
     1  package lib
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/hex"
     5  	"flag"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"log"
     8  	"math/big"
     9  	"testing"
    10  	"time"
    12  	chainlib ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  const (
    21  	// go run transaction_util.go --manual_entropy_hex=0,1
    22  	senderPkString      = "tBCKXFJEDSF7Thcc6BUBcB6kicE5qzmLbAtvFf9LfKSXN4LwFt36oX"
    23  	senderPrivString    = "tbc31669t2YuZ2mi1VLtK6a17RXFPdsuBDcenPLc1eU1ZVRHF9Zv4"
    24  	recipientPkString   = "tBCKXU8pf7nkn8M38sYJeAwiBP7HbSJWy9Zmn4sHNL6gA6ahkriymq"
    25  	recipientPrivString = "tbc24UM432ikvtmyv4zus7HomtUYkxNg3B3HusSLghVxoQXKi9QjZ"
    27  	moneyPkString   = "tBCKVUCQ9WxpVmNthS2PKfY1BCxG4GkWvXqDhQ4q3zLtiwKVUNMGYS"
    28  	moneyPrivString = "tbc2yg6BS7we86H8WUF2xSAmnyJ1x63ZqXaiDkE2mostsxpfmCZiB"
    30  	blockSignerSeed = "essence camp ghost remove document vault ladder swim pupil index apart ring"
    31  	blockSignerPk   = "BC1YLiQ86kwXUy3nfK391xht7N72UmbFY6bGrUsds1A7QKZrs4jJsxo"
    32  )
    34  func TestProcessBlock(t *testing.T) {
    35  	assert := assert.New(t)
    36  	require := require.New(t)
    37  	_ = assert
    38  	_ = require
    40  	//hexBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")
    41  	{
    42  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("00000000e9a0b8435a2fc5e19952ceb3a2d5042fb87b6d5f180ea825f3a4cd65")
    43  		assert.NoError(err)
    44  		assert.Equal("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011883b96c", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    46  	}
    47  	// Satoshi's genesis block hash.
    48  	{
    49  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f")
    50  		assert.NoError(err)
    51  		assert.Equal("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e8770a5c23", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    52  	}
    53  	// A more serious block.
    54  	{
    56  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("00000000000000000000c4c7bfde307b37ca6e4234d636cdea3e443df2926fff")
    57  		assert.NoError(err)
    58  		assert.Equal(
    59  			"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014d0aa0d2497b13fcd703",
    60  			fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    61  	}
    62  	// Some annoying edge cases.
    63  	{
    64  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
    65  		assert.NoError(err)
    66  		assert.Equal(
    67  			"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    68  			fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    69  	}
    70  	{
    71  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")
    72  		assert.NoError(err)
    73  		assert.Equal(
    74  			"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    75  			fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    76  	}
    77  	{
    78  		hexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe")
    79  		assert.NoError(err)
    80  		assert.Equal(
    81  			"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
    82  			fmt.Sprintf("%064x", *ExpectedWorkForBlockHash(CopyBytesIntoBlockHash(hexBytes))))
    83  	}
    84  }
    86  func _copyBlock(blk *MsgDeSoBlock) *MsgDeSoBlock {
    87  	data, _ := blk.ToBytes(false)
    89  	testBlock := NewMessage(MsgTypeBlock).(*MsgDeSoBlock)
    90  	_ = testBlock.FromBytes(data)
    92  	return testBlock
    93  }
    95  func getForkedChain(t *testing.T) (blockA1, blockA2, blockB1, blockB2,
    96  	blockB3, blockB4, blockB5 *MsgDeSoBlock) {
    98  	assert := assert.New(t)
    99  	require := require.New(t)
   100  	_, _ = assert, require
   102  	var err error
   103  	{
   104  		chain1, params, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   105  		mempool1, miner1 := NewTestMiner(t, chain1, params, true /*isSender*/)
   106  		_ = mempool1
   108  		// Mine two blocks to give the sender some DeSo.
   109  		blockA1, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   110  		require.NoError(err)
   111  		blockA2, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   112  		require.NoError(err)
   113  	}
   114  	{
   115  		chain1, params, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   116  		mempool1, miner1 := NewTestMiner(t, chain1, params, true /*isSender*/)
   117  		_ = mempool1
   119  		// Mine two blocks to give the sender some DeSo.
   120  		blockB1, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   121  		require.NoError(err)
   122  		blockB2, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   123  		require.NoError(err)
   124  		blockB3, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   125  		require.NoError(err)
   126  		blockB4, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   127  		require.NoError(err)
   128  		blockB5, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   129  		require.NoError(err)
   130  	}
   132  	// The variables  are set above.
   133  	return
   134  }
   136  func NewTestBlockchain() (*Blockchain, *DeSoParams, *badger.DB) {
   137  	db, _ := GetTestBadgerDb()
   138  	timesource := chainlib.NewMedianTime()
   140  	// Set the number of txns per view regeneration to one while creating the txns
   141  	ReadOnlyUtxoViewRegenerationIntervalTxns = 1
   143  	// Set some special parameters for testing. If the blocks above are changed
   144  	// these values should be updated to reflect the latest testnet values.
   145  	paramsCopy := DeSoTestnetParams
   147  	chain, err := NewBlockchain([]string{blockSignerPk}, 0, &paramsCopy,
   148  		timesource, db, nil, nil)
   149  	if err != nil {
   150  		log.Fatal(err)
   151  	}
   153  	return chain, &paramsCopy, db
   154  }
   156  func NewLowDifficultyBlockchain() (
   157  	*Blockchain, *DeSoParams, *badger.DB) {
   159  	// Set the number of txns per view regeneration to one while creating the txns
   160  	ReadOnlyUtxoViewRegenerationIntervalTxns = 1
   162  	return NewLowDifficultyBlockchainWithParams(&DeSoTestnetParams)
   163  }
   165  func NewLowDifficultyBlockchainWithParams(params *DeSoParams) (
   166  	*Blockchain, *DeSoParams, *badger.DB) {
   168  	// Set the number of txns per view regeneration to one while creating the txns
   169  	ReadOnlyUtxoViewRegenerationIntervalTxns = 1
   171  	db, _ := GetTestBadgerDb()
   172  	timesource := chainlib.NewMedianTime()
   174  	// Set some special parameters for testing. If the blocks above are changed
   175  	// these values should be updated to reflect the latest testnet values.
   176  	paramsCopy := *params
   177  	paramsCopy.GenesisBlock = &MsgDeSoBlock{
   178  		Header: &MsgDeSoHeader{
   179  			Version:               0,
   180  			PrevBlockHash:         mustDecodeHexBlockHash("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
   181  			TransactionMerkleRoot: mustDecodeHexBlockHash("097158f0d27e6d10565c4dc696c784652c3380e0ff8382d3599a4d18b782e965"),
   182  			TstampSecs:            uint64(1560735050),
   183  			Height:                uint64(0),
   184  			Nonce:                 uint64(0),
   185  			// No ExtraNonce is set in the genesis block
   186  		},
   187  		Txns: []*MsgDeSoTxn{
   188  			{
   189  				TxInputs:  []*DeSoInput{},
   190  				TxOutputs: []*DeSoOutput{},
   191  				TxnMeta: &BlockRewardMetadataa{
   192  					ExtraData: []byte("They came here, to the new world. World 2.0, version 1776."),
   193  				},
   194  				// A signature is not required for BLOCK_REWARD transactions since they
   195  				// don't spend anything.
   196  			},
   197  		},
   198  	}
   199  	paramsCopy.MinDifficultyTargetHex = "999999948931e5874cf66a74c0fda790dd8c7458243d400324511a4c71f54faa"
   200  	paramsCopy.MinChainWorkHex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
   201  	paramsCopy.MiningIterationsPerCycle = 500
   202  	// Set maturity to 2 blocks so we can test spending on short chains. The
   203  	// tests rely on the maturity equaling exactly two blocks (i.e. being
   204  	// two times the time between blocks).
   205  	paramsCopy.TimeBetweenBlocks = 2 * time.Second
   206  	paramsCopy.BlockRewardMaturity = time.Second * 4
   207  	paramsCopy.TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets = 100 * time.Second
   208  	paramsCopy.MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor = 2
   209  	paramsCopy.SeedBalances = []*DeSoOutput{
   210  		{
   211  			PublicKey:   MustBase58CheckDecode(moneyPkString),
   212  			AmountNanos: uint64(2000000 * NanosPerUnit),
   213  		},
   214  	}
   216  	// Temporarily modify the seed balances to make a specific public
   217  	// key have some DeSo
   218  	chain, err := NewBlockchain([]string{blockSignerPk}, 0,
   219  		&paramsCopy, timesource, db, nil, nil)
   220  	if err != nil {
   221  		log.Fatal(err)
   222  	}
   224  	return chain, &paramsCopy, db
   225  }
   227  func NewTestMiner(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, params *DeSoParams, isSender bool) (*DeSoMempool, *DeSoMiner) {
   228  	assert := assert.New(t)
   229  	require := require.New(t)
   230  	_ = assert
   231  	_ = require
   233  	mempool := NewDeSoMempool(
   234  		chain, 0, /* rateLimitFeeRateNanosPerKB */
   235  		0 /* minFeeRateNanosPerKB */, "", true,
   236  		"" /*dataDir*/, "")
   237  	minerPubKeys := []string{}
   238  	if isSender {
   239  		minerPubKeys = append(minerPubKeys, senderPkString)
   240  	} else {
   241  		minerPubKeys = append(minerPubKeys, recipientPkString)
   242  	}
   244  	blockProducer, err := NewDeSoBlockProducer(
   245  		0, 1,
   246  		blockSignerSeed,
   247  		mempool, chain,
   248  		params, nil)
   249  	require.NoError(err)
   251  	newMiner, err := NewDeSoMiner(minerPubKeys, 1 /*numThreads*/, blockProducer, params)
   252  	require.NoError(err)
   253  	return mempool, newMiner
   254  }
   256  func _getBalance(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, mempool *DeSoMempool, pkStr string) uint64 {
   257  	pkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(pkStr)
   258  	require.NoError(t, err)
   260  	utxoEntriesFound, err := chain.GetSpendableUtxosForPublicKey(pkBytes, mempool, nil)
   261  	require.NoError(t, err)
   263  	balanceForUserNanos := uint64(0)
   264  	for _, utxoEntry := range utxoEntriesFound {
   265  		balanceForUserNanos += utxoEntry.AmountNanos
   266  	}
   268  	utxoView, err := NewUtxoView(chain.db, chain.params, nil)
   269  	require.NoError(t, err)
   270  	if mempool != nil {
   271  		utxoView, err = mempool.GetAugmentedUniversalView()
   272  		require.NoError(t, err)
   273  	}
   275  	balanceNanos, err := utxoView.GetSpendableDeSoBalanceNanosForPublicKey(
   276  		pkBytes, chain.headerTip().Height)
   277  	require.NoError(t, err)
   279  	// DO NOT REMOVE: This is used to test the similarity of UTXOs vs. the pubkey balance index.
   280  	require.Equal(t, balanceForUserNanos, balanceNanos)
   282  	return balanceForUserNanos
   283  }
   285  func _getCreatorCoinInfo(t *testing.T, db *badger.DB, params *DeSoParams, pkStr string,
   286  ) (_desoLocked uint64, _coinsInCirculation uint64) {
   287  	pkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(pkStr)
   288  	require.NoError(t, err)
   290  	utxoView, _ := NewUtxoView(db, params, nil)
   292  	// Profile fields
   293  	creatorProfile := utxoView.GetProfileEntryForPublicKey(pkBytes)
   294  	if creatorProfile == nil {
   295  		return 0, 0
   296  	}
   298  	return creatorProfile.DeSoLockedNanos, creatorProfile.CoinsInCirculationNanos
   299  }
   301  func _getBalanceWithView(t *testing.T, utxoView *UtxoView, pkStr string) uint64 {
   302  	pkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(pkStr)
   303  	require.NoError(t, err)
   305  	utxoEntriesFound, err := utxoView.GetUnspentUtxoEntrysForPublicKey(pkBytes)
   306  	require.NoError(t, err)
   308  	totalBalanceNanos := uint64(0)
   309  	for _, utxoEntry := range utxoEntriesFound {
   310  		totalBalanceNanos += utxoEntry.AmountNanos
   311  	}
   313  	return totalBalanceNanos
   314  }
   316  func TestBasicTransferReorg(t *testing.T) {
   317  	assert := assert.New(t)
   318  	require := require.New(t)
   319  	_ = assert
   320  	_ = require
   322  	chain1, params, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   323  	{
   324  		mempool1, miner1 := NewTestMiner(t, chain1, params, true /*isSender*/)
   326  		// Mine two blocks to give the sender some DeSo.
   327  		_, err := miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   328  		require.NoError(err)
   329  		_, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   330  		require.NoError(err)
   332  		// Have the sender send some DeSo to the recipient and have the
   333  		// recipient send some back. Mine both of these transactions into
   334  		// a block.
   335  		{
   336  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain1, 17, 0,
   337  				senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, mempool1)
   338  			_, err := mempool1.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   339  			require.NoError(err)
   340  		}
   341  		{
   342  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain1, 4, 0,
   343  				recipientPkString, senderPkString, recipientPrivString, mempool1)
   344  			_, err := mempool1.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   345  			require.NoError(err)
   346  		}
   347  		block, err := miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   348  		require.NoError(err)
   349  		// block reward adds one txn.
   350  		require.Equal(3, len(block.Txns))
   351  		require.Equal(uint64(13), _getBalance(t, chain1, mempool1, recipientPkString))
   353  		// Have the sender send a bit more DeSo over and mine that into a
   354  		// block.
   355  		{
   356  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain1, 2, 0,
   357  				senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, mempool1)
   358  			_, err := mempool1.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   359  			require.NoError(err)
   360  		}
   361  		block, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   362  		require.NoError(err)
   363  		// block reward adds one txn.
   364  		require.Equal(2, len(block.Txns))
   365  		require.Equal(uint64(15), _getBalance(t, chain1, mempool1, recipientPkString))
   367  		// A transaction signed by the wrong private key should be rejected.
   368  		{
   369  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain1, 2, 0,
   370  				senderPkString, recipientPkString, recipientPrivString, mempool1)
   371  			_, err := mempool1.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   372  			require.Error(err)
   373  			require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorInvalidTransactionSignature)
   374  		}
   376  		// Have the recipient send some DeSo back and mine that into a block.
   377  		{
   378  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain1, 8, 0,
   379  				recipientPkString, senderPkString, recipientPrivString, mempool1)
   380  			_, err := mempool1.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   381  			require.NoError(err)
   382  		}
   383  		block, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   384  		require.NoError(err)
   385  		// block reward adds one txn.
   386  		require.Equal(2, len(block.Txns))
   388  		// Recipient should have exactly 7 DeSo after all this.
   389  		require.Equal(uint64(7), _getBalance(t, chain1, mempool1, recipientPkString))
   390  	}
   392  	// Create a second test chain so we can mine a fork.
   393  	// Mine enough blocks to create a fork. Throw in a transaction
   394  	// from the sender to the recipient right before the third block
   395  	// just to make things interesting.
   396  	chain2, _, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   397  	forkBlocks := []*MsgDeSoBlock{}
   398  	{
   399  		mempool2, miner2 := NewTestMiner(t, chain2, params, true /*isSender*/)
   401  		// Mine two blocks to give the sender some DeSo.
   402  		block, err := miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   403  		require.NoError(err)
   404  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   405  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   406  		require.NoError(err)
   407  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   409  		// Have the sender send some DeSo to the recipient and have the
   410  		// recipient send some back. Mine both of these transactions into
   411  		// a block.
   412  		{
   413  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain2, 7, 0,
   414  				senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, mempool2)
   415  			_, err := mempool2.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   416  			require.NoError(err)
   417  		}
   418  		{
   419  			txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain2, 2, 0,
   420  				recipientPkString, senderPkString, recipientPrivString, mempool2)
   421  			_, err := mempool2.ProcessTransaction(txn, false /*allowUnconnectedTxn*/, false /*rateLimit*/, 0 /*peerID*/, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   422  			require.NoError(err)
   423  		}
   424  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   425  		require.NoError(err)
   426  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   427  		// block reward adds one txn.
   428  		require.Equal(3, len(block.Txns))
   429  		require.Equal(uint64(5), _getBalance(t, chain2, mempool2, recipientPkString))
   431  		// Mine several more blocks so we can make the fork dominant.
   432  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   433  		require.NoError(err)
   434  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   435  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   436  		require.NoError(err)
   437  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   438  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   439  		require.NoError(err)
   440  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   441  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   442  		require.NoError(err)
   443  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   444  		block, err = miner2.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool2)
   445  		require.NoError(err)
   446  		forkBlocks = append(forkBlocks, block)
   447  	}
   449  	// Process all of the fork blocks on the original chain to make it
   450  	// experience a reorg.
   451  	for _, forkBlock := range forkBlocks {
   452  		_, _, err := chain1.ProcessBlock(forkBlock, true /*verifySignatures*/)
   453  		require.NoError(err)
   454  	}
   456  	// Require that the tip of the first chain is now the same as the last
   457  	// fork block.
   458  	lastForkBlockHash, _ := forkBlocks[len(forkBlocks)-1].Hash()
   459  	require.Equal(*lastForkBlockHash, *chain1.blockTip().Hash)
   461  	// After the reorg, all of the transactions should have been undone
   462  	// expcept the single spend from the sender to the recipient that
   463  	/// occurred in the fork. As such the fork chain's balance should now
   464  	// reflect the updated balance.
   465  	require.Equal(uint64(5), _getBalance(t, chain1, nil, recipientPkString))
   466  }
   468  func TestProcessBlockConnectBlocks(t *testing.T) {
   469  	assert := assert.New(t)
   470  	require := require.New(t)
   471  	_, _ = assert, require
   473  	var blockA1 *MsgDeSoBlock
   474  	{
   475  		chain1, params, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   476  		mempool1, miner1 := NewTestMiner(t, chain1, params, true /*isSender*/)
   477  		_ = mempool1
   479  		// Mine two blocks to give the sender some DeSo.
   480  		var err error
   481  		blockA1, err = miner1.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool1)
   482  		require.NoError(err)
   483  	}
   485  	chain, _, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   486  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockA1, t, chain)
   487  }
   489  func _shouldConnectBlock(blk *MsgDeSoBlock, t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain) {
   490  	require := require.New(t)
   492  	blockHash, _ := blk.Hash()
   494  	verifySignatures := true
   495  	isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessBlock(blk, verifySignatures)
   496  	require.NoError(err)
   497  	require.Falsef(isOrphan, "Block %v should not be an orphan", blockHash)
   498  	require.Truef(isMainChain, "Block %v should be on the main chain", blockHash)
   500  	// The header tip and the block tip should now be equal to this block.
   501  	require.Equal(*blockHash, *chain.headerTip().Hash)
   502  	require.Equal(*blockHash, *chain.blockTip().Hash)
   503  }
   505  func TestSeedBalancesTest(t *testing.T) {
   506  	assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
   507  	_, _ = assert, require
   509  	chain, params, db := NewTestBlockchain()
   510  	for _, seedBalance := range params.SeedBalances {
   511  		require.Equal(int64(482), int64(GetUtxoNumEntries(db)))
   512  		foundUtxos, err := chain.GetSpendableUtxosForPublicKey(seedBalance.PublicKey, nil, nil)
   513  		require.NoError(err)
   514  		require.Equal(int64(1), int64(len(foundUtxos)))
   515  		require.Equal(int64(seedBalance.AmountNanos), int64(foundUtxos[0].AmountNanos))
   516  	}
   517  }
   519  func init() {
   520  	// Set up logging.
   521  	flag.Set("alsologtostderr", "true")
   522  	glog.CopyStandardLogTo("INFO")
   523  }
   525  func TestProcessHeaderskReorgBlocks(t *testing.T) {
   526  	assert := assert.New(t)
   527  	require := require.New(t)
   528  	_, _ = assert, require
   530  	blockA1, blockA2, blockB1, blockB2, blockB3, _, _ := getForkedChain(t)
   532  	chain, _, db := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   534  	{
   535  		// These should connect without issue.
   536  		fmt.Println("Connecting header A1")
   537  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   538  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   539  		headerHash, err := blockA1.Header.Hash()
   540  		require.NoError(err)
   541  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessHeader(blockA1.Header, headerHash)
   542  		require.NoError(err)
   543  		require.True(isMainChain)
   544  		require.False(isOrphan)
   545  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   546  		currentHash, err := blockA1.Hash()
   547  		require.NoError(err)
   548  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   549  	}
   550  	{
   551  		// These should connect without issue.
   552  		fmt.Println("Connecting header A2")
   553  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   554  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   555  		headerHash, err := blockA2.Header.Hash()
   556  		require.NoError(err)
   557  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessHeader(blockA2.Header, headerHash)
   558  		require.NoError(err)
   559  		require.True(isMainChain)
   560  		require.False(isOrphan)
   561  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   562  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   563  		require.NoError(err)
   564  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   565  	}
   566  	{
   567  		// These should connect without issue.
   568  		fmt.Println("Connecting header B1")
   569  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   570  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   571  		headerHash, err := blockB1.Header.Hash()
   572  		require.NoError(err)
   573  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessHeader(blockB1.Header, headerHash)
   574  		require.NoError(err)
   575  		// Should not be main chain yet
   576  		require.False(isMainChain)
   577  		require.False(isOrphan)
   578  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   579  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   580  		require.NoError(err)
   581  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   582  	}
   583  	{
   584  		// These should connect without issue.
   585  		fmt.Println("Connecting header B2")
   586  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   587  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   588  		headerHash, err := blockB2.Header.Hash()
   589  		require.NoError(err)
   590  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessHeader(blockB2.Header, headerHash)
   591  		require.NoError(err)
   592  		// Should not be main chain yet
   593  		require.False(isMainChain)
   594  		require.False(isOrphan)
   595  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   596  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   597  		require.NoError(err)
   598  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   599  	}
   600  	{
   601  		// These should connect without issue.
   602  		fmt.Println("Connecting header B3")
   603  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   604  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   605  		headerHash, err := blockB3.Header.Hash()
   606  		require.NoError(err)
   607  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessHeader(blockB3.Header, headerHash)
   608  		require.NoError(err)
   609  		// Should not be main chain yet
   610  		require.True(isMainChain)
   611  		require.False(isOrphan)
   612  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   613  		currentHash, err := blockB3.Hash()
   614  		require.NoError(err)
   615  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   616  	}
   617  }
   619  func TestProcessBlockReorgBlocks(t *testing.T) {
   620  	assert := assert.New(t)
   621  	require := require.New(t)
   622  	_, _ = assert, require
   624  	blockA1, blockA2, blockB1, blockB2, blockB3, _, _ := getForkedChain(t)
   626  	chain, _, db := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   628  	{
   629  		// These should connect without issue.
   630  		fmt.Println("Connecting block a1")
   631  		// We should start with one UTXO since there's a founder reward.
   632  		require.Equal(uint64(1), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   633  		_shouldConnectBlock(blockA1, t, chain)
   635  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   636  		currentHash, err := blockA1.Hash()
   637  		require.NoError(err)
   638  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   639  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.blockTip().Hash))
   640  	}
   642  	{
   643  		fmt.Println("Connecting block a2")
   644  		require.Equal(uint64(2), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   645  		_shouldConnectBlock(blockA2, t, chain)
   647  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   648  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   649  		require.NoError(err)
   650  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   651  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.blockTip().Hash))
   652  	}
   654  	verifySignatures := true
   655  	{
   656  		// These should not be on the main chain.
   657  		// Block b1
   658  		fmt.Println("Connecting block b1")
   659  		require.Equal(uint64(3), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   660  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessBlock(blockB1, verifySignatures)
   661  		require.NoError(err)
   662  		require.Falsef(isOrphan, "Block b1 should not be an orphan")
   663  		require.Falsef(isMainChain, "Block b1 should not be on the main chain")
   665  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   666  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   667  		require.NoError(err)
   668  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   669  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.blockTip().Hash))
   670  	}
   672  	{
   673  		// Block b2
   674  		fmt.Println("Connecting block b2")
   675  		require.Equal(uint64(3), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   676  		isMainChain, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessBlock(blockB2, verifySignatures)
   677  		require.NoError(err)
   678  		require.Falsef(isOrphan, "Block b2 should not be an orphan")
   679  		require.Falsef(isMainChain, "Block b2 should not be on the main chain")
   681  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   682  		currentHash, err := blockA2.Hash()
   683  		require.NoError(err)
   684  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   685  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.blockTip().Hash))
   686  	}
   688  	{
   689  		// This should cause the fork to take over, changing the main chain.
   690  		fmt.Println("Connecting block b3")
   691  		require.Equal(uint64(3), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   692  		_shouldConnectBlock(blockB3, t, chain)
   693  		fmt.Println("b3 is connected")
   694  		require.Equal(uint64(4), GetUtxoNumEntries(db))
   696  		// Make sure the tip lines up.
   697  		currentHash, err := blockB3.Hash()
   698  		require.NoError(err)
   699  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.headerTip().Hash))
   700  		require.Equal(*currentHash, *(chain.blockTip().Hash))
   701  	}
   702  }
   704  func _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t *testing.T, amountNanos uint64) *MsgDeSoTxn {
   705  	require := require.New(t)
   707  	// manual_entropy_hex=0
   708  	senderPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(senderPkString)
   709  	require.NoError(err)
   711  	// manual_entropy_hex=1
   712  	recipientPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(recipientPkString)
   713  	require.NoError(err)
   715  	// Assemble the transaction so that inputs can be found and fees can
   716  	// be computed.
   717  	txnOutputs := []*DeSoOutput{}
   718  	txnOutputs = append(txnOutputs, &DeSoOutput{
   719  		PublicKey:   recipientPkBytes,
   720  		AmountNanos: amountNanos,
   721  	})
   722  	txn := &MsgDeSoTxn{
   723  		// The inputs will be set below.
   724  		TxInputs:  []*DeSoInput{},
   725  		TxOutputs: txnOutputs,
   726  		PublicKey: senderPkBytes,
   727  		TxnMeta:   &BasicTransferMetadata{},
   728  		// We wait to compute the signature until we've added all the
   729  		// inputs and change.
   730  	}
   732  	return txn
   733  }
   735  func _signTxn(t *testing.T, txn *MsgDeSoTxn, privKeyStrArg string) {
   736  	require := require.New(t)
   738  	privKeyBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(privKeyStrArg)
   739  	require.NoError(err)
   740  	privKey, _ := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), privKeyBytes)
   741  	txnSignature, err := txn.Sign(privKey)
   742  	require.NoError(err)
   743  	txn.Signature = txnSignature
   744  }
   746  // Signs the transaction with a derived key. Transaction ExtraData contains the derived
   747  // public key, so that _verifySignature() knows transaction wasn't signed by the owner.
   748  func _signTxnWithDerivedKey(t *testing.T, txn *MsgDeSoTxn, privKeyStrArg string) {
   749  	require := require.New(t)
   751  	privKeyBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(privKeyStrArg)
   752  	require.NoError(err)
   753  	privateKey, publicKey := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), privKeyBytes)
   754  	if txn.ExtraData == nil {
   755  		txn.ExtraData = make(map[string][]byte)
   756  	}
   757  	txn.ExtraData[DerivedPublicKey] = publicKey.SerializeCompressed()
   758  	txnSignature, err := txn.Sign(privateKey)
   759  	require.NoError(err)
   761  	txn.Signature = txnSignature
   762  }
   764  func _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain,
   765  	amountNanos uint64, feeRateNanosPerKB uint64, senderPkStrArg string,
   766  	recipientPkStrArg string, privKeyStrArg string,
   767  	mempool *DeSoMempool) *MsgDeSoTxn {
   769  	require := require.New(t)
   771  	// go run transaction_util.go --operation_type=generate_keys --manual_entropy_hex=0
   772  	senderPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(senderPkStrArg)
   773  	require.NoError(err)
   775  	// go run transaction_util.go --operation_type=generate_keys --manual_entropy_hex=1
   776  	recipientPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(recipientPkStrArg)
   777  	require.NoError(err)
   779  	// Assemble the transaction so that inputs can be found and fees can
   780  	// be computed.
   781  	txnOutputs := []*DeSoOutput{}
   782  	txnOutputs = append(txnOutputs, &DeSoOutput{
   783  		PublicKey:   recipientPkBytes,
   784  		AmountNanos: amountNanos,
   785  	})
   786  	txn := &MsgDeSoTxn{
   787  		// The inputs will be set below.
   788  		TxInputs:  []*DeSoInput{},
   789  		TxOutputs: txnOutputs,
   790  		PublicKey: senderPkBytes,
   791  		TxnMeta:   &BasicTransferMetadata{},
   792  		// We wait to compute the signature until we've added all the
   793  		// inputs and change.
   794  	}
   796  	totalInputAdded, spendAmount, totalChangeAdded, fee, err :=
   797  		chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, mempool)
   798  	require.NoError(err)
   799  	require.Equal(totalInputAdded, spendAmount+totalChangeAdded+fee)
   801  	_signTxn(t, txn, privKeyStrArg)
   803  	return txn
   804  }
   806  func TestAddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(t *testing.T) {
   807  	assert := assert.New(t)
   808  	require := require.New(t)
   809  	_ = assert
   810  	_ = require
   812  	chain, _, db := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   813  	_ = db
   815  	_, _, blockB1, blockB2, blockB3, _, _ := getForkedChain(t)
   817  	// Spending nothing should be OK. It shouldn't add anything to the transaction.
   818  	{
   819  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, 0)
   820  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   822  		totalInputAdded, spendAmount, totalChangeAdded, fee, err :=
   823  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   824  		require.NoError(err)
   825  		require.Equal(0, len(txn.TxInputs))
   826  		require.Equal(1, len(txn.TxOutputs))
   827  		require.Equal(totalInputAdded, uint64(0))
   828  		require.Equal(spendAmount, uint64(0))
   829  		require.Equal(totalChangeAdded, uint64(0))
   830  		require.Equal(fee, uint64(0))
   831  	}
   833  	// Spending a nonzero amount should fail before we have mined a block
   834  	// reward for ourselves.
   835  	{
   836  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, 1)
   837  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   839  		_, _, _, _, err :=
   840  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   841  		require.Error(err)
   842  	}
   844  	// Nonzero/high fee should also cause an error if we have no money.
   845  	{
   846  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, 0)
   847  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(1000)
   849  		_, _, _, _, err :=
   850  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   851  		require.Error(err)
   852  	}
   854  	// Save the block reward in the first block to use it for testing.
   855  	firstBlockReward := CalcBlockRewardNanos(1)
   857  	// Connect a block. The sender address should have mined some DeSo but
   858  	// it should be unspendable until the block after this one. See
   859  	// BlockRewardMaturity.
   860  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockB1, t, chain)
   862  	// Verify that spending a nonzero amount fails after the first block.
   863  	{
   864  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, 1)
   865  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   867  		_, _, _, _, err :=
   868  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   869  		require.Error(err)
   870  	}
   872  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockB2, t, chain)
   874  	// Verify that spending a nonzero amount passes after the second block
   875  	// since at this point it is presumed the transaction will be mined
   876  	// into the third block at which point the block reward shouild be
   877  	// mature.
   879  	// Verify a moderate spend with a moderate feerate works.
   880  	{
   881  		testSpend := firstBlockReward / 2
   882  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, testSpend)
   883  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(testSpend)
   885  		totalInputAdded, spendAmount, totalChangeAdded, fee, err :=
   886  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   887  		require.NoError(err)
   888  		require.Equal(1, len(txn.TxInputs))
   889  		require.Equal(2, len(txn.TxOutputs))
   890  		require.Equal(spendAmount, uint64(testSpend))
   891  		require.Greater(fee, uint64(0))
   892  		require.Equal(uint64(firstBlockReward), totalInputAdded)
   893  		require.Equal(totalInputAdded, spendAmount+totalChangeAdded+fee)
   894  	}
   896  	// Verify spending more than a block reward fails.
   897  	{
   898  		testSpend := firstBlockReward + 1
   899  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, testSpend)
   900  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   902  		_, _, _, _, err :=
   903  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   904  		require.Error(err)
   905  	}
   907  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockB3, t, chain)
   909  	// Verify spending more than the first block reward passes after the
   910  	// next block.
   911  	{
   912  		testSpend := firstBlockReward + 1
   913  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnNoInputs(t, testSpend)
   914  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   916  		_, _, _, _, err :=
   917  			chain.AddInputsAndChangeToTransaction(txn, feeRateNanosPerKB, nil)
   918  		require.NoError(err)
   919  	}
   920  }
   922  func TestValidateBasicTransfer(t *testing.T) {
   923  	assert := assert.New(t)
   924  	require := require.New(t)
   925  	_ = assert
   926  	_ = require
   928  	chain, _, db := NewLowDifficultyBlockchain()
   929  	_ = db
   931  	_, _, blockB1, blockB2, _, _, _ := getForkedChain(t)
   933  	// Save the block reward in the first block to use it for testing.
   934  	firstBlockReward := CalcBlockRewardNanos(1)
   936  	// Connect a block. The sender address should have mined some DeSo but
   937  	// it should be unspendable until the block after this one. See
   938  	// BlockRewardMaturity.
   939  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockB1, t, chain)
   940  	_shouldConnectBlock(blockB2, t, chain)
   942  	// Verify that a transaction spending a nonzero amount passes validation
   943  	// after the second block due to the block reward having matured.
   944  	{
   945  		spendAmount := firstBlockReward / 2
   946  		feeRateNanosPerKB := firstBlockReward
   947  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain, spendAmount, feeRateNanosPerKB,
   948  			senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, nil)
   949  		err := chain.ValidateTransaction(txn, chain.blockTip().Height+1,
   950  			true /*verifySignatures*/, nil)
   951  		require.NoError(err)
   952  	}
   954  	// Verify that a transaction spending more than its input is shot down.
   955  	{
   956  		spendAmount := firstBlockReward / 2
   957  		feeRateNanosPerKB := firstBlockReward
   958  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain, spendAmount, feeRateNanosPerKB,
   959  			senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, nil)
   960  		{
   961  			senderPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(senderPkString)
   962  			require.NoError(err)
   963  			txn.TxOutputs = append(txn.TxOutputs, &DeSoOutput{
   964  				PublicKey: senderPkBytes,
   965  				// Guaranteed to be more than we're allowed to spend.
   966  				AmountNanos: firstBlockReward,
   967  			})
   968  			// Re-sign the transaction.
   969  			_signTxn(t, txn, senderPrivString)
   970  		}
   972  		err := chain.ValidateTransaction(txn, chain.blockTip().Height+1, true, nil)
   973  		require.Error(err)
   974  		require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorTxnOutputExceedsInput)
   975  	}
   977  	// Verify that a transaction spending an immature block reward is shot down.
   978  	{
   979  		spendAmount := firstBlockReward
   980  		feeRateNanosPerKB := uint64(0)
   981  		txn := _assembleBasicTransferTxnFullySigned(t, chain, spendAmount, feeRateNanosPerKB,
   982  			senderPkString, recipientPkString, senderPrivString, nil)
   983  		// Try and spend the block reward from block B2, which should not have matured
   984  		// yet.
   985  		b2RewardHash := blockB2.Txns[0].Hash()
   986  		require.NotNil(b2RewardHash)
   987  		txn.TxInputs = append(txn.TxInputs, &DeSoInput{
   988  			TxID:  *b2RewardHash,
   989  			Index: 0,
   990  		})
   991  		// Re-sign the transaction.
   992  		_signTxn(t, txn, senderPrivString)
   993  		err := chain.ValidateTransaction(txn, chain.blockTip().Height+1, true, nil)
   994  		require.Error(err)
   995  		require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorInputSpendsImmatureBlockReward)
   996  	}
   997  }
   999  func TestComputeMerkle(t *testing.T) {
  1000  	//assert := assert.New(t)
  1001  	//require := require.New(t)
  1002  	//_ = assert
  1003  	//_ = require
  1005  	//blk := _copyBlock(expectedBlock)
  1006  	//merkleRoot1, _, err := ComputeMerkleRoot(blk.Txns)
  1007  	//require.NoError(err)
  1009  	//blk.Header.Nonce[0] = 0x00
  1010  	//merkleRoot2, _, err := ComputeMerkleRoot(blk.Txns)
  1011  	//require.NoError(err)
  1012  	//assert.Equal(merkleRoot1, merkleRoot2)
  1014  	//oldSigVal := blk.Txns[1].Signature[5]
  1015  	//blk.Txns[1].Signature[5] = 0x00
  1016  	//merkleRoot3, _, err := ComputeMerkleRoot(blk.Txns)
  1017  	//require.NoError(err)
  1018  	//assert.NotEqual(merkleRoot1, merkleRoot3)
  1020  	//blk.Txns[1].Signature[5] = oldSigVal
  1021  	//merkleRoot4, _, err := ComputeMerkleRoot(blk.Txns)
  1022  	//require.NoError(err)
  1023  	//assert.Equal(merkleRoot1, merkleRoot4)
  1024  }
  1026  func TestCalcNextDifficultyTargetHalvingDoublingHitLimit(t *testing.T) {
  1027  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1028  	require := require.New(t)
  1029  	_ = assert
  1030  	_ = require
  1032  	fakeParams := &DeSoParams{
  1033  		MinDifficultyTargetHex:         hex.EncodeToString(BigintToHash(big.NewInt(100000))[:]),
  1034  		TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets: 6 * time.Second,
  1035  		TimeBetweenBlocks:              2 * time.Second,
  1036  		MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor:    2,
  1037  	}
  1039  	nodes := []*BlockNode{}
  1040  	diffsAsInts := []int64{}
  1041  	for ii := 0; ii < 13; ii++ {
  1042  		var lastNode *BlockNode
  1043  		if ii > 0 {
  1044  			lastNode = nodes[ii-1]
  1045  		}
  1046  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1047  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1048  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1049  			lastNode,
  1050  			nil,
  1051  			uint32(ii),
  1052  			nextDiff,
  1053  			nil,
  1054  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1055  				// Blocks generating every 1 second, which is 2x too fast.
  1056  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii),
  1057  			},
  1058  			StatusNone,
  1059  		))
  1061  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1062  	}
  1064  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1065  		100000,
  1066  		100000,
  1067  		100000,
  1068  		100000,
  1069  		100000,
  1070  		100000,
  1071  		100000,
  1072  		50000,
  1073  		50000,
  1074  		50000,
  1075  		25000,
  1076  		25000,
  1077  		25000,
  1078  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1080  	diffsAsInts = []int64{}
  1081  	for ii := 13; ii < 30; ii++ {
  1082  		lastNode := nodes[ii-1]
  1083  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1084  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1085  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1086  			lastNode,
  1087  			nil,
  1088  			uint32(ii),
  1089  			nextDiff,
  1090  			nil,
  1091  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1092  				// Blocks generating every 4 second, which is 2x too slow.
  1093  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii * 4),
  1094  			},
  1095  			StatusNone,
  1096  		))
  1098  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1099  	}
  1101  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1102  		12500,
  1103  		12500,
  1104  		12500,
  1105  		25000,
  1106  		25000,
  1107  		25000,
  1108  		50000,
  1109  		50000,
  1110  		50000,
  1111  		100000,
  1112  		100000,
  1113  		100000,
  1114  		100000,
  1115  		100000,
  1116  		100000,
  1117  		100000,
  1118  		100000,
  1119  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1120  }
  1122  func TestCalcNextDifficultyTargetHittingLimitsSlow(t *testing.T) {
  1123  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1124  	require := require.New(t)
  1125  	_ = assert
  1126  	_ = require
  1128  	fakeParams := &DeSoParams{
  1129  		MinDifficultyTargetHex:         hex.EncodeToString(BigintToHash(big.NewInt(100000))[:]),
  1130  		TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets: 6 * time.Second,
  1131  		TimeBetweenBlocks:              2 * time.Second,
  1132  		MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor:    2,
  1133  	}
  1135  	nodes := []*BlockNode{}
  1136  	diffsAsInts := []int64{}
  1137  	for ii := 0; ii < 13; ii++ {
  1138  		var lastNode *BlockNode
  1139  		if ii > 0 {
  1140  			lastNode = nodes[ii-1]
  1141  		}
  1142  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1143  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1144  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1145  			lastNode,
  1146  			nil,
  1147  			uint32(ii),
  1148  			nextDiff,
  1149  			nil,
  1150  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1151  				// Blocks generating every 1 second, which is 2x too fast.
  1152  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii),
  1153  			},
  1154  			StatusNone,
  1155  		))
  1157  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1158  	}
  1160  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1161  		100000,
  1162  		100000,
  1163  		100000,
  1164  		100000,
  1165  		100000,
  1166  		100000,
  1167  		100000,
  1168  		50000,
  1169  		50000,
  1170  		50000,
  1171  		25000,
  1172  		25000,
  1173  		25000,
  1174  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1176  	diffsAsInts = []int64{}
  1177  	for ii := 13; ii < 30; ii++ {
  1178  		lastNode := nodes[ii-1]
  1179  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1180  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1181  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1182  			lastNode,
  1183  			nil,
  1184  			uint32(ii),
  1185  			nextDiff,
  1186  			nil,
  1187  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1188  				// Blocks generating every 8 second, which is >2x too slow.
  1189  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii * 4),
  1190  			},
  1191  			StatusNone,
  1192  		))
  1194  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1195  	}
  1197  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1198  		12500,
  1199  		12500,
  1200  		12500,
  1201  		25000,
  1202  		25000,
  1203  		25000,
  1204  		50000,
  1205  		50000,
  1206  		50000,
  1207  		100000,
  1208  		100000,
  1209  		100000,
  1210  		100000,
  1211  		100000,
  1212  		100000,
  1213  		100000,
  1214  		100000,
  1215  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1216  }
  1218  func TestCalcNextDifficultyTargetHittingLimitsFast(t *testing.T) {
  1219  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1220  	require := require.New(t)
  1221  	_ = assert
  1222  	_ = require
  1224  	fakeParams := &DeSoParams{
  1225  		MinDifficultyTargetHex:         hex.EncodeToString(BigintToHash(big.NewInt(100000))[:]),
  1226  		TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets: 6 * time.Second,
  1227  		TimeBetweenBlocks:              2 * time.Second,
  1228  		MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor:    2,
  1229  	}
  1231  	nodes := []*BlockNode{}
  1232  	diffsAsInts := []int64{}
  1233  	for ii := 0; ii < 13; ii++ {
  1234  		var lastNode *BlockNode
  1235  		if ii > 0 {
  1236  			lastNode = nodes[ii-1]
  1237  		}
  1238  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1239  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1240  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1241  			lastNode,
  1242  			nil,
  1243  			uint32(ii),
  1244  			nextDiff,
  1245  			nil,
  1246  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1247  				// Blocks generating all at once.
  1248  				TstampSecs: uint64(0),
  1249  			},
  1250  			StatusNone,
  1251  		))
  1253  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1254  	}
  1256  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1257  		100000,
  1258  		100000,
  1259  		100000,
  1260  		100000,
  1261  		100000,
  1262  		100000,
  1263  		100000,
  1264  		50000,
  1265  		50000,
  1266  		50000,
  1267  		25000,
  1268  		25000,
  1269  		25000,
  1270  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1271  }
  1273  func TestCalcNextDifficultyTargetJustRight(t *testing.T) {
  1274  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1275  	require := require.New(t)
  1276  	_ = assert
  1277  	_ = require
  1279  	fakeParams := &DeSoParams{
  1280  		MinDifficultyTargetHex:         hex.EncodeToString(BigintToHash(big.NewInt(100000))[:]),
  1281  		TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets: 6 * time.Second,
  1282  		TimeBetweenBlocks:              2 * time.Second,
  1283  		MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor:    3,
  1284  	}
  1286  	nodes := []*BlockNode{}
  1287  	diffsAsInts := []int64{}
  1288  	for ii := 0; ii < 13; ii++ {
  1289  		var lastNode *BlockNode
  1290  		if ii > 0 {
  1291  			lastNode = nodes[ii-1]
  1292  		}
  1293  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1294  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1295  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1296  			lastNode,
  1297  			nil,
  1298  			uint32(ii),
  1299  			nextDiff,
  1300  			nil,
  1301  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1302  				// Blocks generating every 2 second, which is under the limit.
  1303  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii * 2),
  1304  			},
  1305  			StatusNone,
  1306  		))
  1308  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1309  	}
  1311  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1312  		100000,
  1313  		100000,
  1314  		100000,
  1315  		100000,
  1316  		100000,
  1317  		100000,
  1318  		100000,
  1319  		100000,
  1320  		100000,
  1321  		100000,
  1322  		100000,
  1323  		100000,
  1324  		100000,
  1325  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1326  }
  1328  func TestCalcNextDifficultyTargetSlightlyOff(t *testing.T) {
  1329  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1330  	require := require.New(t)
  1331  	_ = assert
  1332  	_ = require
  1334  	fakeParams := &DeSoParams{
  1335  		MinDifficultyTargetHex:         hex.EncodeToString(BigintToHash(big.NewInt(100000))[:]),
  1336  		TimeBetweenDifficultyRetargets: 6 * time.Second,
  1337  		TimeBetweenBlocks:              2 * time.Second,
  1338  		MaxDifficultyRetargetFactor:    2,
  1339  	}
  1341  	nodes := []*BlockNode{}
  1342  	diffsAsInts := []int64{}
  1343  	for ii := 0; ii < 13; ii++ {
  1344  		var lastNode *BlockNode
  1345  		if ii > 0 {
  1346  			lastNode = nodes[ii-1]
  1347  		}
  1348  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1349  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1350  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1351  			lastNode,
  1352  			nil,
  1353  			uint32(ii),
  1354  			nextDiff,
  1355  			nil,
  1356  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1357  				// Blocks generating every 1 second, which is 2x too fast.
  1358  				TstampSecs: uint64(ii),
  1359  			},
  1360  			StatusNone,
  1361  		))
  1363  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1364  	}
  1366  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1367  		100000,
  1368  		100000,
  1369  		100000,
  1370  		100000,
  1371  		100000,
  1372  		100000,
  1373  		100000,
  1374  		50000,
  1375  		50000,
  1376  		50000,
  1377  		25000,
  1378  		25000,
  1379  		25000,
  1380  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1382  	diffsAsInts = []int64{}
  1383  	for ii := 13; ii < 34; ii++ {
  1384  		lastNode := nodes[ii-1]
  1385  		nextDiff, err := CalcNextDifficultyTarget(lastNode, HeaderVersion0, fakeParams)
  1386  		require.NoErrorf(err, "Block index: %d", ii)
  1387  		nodes = append(nodes, NewBlockNode(
  1388  			lastNode,
  1389  			nil,
  1390  			uint32(ii),
  1391  			nextDiff,
  1392  			nil,
  1393  			&MsgDeSoHeader{
  1394  				// Blocks generating every 3 seconds, which is slow but under the limit.
  1395  				TstampSecs: uint64(float32(ii) * 3),
  1396  			},
  1397  			StatusNone,
  1398  		))
  1400  		diffsAsInts = append(diffsAsInts, HashToBigint(nextDiff).Int64())
  1401  	}
  1403  	assert.Equal([]int64{
  1404  		12500,
  1405  		12500,
  1406  		12500,
  1407  		25000,
  1408  		25000,
  1409  		25000,
  1410  		37500,
  1411  		37500,
  1412  		37500,
  1413  		56250,
  1414  		56250,
  1415  		56250,
  1416  		84375,
  1417  		84375,
  1418  		84375,
  1419  		100000,
  1420  		100000,
  1421  		100000,
  1422  		100000,
  1423  		100000,
  1424  		100000,
  1425  	}, diffsAsInts)
  1426  }
  1428  func _testMerkleRoot(t *testing.T, shouldFail bool, blk *MsgDeSoBlock) {
  1429  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1430  	require := require.New(t)
  1431  	_, _ = assert, require
  1433  	computedMerkle, _, err := ComputeMerkleRoot(blk.Txns)
  1434  	require.NoError(err)
  1435  	if shouldFail {
  1436  		require.NotEqual(blk.Header.TransactionMerkleRoot, computedMerkle)
  1437  	} else {
  1438  		require.Equal(blk.Header.TransactionMerkleRoot, computedMerkle)
  1439  	}
  1440  }
  1442  func TestBadMerkleRoot(t *testing.T) {
  1443  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1444  	require := require.New(t)
  1445  	_, _ = assert, require
  1447  	// Grab some block hex by running miner.go at v=2 and use test_scratch.go
  1448  	// to perturb the merkle root to mess it up.
  1449  	blockA1, _, _, _, _, _, _ := getForkedChain(t)
  1450  	_testMerkleRoot(t, false /*shouldFail*/, blockA1)
  1451  	blockA1.Header.TransactionMerkleRoot = &BlockHash{}
  1452  	_testMerkleRoot(t, true /*shouldFail*/, blockA1)
  1453  }
  1455  func TestBadBlockSignature(t *testing.T) {
  1456  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1457  	require := require.New(t)
  1458  	_, _ = assert, require
  1460  	chain, params, db := NewLowDifficultyBlockchainWithParams(&DeSoTestnetParams)
  1462  	// Change the trusted public keys expected by the blockchain.
  1463  	chain.trustedBlockProducerPublicKeys = make(map[PkMapKey]bool)
  1464  	senderPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(senderPkString)
  1465  	require.NoError(err)
  1466  	chain.trustedBlockProducerPublicKeys[MakePkMapKey(senderPkBytes)] = true
  1468  	// The "blockSignerPk" does not match "senderPk" so processing the block will fail.
  1469  	mempool, miner := NewTestMiner(t, chain, params, true /*isSender*/)
  1470  	finalBlock1, err := miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1471  	require.Error(err)
  1472  	require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorBlockProducerPublicKeyNotInWhitelist)
  1474  	// Since MineAndProcesssSingleBlock returns a valid block above, we can play with its
  1475  	// signature and re-process the block to see what happens.
  1476  	blockProducerInfoCopy := &BlockProducerInfo{Signature: &btcec.Signature{}}
  1477  	blockProducerInfoCopy.PublicKey = append([]byte{}, finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo.PublicKey...)
  1478  	*blockProducerInfoCopy.Signature = *finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo.Signature
  1480  	// A bad signature with the right public key should fail.
  1481  	finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo.PublicKey = senderPkBytes
  1482  	_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(finalBlock1, true)
  1483  	require.Error(err)
  1484  	require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorInvalidBlockProducerSIgnature)
  1486  	// A signature that's outright missing should fail
  1487  	blockSignerPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(blockSignerPk)
  1488  	require.NoError(err)
  1489  	finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo.PublicKey = blockSignerPkBytes
  1490  	finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo.Signature = nil
  1491  	_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(finalBlock1, true)
  1492  	require.Error(err)
  1493  	require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorMissingBlockProducerSignature)
  1495  	// If all the BlockProducerInfo is missing, things should fail
  1496  	finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo = nil
  1497  	_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(finalBlock1, true)
  1498  	require.Error(err)
  1499  	require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorMissingBlockProducerSignature)
  1501  	// Now let's add blockSignerPK to the map of trusted keys and confirm that the block processes.
  1502  	chain.trustedBlockProducerPublicKeys[MakePkMapKey(blockSignerPkBytes)] = true
  1503  	finalBlock1.BlockProducerInfo = blockProducerInfoCopy
  1504  	_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(finalBlock1, true)
  1505  	require.NoError(err)
  1507  	_, _ = finalBlock1, db
  1508  }
  1510  func TestForbiddenBlockSignaturePubKey(t *testing.T) {
  1511  	assert := assert.New(t)
  1512  	require := require.New(t)
  1513  	_, _ = assert, require
  1515  	chain, params, _ := NewLowDifficultyBlockchainWithParams(&DeSoTestnetParams)
  1516  	mempool, miner := NewTestMiner(t, chain, params, true /*isSender*/)
  1518  	// Make the senderPk a paramUpdater for this test
  1519  	senderPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(senderPkString)
  1520  	params.ParamUpdaterPublicKeys[MakePkMapKey(senderPkBytes)] = true
  1522  	// Mine a few blocks to give the senderPkString some money.
  1523  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1524  	require.NoError(err)
  1525  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1526  	require.NoError(err)
  1527  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1528  	require.NoError(err)
  1529  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1530  	require.NoError(err)
  1532  	// Ban the block signer public key.
  1533  	blockSignerPkBytes, _, err := Base58CheckDecode(blockSignerPk)
  1534  	require.NoError(err)
  1535  	txn, _, _, _, err := chain.CreateUpdateGlobalParamsTxn(
  1536  		senderPkBytes, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, blockSignerPkBytes, 100 /*feeRateNanosPerKB*/, nil, []*DeSoOutput{})
  1537  	require.NoError(err)
  1539  	// Mine a few blocks to give the senderPkString some money.
  1540  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1541  	require.NoError(err)
  1543  	// Sign the transaction now that its inputs are set up.
  1544  	_signTxn(t, txn, senderPrivString)
  1546  	// Process the signed transaction.
  1547  	txDescsAdded, err := mempool.processTransaction(
  1548  		txn, true /*allowOrphan*/, true /*rateLimit*/, 0, /*peerID*/
  1549  		true /*verifySignatures*/)
  1550  	require.NoError(err)
  1551  	require.Equal(1, len(txDescsAdded))
  1553  	// Make sure that the forbidden pub key made it into the mempool properly.
  1554  	_, entryExists := mempool.universalUtxoView.ForbiddenPubKeyToForbiddenPubKeyEntry[MakePkMapKey(blockSignerPkBytes)]
  1555  	require.True(entryExists)
  1557  	// Mine the transaction.
  1558  	forbiddenPubKeyBlock, err := miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1559  	require.NoError(err)
  1560  	require.Equal(2, len(forbiddenPubKeyBlock.Txns))
  1562  	// Now mining a block should fail now that the block signer pub key is forbidden.
  1563  	_, err = miner.MineAndProcessSingleBlock(0 /*threadIndex*/, mempool)
  1564  	require.Error(err)
  1565  	require.Contains(err.Error(), RuleErrorForbiddenBlockProducerPublicKey)
  1566  }