
     1  image: ddev/ddev-gitpod-base:20240516
     2  tasks:
     3    - name: build-run
     4      init: |
     5        # Compile ddev
     6        make
     7        ddev debug download-images
     8        mkcert -install
     9      command: |
    10        export DDEV_NONINTERACTIVE=true
    11        DDEV_REPO=${DDEV_REPO:-}
    12        DDEV_ARTIFACTS=${DDEV_REPO}-artifacts
    13        git clone ${DDEV_ARTIFACTS} "/tmp/${DDEV_ARTIFACTS##*/}" || true
    14        reponame=${DDEV_REPO##*/}
    15        mkdir -p /workspace/${reponame} && cd /workspace/${reponame}
    16        if [ ! -d /workspace/${reponame}/.git ]; then
    17          git clone ${DDEV_REPO} /workspace/${reponame}
    18        fi
    19        if [ ! -f .ddev/config.yaml ]; then
    20          ddev config --auto
    21        fi
    22        ddev stop -a
    23        ddev start -y
    24        if [ -d "/tmp/${DDEV_ARTIFACTS##*/}" ]; then
    25          ddev import-db --file=/tmp/${DDEV_ARTIFACTS##*/}/db.sql.gz
    26          ddev import-files --source=/tmp/${DDEV_ARTIFACTS##*/}/files.tgz
    27        fi
    28        gp ports await 8080 && sleep 1 && gp preview $(gp url 8080)
    30  vscode:
    31    extensions:
    32      # Go extension
    33      - golang.go
    35      # PHP extension
    36      - felixfbecker.php-debug
    38      # Bash extensions
    39      - timonwong.shellcheck
    40      - rogalmic.bash-debug
    42  github:
    43    prebuilds:
    44      # enable for the master/default branch (defaults to true)
    45      master: true
    46      # enable for all branches in this repo (defaults to false)
    47      branches: true
    48      # enable for pull requests coming from this repo (defaults to true)
    49      pullRequests: true
    50      # enable for pull requests coming from forks (defaults to false)
    51      pullRequestsFromForks: true
    52      # add a check to pull requests (defaults to true)
    53      addCheck: true
    54      # add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests (defaults to false)
    55      addComment: false
    56      # add a "Review in Gitpod" button to the pull request's description (defaults to false)
    57      addBadge: true
    58      # add a label once the prebuild is ready to pull requests (defaults to false)
    59      addLabel: true
    61  ports:
    62    # Ignore host https port
    63    - port: 8443
    64      onOpen: ignore
    65    - port: 3306
    66      onOpen: ignore
    67    # Direct-connect ddev-webserver port that is the main port
    68    - port: 8080
    69      onOpen: ignore
    70    # Currently un-notified and unsupported mailpit https port
    71    - port: 8027
    72      onOpen: ignore
    73    - port: 8036
    74      onOpen: ignore
    75    # xdebug port
    76    - port: 9003
    77      onOpen: ignore