
     1  #ddev-generated
     2  # Example local file provider configuration.
     4  # This will pull a database and files from an existing location, for example,
     5  # from a Dropbox location on disk
     7  # To use this configuration,
     8  # 1. You need a database dump and/or user-generated files tarball.
     9  # 2. Copy localfile.yaml.example to localfile.yaml.
    10  # 3. Change the copy commands as needed.
    11  # 4. Use `ddev pull localfile` to pull the project database and files.
    13  # In this example, db_pull_command is not used
    15  # Here db_import_command imports directly from the source location
    16  # instead of looking in .ddev/.downloads/files
    17  db_import_command:
    18    command: |
    19      set -eu -o pipefail
    20      echo $PATH
    21      ddev --version
    22      set -x
    23      gzip -dc ~/Dropbox/db.sql.gz | ddev mysql db
    24    service: host
    26  # In this example, files_pull_command is not used
    28  # files_import_command is an example of a custom importer
    29  # that directly untars the files into their appropriate destination
    30  files_import_command:
    31    command: |
    32      set -eu -o pipefail
    33      echo $PATH
    34      ddev --version
    35      set -x
    36      mkdir -p web/sites/default/files
    37      tar -zxf ~/Dropbox/files.tar.gz -C web/sites/default/files
    38    service: host