
     2                               CQL BINARY PROTOCOL v1
     5  Table of Contents
     7    1. Overview
     8    2. Frame header
     9      2.1. version
    10      2.2. flags
    11      2.3. stream
    12      2.4. opcode
    13      2.5. length
    14    3. Notations
    15    4. Messages
    16      4.1. Requests
    17        4.1.1. STARTUP
    18        4.1.2. CREDENTIALS
    19        4.1.3. OPTIONS
    20        4.1.4. QUERY
    21        4.1.5. PREPARE
    22        4.1.6. EXECUTE
    23        4.1.7. REGISTER
    24      4.2. Responses
    25        4.2.1. ERROR
    26        4.2.2. READY
    27        4.2.3. AUTHENTICATE
    28        4.2.4. SUPPORTED
    29        4.2.5. RESULT
    30 Void
    31 Rows
    32 Set_keyspace
    33 Prepared
    34 Schema_change
    35        4.2.6. EVENT
    36    5. Compression
    37    6. Collection types
    38    7. Error codes
    41  1. Overview
    43    The CQL binary protocol is a frame based protocol. Frames are defined as:
    45        0         8        16        24        32
    46        +---------+---------+---------+---------+
    47        | version |  flags  | stream  | opcode  |
    48        +---------+---------+---------+---------+
    49        |                length                 |
    50        +---------+---------+---------+---------+
    51        |                                       |
    52        .            ...  body ...              .
    53        .                                       .
    54        .                                       .
    55        +----------------------------------------
    57    The protocol is big-endian (network byte order).
    59    Each frame contains a fixed size header (8 bytes) followed by a variable size
    60    body. The header is described in Section 2. The content of the body depends
    61    on the header opcode value (the body can in particular be empty for some
    62    opcode values). The list of allowed opcode is defined Section 2.3 and the
    63    details of each corresponding message is described Section 4.
    65    The protocol distinguishes 2 types of frames: requests and responses. Requests
    66    are those frame sent by the clients to the server, response are the ones sent
    67    by the server. Note however that while communication are initiated by the
    68    client with the server responding to request, the protocol may likely add
    69    server pushes in the future, so responses does not obligatory come right after
    70    a client request.
    72    Note to client implementors: clients library should always assume that the
    73    body of a given frame may contain more data than what is described in this
    74    document. It will however always be safe to ignore the remaining of the frame
    75    body in such cases. The reason is that this may allow to sometimes extend the
    76    protocol with optional features without needing to change the protocol
    77    version.
    80  2. Frame header
    82  2.1. version
    84    The version is a single byte that indicate both the direction of the message
    85    (request or response) and the version of the protocol in use. The up-most bit
    86    of version is used to define the direction of the message: 0 indicates a
    87    request, 1 indicates a responses. This can be useful for protocol analyzers to
    88    distinguish the nature of the packet from the direction which it is moving.
    89    The rest of that byte is the protocol version (1 for the protocol defined in
    90    this document). In other words, for this version of the protocol, version will
    91    have one of:
    92      0x01    Request frame for this protocol version
    93      0x81    Response frame for this protocol version
    96  2.2. flags
    98    Flags applying to this frame. The flags have the following meaning (described
    99    by the mask that allow to select them):
   100      0x01: Compression flag. If set, the frame body is compressed. The actual
   101            compression to use should have been set up beforehand through the
   102            Startup message (which thus cannot be compressed; Section 4.1.1).
   103      0x02: Tracing flag. For a request frame, this indicate the client requires
   104            tracing of the request. Note that not all requests support tracing.
   105            Currently, only QUERY, PREPARE and EXECUTE queries support tracing.
   106            Other requests will simply ignore the tracing flag if set. If a
   107            request support tracing and the tracing flag was set, the response to
   108            this request will have the tracing flag set and contain tracing
   109            information.
   110            If a response frame has the tracing flag set, its body contains
   111            a tracing ID. The tracing ID is a [uuid] and is the first thing in
   112            the frame body. The rest of the body will then be the usual body
   113            corresponding to the response opcode.
   115    The rest of the flags is currently unused and ignored.
   117  2.3. stream
   119    A frame has a stream id (one signed byte). When sending request messages, this
   120    stream id must be set by the client to a positive byte (negative stream id
   121    are reserved for streams initiated by the server; currently all EVENT messages
   122    (section 4.2.6) have a streamId of -1). If a client sends a request message
   123    with the stream id X, it is guaranteed that the stream id of the response to
   124    that message will be X.
   126    This allow to deal with the asynchronous nature of the protocol. If a client
   127    sends multiple messages simultaneously (without waiting for responses), there
   128    is no guarantee on the order of the responses. For instance, if the client
   129    writes REQ_1, REQ_2, REQ_3 on the wire (in that order), the server might
   130    respond to REQ_3 (or REQ_2) first. Assigning different stream id to these 3
   131    requests allows the client to distinguish to which request an received answer
   132    respond to. As there can only be 128 different simultaneous stream, it is up
   133    to the client to reuse stream id.
   135    Note that clients are free to use the protocol synchronously (i.e. wait for
   136    the response to REQ_N before sending REQ_N+1). In that case, the stream id
   137    can be safely set to 0. Clients should also feel free to use only a subset of
   138    the 128 maximum possible stream ids if it is simpler for those
   139    implementation.
   141  2.4. opcode
   143    An integer byte that distinguish the actual message:
   144      0x00    ERROR
   145      0x01    STARTUP
   146      0x02    READY
   147      0x03    AUTHENTICATE
   148      0x04    CREDENTIALS
   149      0x05    OPTIONS
   150      0x06    SUPPORTED
   151      0x07    QUERY
   152      0x08    RESULT
   153      0x09    PREPARE
   154      0x0A    EXECUTE
   155      0x0B    REGISTER
   156      0x0C    EVENT
   158    Messages are described in Section 4.
   161  2.5. length
   163    A 4 byte integer representing the length of the body of the frame (note:
   164    currently a frame is limited to 256MB in length).
   167  3. Notations
   169    To describe the layout of the frame body for the messages in Section 4, we
   170    define the following:
   172      [int]          A 4 bytes integer
   173      [short]        A 2 bytes unsigned integer
   174      [string]       A [short] n, followed by n bytes representing an UTF-8
   175                     string.
   176      [long string]  An [int] n, followed by n bytes representing an UTF-8 string.
   177      [uuid]         A 16 bytes long uuid.
   178      [string list]  A [short] n, followed by n [string].
   179      [bytes]        A [int] n, followed by n bytes if n >= 0. If n < 0,
   180                     no byte should follow and the value represented is `null`.
   181      [short bytes]  A [short] n, followed by n bytes if n >= 0.
   183      [option]       A pair of <id><value> where <id> is a [short] representing
   184                     the option id and <value> depends on that option (and can be
   185                     of size 0). The supported id (and the corresponding <value>)
   186                     will be described when this is used.
   187      [option list]  A [short] n, followed by n [option].
   188      [inet]         An address (ip and port) to a node. It consists of one
   189                     [byte] n, that represents the address size, followed by n
   190                     [byte] representing the IP address (in practice n can only be
   191                     either 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6)), following by one [int]
   192                     representing the port.
   193      [consistency]  A consistency level specification. This is a [short]
   194                     representing a consistency level with the following
   195                     correspondance:
   196                       0x0000    ANY
   197                       0x0001    ONE
   198                       0x0002    TWO
   199                       0x0003    THREE
   200                       0x0004    QUORUM
   201                       0x0005    ALL
   202                       0x0006    LOCAL_QUORUM
   203                       0x0007    EACH_QUORUM
   204                       0x000A    LOCAL_ONE
   206      [string map]      A [short] n, followed by n pair <k><v> where <k> and <v>
   207                        are [string].
   208      [string multimap] A [short] n, followed by n pair <k><v> where <k> is a
   209                        [string] and <v> is a [string list].
   212  4. Messages
   214  4.1. Requests
   216    Note that outside of their normal responses (described below), all requests
   217    can get an ERROR message (Section 4.2.1) as response.
   219  4.1.1. STARTUP
   221    Initialize the connection. The server will respond by either a READY message
   222    (in which case the connection is ready for queries) or an AUTHENTICATE message
   223    (in which case credentials will need to be provided using CREDENTIALS).
   225    This must be the first message of the connection, except for OPTIONS that can
   226    be sent before to find out the options supported by the server. Once the
   227    connection has been initialized, a client should not send any more STARTUP
   228    message.
   230    The body is a [string map] of options. Possible options are:
   231      - "CQL_VERSION": the version of CQL to use. This option is mandatory and
   232        currenty, the only version supported is "3.0.0". Note that this is
   233        different from the protocol version.
   234      - "COMPRESSION": the compression algorithm to use for frames (See section 5).
   235        This is optional, if not specified no compression will be used.
   238  4.1.2. CREDENTIALS
   240    Provides credentials information for the purpose of identification. This
   241    message comes as a response to an AUTHENTICATE message from the server, but
   242    can be use later in the communication to change the authentication
   243    information.
   245    The body is a list of key/value informations. It is a [short] n, followed by n
   246    pair of [string]. These key/value pairs are passed as is to the Cassandra
   247    IAuthenticator and thus the detail of which informations is needed depends on
   248    that authenticator.
   250    The response to a CREDENTIALS is a READY message (or an ERROR message).
   253  4.1.3. OPTIONS
   255    Asks the server to return what STARTUP options are supported. The body of an
   256    OPTIONS message should be empty and the server will respond with a SUPPORTED
   257    message.
   260  4.1.4. QUERY
   262    Performs a CQL query. The body of the message consists of a CQL query as a [long
   263    string] followed by the [consistency] for the operation.
   265    Note that the consistency is ignored by some queries (USE, CREATE, ALTER,
   266    TRUNCATE, ...).
   268    The server will respond to a QUERY message with a RESULT message, the content
   269    of which depends on the query.
   272  4.1.5. PREPARE
   274    Prepare a query for later execution (through EXECUTE). The body consists of
   275    the CQL query to prepare as a [long string].
   277    The server will respond with a RESULT message with a `prepared` kind (0x0004,
   278    see Section 4.2.5).
   281  4.1.6. EXECUTE
   283    Executes a prepared query. The body of the message must be:
   284      <id><n><value_1>....<value_n><consistency>
   285    where:
   286      - <id> is the prepared query ID. It's the [short bytes] returned as a
   287        response to a PREPARE message.
   288      - <n> is a [short] indicating the number of following values.
   289      - <value_1>...<value_n> are the [bytes] to use for bound variables in the
   290        prepared query.
   291      - <consistency> is the [consistency] level for the operation.
   293    Note that the consistency is ignored by some (prepared) queries (USE, CREATE,
   294    ALTER, TRUNCATE, ...).
   296    The response from the server will be a RESULT message.
   299  4.1.7. REGISTER
   301    Register this connection to receive some type of events. The body of the
   302    message is a [string list] representing the event types to register to. See
   303    section 4.2.6 for the list of valid event types.
   305    The response to a REGISTER message will be a READY message.
   307    Please note that if a client driver maintains multiple connections to a
   308    Cassandra node and/or connections to multiple nodes, it is advised to
   309    dedicate a handful of connections to receive events, but to *not* register
   310    for events on all connections, as this would only result in receiving
   311    multiple times the same event messages, wasting bandwidth.
   314  4.2. Responses
   316    This section describes the content of the frame body for the different
   317    responses. Please note that to make room for future evolution, clients should
   318    support extra informations (that they should simply discard) to the one
   319    described in this document at the end of the frame body.
   321  4.2.1. ERROR
   323    Indicates an error processing a request. The body of the message will be an
   324    error code ([int]) followed by a [string] error message. Then, depending on
   325    the exception, more content may follow. The error codes are defined in
   326    Section 7, along with their additional content if any.
   329  4.2.2. READY
   331    Indicates that the server is ready to process queries. This message will be
   332    sent by the server either after a STARTUP message if no authentication is
   333    required, or after a successful CREDENTIALS message.
   335    The body of a READY message is empty.
   338  4.2.3. AUTHENTICATE
   340    Indicates that the server require authentication. This will be sent following
   341    a STARTUP message and must be answered by a CREDENTIALS message from the
   342    client to provide authentication informations.
   344    The body consists of a single [string] indicating the full class name of the
   345    IAuthenticator in use.
   348  4.2.4. SUPPORTED
   350    Indicates which startup options are supported by the server. This message
   351    comes as a response to an OPTIONS message.
   353    The body of a SUPPORTED message is a [string multimap]. This multimap gives
   354    for each of the supported STARTUP options, the list of supported values.
   357  4.2.5. RESULT
   359    The result to a query (QUERY, PREPARE or EXECUTE messages).
   361    The first element of the body of a RESULT message is an [int] representing the
   362    `kind` of result. The rest of the body depends on the kind. The kind can be
   363    one of:
   364      0x0001    Void: for results carrying no information.
   365      0x0002    Rows: for results to select queries, returning a set of rows.
   366      0x0003    Set_keyspace: the result to a `use` query.
   367      0x0004    Prepared: result to a PREPARE message.
   368      0x0005    Schema_change: the result to a schema altering query.
   370    The body for each kind (after the [int] kind) is defined below.
   373 Void
   375    The rest of the body for a Void result is empty. It indicates that a query was
   376    successful without providing more information.
   379 Rows
   381    Indicates a set of rows. The rest of body of a Rows result is:
   382      <metadata><rows_count><rows_content>
   383    where:
   384      - <metadata> is composed of:
   385          <flags><columns_count><global_table_spec>?<col_spec_1>...<col_spec_n>
   386        where:
   387          - <flags> is an [int]. The bits of <flags> provides information on the
   388            formatting of the remaining informations. A flag is set if the bit
   389            corresponding to its `mask` is set. Supported flags are, given there
   390            mask:
   391              0x0001    Global_tables_spec: if set, only one table spec (keyspace
   392                        and table name) is provided as <global_table_spec>. If not
   393                        set, <global_table_spec> is not present.
   394          - <columns_count> is an [int] representing the number of columns selected
   395            by the query this result is of. It defines the number of <col_spec_i>
   396            elements in and the number of element for each row in <rows_content>.
   397          - <global_table_spec> is present if the Global_tables_spec is set in
   398            <flags>. If present, it is composed of two [string] representing the
   399            (unique) keyspace name and table name the columns return are of.
   400          - <col_spec_i> specifies the columns returned in the query. There is
   401            <column_count> such column specification that are composed of:
   402              (<ksname><tablename>)?<column_name><type>
   403            The initial <ksname> and <tablename> are two [string] are only present
   404            if the Global_tables_spec flag is not set. The <column_name> is a
   405            [string] and <type> is an [option] that correspond to the column name
   406            and type. The option for <type> is either a native type (see below),
   407            in which case the option has no value, or a 'custom' type, in which
   408            case the value is a [string] representing the full qualified class
   409            name of the type represented. Valid option ids are:
   410              0x0000    Custom: the value is a [string], see above.
   411              0x0001    Ascii
   412              0x0002    Bigint
   413              0x0003    Blob
   414              0x0004    Boolean
   415              0x0005    Counter
   416              0x0006    Decimal
   417              0x0007    Double
   418              0x0008    Float
   419              0x0009    Int
   420              0x000A    Text
   421              0x000B    Timestamp
   422              0x000C    Uuid
   423              0x000D    Varchar
   424              0x000E    Varint
   425              0x000F    Timeuuid
   426              0x0010    Inet
   427              0x0020    List: the value is an [option], representing the type
   428                              of the elements of the list.
   429              0x0021    Map: the value is two [option], representing the types of the
   430                             keys and values of the map
   431              0x0022    Set: the value is an [option], representing the type
   432                              of the elements of the set
   433      - <rows_count> is an [int] representing the number of rows present in this
   434        result. Those rows are serialized in the <rows_content> part.
   435      - <rows_content> is composed of <row_1>...<row_m> where m is <rows_count>.
   436        Each <row_i> is composed of <value_1>...<value_n> where n is
   437        <columns_count> and where <value_j> is a [bytes] representing the value
   438        returned for the jth column of the ith row. In other words, <rows_content>
   439        is composed of (<rows_count> * <columns_count>) [bytes].
   442 Set_keyspace
   444    The result to a `use` query. The body (after the kind [int]) is a single
   445    [string] indicating the name of the keyspace that has been set.
   448 Prepared
   450    The result to a PREPARE message. The rest of the body of a Prepared result is:
   451      <id><metadata>
   452    where:
   453      - <id> is [short bytes] representing the prepared query ID.
   454      - <metadata> is defined exactly as for a Rows RESULT (See section
   456    Note that prepared query ID return is global to the node on which the query
   457    has been prepared. It can be used on any connection to that node and this
   458    until the node is restarted (after which the query must be reprepared).
   460 Schema_change
   462    The result to a schema altering query (creation/update/drop of a
   463    keyspace/table/index). The body (after the kind [int]) is composed of 3
   464    [string]:
   465      <change><keyspace><table>
   466    where:
   467      - <change> describe the type of change that has occured. It can be one of
   468        "CREATED", "UPDATED" or "DROPPED".
   469      - <keyspace> is the name of the affected keyspace or the keyspace of the
   470        affected table.
   471      - <table> is the name of the affected table. <table> will be empty (i.e.
   472        the empty string "") if the change was affecting a keyspace and not a
   473        table.
   475    Note that queries to create and drop an index are considered as change
   476    updating the table the index is on.
   479  4.2.6. EVENT
   481    And event pushed by the server. A client will only receive events for the
   482    type it has REGISTER to. The body of an EVENT message will start by a
   483    [string] representing the event type. The rest of the message depends on the
   484    event type. The valid event types are:
   485      - "TOPOLOGY_CHANGE": events related to change in the cluster topology.
   486        Currently, events are sent when new nodes are added to the cluster, and
   487        when nodes are removed. The body of the message (after the event type)
   488        consists of a [string] and an [inet], corresponding respectively to the
   489        type of change ("NEW_NODE" or "REMOVED_NODE") followed by the address of
   490        the new/removed node.
   491      - "STATUS_CHANGE": events related to change of node status. Currently,
   492        up/down events are sent. The body of the message (after the event type)
   493        consists of a [string] and an [inet], corresponding respectively to the
   494        type of status change ("UP" or "DOWN") followed by the address of the
   495        concerned node.
   496      - "SCHEMA_CHANGE": events related to schema change. The body of the message
   497        (after the event type) consists of 3 [string] corresponding respectively
   498        to the type of schema change ("CREATED", "UPDATED" or "DROPPED"),
   499        followed by the name of the affected keyspace and the name of the
   500        affected table within that keyspace. For changes that affect a keyspace
   501        directly, the table name will be empty (i.e. the empty string "").
   503    All EVENT message have a streamId of -1 (Section 2.3).
   505    Please note that "NEW_NODE" and "UP" events are sent based on internal Gossip
   506    communication and as such may be sent a short delay before the binary
   507    protocol server on the newly up node is fully started. Clients are thus
   508    advise to wait a short time before trying to connect to the node (1 seconds
   509    should be enough), otherwise they may experience a connection refusal at
   510    first.
   513  5. Compression
   515    Frame compression is supported by the protocol, but then only the frame body
   516    is compressed (the frame header should never be compressed).
   518    Before being used, client and server must agree on a compression algorithm to
   519    use, which is done in the STARTUP message. As a consequence, a STARTUP message
   520    must never be compressed.  However, once the STARTUP frame has been received
   521    by the server can be compressed (including the response to the STARTUP
   522    request). Frame do not have to be compressed however, even if compression has
   523    been agreed upon (a server may only compress frame above a certain size at its
   524    discretion). A frame body should be compressed if and only if the compressed
   525    flag (see Section 2.2) is set.
   528  6. Collection types
   530    This section describe the serialization format for the collection types:
   531    list, map and set. This serialization format is both useful to decode values
   532    returned in RESULT messages but also to encode values for EXECUTE ones.
   534    The serialization formats are:
   535       List: a [short] n indicating the size of the list, followed by n elements.
   536             Each element is [short bytes] representing the serialized element
   537             value.
   538       Map: a [short] n indicating the size of the map, followed by n entries.
   539            Each entry is composed of two [short bytes] representing the key and
   540            the value of the entry map.
   541       Set: a [short] n indicating the size of the set, followed by n elements.
   542            Each element is [short bytes] representing the serialized element
   543            value.
   546  7. Error codes
   548    The supported error codes are described below:
   549      0x0000    Server error: something unexpected happened. This indicates a
   550                server-side bug.
   551      0x000A    Protocol error: some client message triggered a protocol
   552                violation (for instance a QUERY message is sent before a STARTUP
   553                one has been sent)
   554      0x0100    Bad credentials: CREDENTIALS request failed because Cassandra
   555                did not accept the provided credentials.
   557      0x1000    Unavailable exception. The rest of the ERROR message body will be
   558                  <cl><required><alive>
   559                where:
   560                  <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
   561                       the exception.
   562                  <required> is an [int] representing the number of node that
   563                             should be alive to respect <cl>
   564                  <alive> is an [int] representing the number of replica that
   565                          were known to be alive when the request has been
   566                          processed (since an unavailable exception has been
   567                          triggered, there will be <alive> < <required>)
   568      0x1001    Overloaded: the request cannot be processed because the
   569                coordinator node is overloaded
   570      0x1002    Is_bootstrapping: the request was a read request but the
   571                coordinator node is bootstrapping
   572      0x1003    Truncate_error: error during a truncation error.
   573      0x1100    Write_timeout: Timeout exception during a write request. The rest
   574                of the ERROR message body will be
   575                  <cl><received><blockfor><writeType>
   576                where:
   577                  <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
   578                       the exception.
   579                  <received> is an [int] representing the number of nodes having
   580                             acknowledged the request.
   581                  <blockfor> is the number of replica whose acknowledgement is
   582                             required to achieve <cl>.
   583                  <writeType> is a [string] that describe the type of the write
   584                              that timeouted. The value of that string can be one
   585                              of:
   586                               - "SIMPLE": the write was a non-batched
   587                                 non-counter write.
   588                               - "BATCH": the write was a (logged) batch write.
   589                                 If this type is received, it means the batch log
   590                                 has been successfully written (otherwise a
   591                                 "BATCH_LOG" type would have been send instead).
   592                               - "UNLOGGED_BATCH": the write was an unlogged
   593                                 batch. Not batch log write has been attempted.
   594                               - "COUNTER": the write was a counter write
   595                                 (batched or not).
   596                               - "BATCH_LOG": the timeout occured during the
   597                                 write to the batch log when a (logged) batch
   598                                 write was requested.
   599      0x1200    Read_timeout: Timeout exception during a read request. The rest
   600                of the ERROR message body will be
   601                  <cl><received><blockfor><data_present>
   602                where:
   603                  <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
   604                       the exception.
   605                  <received> is an [int] representing the number of nodes having
   606                             answered the request.
   607                  <blockfor> is the number of replica whose response is
   608                             required to achieve <cl>. Please note that it is
   609                             possible to have <received> >= <blockfor> if
   610                             <data_present> is false. And also in the (unlikely)
   611                             case were <cl> is achieved but the coordinator node
   612                             timeout while waiting for read-repair
   613                             acknowledgement.
   614                  <data_present> is a single byte. If its value is 0, it means
   615                                 the replica that was asked for data has not
   616                                 responded. Otherwise, the value is != 0.
   618      0x2000    Syntax_error: The submitted query has a syntax error.
   619      0x2100    Unauthorized: The logged user doesn't have the right to perform
   620                the query.
   621      0x2200    Invalid: The query is syntactically correct but invalid.
   622      0x2300    Config_error: The query is invalid because of some configuration issue
   623      0x2400    Already_exists: The query attempted to create a keyspace or a
   624                table that was already existing. The rest of the ERROR message
   625                body will be <ks><table> where:
   626                  <ks> is a [string] representing either the keyspace that
   627                       already exists, or the keyspace in which the table that
   628                       already exists is.
   629                  <table> is a [string] representing the name of the table that
   630                          already exists. If the query was attempting to create a
   631                          keyspace, <table> will be present but will be the empty
   632                          string.
   633      0x2500    Unprepared: Can be thrown while a prepared statement tries to be
   634                executed if the provide prepared statement ID is not known by
   635                this host. The rest of the ERROR message body will be [short
   636                bytes] representing the unknown ID.