(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 # This gets preprocessed by docker-gen into a script which generates needed 4 # mkcert certs and updates the nginx configs for all projects 5 6 set -eu -o pipefail 7 8 {{/* Output details about each container into the output script file */}} 9 {{/* Not only is this good for debugging, but it makes the output file */}} 10 {{/* unique so that docker-gen won't fail to update it if any of these details change */}} 11 {{ range $host, $containers := groupByMulti $ "Env.VIRTUAL_HOST" "," }} 12 {{ range $container := $containers }} 13 # {{ $container.Name }} VIRTUAL_HOST={{ $container.Env.VIRTUAL_HOST }} HTTP_EXPOSE={{ $container.Env.HTTP_EXPOSE }} HTTPS_EXPOSE={{ $container.Env.HTTPS_EXPOSE }} 14 {{ end }} 15 {{ end }} 16 17 hostnames='{{ range $host, $containers := groupByMulti $ "Env.VIRTUAL_HOST" "," }}{{ trim $host }} {{ end }}' 18 echo "Processing certs and nginx for hostnames: $hostnames" 19 20 # To redirect invalid hostnames, we need a list of http ports and https ports 21 httpports='80 22 {{ range $port, $containers := groupByMulti $ "Env.HTTP_EXPOSE" "," }}{{ trim $port }} 23 {{ end }}' 24 echo "${httpports}" >/tmp/httpports.txt 25 httpsports='443 26 {{ range $port, $containers := groupByMulti $ "Env.HTTPS_EXPOSE" "," }}{{ trim $port }} 27 {{ end }}' 28 echo "${httpsports}" >/tmp/httpsports.txt 29 30 # Convert the lists into unique sets of listen directives in /tmp 31 awk -F: '$0 != "" {printf "\tlisten %s default_server;\n", $1;}' /tmp/httpports.txt | sort -u >/tmp/http_ports.conf 32 awk -F: -v http2=${HTTP2} '$0 != "" {printf "\tlisten %s ssl %s default_server;\n", $1, http2;}' /tmp/httpsports.txt | sort -u >/tmp/https_ports.conf 33 34 35 if [ ! -z "${USE_LETSENCRYPT:-}" ]; then 36 for host in ${hostnames}; do 37 # certbot challenge can fail for many reasons, but don't let it break everything 38 certbot --nginx certonly -n --domain "${host}" --agree-tos --email "${LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL:-}" || true 39 done 40 fi 41 42 mkcert -cert-file /etc/nginx/certs/master.crt -key-file /etc/nginx/certs/master.key $hostnames localhost "*" 43 44 # This is not recursive, as it executes completely different instructions. 45 # It's important for the nginx config creation and the nginx reload to take place after all cert 46 # activities are completed. 47 docker-gen -only-exposed -notify-output -notify "nginx -s reload" /app/nginx.tmpl /etc/nginx/conf.d/ddev.conf