
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package kafka
     9  import (
    10  	"crypto/tls"
    11  	"testing"
    13  	""
    14  	localconfig ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  func TestBrokerConfig(t *testing.T) {
    20  	mockChannel1 := newChannel(channelNameForTest(t), defaultPartition)
    21  	// Use a partition ID that is not the 'default' (defaultPartition)
    22  	var differentPartition int32 = defaultPartition + 1
    23  	mockChannel2 := newChannel(channelNameForTest(t), differentPartition)
    25  	mockBroker := sarama.NewMockBroker(t, 0)
    26  	defer func() { mockBroker.Close() }()
    28  	mockBroker.SetHandlerByMap(map[string]sarama.MockResponse{
    29  		"MetadataRequest": sarama.NewMockMetadataResponse(t).
    30  			SetBroker(mockBroker.Addr(), mockBroker.BrokerID()).
    31  			SetLeader(mockChannel1.topic(), mockChannel1.partition(), mockBroker.BrokerID()).
    32  			SetLeader(mockChannel2.topic(), mockChannel2.partition(), mockBroker.BrokerID()),
    33  		"ProduceRequest": sarama.NewMockProduceResponse(t),
    34  	})
    36  	t.Run("New", func(t *testing.T) {
    37  		producer, err := sarama.NewSyncProducer([]string{mockBroker.Addr()}, mockBrokerConfig)
    38  		assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to create producer with given config:", err)
    39  		producer.Close()
    40  	})
    42  	t.Run("Partitioner", func(t *testing.T) {
    43  		mockBrokerConfig2 := newBrokerConfig(
    44  			mockLocalConfig.General.TLS,
    45  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
    46  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
    47  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
    48  			differentPartition)
    49  		producer, _ := sarama.NewSyncProducer([]string{mockBroker.Addr()}, mockBrokerConfig2)
    50  		defer func() { producer.Close() }()
    52  		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    53  			assignedPartition, _, err := producer.SendMessage(&sarama.ProducerMessage{Topic: mockChannel2.topic()})
    54  			assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to send message:", err)
    55  			assert.Equal(t, differentPartition, assignedPartition, "Message wasn't posted to the right partition - expected %d, got %v", differentPartition, assignedPartition)
    56  		}
    57  	})
    59  	producer, _ := sarama.NewSyncProducer([]string{mockBroker.Addr()}, mockBrokerConfig)
    60  	defer func() { producer.Close() }()
    62  	testCases := []struct {
    63  		name string
    64  		size int
    65  		err  error
    66  	}{
    67  		{"TypicalDeploy", 4 * 1024, nil},
    68  		{"TooBig", int(sarama.MaxRequestSize + 1), sarama.ErrMessageSizeTooLarge},
    69  	}
    71  	for _, tc := range testCases {
    72  		t.Run("ProducerMessageMaxBytes", func(t *testing.T) {
    73  			_, _, err := producer.SendMessage(&sarama.ProducerMessage{
    74  				Topic: mockChannel1.topic(),
    75  				Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(make([]byte, tc.size)),
    76  			})
    77  			assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err)
    78  		})
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  func TestBrokerConfigTLSConfigEnabled(t *testing.T) {
    83  	publicKey, privateKey, _ := util.GenerateMockPublicPrivateKeyPairPEM(false)
    84  	caPublicKey, _, _ := util.GenerateMockPublicPrivateKeyPairPEM(true)
    86  	t.Run("Enabled", func(t *testing.T) {
    87  		testBrokerConfig := newBrokerConfig(localconfig.TLS{
    88  			Enabled:     true,
    89  			PrivateKey:  privateKey,
    90  			Certificate: publicKey,
    91  			RootCAs:     []string{caPublicKey},
    92  		},
    93  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
    94  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
    95  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
    96  			defaultPartition)
    98  		assert.True(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Enable)
    99  		assert.NotNil(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config)
   100  		assert.Len(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config.Certificates, 1)
   101  		assert.Len(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config.RootCAs.Subjects(), 1)
   102  		assert.Equal(t, uint16(0), testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config.MaxVersion)
   103  		assert.Equal(t, uint16(tls.VersionTLS12), testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config.MinVersion)
   104  	})
   106  	t.Run("Disabled", func(t *testing.T) {
   107  		testBrokerConfig := newBrokerConfig(localconfig.TLS{
   108  			Enabled:     false,
   109  			PrivateKey:  privateKey,
   110  			Certificate: publicKey,
   111  			RootCAs:     []string{caPublicKey},
   112  		},
   113  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
   114  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
   115  			mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
   116  			defaultPartition)
   118  		assert.False(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Enable)
   119  		assert.Zero(t, testBrokerConfig.Net.TLS.Config)
   120  	})
   121  }
   123  func TestBrokerConfigTLSConfigBadCert(t *testing.T) {
   124  	publicKey, privateKey, _ := util.GenerateMockPublicPrivateKeyPairPEM(false)
   125  	caPublicKey, _, _ := util.GenerateMockPublicPrivateKeyPairPEM(true)
   127  	t.Run("BadPrivateKey", func(t *testing.T) {
   128  		assert.Panics(t, func() {
   129  			newBrokerConfig(localconfig.TLS{
   130  				Enabled:     true,
   131  				PrivateKey:  privateKey,
   132  				Certificate: "TRASH",
   133  				RootCAs:     []string{caPublicKey},
   134  			},
   135  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
   136  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
   137  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
   138  				defaultPartition)
   139  		})
   140  	})
   141  	t.Run("BadPublicKey", func(t *testing.T) {
   142  		assert.Panics(t, func() {
   143  			newBrokerConfig(localconfig.TLS{
   144  				Enabled:     true,
   145  				PrivateKey:  "TRASH",
   146  				Certificate: publicKey,
   147  				RootCAs:     []string{caPublicKey},
   148  			},
   149  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
   150  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
   151  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
   152  				defaultPartition)
   153  		})
   154  	})
   155  	t.Run("BadRootCAs", func(t *testing.T) {
   156  		assert.Panics(t, func() {
   157  			newBrokerConfig(localconfig.TLS{
   158  				Enabled:     true,
   159  				PrivateKey:  privateKey,
   160  				Certificate: publicKey,
   161  				RootCAs:     []string{"TRASH"},
   162  			},
   163  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.SASLPlain,
   164  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Retry,
   165  				mockLocalConfig.Kafka.Version,
   166  				defaultPartition)
   167  		})
   168  	})
   169  }