
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package nwo
     9  const DefaultConfigTxTemplate = `---
    10  {{ with $w := . -}}
    11  Organizations:{{ range .PeerOrgs }}
    12  - &{{ .MSPID }}
    13    Name: {{ .Name }}
    14    ID: {{ .MSPID }}
    15    MSPDir: {{ $w.PeerOrgMSPDir . }}
    16    Policies:
    17      {{- if .EnableNodeOUs }}
    18      Readers:
    19        Type: Signature
    20        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.peer', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    21      Writers:
    22        Type: Signature
    23        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    24      Endorsement:
    25        Type: Signature
    26        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.peer')
    27      Admins:
    28        Type: Signature
    29        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
    30      {{- else }}
    31      Readers:
    32        Type: Signature
    33        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    34      Writers:
    35        Type: Signature
    36        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    37      Endorsement:
    38        Type: Signature
    39        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    40      Admins:
    41        Type: Signature
    42        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
    43      {{- end }}
    44    AnchorPeers:{{ range $w.AnchorsInOrg .Name }}
    45    - Host:
    46      Port: {{ $w.PeerPort . "Listen" }}
    47    {{- end }}
    48  {{- end }}
    49  {{- range .IdemixOrgs }}
    50  - &{{ .MSPID }}
    51    Name: {{ .Name }}
    52    ID: {{ .MSPID }}
    53    MSPDir: {{ $w.IdemixOrgMSPDir . }}
    54    MSPType: idemix
    55    Policies:
    56      {{- if .EnableNodeOUs }}
    57      Readers:
    58        Type: Signature
    59        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.peer', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    60      Writers:
    61        Type: Signature
    62        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    63      Endorsement:
    64        Type: Signature
    65        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.peer')
    66      Admins:
    67        Type: Signature
    68        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
    69      {{- else }}
    70      Readers:
    71        Type: Signature
    72        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    73      Writers:
    74        Type: Signature
    75        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    76      Endorsement:
    77        Type: Signature
    78        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
    79      Admins:
    80        Type: Signature
    81        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
    82      {{- end }}
    83  {{ end }}
    84  {{- range .OrdererOrgs }}
    85  - &{{ .MSPID }}
    86    Name: {{ .Name }}
    87    ID: {{ .MSPID }}
    88    MSPDir: {{ $w.OrdererOrgMSPDir . }}
    89    Policies:
    90    {{- if .EnableNodeOUs }}
    91      Readers:
    92        Type: Signature
    93        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.orderer', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    94      Writers:
    95        Type: Signature
    96        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.orderer', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
    97      Admins:
    98        Type: Signature
    99        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
   100    {{- else }}
   101      Readers:
   102        Type: Signature
   103        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
   104      Writers:
   105        Type: Signature
   106        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.member')
   107      Admins:
   108        Type: Signature
   109        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
   110    {{- end }}
   111    OrdererEndpoints:{{ range $w.OrderersInOrg .Name }}
   112    -{{ $w.OrdererPort . "Listen" }}
   113    {{- end }}
   114  {{ end }}
   116  Channel: &ChannelDefaults
   117    Capabilities:
   118      V2_0: true
   119    Policies: &DefaultPolicies
   120      Readers:
   121        Type: ImplicitMeta
   122        Rule: ANY Readers
   123      Writers:
   124        Type: ImplicitMeta
   125        Rule: ANY Writers
   126      Admins:
   127        Type: ImplicitMeta
   128        Rule: MAJORITY Admins
   130  Profiles:{{ range .Profiles }}
   131    {{ .Name }}:
   132      {{- if .ChannelCapabilities}}
   133      Capabilities:{{ range .ChannelCapabilities}}
   134        {{ . }}: true
   135      {{- end}}
   136      Policies:
   137        <<: *DefaultPolicies
   138      {{- else }}
   139      <<: *ChannelDefaults
   140      {{- end}}
   141      {{- if .Orderers }}
   142      Orderer:
   143        OrdererType: {{ $w.Consensus.Type }}
   144        Addresses:{{ range .Orderers }}{{ with $w.Orderer . }}
   145        -{{ $w.OrdererPort . "Listen" }}
   146        {{- end }}{{ end }}
   147        BatchTimeout: 1s
   148        BatchSize:
   149          MaxMessageCount: 1
   150          AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB
   151          PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB
   152        Capabilities:
   153          V2_0: true
   154        {{- if eq $w.Consensus.Type "kafka" }}
   155        Kafka:
   156          Brokers:{{ range $w.BrokerAddresses "HostPort" }}
   157          - {{ . }}
   158          {{- end }}
   159        {{- end }}
   160        {{- if eq $w.Consensus.Type "etcdraft" }}
   161        EtcdRaft:
   162          Options:
   163            TickInterval: 500ms
   164            SnapshotIntervalSize: 1 KB
   165          Consenters:{{ range .Orderers }}{{ with $w.Orderer . }}
   166          - Host:
   167            Port: {{ $w.OrdererPort . "Cluster" }}
   168            ClientTLSCert: {{ $w.OrdererLocalCryptoDir . "tls" }}/server.crt
   169            ServerTLSCert: {{ $w.OrdererLocalCryptoDir . "tls" }}/server.crt
   170          {{- end }}{{- end }}
   171        {{- end }}
   172        Organizations:{{ range $w.OrgsForOrderers .Orderers }}
   173        - *{{ .MSPID }}
   174        {{- end }}
   175        Policies:
   176          Readers:
   177            Type: ImplicitMeta
   178            Rule: ANY Readers
   179          Writers:
   180            Type: ImplicitMeta
   181            Rule: ANY Writers
   182          Admins:
   183            Type: ImplicitMeta
   184            Rule: MAJORITY Admins
   185          BlockValidation:
   186            Type: ImplicitMeta
   187            Rule: ANY Writers
   188      {{- end }}
   189      {{- if .Consortium }}
   190      Consortium: {{ .Consortium }}
   191      Application:
   192        Capabilities:
   193        {{- if .AppCapabilities }}{{ range .AppCapabilities }}
   194          {{ . }}: true
   195          {{- end }}
   196        {{- else }}
   197          V1_3: true
   198        {{- end }}
   199        Organizations:{{ range .Organizations }}
   200        - *{{ ($w.Organization .).MSPID }}
   201        {{- end}}
   202        Policies:
   203          Readers:
   204            Type: ImplicitMeta
   205            Rule: ANY Readers
   206          Writers:
   207            Type: ImplicitMeta
   208            Rule: ANY Writers
   209          Admins:
   210            Type: ImplicitMeta
   211            Rule: MAJORITY Admins
   212          LifecycleEndorsement:
   213            Type: ImplicitMeta
   214            Rule: "MAJORITY Endorsement"
   215          Endorsement:
   216            Type: ImplicitMeta
   217            Rule: "MAJORITY Endorsement"
   218      {{- else }}
   219      Consortiums:{{ range $w.Consortiums }}
   220        {{ .Name }}:
   221          Organizations:{{ range .Organizations }}
   222          - *{{ ($w.Organization .).MSPID }}
   223          {{- end }}
   224      {{- end }}
   225      {{- end }}
   226  {{- end }}
   227  {{ end }}
   228  `
   230  const OrgUpdateConfigTxTemplate = `---
   231  {{ with $w := . -}}
   232  Organizations:{{ range .PeerOrgs }}
   233  - &{{ .MSPID }}
   234    Name: {{ .Name }}
   235    ID: {{ .MSPID }}
   236    MSPDir: {{ $w.PeerOrgMSPDir . }}
   237    Policies:
   238      Readers:
   239        Type: Signature
   240        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.peer', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
   241      Writers:
   242        Type: Signature
   243        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin', '{{.MSPID}}.client')
   244      Endorsement:
   245        Type: Signature
   246        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.peer')
   247      Admins:
   248        Type: Signature
   249        Rule: OR('{{.MSPID}}.admin')
   250    AnchorPeers:{{ range $w.AnchorsInOrg .Name }}
   251    - Host:
   252      Port: {{ $w.PeerPort . "Listen" }}
   253    {{- end }}
   254  {{- end }}
   255  {{ end }}
   256  `