(about) 1 // Copyright 2017-2018 DERO Project. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code in any form is governed by RESEARCH license. 3 // license can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 // GPG: 0F39 E425 8C65 3947 702A 8234 08B2 0360 A03A 9DE8 5 // 6 // 7 // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY 8 // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 9 // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL 10 // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 11 // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 12 // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 13 // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, 14 // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF 15 // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 16 17 package mnemonics 18 19 var Mnemonics_English = Language{ 20 Name: "English", 21 Name_English: "English (US)", 22 Unique_Prefix_Length: 3, 23 Words: []string{ // all the words in english mnemonics 24 "abbey", 25 "abducts", 26 "ability", 27 "ablaze", 28 "abnormal", 29 "abort", 30 "abrasive", 31 "absorb", 32 "abyss", 33 "academy", 34 "aces", 35 "aching", 36 "acidic", 37 "acoustic", 38 "acquire", 39 "across", 40 "actress", 41 "acumen", 42 "adapt", 43 "addicted", 44 "adept", 45 "adhesive", 46 "adjust", 47 "adopt", 48 "adrenalin", 49 "adult", 50 "adventure", 51 "aerial", 52 "afar", 53 "affair", 54 "afield", 55 "afloat", 56 "afoot", 57 "afraid", 58 "after", 59 "against", 60 "agenda", 61 "aggravate", 62 "agile", 63 "aglow", 64 "agnostic", 65 "agony", 66 "agreed", 67 "ahead", 68 "aided", 69 "ailments", 70 "aimless", 71 "airport", 72 "aisle", 73 "ajar", 74 "akin", 75 "alarms", 76 "album", 77 "alchemy", 78 "alerts", 79 "algebra", 80 "alkaline", 81 "alley", 82 "almost", 83 "aloof", 84 "alpine", 85 "already", 86 "also", 87 "altitude", 88 "alumni", 89 "always", 90 "amaze", 91 "ambush", 92 "amended", 93 "amidst", 94 "ammo", 95 "amnesty", 96 "among", 97 "amply", 98 "amused", 99 "anchor", 100 "android", 101 "anecdote", 102 "angled", 103 "ankle", 104 "annoyed", 105 "answers", 106 "antics", 107 "anvil", 108 "anxiety", 109 "anybody", 110 "apart", 111 "apex", 112 "aphid", 113 "aplomb", 114 "apology", 115 "apply", 116 "apricot", 117 "aptitude", 118 "aquarium", 119 "arbitrary", 120 "archer", 121 "ardent", 122 "arena", 123 "argue", 124 "arises", 125 "army", 126 "around", 127 "arrow", 128 "arsenic", 129 "artistic", 130 "ascend", 131 "ashtray", 132 "aside", 133 "asked", 134 "asleep", 135 "aspire", 136 "assorted", 137 "asylum", 138 "athlete", 139 "atlas", 140 "atom", 141 "atrium", 142 "attire", 143 "auburn", 144 "auctions", 145 "audio", 146 "august", 147 "aunt", 148 "austere", 149 "autumn", 150 "avatar", 151 "avidly", 152 "avoid", 153 "awakened", 154 "awesome", 155 "awful", 156 "awkward", 157 "awning", 158 "awoken", 159 "axes", 160 "axis", 161 "axle", 162 "aztec", 163 "azure", 164 "baby", 165 "bacon", 166 "badge", 167 "baffles", 168 "bagpipe", 169 "bailed", 170 "bakery", 171 "balding", 172 "bamboo", 173 "banjo", 174 "baptism", 175 "basin", 176 "batch", 177 "bawled", 178 "bays", 179 "because", 180 "beer", 181 "befit", 182 "begun", 183 "behind", 184 "being", 185 "below", 186 "bemused", 187 "benches", 188 "berries", 189 "bested", 190 "betting", 191 "bevel", 192 "beware", 193 "beyond", 194 "bias", 195 "bicycle", 196 "bids", 197 "bifocals", 198 "biggest", 199 "bikini", 200 "bimonthly", 201 "binocular", 202 "biology", 203 "biplane", 204 "birth", 205 "biscuit", 206 "bite", 207 "biweekly", 208 "blender", 209 "blip", 210 "bluntly", 211 "boat", 212 "bobsled", 213 "bodies", 214 "bogeys", 215 "boil", 216 "boldly", 217 "bomb", 218 "border", 219 "boss", 220 "both", 221 "bounced", 222 "bovine", 223 "bowling", 224 "boxes", 225 "boyfriend", 226 "broken", 227 "brunt", 228 "bubble", 229 "buckets", 230 "budget", 231 "buffet", 232 "bugs", 233 "building", 234 "bulb", 235 "bumper", 236 "bunch", 237 "business", 238 "butter", 239 "buying", 240 "buzzer", 241 "bygones", 242 "byline", 243 "bypass", 244 "cabin", 245 "cactus", 246 "cadets", 247 "cafe", 248 "cage", 249 "cajun", 250 "cake", 251 "calamity", 252 "camp", 253 "candy", 254 "casket", 255 "catch", 256 "cause", 257 "cavernous", 258 "cease", 259 "cedar", 260 "ceiling", 261 "cell", 262 "cement", 263 "cent", 264 "certain", 265 "chlorine", 266 "chrome", 267 "cider", 268 "cigar", 269 "cinema", 270 "circle", 271 "cistern", 272 "citadel", 273 "civilian", 274 "claim", 275 "click", 276 "clue", 277 "coal", 278 "cobra", 279 "cocoa", 280 "code", 281 "coexist", 282 "coffee", 283 "cogs", 284 "cohesive", 285 "coils", 286 "colony", 287 "comb", 288 "cool", 289 "copy", 290 "corrode", 291 "costume", 292 "cottage", 293 "cousin", 294 "cowl", 295 "criminal", 296 "cube", 297 "cucumber", 298 "cuddled", 299 "cuffs", 300 "cuisine", 301 "cunning", 302 "cupcake", 303 "custom", 304 "cycling", 305 "cylinder", 306 "cynical", 307 "dabbing", 308 "dads", 309 "daft", 310 "dagger", 311 "daily", 312 "damp", 313 "dangerous", 314 "dapper", 315 "darted", 316 "dash", 317 "dating", 318 "dauntless", 319 "dawn", 320 "daytime", 321 "dazed", 322 "debut", 323 "decay", 324 "dedicated", 325 "deepest", 326 "deftly", 327 "degrees", 328 "dehydrate", 329 "deity", 330 "dejected", 331 "delayed", 332 "demonstrate", 333 "dented", 334 "deodorant", 335 "depth", 336 "desk", 337 "devoid", 338 "dewdrop", 339 "dexterity", 340 "dialect", 341 "dice", 342 "diet", 343 "different", 344 "digit", 345 "dilute", 346 "dime", 347 "dinner", 348 "diode", 349 "diplomat", 350 "directed", 351 "distance", 352 "ditch", 353 "divers", 354 "dizzy", 355 "doctor", 356 "dodge", 357 "does", 358 "dogs", 359 "doing", 360 "dolphin", 361 "domestic", 362 "donuts", 363 "doorway", 364 "dormant", 365 "dosage", 366 "dotted", 367 "double", 368 "dove", 369 "down", 370 "dozen", 371 "dreams", 372 "drinks", 373 "drowning", 374 "drunk", 375 "drying", 376 "dual", 377 "dubbed", 378 "duckling", 379 "dude", 380 "duets", 381 "duke", 382 "dullness", 383 "dummy", 384 "dunes", 385 "duplex", 386 "duration", 387 "dusted", 388 "duties", 389 "dwarf", 390 "dwelt", 391 "dwindling", 392 "dying", 393 "dynamite", 394 "dyslexic", 395 "each", 396 "eagle", 397 "earth", 398 "easy", 399 "eating", 400 "eavesdrop", 401 "eccentric", 402 "echo", 403 "eclipse", 404 "economics", 405 "ecstatic", 406 "eden", 407 "edgy", 408 "edited", 409 "educated", 410 "eels", 411 "efficient", 412 "eggs", 413 "egotistic", 414 "eight", 415 "either", 416 "eject", 417 "elapse", 418 "elbow", 419 "eldest", 420 "eleven", 421 "elite", 422 "elope", 423 "else", 424 "eluded", 425 "emails", 426 "ember", 427 "emerge", 428 "emit", 429 "emotion", 430 "empty", 431 "emulate", 432 "energy", 433 "enforce", 434 "enhanced", 435 "enigma", 436 "enjoy", 437 "enlist", 438 "enmity", 439 "enough", 440 "enraged", 441 "ensign", 442 "entrance", 443 "envy", 444 "epoxy", 445 "equip", 446 "erase", 447 "erected", 448 "erosion", 449 "error", 450 "eskimos", 451 "espionage", 452 "essential", 453 "estate", 454 "etched", 455 "eternal", 456 "ethics", 457 "etiquette", 458 "evaluate", 459 "evenings", 460 "evicted", 461 "evolved", 462 "examine", 463 "excess", 464 "exhale", 465 "exit", 466 "exotic", 467 "exquisite", 468 "extra", 469 "exult", 470 "fabrics", 471 "factual", 472 "fading", 473 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"sanity", 1240 "sapling", 1241 "sarcasm", 1242 "sash", 1243 "satin", 1244 "saucepan", 1245 "saved", 1246 "sawmill", 1247 "saxophone", 1248 "sayings", 1249 "scamper", 1250 "scenic", 1251 "school", 1252 "science", 1253 "scoop", 1254 "scrub", 1255 "scuba", 1256 "seasons", 1257 "second", 1258 "sedan", 1259 "seeded", 1260 "segments", 1261 "seismic", 1262 "selfish", 1263 "semifinal", 1264 "sensible", 1265 "september", 1266 "sequence", 1267 "serving", 1268 "session", 1269 "setup", 1270 "seventh", 1271 "sewage", 1272 "shackles", 1273 "shelter", 1274 "shipped", 1275 "shocking", 1276 "shrugged", 1277 "shuffled", 1278 "shyness", 1279 "siblings", 1280 "sickness", 1281 "sidekick", 1282 "sieve", 1283 "sifting", 1284 "sighting", 1285 "silk", 1286 "simplest", 1287 "sincerely", 1288 "sipped", 1289 "siren", 1290 "situated", 1291 "sixteen", 1292 "sizes", 1293 "skater", 1294 "skew", 1295 "skirting", 1296 "skulls", 1297 "skydive", 1298 "slackens", 1299 "sleepless", 1300 "slid", 1301 "slower", 1302 "slug", 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