
     1  apiVersion:
     2  kind: Rollout
     3  metadata:
     4    name: example-rollout
     5  spec:
     6    replicas: 10
     7    selector:
     8      matchLabels:
     9        app: nginx
    10    template:
    11      metadata:
    12        labels:
    13          app: nginx
    14      spec:
    15        containers:
    16          - name: nginx
    17            image: nginx:1.15.4
    18            ports:
    19              - containerPort: 80
    20    minReadySeconds: 30
    21    revisionHistoryLimit: 3
    22    strategy:
    23      canary: #Indicates that the rollout should use the Canary strategy
    24        maxSurge: "25%"
    25        maxUnavailable: 0
    26        steps:
    27          - setWeight: 10
    28          - pause:
    29              duration: 1h # 1 hour
    30          - setWeight: 20
    31          - pause: { }