0x07,                                     // Varint for signature length
   187  		0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x69, 0x67, // "somesig"
   188  	}
   190  	tests := []struct {
   191  		in       *wire.MsgAlert // Value to encode
   192  		buf      []byte         // Wire encoding
   193  		pver     uint32         // Protocol version for wire encoding
   194  		max      int            // Max size of fixed buffer to induce errors
   195  		writeErr error          // Expected write error
   196  		readErr  error          // Expected read error
   197  	}{
   198  		// Force error in payload length.
   199  		{baseMsgAlert, baseMsgAlertEncoded, pver, 0, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   200  		// Force error in payload.
   201  		{baseMsgAlert, baseMsgAlertEncoded, pver, 1, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   202  		// Force error in signature length.
   203  		{baseMsgAlert, baseMsgAlertEncoded, pver, 13, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   204  		// Force error in signature.
   205  		{baseMsgAlert, baseMsgAlertEncoded, pver, 14, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   206  	}
   208  	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
   209  	for i, test := range tests {
   210  		// Encode to wire format.
   211  		w := newFixedWriter(test.max)
   212  		err :=, test.pver)
   213  		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.writeErr) {
   214  			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
   215  				i, err, test.writeErr)
   216  			continue
   217  		}
   219  		// For errors which are not of type wire.MessageError, check
   220  		// them for equality.
   221  		if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   222  			if err != test.writeErr {
   223  				t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
   224  					"want: %v", i, err, test.writeErr)
   225  				continue
   226  			}
   227  		}
   229  		// Decode from wire format.
   230  		var msg wire.MsgAlert
   231  		r := newFixedReader(test.max, test.buf)
   232  		err = msg.BtcDecode(r, test.pver)
   233  		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.readErr) {
   234  			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
   235  				i, err, test.readErr)
   236  			continue
   237  		}
   239  		// For errors which are not of type wire.MessageError, check
   240  		// them for equality.
   241  		if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   242  			if err != test.readErr {
   243  				t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
   244  					"want: %v", i, err, test.readErr)
   245  				continue
   246  			}
   247  		}
   248  	}
   250  	// Test Error on empty Payload
   251  	baseMsgAlert.SerializedPayload = []byte{}
   252  	w := new(bytes.Buffer)
   253  	err := baseMsgAlert.BtcEncode(w, pver)
   254  	if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   255  		t.Errorf("MsgAlert.BtcEncode wrong error got: %T, want: %T",
   256  			err, wire.MessageError{})
   257  	}
   259  	// Test Payload Serialize error
   260  	// overflow the max number of elements in SetCancel
   261  	baseMsgAlert.Payload = new(wire.Alert)
   262  	baseMsgAlert.Payload.SetCancel = make([]int32, wire.MaxCountSetCancel+1)
   263  	buf := *new(bytes.Buffer)
   264  	err = baseMsgAlert.BtcEncode(&buf, pver)
   265  	if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   266  		t.Errorf("MsgAlert.BtcEncode wrong error got: %T, want: %T",
   267  			err, wire.MessageError{})
   268  	}
   270  	// overflow the max number of elements in SetSubVer
   271  	baseMsgAlert.Payload = new(wire.Alert)
   272  	baseMsgAlert.Payload.SetSubVer = make([]string, wire.MaxCountSetSubVer+1)
   273  	buf = *new(bytes.Buffer)
   274  	err = baseMsgAlert.BtcEncode(&buf, pver)
   275  	if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   276  		t.Errorf("MsgAlert.BtcEncode wrong error got: %T, want: %T",
   277  			err, wire.MessageError{})
   278  	}
   279  }
   281  // TestAlert tests serialization and deserialization
   282  // of the payload to Alert
   283  func TestAlert(t *testing.T) {
   284  	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion
   285  	alert := wire.NewAlert(
   286  		1, 1337093712, 1368628812, 1015,
   287  		1013, []int32{1014}, 0, 40599, []string{"/Satoshi:0.7.2/"}, 5000, "",
   288  		"URGENT: upgrade required, see for details",
   289  	)
   290  	w := new(bytes.Buffer)
   291  	err := alert.Serialize(w, pver)
   292  	if err != nil {
   293  		t.Error(err.Error())
   294  	}
   295  	serializedpayload := w.Bytes()
   296  	newAlert, err := wire.NewAlertFromPayload(serializedpayload, pver)
   297  	if err != nil {
   298  		t.Error(err.Error())
   299  	}
   301  	if alert.Version != newAlert.Version {
   302  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Version - got %v, want %v ",
   303  			alert.Version, newAlert.Version)
   304  	}
   305  	if alert.RelayUntil != newAlert.RelayUntil {
   306  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong RelayUntil - got %v, want %v ",
   307  			alert.RelayUntil, newAlert.RelayUntil)
   308  	}
   309  	if alert.Expiration != newAlert.Expiration {
   310  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Expiration - got %v, want %v ",
   311  			alert.Expiration, newAlert.Expiration)
   312  	}
   313  	if alert.ID != newAlert.ID {
   314  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong ID - got %v, want %v ",
   315  			alert.ID, newAlert.ID)
   316  	}
   317  	if alert.Cancel != newAlert.Cancel {
   318  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Cancel - got %v, want %v ",
   319  			alert.Cancel, newAlert.Cancel)
   320  	}
   321  	if len(alert.SetCancel) != len(newAlert.SetCancel) {
   322  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong number of SetCancel - got %v, want %v ",
   323  			len(alert.SetCancel), len(newAlert.SetCancel))
   324  	}
   325  	for i := 0; i < len(alert.SetCancel); i++ {
   326  		if alert.SetCancel[i] != newAlert.SetCancel[i] {
   327  			t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong SetCancel[%v] - got %v, want %v ",
   328  				len(alert.SetCancel), alert.SetCancel[i], newAlert.SetCancel[i])
   329  		}
   330  	}
   331  	if alert.MinVer != newAlert.MinVer {
   332  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong MinVer - got %v, want %v ",
   333  			alert.MinVer, newAlert.MinVer)
   334  	}
   335  	if alert.MaxVer != newAlert.MaxVer {
   336  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong MaxVer - got %v, want %v ",
   337  			alert.MaxVer, newAlert.MaxVer)
   338  	}
   339  	if len(alert.SetSubVer) != len(newAlert.SetSubVer) {
   340  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong number of SetSubVer - got %v, want %v ",
   341  			len(alert.SetSubVer), len(newAlert.SetSubVer))
   342  	}
   343  	for i := 0; i < len(alert.SetSubVer); i++ {
   344  		if alert.SetSubVer[i] != newAlert.SetSubVer[i] {
   345  			t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong SetSubVer[%v] - got %v, want %v ",
   346  				len(alert.SetSubVer), alert.SetSubVer[i], newAlert.SetSubVer[i])
   347  		}
   348  	}
   349  	if alert.Priority != newAlert.Priority {
   350  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Priority - got %v, want %v ",
   351  			alert.Priority, newAlert.Priority)
   352  	}
   353  	if alert.Comment != newAlert.Comment {
   354  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Comment - got %v, want %v ",
   355  			alert.Comment, newAlert.Comment)
   356  	}
   357  	if alert.StatusBar != newAlert.StatusBar {
   358  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong StatusBar - got %v, want %v ",
   359  			alert.StatusBar, newAlert.StatusBar)
   360  	}
   361  	if alert.Reserved != newAlert.Reserved {
   362  		t.Errorf("NewAlertFromPayload: wrong Reserved - got %v, want %v ",
   363  			alert.Reserved, newAlert.Reserved)
   364  	}
   365  }
   367  // TestAlertErrors performs negative tests against payload serialization,
   368  // deserialization of Alert to confirm error paths work correctly.
   369  func TestAlertErrors(t *testing.T) {
   370  	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion
   372  	baseAlert := wire.NewAlert(
   373  		1, 1337093712, 1368628812, 1015,
   374  		1013, []int32{1014}, 0, 40599, []string{"/Satoshi:0.7.2/"}, 5000, "",
   375  		"URGENT",
   376  	)
   377  	baseAlertEncoded := []byte{
   378  		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x6e, 0xb2, 0x4f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x9e, 0x93, 0x51, //|....Pn.O....L..Q|
   379  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xf6, 0x03, 0x00, //|................|
   380  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x2f, 0x53, 0x61, 0x74, 0x6f, //|.........../Sato|
   381  		0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x3a, 0x30, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x88, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, //|shi:0.7.2/......|
   382  		0x55, 0x52, 0x47, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x54, 0x00, //|URGENT.|
   383  	}
   384  	tests := []struct {
   385  		in       *wire.Alert // Value to encode
   386  		buf      []byte      // Wire encoding
   387  		pver     uint32      // Protocol version for wire encoding
   388  		max      int         // Max size of fixed buffer to induce errors
   389  		writeErr error       // Expected write error
   390  		readErr  error       // Expected read error
   391  	}{
   392  		// Force error in Version
   393  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 0, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   394  		// Force error in SetCancel VarInt.
   395  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 28, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   396  		// Force error in SetCancel ints.
   397  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 29, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   398  		// Force error in MinVer
   399  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 40, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   400  		// Force error in SetSubVer string VarInt.
   401  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 41, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   402  		// Force error in SetSubVer strings.
   403  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 48, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   404  		// Force error in Priority
   405  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 60, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   406  		// Force error in Comment string.
   407  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 62, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   408  		// Force error in StatusBar string.
   409  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 64, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   410  		// Force error in Reserved string.
   411  		{baseAlert, baseAlertEncoded, pver, 70, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
   412  	}
   414  	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
   415  	for i, test := range tests {
   416  		w := newFixedWriter(test.max)
   417  		err :=, test.pver)
   418  		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.writeErr) {
   419  			t.Errorf("Alert.Serialize #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
   420  				i, err, test.writeErr)
   421  			continue
   422  		}
   424  		var alert wire.Alert
   425  		r := newFixedReader(test.max, test.buf)
   426  		err = alert.Deserialize(r, test.pver)
   427  		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.readErr) {
   428  			t.Errorf("Alert.Deserialize #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
   429  				i, err, test.readErr)
   430  			continue
   431  		}
   432  	}
   434  	// overflow the max number of elements in SetCancel
   435  	// maxCountSetCancel + 1 == 8388575 == \xdf\xff\x7f\x00
   436  	// replace bytes 29-33
   437  	badAlertEncoded := []byte{
   438  		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x6e, 0xb2, 0x4f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x9e, 0x93, 0x51, //|....Pn.O....L..Q|
   439  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xdf, 0xff, 0x7f, //|................|
   440  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x2f, 0x53, 0x61, 0x74, 0x6f, //|.........../Sato|
   441  		0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x3a, 0x30, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x88, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, //|shi:0.7.2/......|
   442  		0x55, 0x52, 0x47, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x54, 0x00, //|URGENT.|
   443  	}
   444  	var alert wire.Alert
   445  	r := bytes.NewReader(badAlertEncoded)
   446  	err := alert.Deserialize(r, pver)
   447  	if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   448  		t.Errorf("Alert.Deserialize wrong error got: %T, want: %T",
   449  			err, wire.MessageError{})
   450  	}
   452  	// overflow the max number of elements in SetSubVer
   453  	// maxCountSetSubVer + 1 == 131071 + 1 == \x00\x00\x02\x00
   454  	// replace bytes 42-46
   455  	badAlertEncoded = []byte{
   456  		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x6e, 0xb2, 0x4f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x9e, 0x93, 0x51, //|....Pn.O....L..Q|
   457  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xf6, 0x03, 0x00, //|................|
   458  		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x74, 0x6f, //|.........../Sato|
   459  		0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x3a, 0x30, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x88, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, //|shi:0.7.2/......|
   460  		0x55, 0x52, 0x47, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x54, 0x00, //|URGENT.|
   461  	}
   462  	r = bytes.NewReader(badAlertEncoded)
   463  	err = alert.Deserialize(r, pver)
   464  	if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
   465  		t.Errorf("Alert.Deserialize wrong error got: %T, want: %T",
   466  			err, wire.MessageError{})
   467  	}
   468  }