(about) 1 # Makefile for a standard golang repo with associated container 2 3 # Circleci doesn't seem to provide a decent way to add to path, just adding here, for case where 4 # linux build and linuxbrew is installed. 5 export PATH := $(EXTRA_PATH):$(PATH) 6 7 BUILD_BASE_DIR ?= $(PWD) 8 9 GOTMP=.gotmp 10 SHELL = /bin/bash 11 PWD = $(shell pwd) 12 GOFILES = $(shell find $(SRC_DIRS) -type f) 13 GORACE = "halt_on_error=1" 14 CGO_ENABLED = 0 15 .PHONY: darwin_amd64 darwin_arm64 darwin_amd64_notarized darwin_arm64_notarized darwin_arm64_signed darwin_amd64_signed linux_amd64 linux_arm64 linux_arm windows_amd64 windows_arm64 setup 16 17 # Expands SRC_DIRS into the common golang ./dir/... format for "all below" 18 SRC_AND_UNDER = $(patsubst %,./%/...,$(SRC_DIRS)) 19 20 GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS ?= --out-format=line-number --disable-all --enable=gofmt --enable=govet --enable=revive --enable=errcheck --enable=staticcheck --enable=ineffassign 21 22 WINDOWS_GSUDO_VERSION=v0.7.3 23 WINNFSD_VERSION=2.4.0 24 NSSM_VERSION=2.24-101-g897c7ad 25 26 TESTTMP=/tmp/testresults 27 28 # This repo's root import path (under GOPATH). 29 PKG := 30 31 # Top-level directories to build 32 SRC_DIRS := cmd pkg 33 34 # Version variables to replace in build 35 VERSION_VARIABLES ?= DdevVersion AmplitudeAPIKey 36 37 # These variables will be used as the default unless overridden by the make 38 DdevVersion ?= $(VERSION) 39 # WebTag ?= $(VERSION) # WebTag is normally specified in version_constants.go, sometimes overridden (night-build.mak) 40 # DBTag ?= $(VERSION) # DBTag is normally specified in version_constants.go, sometimes overridden (night-build.mak) 41 # RouterTag ?= $(VERSION) #RouterTag is normally specified in version_constants.go, sometimes overridden (night-build.mak) 42 # DBATag ?= $(VERSION) #DBATag is normally specified in version_constants.go, sometimes overridden (night-build.mak) 43 44 # VERSION can be set by 45 # Default: git tag 46 # make command line: make VERSION=0.9.0 47 # It can also be explicitly set in the Makefile as commented out below. 48 49 # This version-strategy uses git tags to set the version string 50 # VERSION can be overridden on make commandline: make VERSION=0.9.1 push 51 VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) 52 # Some things insist on having the version without the leading 'v', so provide a 53 # $(NO_V_VERSION) without it. 54 # no_v_version removes the front v, for Chocolatey mostly 55 NO_V_VERSION=$(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F"-" '{ OFS="-"; sub(/^./, "", $$1); printf $$0; }') 56 GITHUB_ORG := ddev 57 58 BUILD_OS = $(shell go env GOHOSTOS) 59 BUILD_ARCH = $(shell go env GOHOSTARCH) 60 VERSION_LDFLAGS=$(foreach v,$(VERSION_VARIABLES),-X '$(PKG)/pkg/versionconstants.$(v)=$($(v))') 61 LDFLAGS=-extldflags -static $(VERSION_LDFLAGS) 62 DEFAULT_BUILD=$(shell go env GOHOSTOS)_$(shell go env GOHOSTARCH) 63 64 build: $(DEFAULT_BUILD) 65 66 67 # Provide shorthand targets 68 linux_amd64: $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_amd64/ddev 69 linux_arm64: $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm64/ddev 70 linux_arm: $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm/ddev 71 darwin_amd64: $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev 72 darwin_arm64: $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev 73 windows_amd64: windows_install 74 windows_arm64: $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_arm64/ddev.exe 75 completions: $(GOTMP)/bin/completions.tar.gz 76 77 TARGETS=$(GOTMP)/bin/linux_amd64/ddev $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm64/ddev $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm/ddev $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev.exe 78 $(TARGETS): mkcert $(GOFILES) 79 @echo "building $@ from $(SRC_AND_UNDER) GORACE=$(GORACE) CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED)"; 80 @#echo "LDFLAGS=$(LDFLAGS)"; 81 @rm -f $@ 82 @export TARGET=$(word 3, $(subst /, ,$@)) && \ 83 export CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS="$${TARGET%_*}" GOARCH="$${TARGET#*_}" GOPATH="$(PWD)/$(GOTMP)" GOCACHE="$(PWD)/$(GOTMP)/.cache" && \ 84 mkdir -p $(GOTMP)/{.cache,pkg,src,bin/$$TARGET} && \ 85 chmod 777 $(GOTMP)/{.cache,pkg,src,bin/$$TARGET} && \ 86 go build -o $(GOTMP)/bin/$$TARGET -installsuffix static $(BUILDARGS) -ldflags " $(LDFLAGS) " $(SRC_AND_UNDER) 87 $( shell if [ -d $(GOTMP) ]; then chmod -R u+w $(GOTMP); fi ) 88 @echo $(VERSION) >VERSION.txt 89 90 $(GOTMP)/bin/completions.tar.gz: build 91 $(GOTMP)/bin/$(BUILD_OS)_$(BUILD_ARCH)/ddev_gen_autocomplete 92 tar -C $(GOTMP)/bin/completions -czf $(GOTMP)/bin/completions.tar.gz . 93 94 mkcert: $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_amd64/mkcert 95 96 # Download mkcert to it can be added to tarball installations 97 $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_arm64/mkcert $(GOTMP)/bin/linux_amd64/mkcert: 98 @export TARGET=$(word 3, $(subst /, ,$@)) && \ 99 export GOOS="$${TARGET%_*}" GOARCH="$${TARGET#*_}" && \ 100 mkdir -p $(GOTMP)/bin/$${GOOS}_$${GOARCH} && \ 101 curl --fail -JL -s -o $(GOTMP)/bin/$${GOOS}_$${GOARCH}/mkcert "$${GOOS}/$${GOARCH}" && chmod +x $(GOTMP)/bin/$${GOOS}_$${GOARCH}/mkcert 102 103 TEST_TIMEOUT=4h 104 BUILD_ARCH = $(shell go env GOARCH) 105 106 DDEVNAME=ddev 107 SHASUM=shasum -a 256 108 ifeq ($(BUILD_OS),windows) 109 DDEVNAME=ddev.exe 110 SHASUM=sha256sum 111 TEST_TIMEOUT=6h 112 endif 113 114 DDEV_PATH=$(PWD)/$(GOTMP)/bin/$(BUILD_OS)_$(BUILD_ARCH) 115 DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_PATH)/$(DDEVNAME) 116 117 # Override test section with tests specific to ddev 118 test: testpkg testcmd 119 120 testcmd: $(DEFAULT_BUILD) setup 121 @echo LDFLAGS=$(LDFLAGS) 122 @echo DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH) 123 export PATH="$(DDEV_PATH):$$PATH" DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH); go test $(USEMODVENDOR) -p 1 -timeout $(TEST_TIMEOUT) -v -installsuffix static -ldflags " $(LDFLAGS) " ./cmd/... $(TESTARGS) 124 125 testpkg: testnotddevapp testddevapp 126 127 testddevapp: $(DEFAULT_BUILD) setup 128 export PATH="$(DDEV_PATH):$$PATH" DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH); go test $(USEMODVENDOR) -p 1 -timeout $(TEST_TIMEOUT) -v -installsuffix static -ldflags " $(LDFLAGS) " ./pkg/ddevapp $(TESTARGS) 129 130 testnotddevapp: $(DEFAULT_BUILD) setup 131 export PATH="$(DDEV_PATH):$$PATH" DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH); go test $(USEMODVENDOR) -p 1 -timeout $(TEST_TIMEOUT) -v -installsuffix static -ldflags " $(LDFLAGS) " $(shell find ./pkg -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name ddevapp ! -name pkg) $(TESTARGS) 132 133 testfullsitesetup: $(DEFAULT_BUILD) setup 134 export PATH="$(DDEV_PATH):$$PATH" DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH=$(DDEV_BINARY_FULLPATH); go test $(USEMODVENDOR) -p 1 -timeout $(TEST_TIMEOUT) -v -installsuffix static -ldflags " $(LDFLAGS) " ./pkg/ddevapp -run TestDdevFullSiteSetup $(TESTARGS) 135 136 setup: 137 @mkdir -p $(GOTMP)/{bin/linux_arm64,bin/linux_amd64,bin/darwin_arm64,bin/darwin_amd64,bin/windows_amd64,src,pkg/mod/cache,.cache} 138 @mkdir -p $(TESTTMP) 139 140 # Required static analysis targets used in circleci - these cause fail if they don't work 141 staticrequired: setup golangci-lint markdownlint mkdocs pyspelling 142 143 # Best to install markdownlint-cli locally with "npm install -g markdownlint-cli" 144 markdownlint: 145 @echo "markdownlint: " 146 @CMD="markdownlint *.md docs/content 2>&1"; \ 147 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 148 if command -v markdownlint >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \ 149 $$CMD; \ 150 else \ 151 echo "Skipping markdownlint as not installed"; \ 152 fi 153 154 # Best to install mkdocs locally with "sudo pip3 install -r docs/mkdocs-pip-requirements" 155 mkdocs: 156 @echo "mkdocs: " 157 @CMD="mkdocs -q build -d /tmp/mkdocsbuild"; \ 158 if command -v mkdocs >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ 159 $$CMD ; \ 160 else \ 161 echo "Not running mkdocs because it's not installed"; \ 162 fi 163 164 # To see what the docs build will be, you can use `make mkdocs-serve` 165 # It works best with mkdocs installed, `pip3 install mkdocs`, 166 # see 167 # But it will also work using docker. 168 MKDOCS_TAG := 1.5.2 169 ifeq ($(BUILD_ARCH),arm64) 170 MKDOCS_TAG := arm64v8-$(MKDOCS_TAG) 171 endif 172 mkdocs-serve: 173 set -x; \ 174 if command -v mkdocs >/dev/null ; then \ 175 mkdocs serve; \ 176 else \ 177 docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -v "${PWD}:/docs" -e "ADD_MODULES=mkdocs-material mkdocs-redirects mkdocs-minify-plugin mdx_truly_sane_lists mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin" -e "LIVE_RELOAD_SUPPORT=true" -e "FAST_MODE=true" -e "DOCS_DIRECTORY=./docs" "polinux/mkdocs:$(MKDOCS_TAG)"; \ 178 fi; \ 179 set +x 180 181 # Install markdown-link-check locally with "npm install -g markdown-link-check" 182 markdown-link-check: 183 @echo "markdown-link-check: " 184 if command -v markdown-link-check >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ 185 find docs *.md -name "*.md" -exec markdown-link-check -q -c markdown-link-check.json {} \; 2>&1 ;\ 186 else \ 187 echo "Not running markdown-link-check because it's not installed"; \ 188 fi 189 190 # Best to install pyspelling locally with "sudo -H pip3 install pyspelling pymdown-extensions". Also requries aspell, `sudo apt-get install aspell" 191 pyspelling: 192 @echo "pyspelling: " 193 @CMD="pyspelling --config .spellcheck.yml"; \ 194 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 195 if command -v pyspelling >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \ 196 $$CMD; \ 197 else \ 198 echo "Not running pyspelling because it's not installed"; \ 199 fi 200 201 # Install textlint locally with `npm install -g textlint textlint-filter-rule-comments textlint-rule-no-todo textlint-rule-stop-words textlint-rule-terminology` 202 textlint: 203 @echo "textlint: " 204 @CMD="textlint {,,docs/**}"; \ 205 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 206 if command -v textlint >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \ 207 $$CMD; \ 208 else \ 209 echo "textlint is not installed"; \ 210 fi 211 212 darwin_amd64_signed: $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev 213 @if [ -z "$(DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD)" ] ; then echo "Skipping signing ddev for macOS, no DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD provided"; else echo "Signing $< ..."; \ 214 set -o errexit -o pipefail; \ 215 curl -s | bash -s - --signing-password="$(DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD)" --cert-file=certfiles/ddev_developer_id_cert.p12 --cert-name="Developer ID Application: Localdev Foundation (9HQ298V2BW)" --target-binary="$<" ; \ 216 fi 217 darwin_arm64_signed: $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev 218 @if [ -z "$(DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD)" ] ; then echo "Skipping signing ddev for macOS, no DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD provided"; else echo "Signing $< ..."; \ 219 set -o errexit -o pipefail; \ 220 codesign --remove-signature "$(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev" || true; \ 221 curl -s | bash -s - --signing-password="$(DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD)" --cert-file=certfiles/ddev_developer_id_cert.p12 --cert-name="Developer ID Application: Localdev Foundation (9HQ298V2BW)" --target-binary="$<" ; \ 222 fi 223 224 darwin_amd64_notarized: darwin_amd64_signed 225 @if [ -z "$(DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD)" ]; then echo "Skipping notarizing ddev for macOS, no DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD provided"; else \ 226 set -o errexit -o pipefail; \ 227 echo "Notarizing $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev ..." ; \ 228 curl -sSL -f | bash -s - --app-specific-password=$(DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD) --primary-bundle-id=com.ddev.ddev --target-binary="$(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev" ; \ 229 fi 230 darwin_arm64_notarized: darwin_arm64_signed 231 @if [ -z "$(DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD)" ]; then echo "Skipping notarizing ddev for macOS, no DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD provided"; else \ 232 set -o errexit -o pipefail; \ 233 echo "Notarizing $(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev ..." ; \ 234 curl -sSL -f | bash -s - --app-specific-password=$(DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD) --primary-bundle-id=com.ddev.ddev --target-binary="$(GOTMP)/bin/darwin_arm64/ddev" ; \ 235 fi 236 237 windows_install: $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev_windows_installer.exe 238 239 $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev_windows_installer.exe: $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev.exe $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/sudo_license.txt $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert.exe $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert_license.txt winpkg/ddev.nsi 240 ls -l .gotmp/bin/windows_amd64 241 @if [ "$(DDEV_WINDOWS_SIGN)" != "true" ] ; then echo "Skipping signing ddev.exe, DDEV_WINDOWS_SIGN not set"; else echo "Signing windows binaries..." && signtool sign -fd SHA256 ".gotmp/bin/windows_amd64/ddev.exe" ".gotmp/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert.exe" ".gotmp/bin/windows_amd64/ddev_gen_autocomplete.exe"; fi 242 @makensis -DVERSION=$(VERSION) winpkg/ddev.nsi # brew install makensis, apt-get install nsis, or install on Windows 243 @if [ "$(DDEV_WINDOWS_SIGN)" != "true" ] ; then echo "Skipping signing ddev_windows_installer, DDEV_WINDOWS_SIGN not set"; else echo "Signing windows installer binary..." && signtool sign -fd SHA256 "$@"; fi 244 $(SHASUM) $@ >$@.sha256.txt 245 246 no_v_version: 247 @echo $(NO_V_VERSION) 248 249 chocolatey: $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev_windows_installer.exe 250 rm -rf $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey && cp -r winpkg/chocolatey $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey 251 perl -pi -e 's/REPLACE_DDEV_VERSION/$(NO_V_VERSION)/g' $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey/*.nuspec 252 perl -pi -e 's/REPLACE_DDEV_VERSION/$(VERSION)/g' $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey/tools/*.ps1 253 perl -pi -e 's/REPLACE_GITHUB_ORG/$(GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER)/g' $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey/*.nuspec $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey/tools/*.ps1 #GITHUB_ORG is for testing, for example when the binaries are on rfay acct 254 perl -pi -e "s/REPLACE_INSTALLER_CHECKSUM/$$(cat $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/ddev_windows_installer.exe.sha256.txt | awk '{ print $$1; }')/g" $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey/tools/* 255 if [[ "$(NO_V_VERSION)" =~ -g[0-9a-f]+ ]]; then \ 256 echo "Skipping chocolatey build on interim version"; \ 257 else \ 258 docker run --rm -v "/$(PWD)/$(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey:/tmp/chocolatey" -w "//tmp/chocolatey" linuturk/mono-choco pack ddev.nuspec; \ 259 echo "chocolatey package is in $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey"; \ 260 fi 261 262 $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert.exe $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert_license.txt: 263 curl --fail -JL -s -o $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert.exe "" 264 curl --fail -sSL -o $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/mkcert_license.txt -O 265 266 $(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/sudo_license.txt: 267 set -x 268 curl --fail -sSL -o "$(GOTMP)/bin/windows_amd64/sudo_license.txt" "" 269 270 # Best to install golangci-lint locally with "curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v1.31.0" 271 golangci-lint: 272 @echo "golangci-lint: " 273 @CMD="golangci-lint run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS) $(SRC_AND_UNDER)"; \ 274 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 275 if command -v golangci-lint >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ 276 $$CMD; \ 277 else \ 278 echo "Skipping golanci-lint as not installed"; \ 279 fi 280 281 version: 282 @echo VERSION:$(VERSION) 283 284 clean: bin-clean 285 286 bin-clean: 287 @rm -rf bin 288 $(shell if [ -d $(GOTMP) ]; then chmod -R u+w $(GOTMP) && rm -rf $(GOTMP); fi ) 289 290 # print-ANYVAR prints the expanded variable 291 print-%: ; @echo $* = $($*)