(about) 1 2 ### ---------------------------ddev-webserver-base-------------------------------------- 3 ### Build ddev-php-base from ddev-webserver-base 4 ### ddev-php-base is the basic of ddev-php-prod 5 ### and ddev-webserver-* (For DDEV local Usage) 6 FROM ddev/ddev-php-base:v1.23.1 as ddev-webserver-base 7 8 ENV BACKDROP_DRUSH_VERSION=1.4.0 9 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive 10 11 ENV NGINX_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/nginx/nginx-site.conf 12 ENV APACHE_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/apache2/apache-site.conf 13 ENV TERMINUS_CACHE_DIR=/mnt/ddev-global-cache/terminus/cache 14 ENV CAROOT /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert 15 16 # TARGETPLATFORM is Docker buildx's target platform (e.g. linux/arm64), while 17 # BUILDPLATFORM is the platform of the build host (e.g. linux/amd64) 18 ARG TARGETPLATFORM 19 ARG BUILDPLATFORM 20 21 ADD ddev-webserver-etc-skel / 22 RUN /sbin/mkhomedir_helper www-data 23 24 # symfony cli 25 RUN curl -1sLf '' | bash 26 27 RUN apt-get -qq update 28 RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y libcap2-bin locales-all pv supervisor symfony-cli 29 30 # Arbitrary user needs to be able to bind to privileged ports (for nginx and apache2) 31 RUN setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/sbin/nginx 32 RUN setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/sbin/apache2 33 34 # magerun and magerun2 for magento 35 RUN curl --fail -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/magerun && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/magerun 36 RUN curl --fail -sSL -o /etc/bash_completion.d/n98-magerun.phar 37 RUN curl --fail -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/magerun2 && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/magerun2 38 RUN curl --fail -sSL -o /etc/bash_completion.d/n98-magerun2.phar && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/magerun 39 40 RUN apt-get -qq autoremove && apt-get -qq clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* 41 42 ADD ddev-webserver-base-files / 43 ADD ddev-webserver-base-scripts / 44 45 # /usr/local/bin may need to be updated by, etc 46 RUN chmod -f ugo+rwx /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/composer 47 # END ddev-webserver-base 48 49 50 ### ---------------------------ddev-webserver-dev-base-------------------------------------- 51 ### Build ddev-webserver-dev-base from ddev-webserver-base 52 FROM ddev-webserver-base as ddev-webserver-dev-base 53 ENV CAROOT /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert 54 ENV PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION="8.2" 55 56 RUN curl -s --fail > /usr/share/keyrings/blackfire-archive-keyring.asc 57 RUN echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/blackfire-archive-keyring.asc] any main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/blackfire.list 58 RUN apt-get update 59 60 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] 61 62 RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y \ 63 blackfire \ 64 blackfire-php \ 65 fontconfig \ 66 gettext \ 67 git \ 68 graphviz \ 69 iproute2 \ 70 iputils-ping \ 71 jq \ 72 libldap-common \ 73 libpcre3 \ 74 libpq-dev \ 75 libpython3-dev \ 76 locales-all \ 77 nano \ 78 ncurses-bin \ 79 netcat-traditional \ 80 openssh-client \ 81 patch \ 82 python-is-python3 \ 83 python3-pip \ 84 python3-psycopg2 \ 85 python3-venv \ 86 rsync \ 87 sqlite3 \ 88 sudo \ 89 telnet \ 90 unzip \ 91 zip 92 93 RUN curl --fail -JL -s -o /usr/local/bin/mkcert "${TARGETPLATFORM}" && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mkcert 94 95 # blackfire user by default is set up with /dev/null as homedir, and 999 as uid, which 96 # can break people. Use a real homedir 97 RUN mkdir -p /home/blackfire && chown blackfire:blackfire /home/blackfire && usermod -d /home/blackfire blackfire 98 99 ADD ddev-webserver-dev-base-files / 100 RUN phpdismod blackfire xdebug 101 RUN phpdismod xhprof 102 103 RUN set -x && set -o pipefail && tag=$(curl -L --fail --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name) && curl --fail -sSL "${tag}/mailpit-linux-${TARGETPLATFORM##linux/}.tar.gz" -o /tmp/mailpit.tar.gz && tar -zx -C /usr/local/bin -f /tmp/mailpit.tar.gz mailpit && rm /tmp/mailpit.tar.gz 104 105 RUN curl -sSL --fail --output /usr/local/bin/phive "" && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/phive 106 # Install terminus cli 107 RUN set -o pipefail && curl --fail -sSL$(curl -L --fail --silent "" | perl -nle'print $& while m{"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")}g')/terminus.phar --output /usr/local/bin/terminus && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/terminus 108 # Install platform cli 109 RUN set -o pipefail && curl -fsSL | bash 110 # Install upsun cli 111 RUN set -o pipefail && curl -fsSL | VENDOR=upsun bash 112 # Install lagoon cli 113 RUN set -o pipefail && tag=$(curl -L --fail --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name) && curl --fail -sSL "$tag/lagoon-cli-$tag-linux-${TARGETPLATFORM##linux/}" --output /usr/local/bin/lagoon && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/lagoon 114 # Install lagoon-sync 115 RUN set -x && set -o pipefail && tag=$(curl -L --fail --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name) && curl --fail -sSL "${tag}/lagoon-sync_${tag:1}_linux_${TARGETPLATFORM##linux/}" --output /usr/local/bin/lagoon-sync && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/lagoon-sync 116 117 RUN mkdir -p "/opt/phpstorm-coverage" && \ 118 chmod a+rw "/opt/phpstorm-coverage" 119 120 RUN curl --fail -sSL --output /usr/local/bin/acli && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/acli 121 122 RUN curl --fail -sSL${BACKDROP_DRUSH_VERSION}/ -o /tmp/ && unzip -o /tmp/ -d /var/tmp/backdrop_drush_commands && chmod -R ugo+w /var/tmp/backdrop_drush_commands && rm /tmp/ 123 124 RUN mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites-enabled /var/log/apache2 /var/run/apache2 /var/lib/apache2/module/enabled_by_admin /var/lib/apache2/module/disabled_by_admin && \ 125 touch /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 126 chmod ugo+rw /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 127 chmod ugo+rwx /var/run && \ 128 touch /var/log/nginx/access.log && \ 129 touch /var/log/nginx/error.log && \ 130 chmod -R ugo+rw /var/log/nginx/ && \ 131 chmod ugo+rwx /usr/local/bin/* && \ 132 ln -sf /usr/sbin/php-fpm${PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION} /usr/sbin/php-fpm 133 134 RUN chmod -R 777 /var/log 135 136 # we need to create the /var/cache/linux and /var/lib/nginx manually for the arm64 image and chmod them, please don't remove them! 137 RUN mkdir -p /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert /run/{php,blackfire} /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx && chmod -R ugo+rw /mnt/ddev-global-cache/ 138 139 RUN chmod -fR ugo+w /usr/sbin /usr/bin /etc/nginx /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx /run /var/www /etc/php/*/*/conf.d/ /var/lib/php/modules /etc/alternatives /usr/lib/node_modules /etc/php /etc/apache2 /var/log/apache2/ /var/run/apache2 /var/lib/apache2 /mnt/ddev-global-cache/* 140 141 RUN mkdir -p /var/xhprof && curl --fail -o /tmp/xhprof.tgz -sSL && tar -zxf /tmp/xhprof.tgz --strip-components=1 -C /var/xhprof && chmod 777 /var/xhprof/xhprof_html && rm /tmp/xhprof.tgz 142 143 RUN touch /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/access.log /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 144 chmod 666 /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/access.log /var/log/php-fpm.log 145 146 RUN a2dismod mpm_event 147 RUN a2enmod ssl headers expires 148 149 # scripts added last because they're most likely place to make changes, speeds up build 150 ADD ddev-webserver-base-scripts / 151 RUN chmod ugo+x / / 152 153 # Composer, etc may need to be updated by composer self-update 154 RUN chmod -f ugo+rwx /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/* 155 156 RUN chmod ugo+w /etc/ssl/certs /usr/local/share/ca-certificates 157 158 HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s --retries=120 --timeout=120s --start-period=120s CMD ["/"] 159 CMD ["/"] 160 RUN apt-get -qq clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* 161 RUN update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php${PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION} 162 163 #END ddev-webserver-dev-base 164 165 ### ---------------------------ddev-webserver-------------------------------------- 166 ### This could be known as ddev-webserver-dev as it's development-env targeted 167 ### But for historical reasons, it's just ddev-webserver 168 ### Build ddev-webserver by turning ddev-webserver-dev-base into one layer 169 FROM scratch as ddev-webserver 170 ENV PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION="8.2" 171 ENV NGINX_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/nginx/nginx-site.conf 172 ENV APACHE_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/apache2/apache-site.conf 173 ENV TERMINUS_CACHE_DIR=/mnt/ddev-global-cache/terminus/cache 174 ENV TERMINUS_HIDE_UPDATE_MESSAGE=1 175 ENV CAROOT /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert 176 ENV COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 177 ENV COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/mnt/ddev-global-cache/composer 178 ENV COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=2000 179 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive 180 ENV TERM xterm 181 ENV MH_SMTP_BIND_ADDR 182 ENV BASH_ENV /etc/bash.nointeractive.bashrc 183 ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 184 ENV XHPROF_OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/xhprof 185 ENV PLATFORMSH_CLI_UPDATES_CHECK=0 186 187 COPY --from=ddev-webserver-dev-base / / 188 EXPOSE 80 8025 189 HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s --retries=120 --timeout=120s --start-period=120s CMD ["/"] 190 CMD ["/"] 191 #END ddev-webserver 192 193 ### ---------------------------ddev-webserver-prod-base-------------------------------------- 194 ### Build ddev-webserver-prod-base from ddev-webserver-base 195 ### This image is aimed at actual hardened production environments 196 FROM ddev-webserver-base as ddev-webserver-prod-base 197 ENV CAROOT /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert 198 ENV PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION="8.2" 199 ARG TARGETPLATFORM 200 201 RUN curl -s --fail > /usr/share/keyrings/blackfire-archive-keyring.asc 202 RUN echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/blackfire-archive-keyring.asc] any main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/blackfire.list 203 RUN apt-get update 204 205 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] 206 207 RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y \ 208 blackfire-php \ 209 fontconfig \ 210 gettext \ 211 git \ 212 iproute2 \ 213 iputils-ping \ 214 jq \ 215 libpcre3 \ 216 locales-all \ 217 nano \ 218 ncurses-bin \ 219 netcat-traditional \ 220 openssh-client \ 221 patch \ 222 rsync \ 223 sqlite3 \ 224 unzip \ 225 zip 226 227 RUN curl --fail -JL -s -o /usr/local/bin/mkcert "${TARGETPLATFORM}" && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mkcert 228 229 ADD ddev-webserver-prod-files / 230 RUN phpdismod blackfire 231 RUN phpdismod xhprof 232 233 RUN curl --fail -sSL${BACKDROP_DRUSH_VERSION}/ -o /tmp/ && unzip -o /tmp/ -d /var/tmp/backdrop_drush_commands && chmod -R ugo+w /var/tmp/backdrop_drush_commands && rm /tmp/ 234 235 RUN mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites-enabled /var/lock/apache2 /var/log/apache2 /var/run/apache2 /var/lib/apache2/module/enabled_by_admin /var/lib/apache2/module/disabled_by_admin && \ 236 touch /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 237 chmod ugo+rw /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 238 chmod ugo+rwx /var/run && \ 239 touch /var/log/nginx/access.log && \ 240 touch /var/log/nginx/error.log && \ 241 chmod -R ugo+rw /var/log/nginx/ && \ 242 chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/* && \ 243 ln -sf /usr/sbin/php-fpm${PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION} /usr/sbin/php-fpm 244 245 RUN chmod -R 777 /var/log 246 247 # we need to create the /var/cache/linux and /var/lib/nginx manually for the arm64 image and chmod them, please don't remove them! 248 RUN mkdir -p /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert /run/php /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx && chmod -R ugo+rw /home /mnt/ddev-global-cache/ 249 250 RUN chmod -fR ugo+w /usr/sbin /usr/bin /etc/nginx /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx /run /var/www /etc/php/*/*/conf.d/ /var/lib/php/modules /etc/alternatives /usr/lib/node_modules /etc/php /etc/apache2 /var/lock/apache2 /var/log/apache2/ /var/run/apache2 /var/lib/apache2 /mnt/ddev-global-cache/* 251 252 RUN touch /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/access.log /var/log/php-fpm.log && \ 253 chmod 666 /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/access.log /var/log/php-fpm.log 254 255 RUN a2dismod mpm_event 256 RUN a2enmod ssl headers expires 257 258 # scripts added last because they're most likely place to make changes, speeds up build 259 ADD ddev-webserver-prod-scripts / 260 RUN chmod ugo+x / / 261 262 RUN /sbin/mkhomedir_helper www-data 263 264 RUN chmod ugo+w /etc/ssl/certs /usr/local/share/ca-certificates 265 266 HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s --retries=120 --timeout=120s --start-period=120s CMD ["/"] 267 CMD ["/"] 268 RUN apt-get -qq clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* 269 RUN update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php${PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION} 270 271 #END ddev-webserver-prod-base 272 273 ### ---------------------------ddev-webserver-prod-------------------------------------- 274 ### Build ddev-webserver-prod, the hardened version of ddev-webserver-base 275 ### (Withut dev features, single layer) 276 FROM scratch as ddev-webserver-prod 277 ENV PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION="8.2" 278 ENV NGINX_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/nginx/nginx-site.conf 279 ENV APACHE_SITE_TEMPLATE /etc/apache2/apache-site.conf 280 ENV TERMINUS_CACHE_DIR=/mnt/ddev-global-cache/terminus/cache 281 ENV TERMINUS_HIDE_UPDATE_MESSAGE=1 282 ENV CAROOT /mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert 283 ENV COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 284 ENV COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/mnt/ddev-global-cache/composer 285 ENV COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=2000 286 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive 287 ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 288 ENV TERM xterm 289 ENV BASH_ENV /etc/bash.nointeractive.bashrc 290 ENV PLATFORMSH_CLI_UPDATES_CHECK=0 291 292 COPY --from=ddev-webserver-prod-base / / 293 HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s --retries=120 --timeout=120s --start-period=120s CMD ["/"] 294 CMD ["/"] 295 #END ddev-webserver-prod