(about) 1 [Application Options] 2 3 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 ; Data settings 5 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 7 ; The directory to store data such as user data, journal file(comments) and 8 ; session cookies, so this location must have a lot of free space. The default is 9 ; ~/.politeiawww/data on POSIX OSes. 10 ; datadir=~/.politeiawww/data 11 12 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 ; Politeiad options 14 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 16 ; rpchost= 17 ; rpcuser=user 18 ; rpcpass=pass 19 ; rpccert=~/.politeiad/https.cert 20 21 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 ; Politeiawww options 23 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 25 ; Paywall configuration: xpub is used to derive paywall addresses 26 ; and the paywall amount is specified in atoms. 27 ; paywallxpub=tpubVobLtToNtTq6TZNw4raWQok35PRPZou53vegZqNubtBTJMMFmuMpWybFCfweJ52N8uZJPZZdHE5SRnBBuuRPfC5jdNstfKjiAs8JtbYG9jx 28 ; paywallamount=10000000 29 30 ; Whether to use testnet or mainnet 31 ; testnet=true 32 33 ; SMTP server configuration. 34 ; 35 ; 36 ; mailpass=password 37 ; mailratelimit=100 38 ; webserveraddress=https://localhost:3000 39 40 ; Whether or not to bypass CSRF 41 ; proxy=true 42 43 ; Proposal vote configuration 44 ; votedurationmin=2016 45 ; votedurationmax=4032 46 47 ; cachehost=localhost:26257 48 ; cacherootcert="~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/records_politeiawww/ca.crt" 49 ; cachecert="~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/records_politeiawww/client.records_politeiawww.crt" 50 ; cachekey="~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/records_politeiawww/client.records_politeiawww.key" 51 52 ; dcrdatahost specifies the ip and port of the dcrdata host 53 ; 54 55 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56 ; Debug 57 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58 59 ; Debug logging level. 60 ; Valid levels are {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical} 61 ; You may also specify <subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,... to set 62 ; log level for individual subsystems. Use politeiawww --debuglevel=show to list 63 ; available subsystems. 64 ; debuglevel=info 65 66 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67 ; Codetracker 68 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 69 ; Github API token is required to pull information 70 ; githubapitoken= 71 ; codestatorg=decred 72 ; codestatrepos=politeia 73 ; codestatrepos=politeiagui 74