
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  package types;
     5  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     7  service API {
     8  	rpc GetServerVersion(GetServerVersionRequest) returns (GetServerVersionResponse) {}
     9  	rpc CreateContainer(CreateContainerRequest) returns (CreateContainerResponse) {}
    10  	rpc UpdateContainer(UpdateContainerRequest) returns (UpdateContainerResponse) {}
    11  	rpc Signal(SignalRequest) returns (SignalResponse) {}
    12  	rpc UpdateProcess(UpdateProcessRequest) returns (UpdateProcessResponse) {}
    13  	rpc AddProcess(AddProcessRequest) returns (AddProcessResponse) {}
    14  	rpc CreateCheckpoint(CreateCheckpointRequest) returns (CreateCheckpointResponse) {}
    15  	rpc DeleteCheckpoint(DeleteCheckpointRequest) returns (DeleteCheckpointResponse) {}
    16  	rpc ListCheckpoint(ListCheckpointRequest) returns (ListCheckpointResponse) {}
    17  	rpc State(StateRequest) returns (StateResponse) {}
    18  	rpc Events(EventsRequest) returns (stream Event) {}
    19  	rpc Stats(StatsRequest) returns (StatsResponse) {}
    20  }
    22  message GetServerVersionRequest {
    23  }
    25  message GetServerVersionResponse {
    26  	uint32 major = 1;
    27  	uint32 minor = 2;
    28  	uint32 patch = 3;
    29  	string revision = 4;
    30  }
    32  message UpdateProcessRequest {
    33  	string id = 1;
    34  	string pid = 2;
    35  	bool closeStdin = 3; // Close stdin of the container
    36  	uint32 width = 4;
    37  	uint32 height = 5;
    38  }
    40  message UpdateProcessResponse {
    41  }
    43  message CreateContainerRequest {
    44  	string id = 1; // ID of container
    45  	string bundlePath = 2; // path to OCI bundle
    46  	string checkpoint = 3; // checkpoint name if you want to create immediate checkpoint (optional)
    47  	string stdin = 4; // path to the file where stdin will be read (optional)
    48  	string stdout = 5; // path to file where stdout will be written (optional)
    49  	string stderr = 6; // path to file where stderr will be written (optional)
    50  	repeated string labels = 7;
    51  	bool noPivotRoot = 8;
    52  	string runtime = 9;
    53  	repeated string runtimeArgs = 10;
    54  	string checkpointDir = 11; // Directory where checkpoints are stored
    55  }
    57  message CreateContainerResponse {
    58  	Container container = 1;
    59  }
    61  message SignalRequest {
    62  	string id = 1; // ID of container
    63  	string pid = 2; // PID of process inside container
    64  	uint32 signal = 3; // Signal which will be sent, you can find value in "man 7 signal"
    65  }
    67  message SignalResponse {
    68  }
    70  message AddProcessRequest {
    71  	string id = 1; // ID of container
    72  	bool terminal = 2; // Use tty for container stdio
    73  	User user = 3; // User under which process will be run
    74  	repeated string args = 4; // Arguments for process, first is binary path itself
    75  	repeated string env = 5; // List of environment variables for process
    76  	string cwd = 6; // Workind directory of process
    77  	string pid = 7; // Process ID
    78  	string stdin = 8; // path to the file where stdin will be read (optional)
    79  	string stdout = 9; // path to file where stdout will be written (optional)
    80  	string stderr = 10; // path to file where stderr will be written (optional)
    81  	repeated string capabilities = 11;
    82  	string apparmorProfile = 12;
    83  	string selinuxLabel = 13;
    84  	bool noNewPrivileges = 14;
    85  	repeated Rlimit rlimits = 15;
    86  }
    88  message Rlimit {
    89  	string type = 1;
    90  	uint64 soft = 2;
    91  	uint64 hard = 3;
    92  }
    94  message User {
    95  	uint32 uid = 1; // UID of user
    96  	uint32 gid = 2; // GID of user
    97  	repeated uint32 additionalGids = 3; // Additional groups to which user will be added
    98  }
   100  message AddProcessResponse {
   101  }
   103  message CreateCheckpointRequest {
   104  	string id = 1; // ID of container
   105  	Checkpoint checkpoint = 2; // Checkpoint configuration
   106  	string checkpointDir = 3; // Directory where checkpoints are stored
   107  }
   109  message CreateCheckpointResponse {
   110  }
   112  message DeleteCheckpointRequest {
   113  	string id = 1; // ID of container
   114  	string name = 2; // Name of checkpoint
   115  	string checkpointDir = 3; // Directory where checkpoints are stored
   116  }
   118  message DeleteCheckpointResponse {
   119  }
   121  message ListCheckpointRequest {
   122  	string id = 1; // ID of container
   123  	string checkpointDir = 2; // Directory where checkpoints are stored
   124  }
   126  message Checkpoint {
   127  	string name = 1; // Name of checkpoint
   128  	bool exit = 2; // checkpoint configuration: should container exit on checkpoint or not
   129  	bool tcp = 3; // allow open tcp connections
   130  	bool unixSockets = 4; // allow external unix sockets
   131  	bool shell = 5; // allow shell-jobs
   132  	repeated string emptyNS = 6;
   133  }
   135  message ListCheckpointResponse {
   136  	repeated Checkpoint checkpoints = 1; // List of checkpoints
   137  }
   139  message StateRequest {
   140  	string id = 1; // container id for a single container
   141  }
   143  message ContainerState {
   144  	string status = 1;
   145  }
   147  message Process {
   148  	string pid = 1;
   149  	bool terminal = 2; // Use tty for container stdio
   150  	User user = 3; // User under which process will be run
   151  	repeated string args = 4; // Arguments for process, first is binary path itself
   152  	repeated string env = 5; // List of environment variables for process
   153  	string cwd = 6; // Workind directory of process
   154  	uint32 systemPid = 7;
   155  	string stdin = 8; // path to the file where stdin will be read (optional)
   156  	string stdout = 9; // path to file where stdout will be written (optional)
   157  	string stderr = 10; // path to file where stderr will be written (optional)
   158  	repeated string capabilities = 11;
   159  	string apparmorProfile = 12;
   160  	string selinuxLabel = 13;
   161  	bool noNewPrivileges = 14;
   162  	repeated Rlimit rlimits = 15;
   163  }
   165  message Container {
   166  	string id = 1; // ID of container
   167  	string bundlePath = 2; // Path to OCI bundle
   168  	repeated Process processes = 3; // List of processes which run in container
   169  	string status = 4; // Container status ("running", "paused", etc.)
   170  	repeated string labels = 5;
   171  	repeated uint32 pids = 6;
   172  	string runtime = 7; // runtime used to execute the container
   173  }
   175  // Machine is information about machine on which containerd is run
   176  message Machine {
   177  	uint32 cpus = 1; // number of cpus
   178  	uint64 memory = 2; // amount of memory
   179  }
   181  // StateResponse is information about containerd daemon
   182  message StateResponse {
   183  	repeated Container containers = 1;
   184  	Machine machine = 2;
   185  }
   187  message UpdateContainerRequest {
   188  	string id = 1; // ID of container
   189  	string pid = 2;
   190  	string status = 3; // Status to which containerd will try to change
   191  	UpdateResource resources =4;
   192  }
   194  message UpdateResource {
   195  	uint64 blkioWeight =1;
   196  	uint64 cpuShares = 2;
   197  	uint64 cpuPeriod = 3;
   198  	uint64 cpuQuota = 4;
   199  	string cpusetCpus = 5;
   200  	string cpusetMems = 6;
   201  	uint64 memoryLimit = 7;
   202  	uint64 memorySwap = 8;
   203  	uint64 memoryReservation = 9;
   204  	uint64 kernelMemoryLimit = 10;
   205  	uint64 kernelTCPMemoryLimit = 11;
   206  }
   208  message UpdateContainerResponse {
   209  }
   211  message EventsRequest {
   212  	// Tag 1 is deprecated (old uint64 timestamp)
   213  	google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
   214  	bool storedOnly = 3;
   215  	string id = 4;
   216  }
   218  message Event {
   219  	string type = 1;
   220  	string id = 2;
   221  	uint32 status = 3;
   222  	string pid = 4;
   223  	// Tag 5 is deprecated (old uint64 timestamp)
   224  	google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 6;
   225  }
   227  message NetworkStats {
   228  	string name = 1; // name of network interface
   229  	uint64 rx_bytes  = 2;
   230  	uint64 rx_Packets = 3;
   231  	uint64 Rx_errors  = 4;
   232  	uint64 Rx_dropped = 5;
   233  	uint64 Tx_bytes   = 6;
   234  	uint64 Tx_packets = 7;
   235  	uint64 Tx_errors  = 8;
   236  	uint64 Tx_dropped = 9;
   237  }
   239  message CpuUsage {
   240  	uint64 total_usage = 1;
   241  	repeated uint64 percpu_usage = 2;
   242  	uint64 usage_in_kernelmode = 3;
   243  	uint64 usage_in_usermode = 4;
   244  }
   246  message ThrottlingData {
   247  	uint64 periods = 1;
   248  	uint64 throttled_periods = 2;
   249  	uint64 throttled_time = 3;
   250  }
   252  message CpuStats {
   253  	CpuUsage cpu_usage = 1;
   254  	ThrottlingData throttling_data = 2;
   255  	uint64 system_usage = 3;
   256  }
   258  message PidsStats {
   259  	uint64 current = 1;
   260  	uint64 limit = 2;
   261  }
   263  message MemoryData {
   264  	uint64 usage = 1;
   265  	uint64 max_usage = 2;
   266  	uint64 failcnt = 3;
   267  	uint64 limit = 4;
   268  }
   270  message MemoryStats {
   271  	uint64 cache = 1;
   272  	MemoryData usage = 2;
   273  	MemoryData swap_usage = 3;
   274  	MemoryData kernel_usage = 4;
   275  	map<string, uint64> stats = 5;
   276  }
   278  message BlkioStatsEntry {
   279  	uint64 major = 1;
   280  	uint64 minor = 2;
   281  	string op = 3;
   282  	uint64 value = 4;
   283  }
   285  message BlkioStats {
   286  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_service_bytes_recursive = 1; // number of bytes transferred to and from the block device
   287  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_serviced_recursive = 2;
   288  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_queued_recursive = 3;
   289  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_service_time_recursive = 4;
   290  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_wait_time_recursive = 5;
   291  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_merged_recursive = 6;
   292  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_time_recursive = 7;
   293  	repeated BlkioStatsEntry sectors_recursive = 8;
   294  }
   296  message HugetlbStats {
   297  	uint64 usage = 1;
   298  	uint64 max_usage = 2;
   299  	uint64 failcnt = 3;
   300  	uint64 limit = 4;
   301  }
   303  message CgroupStats {
   304  	CpuStats cpu_stats = 1;
   305  	MemoryStats memory_stats  = 2;
   306  	BlkioStats blkio_stats = 3;
   307  	map<string, HugetlbStats> hugetlb_stats = 4; // the map is in the format "size of hugepage: stats of the hugepage"
   308  	PidsStats pids_stats = 5;
   309  }
   311  message StatsResponse {
   312  	repeated NetworkStats network_stats = 1;
   313  	CgroupStats cgroup_stats = 2;
   314  	// Tag 3 is deprecated (old uint64 timestamp)
   315  	google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 4;
   316  };
   318  message StatsRequest {
   319  	string id = 1;
   320  }