
     1  // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Decred developers
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package fullblocktests
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/hex"
     9  	"math"
    10  	"math/big"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  // newHashFromStr converts the passed big-endian hex string into a
    19  // wire.Hash.  It only differs from the one available in chainhash in that
    20  // it panics on an error since it will only (and must only) be called with
    21  // hard-coded, and therefore known good, hashes.
    22  func newHashFromStr(hexStr string) *chainhash.Hash {
    23  	hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(hexStr)
    24  	if err != nil {
    25  		panic(err)
    26  	}
    27  	return hash
    28  }
    30  // fromHex converts the passed hex string into a byte slice and will panic if
    31  // there is an error.  This is only provided for the hard-coded constants so
    32  // errors in the source code can be detected. It will only (and must only) be
    33  // called for initialization purposes.
    34  func fromHex(s string) []byte {
    35  	r, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
    36  	if err != nil {
    37  		panic("invalid hex in source file: " + s)
    38  	}
    39  	return r
    40  }
    42  var (
    43  	// bigOne is 1 represented as a big.Int.  It is defined here to avoid
    44  	// the overhead of creating it multiple times.
    45  	bigOne = big.NewInt(1)
    47  	// regNetPowLimit is the highest proof of work value a Decred block
    48  	// can have for the regression test network.  It is the value 2^255 - 1.
    49  	regNetPowLimit = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(bigOne, 255), bigOne)
    51  	// regNetGenesisBlock defines the genesis block of the block chain which
    52  	// serves as the public transaction ledger for the regression test network.
    53  	regNetGenesisBlock = wire.MsgBlock{
    54  		Header: wire.BlockHeader{
    55  			Version:     1,
    56  			PrevBlock:   *newHashFromStr("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
    57  			MerkleRoot:  *newHashFromStr("66aa7491b9adce110585ccab7e3fb5fe280de174530cca10eba2c6c3df01c10d"),
    58  			StakeRoot:   *newHashFromStr("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
    59  			VoteBits:    uint16(0x0000),
    60  			FinalState:  [6]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
    61  			Voters:      uint16(0x0000),
    62  			FreshStake:  uint8(0x00),
    63  			Revocations: uint8(0x00),
    64  			Timestamp:   time.Unix(1538524800, 0), // 2018-10-03 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
    65  			PoolSize:    uint32(0),
    66  			Bits:        0x207fffff, // 545259519
    67  			SBits:       int64(0x0000000000000000),
    68  			Nonce:       0x00000000,
    69  			Height:      uint32(0),
    70  		},
    71  		Transactions: []*wire.MsgTx{{
    72  			SerType: wire.TxSerializeFull,
    73  			Version: 1,
    74  			TxIn: []*wire.TxIn{{
    75  				PreviousOutPoint: wire.OutPoint{
    76  					Hash:  chainhash.Hash{},
    77  					Index: 0xffffffff,
    78  				},
    79  				SignatureScript: fromHex("0000"),
    80  				Sequence:        0xffffffff,
    81  				BlockIndex:      0xffffffff,
    82  				ValueIn:         -1,
    83  			}},
    84  			TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
    85  				Value: 0,
    86  				PkScript: fromHex("801679e98561ada96caec2949a" +
    87  					"5d41c4cab3851eb740d951c10ecbcf265c1fd9"),
    88  			}},
    89  			LockTime: 0,
    90  			Expiry:   0,
    91  		}},
    92  		STransactions: nil,
    93  	}
    94  )
    96  // regNetParams defines the network parameters for the regression test network.
    97  //
    98  // NOTE: The test generator intentionally does not use the existing definitions
    99  // in the chaincfg package since the intent is to be able to generate known
   100  // good tests which exercise that code.  Using the chaincfg parameters would
   101  // allow them to change without the tests failing as desired.
   102  var regNetParams = &chaincfg.Params{
   103  	Name:        "regnet",
   104  	Net:         wire.RegNet,
   105  	DefaultPort: "18655",
   106  	DNSSeeds:    nil, // NOTE: There must NOT be any seeds.
   108  	// Chain parameters
   109  	GenesisBlock:             &regNetGenesisBlock,
   110  	GenesisHash:              newHashFromStr("2ced94b4ae95bba344cfa043268732d230649c640f92dce2d9518823d3057cb0"),
   111  	PowLimit:                 regNetPowLimit,
   112  	PowLimitBits:             0x207fffff,
   113  	ReduceMinDifficulty:      false,
   114  	MinDiffReductionTime:     0, // Does not apply since ReduceMinDifficulty false
   115  	GenerateSupported:        true,
   116  	MaximumBlockSizes:        []int{1000000, 1310720},
   117  	MaxTxSize:                1000000,
   118  	TargetTimePerBlock:       time.Second,
   119  	WorkDiffAlpha:            1,
   120  	WorkDiffWindowSize:       8,
   121  	WorkDiffWindows:          4,
   122  	TargetTimespan:           time.Second * 8, // TimePerBlock * WindowSize
   123  	RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4,
   125  	// Subsidy parameters.
   126  	BaseSubsidy:              50000000000,
   127  	MulSubsidy:               100,
   128  	DivSubsidy:               101,
   129  	SubsidyReductionInterval: 128,
   130  	WorkRewardProportion:     6,
   131  	StakeRewardProportion:    3,
   132  	BlockTaxProportion:       1,
   134  	// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
   135  	Checkpoints: nil,
   137  	// Consensus rule change deployments.
   138  	//
   139  	// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
   140  	//   target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
   141  	RuleChangeActivationQuorum:     160, // 10 % of RuleChangeActivationInterval * TicketsPerBlock
   142  	RuleChangeActivationMultiplier: 3,   // 75%
   143  	RuleChangeActivationDivisor:    4,
   144  	RuleChangeActivationInterval:   320, // 320 seconds
   145  	Deployments: map[uint32][]chaincfg.ConsensusDeployment{
   146  		4: {{
   147  			Vote: chaincfg.Vote{
   148  				Id:          chaincfg.VoteIDMaxBlockSize,
   149  				Description: "Change maximum allowed block size from 1MiB to 1.25MB",
   150  				Mask:        0x0006, // Bits 1 and 2
   151  				Choices: []chaincfg.Choice{{
   152  					Id:          "abstain",
   153  					Description: "abstain voting for change",
   154  					Bits:        0x0000,
   155  					IsAbstain:   true,
   156  					IsNo:        false,
   157  				}, {
   158  					Id:          "no",
   159  					Description: "reject changing max allowed block size",
   160  					Bits:        0x0002, // Bit 1
   161  					IsAbstain:   false,
   162  					IsNo:        true,
   163  				}, {
   164  					Id:          "yes",
   165  					Description: "accept changing max allowed block size",
   166  					Bits:        0x0004, // Bit 2
   167  					IsAbstain:   false,
   168  					IsNo:        false,
   169  				}},
   170  			},
   171  			StartTime:  0,             // Always available for vote
   172  			ExpireTime: math.MaxInt64, // Never expires
   173  		}},
   174  		5: {{
   175  			Vote: chaincfg.Vote{
   176  				Id:          chaincfg.VoteIDSDiffAlgorithm,
   177  				Description: "Change stake difficulty algorithm as defined in DCP0001",
   178  				Mask:        0x0006, // Bits 1 and 2
   179  				Choices: []chaincfg.Choice{{
   180  					Id:          "abstain",
   181  					Description: "abstain voting for change",
   182  					Bits:        0x0000,
   183  					IsAbstain:   true,
   184  					IsNo:        false,
   185  				}, {
   186  					Id:          "no",
   187  					Description: "keep the existing algorithm",
   188  					Bits:        0x0002, // Bit 1
   189  					IsAbstain:   false,
   190  					IsNo:        true,
   191  				}, {
   192  					Id:          "yes",
   193  					Description: "change to the new algorithm",
   194  					Bits:        0x0004, // Bit 2
   195  					IsAbstain:   false,
   196  					IsNo:        false,
   197  				}},
   198  			},
   199  			StartTime:  0,             // Always available for vote
   200  			ExpireTime: math.MaxInt64, // Never expires
   201  		}},
   202  		6: {{
   203  			Vote: chaincfg.Vote{
   204  				Id:          chaincfg.VoteIDLNFeatures,
   205  				Description: "Enable features defined in DCP0002 and DCP0003 necessary to support Lightning Network (LN)",
   206  				Mask:        0x0006, // Bits 1 and 2
   207  				Choices: []chaincfg.Choice{{
   208  					Id:          "abstain",
   209  					Description: "abstain voting for change",
   210  					Bits:        0x0000,
   211  					IsAbstain:   true,
   212  					IsNo:        false,
   213  				}, {
   214  					Id:          "no",
   215  					Description: "keep the existing consensus rules",
   216  					Bits:        0x0002, // Bit 1
   217  					IsAbstain:   false,
   218  					IsNo:        true,
   219  				}, {
   220  					Id:          "yes",
   221  					Description: "change to the new consensus rules",
   222  					Bits:        0x0004, // Bit 2
   223  					IsAbstain:   false,
   224  					IsNo:        false,
   225  				}},
   226  			},
   227  			StartTime:  0,             // Always available for vote
   228  			ExpireTime: math.MaxInt64, // Never expires
   229  		}},
   230  		7: {{
   231  			Vote: chaincfg.Vote{
   232  				Id:          chaincfg.VoteIDFixLNSeqLocks,
   233  				Description: "Modify sequence lock handling as defined in DCP0004",
   234  				Mask:        0x0006, // Bits 1 and 2
   235  				Choices: []chaincfg.Choice{{
   236  					Id:          "abstain",
   237  					Description: "abstain voting for change",
   238  					Bits:        0x0000,
   239  					IsAbstain:   true,
   240  					IsNo:        false,
   241  				}, {
   242  					Id:          "no",
   243  					Description: "keep the existing consensus rules",
   244  					Bits:        0x0002, // Bit 1
   245  					IsAbstain:   false,
   246  					IsNo:        true,
   247  				}, {
   248  					Id:          "yes",
   249  					Description: "change to the new consensus rules",
   250  					Bits:        0x0004, // Bit 2
   251  					IsAbstain:   false,
   252  					IsNo:        false,
   253  				}},
   254  			},
   255  			StartTime:  0,             // Always available for vote
   256  			ExpireTime: math.MaxInt64, // Never expires
   257  		}},
   258  	},
   260  	// Enforce current block version once majority of the network has
   261  	// upgraded.
   262  	// 51% (51 / 100)
   263  	// Reject previous block versions once a majority of the network has
   264  	// upgraded.
   265  	// 75% (75 / 100)
   266  	BlockEnforceNumRequired: 51,
   267  	BlockRejectNumRequired:  75,
   268  	BlockUpgradeNumToCheck:  100,
   270  	// AcceptNonStdTxs is a Mempool param to accept and relay non standard
   271  	// txs to the network or reject them
   272  	AcceptNonStdTxs: true,
   274  	// Address encoding magics
   275  	NetworkAddressPrefix: "R",
   276  	PubKeyAddrID:         [2]byte{0x25, 0xe5}, // starts with Rk
   277  	PubKeyHashAddrID:     [2]byte{0x0e, 0x00}, // starts with Rs
   278  	PKHEdwardsAddrID:     [2]byte{0x0d, 0xe0}, // starts with Re
   279  	PKHSchnorrAddrID:     [2]byte{0x0d, 0xc2}, // starts with RS
   280  	ScriptHashAddrID:     [2]byte{0x0d, 0xdb}, // starts with Rc
   281  	PrivateKeyID:         [2]byte{0x22, 0xfe}, // starts with Pr
   283  	// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
   284  	HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0xea, 0xb4, 0x04, 0x48}, // starts with rprv
   285  	HDPublicKeyID:  [4]byte{0xea, 0xb4, 0xf9, 0x87}, // starts with rpub
   287  	// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
   288  	// address generation.
   289  	SLIP0044CoinType: 1, // SLIP0044, Testnet (all coins)
   290  	LegacyCoinType:   1,
   292  	// Decred PoS parameters
   293  	MinimumStakeDiff:        20000,
   294  	TicketPoolSize:          64,
   295  	TicketsPerBlock:         5,
   296  	TicketMaturity:          16,
   297  	TicketExpiry:            384, // 6*TicketPoolSize
   298  	CoinbaseMaturity:        16,
   299  	SStxChangeMaturity:      1,
   300  	TicketPoolSizeWeight:    4,
   301  	StakeDiffAlpha:          1,
   302  	StakeDiffWindowSize:     8,
   303  	StakeDiffWindows:        8,
   304  	StakeVersionInterval:    8 * 2 * 7,
   305  	MaxFreshStakePerBlock:   20,            // 4*TicketsPerBlock
   306  	StakeEnabledHeight:      16 + 16,       // CoinbaseMaturity + TicketMaturity
   307  	StakeValidationHeight:   16 + (64 * 2), // CoinbaseMaturity + TicketPoolSize*2
   308  	StakeBaseSigScript:      []byte{0x73, 0x57},
   309  	StakeMajorityMultiplier: 3,
   310  	StakeMajorityDivisor:    4,
   312  	// Decred organization related parameters
   313  	OrganizationPkScript:        fromHex("a9146913bcc838bd0087fb3f6b3c868423d5e300078d87"),
   314  	OrganizationPkScriptVersion: 0,
   315  	BlockOneLedger: []*chaincfg.TokenPayout{
   316  		{Address: "RsKrWb7Vny1jnzL1sDLgKTAteh9RZcRr5g6", Amount: 100000 * 1e8},
   317  		{Address: "Rs8ca5cDALtsMVD4PV3xvFTC7dmuU1juvLv", Amount: 100000 * 1e8},
   318  		{Address: "RsHzbGt6YajuHpurtpqXXHz57LmYZK8w9tX", Amount: 100000 * 1e8},
   319  	},
   320  }