
     1  package commands
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"io"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"sort"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	awsScanner ""
    18  	awscommands ""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	k8scommands ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	xstrings ""
    31  )
    33  const (
    34  	usageTemplate = `Usage:{{if .Runnable}}
    35    {{.UseLine}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
    36    {{.CommandPath}} [command]{{end}}{{if gt (len .Aliases) 0}}
    38  Aliases:
    39    {{.NameAndAliases}}{{end}}{{if .HasExample}}
    41  Examples:
    42  {{.Example}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
    44  Available Commands:{{range .Commands}}{{if (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help"))}}
    45    {{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableLocalFlags}}
    47  %s
    49  Global Flags:
    50  {{.InheritedFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasHelpSubCommands}}
    52  Additional help topics:{{range .Commands}}{{if .IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand}}
    53    {{rpad .CommandPath .CommandPathPadding}} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
    55  Use "{{.CommandPath}} [command] --help" for more information about a command.{{end}}
    56  `
    58  	groupScanning   = "scanning"
    59  	groupManagement = "management"
    60  	groupUtility    = "utility"
    61  	groupPlugin     = "plugin"
    62  )
    64  // NewApp is the factory method to return Trivy CLI
    65  func NewApp() *cobra.Command {
    66  	globalFlags := flag.NewGlobalFlagGroup()
    67  	rootCmd := NewRootCommand(globalFlags)
    68  	rootCmd.AddGroup(
    69  		&cobra.Group{
    70  			ID:    groupScanning,
    71  			Title: "Scanning Commands",
    72  		},
    73  		&cobra.Group{
    74  			ID:    groupManagement,
    75  			Title: "Management Commands",
    76  		},
    77  		&cobra.Group{
    78  			ID:    groupUtility,
    79  			Title: "Utility Commands",
    80  		},
    81  	)
    82  	rootCmd.SetCompletionCommandGroupID(groupUtility)
    83  	rootCmd.SetHelpCommandGroupID(groupUtility)
    84  	rootCmd.AddCommand(
    85  		NewImageCommand(globalFlags),
    86  		NewFilesystemCommand(globalFlags),
    87  		NewRootfsCommand(globalFlags),
    88  		NewRepositoryCommand(globalFlags),
    89  		NewClientCommand(globalFlags),
    90  		NewServerCommand(globalFlags),
    91  		NewConfigCommand(globalFlags),
    92  		NewConvertCommand(globalFlags),
    93  		NewPluginCommand(),
    94  		NewModuleCommand(globalFlags),
    95  		NewKubernetesCommand(globalFlags),
    96  		NewSBOMCommand(globalFlags),
    97  		NewVersionCommand(globalFlags),
    98  		NewAWSCommand(globalFlags),
    99  		NewVMCommand(globalFlags),
   100  	)
   102  	if plugins := loadPluginCommands(); len(plugins) > 0 {
   103  		rootCmd.AddGroup(&cobra.Group{
   104  			ID:    groupPlugin,
   105  			Title: "Plugin Commands",
   106  		})
   107  		rootCmd.AddCommand(plugins...)
   108  	}
   110  	return rootCmd
   111  }
   113  func loadPluginCommands() []*cobra.Command {
   114  	var commands []*cobra.Command
   115  	plugins, err := plugin.LoadAll()
   116  	if err != nil {
   117  		log.Logger.Debugf("no plugins were loaded")
   118  		return nil
   119  	}
   120  	for _, p := range plugins {
   121  		p := p
   122  		cmd := &cobra.Command{
   123  			Use:     fmt.Sprintf("%s [flags]", p.Name),
   124  			Short:   p.Usage,
   125  			GroupID: groupPlugin,
   126  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   127  				if err = p.Run(cmd.Context(), args); err != nil {
   128  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin error: %w", err)
   129  				}
   130  				return nil
   131  			},
   132  			DisableFlagParsing: true,
   133  		}
   134  		commands = append(commands, cmd)
   135  	}
   136  	return commands
   137  }
   139  func initConfig(configFile string) error {
   140  	// Read from config
   141  	viper.SetConfigFile(configFile)
   142  	viper.SetConfigType("yaml")
   143  	if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
   144  		if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
   145  			log.Logger.Debugf("config file %q not found", configFile)
   146  			return nil
   147  		}
   148  		return xerrors.Errorf("config file %q loading error: %s", configFile, err)
   149  	}
   150  	log.Logger.Infof("Loaded %s", configFile)
   151  	return nil
   152  }
   154  func NewRootCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   155  	var versionFormat string
   156  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   157  		Use:   "trivy [global flags] command [flags] target",
   158  		Short: "Unified security scanner",
   159  		Long:  "Scanner for vulnerabilities in container images, file systems, and Git repositories, as well as for configuration issues and hard-coded secrets",
   160  		Example: `  # Scan a container image
   161    $ trivy image python:3.4-alpine
   163    # Scan a container image from a tar archive
   164    $ trivy image --input ruby-3.1.tar
   166    # Scan local filesystem
   167    $ trivy fs .
   169    # Run in server mode
   170    $ trivy server`,
   171  		Args: cobra.NoArgs,
   172  		PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   173  			// Set the Trivy version here so that we can override version printer.
   174  			cmd.Version = version.AppVersion()
   176  			// viper.BindPFlag cannot be called in init().
   177  			// cf.
   178  			//
   179  			if err := globalFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   180  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   181  			}
   183  			// The config path is needed for config initialization.
   184  			// It needs to be obtained before ToOptions().
   185  			configPath := viper.GetString(flag.ConfigFileFlag.ConfigName)
   187  			// Configure environment variables and config file
   188  			// It cannot be called in init() because it must be called after viper.BindPFlags.
   189  			if err := initConfig(configPath); err != nil {
   190  				return err
   191  			}
   193  			globalOptions := globalFlags.ToOptions()
   195  			// Initialize logger
   196  			if err := log.InitLogger(globalOptions.Debug, globalOptions.Quiet); err != nil {
   197  				return err
   198  			}
   200  			return nil
   201  		},
   202  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   203  			globalOptions := globalFlags.ToOptions()
   204  			if globalOptions.ShowVersion {
   205  				// Customize version output
   206  				return showVersion(globalOptions.CacheDir, versionFormat, cmd.OutOrStdout())
   207  			} else {
   208  				return cmd.Help()
   209  			}
   210  		},
   211  	}
   213  	// Add version format flag, only json is supported
   214  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&versionFormat, flag.FormatFlag.Name, flag.FormatFlag.Shorthand, "", "version format (json)")
   216  	globalFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   218  	return cmd
   219  }
   221  func NewImageCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   222  	scanFlagGroup := flag.NewScanFlagGroup()
   223  	scanFlagGroup.IncludeDevDeps = nil // disable '--include-dev-deps'
   225  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
   226  	report := flag.ReportFormatFlag
   227  	report.Default = "summary"                                   // override the default value as the summary is preferred for the compliance report
   228  	report.Usage = "specify a format for the compliance report." // "--report" works only with "--compliance"
   229  	reportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = &report
   231  	compliance := flag.ComplianceFlag
   232  	compliance.Values = []string{types.ComplianceDockerCIS}
   233  	reportFlagGroup.Compliance = &compliance // override usage as the accepted values differ for each subcommand.
   235  	misconfFlagGroup := flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup()
   236  	misconfFlagGroup.CloudformationParamVars = nil // disable '--cf-params'
   237  	misconfFlagGroup.TerraformTFVars = nil         // disable '--tf-vars'
   239  	imageFlags := &flag.Flags{
   240  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   241  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   242  		ImageFlagGroup:         flag.NewImageFlagGroup(), // container image specific
   243  		LicenseFlagGroup:       flag.NewLicenseFlagGroup(),
   244  		MisconfFlagGroup:       misconfFlagGroup,
   245  		ModuleFlagGroup:        flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   246  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
   247  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   248  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   249  		ReportFlagGroup:        reportFlagGroup,
   250  		ScanFlagGroup:          scanFlagGroup,
   251  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
   252  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   253  	}
   255  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   256  		Use:     "image [flags] IMAGE_NAME",
   257  		Aliases: []string{"i"},
   258  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   259  		Short:   "Scan a container image",
   260  		Example: `  # Scan a container image
   261    $ trivy image python:3.4-alpine
   263    # Scan a container image from a tar archive
   264    $ trivy image --input ruby-3.1.tar
   266    # Filter by severities
   267    $ trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL alpine:3.15
   269    # Ignore unfixed/unpatched vulnerabilities
   270    $ trivy image --ignore-unfixed alpine:3.15
   272    # Scan a container image in client mode
   273    $ trivy image --server alpine:latest
   275    # Generate json result
   276    $ trivy image --format json --output result.json alpine:3.15
   278    # Generate a report in the CycloneDX format
   279    $ trivy image --format cyclonedx --output result.cdx alpine:3.15`,
   281  		// 'Args' cannot be used since it is called before PreRunE and viper is not configured yet.
   282  		// cmd.Args     -> cannot validate args here
   283  		// cmd.PreRunE  -> configure viper && validate args
   284  		// cmd.RunE     -> run the command
   285  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   286  			// viper.BindPFlag cannot be called in init(), so it is called in PreRunE.
   287  			// cf.
   288  			//
   289  			if err := imageFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   290  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   291  			}
   292  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   293  		},
   294  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   295  			options, err := imageFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   296  			if err != nil {
   297  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   298  			}
   299  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetContainerImage)
   300  		},
   301  		SilenceErrors: true,
   302  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   303  	}
   305  	imageFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   306  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   307  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, imageFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   309  	return cmd
   310  }
   312  func NewFilesystemCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   313  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
   314  	reportFormat := flag.ReportFormatFlag
   315  	reportFormat.Usage = "specify a compliance report format for the output" // @TODO: support --report summary for non compliance reports
   316  	reportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = &reportFormat
   317  	reportFlagGroup.ExitOnEOL = nil // disable '--exit-on-eol'
   319  	fsFlags := &flag.Flags{
   320  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   321  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   322  		LicenseFlagGroup:       flag.NewLicenseFlagGroup(),
   323  		MisconfFlagGroup:       flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   324  		ModuleFlagGroup:        flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   325  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
   326  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   327  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   328  		ReportFlagGroup:        reportFlagGroup,
   329  		ScanFlagGroup:          flag.NewScanFlagGroup(),
   330  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
   331  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   332  	}
   334  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   335  		Use:     "filesystem [flags] PATH",
   336  		Aliases: []string{"fs"},
   337  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   338  		Short:   "Scan local filesystem",
   339  		Example: `  # Scan a local project including language-specific files
   340    $ trivy fs /path/to/your_project
   342    # Scan a single file
   343    $ trivy fs ./trivy-ci-test/Pipfile.lock`,
   344  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   345  			if err := fsFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   346  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   347  			}
   348  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   349  		},
   350  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   351  			if err := fsFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   352  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   353  			}
   354  			options, err := fsFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   355  			if err != nil {
   356  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   357  			}
   358  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetFilesystem)
   359  		},
   360  		SilenceErrors: true,
   361  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   362  	}
   364  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   365  	fsFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   366  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, fsFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   368  	return cmd
   369  }
   371  func NewRootfsCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   372  	rootfsFlags := &flag.Flags{
   373  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   374  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   375  		LicenseFlagGroup:       flag.NewLicenseFlagGroup(),
   376  		MisconfFlagGroup:       flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   377  		ModuleFlagGroup:        flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   378  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
   379  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   380  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   381  		ReportFlagGroup:        flag.NewReportFlagGroup(),
   382  		ScanFlagGroup:          flag.NewScanFlagGroup(),
   383  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
   384  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   385  	}
   386  	rootfsFlags.ReportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = nil // TODO: support --report summary
   387  	rootfsFlags.ReportFlagGroup.Compliance = nil   // disable '--compliance'
   388  	rootfsFlags.ReportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = nil // disable '--report'
   389  	rootfsFlags.ScanFlagGroup.IncludeDevDeps = nil // disable '--include-dev-deps'
   391  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   392  		Use:     "rootfs [flags] ROOTDIR",
   393  		Short:   "Scan rootfs",
   394  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   395  		Example: `  # Scan unpacked filesystem
   396    $ docker export $(docker create alpine:3.10.2) | tar -C /tmp/rootfs -xvf -
   397    $ trivy rootfs /tmp/rootfs
   399    # Scan from inside a container
   400    $ docker run --rm -it alpine:3.11
   401    / # curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
   402    / # trivy rootfs /`,
   403  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   404  			if err := rootfsFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   405  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   406  			}
   407  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   408  		},
   409  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   410  			if err := rootfsFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   411  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   412  			}
   413  			options, err := rootfsFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   414  			if err != nil {
   415  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   416  			}
   417  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetRootfs)
   418  		},
   419  		SilenceErrors: true,
   420  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   421  	}
   422  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   423  	rootfsFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   424  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, rootfsFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   426  	return cmd
   427  }
   429  func NewRepositoryCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   430  	repoFlags := &flag.Flags{
   431  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   432  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   433  		LicenseFlagGroup:       flag.NewLicenseFlagGroup(),
   434  		MisconfFlagGroup:       flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   435  		ModuleFlagGroup:        flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   436  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   437  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   438  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
   439  		ReportFlagGroup:        flag.NewReportFlagGroup(),
   440  		ScanFlagGroup:          flag.NewScanFlagGroup(),
   441  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
   442  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   443  		RepoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRepoFlagGroup(),
   444  	}
   445  	repoFlags.ReportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = nil // TODO: support --report summary
   446  	repoFlags.ReportFlagGroup.Compliance = nil   // disable '--compliance'
   447  	repoFlags.ReportFlagGroup.ExitOnEOL = nil    // disable '--exit-on-eol'
   449  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   450  		Use:     "repository [flags] (REPO_PATH | REPO_URL)",
   451  		Aliases: []string{"repo"},
   452  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   453  		Short:   "Scan a repository",
   454  		Example: `  # Scan your remote git repository
   455    $ trivy repo
   456    # Scan your local git repository
   457    $ trivy repo /path/to/your/repository`,
   458  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   459  			if err := repoFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   460  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   461  			}
   462  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   463  		},
   464  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   465  			if err := repoFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   466  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   467  			}
   468  			options, err := repoFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   469  			if err != nil {
   470  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   471  			}
   472  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetRepository)
   473  		},
   474  		SilenceErrors: true,
   475  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   476  	}
   477  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   478  	repoFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   479  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, repoFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   481  	return cmd
   482  }
   484  func NewConvertCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   485  	convertFlags := &flag.Flags{
   486  		ScanFlagGroup:   &flag.ScanFlagGroup{},
   487  		ReportFlagGroup: flag.NewReportFlagGroup(),
   488  	}
   489  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   490  		Use:     "convert [flags] RESULT_JSON",
   491  		Aliases: []string{"conv"},
   492  		GroupID: groupUtility,
   493  		Short:   "Convert Trivy JSON report into a different format",
   494  		Example: `  # report conversion
   495    $ trivy image --format json --output result.json --list-all-pkgs debian:11
   496    $ trivy convert --format cyclonedx --output result.cdx result.json
   497  `,
   498  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   499  			if err := convertFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   500  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   501  			}
   502  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   503  		},
   504  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   505  			if err := convertFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   506  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   507  			}
   508  			opts, err := convertFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   509  			if err != nil {
   510  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   511  			}
   513  			return convert.Run(cmd.Context(), opts)
   514  		},
   515  		SilenceErrors: true,
   516  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   517  	}
   518  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   519  	convertFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   520  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, convertFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   522  	return cmd
   523  }
   525  // NewClientCommand returns the 'client' subcommand that is deprecated
   526  func NewClientCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   527  	remoteFlags := flag.NewClientFlags()
   528  	remoteAddr := flag.Flag{
   529  		Name:       "remote",
   530  		ConfigName: "server.addr",
   531  		Shorthand:  "",
   532  		Default:    "http://localhost:4954",
   533  		Usage:      "server address",
   534  	}
   535  	remoteFlags.ServerAddr = &remoteAddr // disable '--server' and enable '--remote' instead.
   537  	clientFlags := &flag.Flags{
   538  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   539  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   540  		MisconfFlagGroup:       flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   541  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   542  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   543  		RemoteFlagGroup:        remoteFlags,
   544  		ReportFlagGroup:        flag.NewReportFlagGroup(),
   545  		ScanFlagGroup:          flag.NewScanFlagGroup(),
   546  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   547  	}
   549  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   550  		Use:     "client [flags] IMAGE_NAME",
   551  		Aliases: []string{"c"},
   552  		Hidden:  true, // 'client' command is deprecated
   553  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   554  			if err := clientFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   555  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   556  			}
   557  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   558  		},
   559  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   560  			log.Logger.Warn("'client' subcommand is deprecated now. See")
   562  			if err := clientFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   563  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   564  			}
   565  			options, err := clientFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   566  			if err != nil {
   567  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   568  			}
   569  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetContainerImage)
   570  		},
   571  		SilenceErrors: true,
   572  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   573  	}
   574  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   575  	clientFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   576  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, clientFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   578  	return cmd
   579  }
   581  func NewServerCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   582  	serverFlags := &flag.Flags{
   583  		CacheFlagGroup:    flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   584  		DBFlagGroup:       flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   585  		ModuleFlagGroup:   flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   586  		RemoteFlagGroup:   flag.NewServerFlags(),
   587  		RegistryFlagGroup: flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   588  	}
   590  	// java-db only works on client side.
   591  	serverFlags.DBFlagGroup.DownloadJavaDBOnly = nil // disable '--download-java-db-only'
   592  	serverFlags.DBFlagGroup.SkipJavaDBUpdate = nil   // disable '--skip-java-db-update'
   593  	serverFlags.DBFlagGroup.JavaDBRepository = nil   // disable '--java-db-repository'
   595  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   596  		Use:     "server [flags]",
   597  		Aliases: []string{"s"},
   598  		GroupID: groupUtility,
   599  		Short:   "Server mode",
   600  		Example: `  # Run a server
   601    $ trivy server
   603    # Listen on
   604    $ trivy server --listen
   605  `,
   606  		Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
   607  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   608  			if err := serverFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   609  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   610  			}
   611  			options, err := serverFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   612  			if err != nil {
   613  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   614  			}
   615  			return server.Run(cmd.Context(), options)
   616  		},
   617  		SilenceErrors: true,
   618  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   619  	}
   620  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   621  	serverFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   622  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, serverFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   624  	return cmd
   625  }
   627  func NewConfigCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   628  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
   629  	reportFlagGroup.DependencyTree = nil // disable '--dependency-tree'
   630  	reportFlagGroup.ListAllPkgs = nil    // disable '--list-all-pkgs'
   631  	reportFlagGroup.ExitOnEOL = nil      // disable '--exit-on-eol'
   632  	reportFormat := flag.ReportFormatFlag
   633  	reportFormat.Usage = "specify a compliance report format for the output" // @TODO: support --report summary for non compliance reports
   634  	reportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = &reportFormat
   636  	scanFlags := &flag.ScanFlagGroup{
   637  		// Enable only '--skip-dirs' and '--skip-files' and disable other flags
   638  		SkipDirs:     &flag.SkipDirsFlag,
   639  		SkipFiles:    &flag.SkipFilesFlag,
   640  		FilePatterns: &flag.FilePatternsFlag,
   641  	}
   643  	configFlags := &flag.Flags{
   644  		CacheFlagGroup:    flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   645  		MisconfFlagGroup:  flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   646  		ModuleFlagGroup:   flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   647  		RegistryFlagGroup: flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   648  		RegoFlagGroup:     flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   649  		K8sFlagGroup: &flag.K8sFlagGroup{
   650  			// disable unneeded flags
   651  			K8sVersion: &flag.K8sVersionFlag,
   652  		},
   653  		ReportFlagGroup: reportFlagGroup,
   654  		ScanFlagGroup:   scanFlags,
   655  	}
   657  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   658  		Use:     "config [flags] DIR",
   659  		Aliases: []string{"conf"},
   660  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   661  		Short:   "Scan config files for misconfigurations",
   662  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   663  			if err := configFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   664  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   665  			}
   666  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   667  		},
   668  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   669  			if err := configFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   670  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   671  			}
   672  			options, err := configFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   673  			if err != nil {
   674  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   675  			}
   677  			// Disable OS and language analyzers
   678  			options.DisabledAnalyzers = append(analyzer.TypeOSes, analyzer.TypeLanguages...)
   680  			// Scan only for misconfigurations
   681  			options.Scanners = types.Scanners{types.MisconfigScanner}
   683  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetFilesystem)
   684  		},
   685  		SilenceErrors: true,
   686  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   687  	}
   688  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   689  	configFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   690  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, configFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   692  	return cmd
   693  }
   695  func NewPluginCommand() *cobra.Command {
   696  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   697  		Use:           "plugin subcommand",
   698  		Aliases:       []string{"p"},
   699  		GroupID:       groupManagement,
   700  		Short:         "Manage plugins",
   701  		SilenceErrors: true,
   702  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   703  	}
   704  	cmd.AddCommand(
   705  		&cobra.Command{
   706  			Use:                   "install URL | FILE_PATH",
   707  			Aliases:               []string{"i"},
   708  			Short:                 "Install a plugin",
   709  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   710  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   711  			Args:                  cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   712  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   713  				if _, err := plugin.Install(cmd.Context(), args[0], true); err != nil {
   714  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin install error: %w", err)
   715  				}
   716  				return nil
   717  			},
   718  		},
   719  		&cobra.Command{
   720  			Use:                   "uninstall PLUGIN_NAME",
   721  			Aliases:               []string{"u"},
   722  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   723  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   724  			Short:                 "Uninstall a plugin",
   725  			Args:                  cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   726  			RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   727  				if err := plugin.Uninstall(args[0]); err != nil {
   728  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin uninstall error: %w", err)
   729  				}
   730  				return nil
   731  			},
   732  		},
   733  		&cobra.Command{
   734  			Use:                   "list",
   735  			Aliases:               []string{"l"},
   736  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   737  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   738  			Short:                 "List installed plugin",
   739  			Args:                  cobra.NoArgs,
   740  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   741  				info, err := plugin.List()
   742  				if err != nil {
   743  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin list display error: %w", err)
   744  				}
   745  				if _, err := fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, info); err != nil {
   746  					return xerrors.Errorf("print error: %w", err)
   747  				}
   748  				return nil
   749  			},
   750  		},
   751  		&cobra.Command{
   752  			Use:                   "info PLUGIN_NAME",
   753  			Short:                 "Show information about the specified plugin",
   754  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   755  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   756  			Args:                  cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   757  			RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   758  				info, err := plugin.Information(args[0])
   759  				if err != nil {
   760  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin information display error: %w", err)
   761  				}
   762  				if _, err := fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, info); err != nil {
   763  					return xerrors.Errorf("print error: %w", err)
   764  				}
   765  				return nil
   766  			},
   767  		},
   768  		&cobra.Command{
   769  			Use:                   "run URL | FILE_PATH",
   770  			Aliases:               []string{"r"},
   771  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   772  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   773  			Short:                 "Run a plugin on the fly",
   774  			Args:                  cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
   775  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   776  				return plugin.RunWithArgs(cmd.Context(), args[0], args[1:])
   777  			},
   778  		},
   779  		&cobra.Command{
   780  			Use:                   "update PLUGIN_NAME",
   781  			Short:                 "Update an existing plugin",
   782  			SilenceErrors:         true,
   783  			DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
   784  			Args:                  cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   785  			RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   786  				if err := plugin.Update(args[0]); err != nil {
   787  					return xerrors.Errorf("plugin update error: %w", err)
   788  				}
   789  				return nil
   790  			},
   791  		},
   792  	)
   793  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   794  	return cmd
   795  }
   797  func NewModuleCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   798  	moduleFlags := &flag.Flags{
   799  		ModuleFlagGroup: flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
   800  	}
   802  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   803  		Use:           "module subcommand",
   804  		Aliases:       []string{"m"},
   805  		GroupID:       groupManagement,
   806  		Short:         "Manage modules",
   807  		SilenceErrors: true,
   808  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   809  	}
   811  	// Add subcommands
   812  	cmd.AddCommand(
   813  		&cobra.Command{
   814  			Use:     "install [flags] REPOSITORY",
   815  			Aliases: []string{"i"},
   816  			Short:   "Install a module",
   817  			Args:    cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   818  			PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   819  				if err := moduleFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   820  					return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   821  				}
   822  				return nil
   823  			},
   824  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   825  				if len(args) != 1 {
   826  					return cmd.Help()
   827  				}
   829  				repo := args[0]
   830  				opts, err := moduleFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   831  				if err != nil {
   832  					return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   833  				}
   834  				return module.Install(cmd.Context(), opts.ModuleDir, repo, opts.Quiet, opts.RegistryOpts())
   835  			},
   836  		},
   837  		&cobra.Command{
   838  			Use:     "uninstall [flags] REPOSITORY",
   839  			Aliases: []string{"u"},
   840  			Short:   "Uninstall a module",
   841  			Args:    cobra.ExactArgs(1),
   842  			PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   843  				if err := moduleFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   844  					return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   845  				}
   846  				return nil
   847  			},
   848  			RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   849  				if len(args) != 1 {
   850  					return cmd.Help()
   851  				}
   853  				repo := args[0]
   854  				opts, err := moduleFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   855  				if err != nil {
   856  					return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   857  				}
   858  				return module.Uninstall(cmd.Context(), opts.ModuleDir, repo)
   859  			},
   860  		},
   861  	)
   862  	moduleFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   863  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   864  	return cmd
   865  }
   867  func NewKubernetesCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   868  	scanFlags := flag.NewScanFlagGroup()
   869  	scanners := flag.ScannersFlag
   870  	// overwrite the default scanners
   871  	scanners.Values = xstrings.ToStringSlice(types.Scanners{
   872  		types.VulnerabilityScanner,
   873  		types.MisconfigScanner,
   874  		types.SecretScanner,
   875  		types.RBACScanner,
   876  	})
   877  	scanners.Default = scanners.Values
   878  	scanFlags.Scanners = &scanners
   879  	scanFlags.IncludeDevDeps = nil // disable '--include-dev-deps'
   881  	// required only SourceFlag
   882  	imageFlags := &flag.ImageFlagGroup{ImageSources: &flag.SourceFlag}
   884  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
   885  	compliance := flag.ComplianceFlag
   886  	compliance.Values = []string{
   887  		types.ComplianceK8sNsa,
   888  		types.ComplianceK8sCIS,
   889  		types.ComplianceK8sPSSBaseline,
   890  		types.ComplianceK8sPSSRestricted,
   891  	}
   892  	reportFlagGroup.Compliance = &compliance // override usage as the accepted values differ for each subcommand.
   893  	reportFlagGroup.ExitOnEOL = nil          // disable '--exit-on-eol'
   895  	formatFlag := flag.FormatFlag
   896  	formatFlag.Values = xstrings.ToStringSlice([]types.Format{
   897  		types.FormatTable,
   898  		types.FormatJSON,
   899  		types.FormatCycloneDX,
   900  	})
   901  	reportFlagGroup.Format = &formatFlag
   903  	misconfFlagGroup := flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup()
   904  	misconfFlagGroup.CloudformationParamVars = nil // disable '--cf-params'
   905  	misconfFlagGroup.TerraformTFVars = nil         // disable '--tf-vars'
   907  	k8sFlags := &flag.Flags{
   908  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
   909  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
   910  		ImageFlagGroup:         imageFlags,
   911  		K8sFlagGroup:           flag.NewK8sFlagGroup(), // kubernetes-specific flags
   912  		MisconfFlagGroup:       misconfFlagGroup,
   913  		RegoFlagGroup:          flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   914  		ReportFlagGroup:        reportFlagGroup,
   915  		ScanFlagGroup:          scanFlags,
   916  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
   917  		RegistryFlagGroup:      flag.NewRegistryFlagGroup(),
   918  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
   919  	}
   920  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   921  		Use:     "kubernetes [flags] { cluster | all | specific resources like kubectl. eg: pods, pod/NAME }",
   922  		Aliases: []string{"k8s"},
   923  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   924  		Short:   "[EXPERIMENTAL] Scan kubernetes cluster",
   925  		Example: `  # cluster scanning
   926    $ trivy k8s --report summary cluster
   928    # namespace scanning:
   929    $ trivy k8s -n kube-system --report summary all
   931    # resources scanning:
   932    $ trivy k8s --report=summary deploy
   933    $ trivy k8s --namespace=kube-system --report=summary deploy,configmaps
   935    # resource scanning:
   936    $ trivy k8s deployment/orion
   937  `,
   938  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   939  			if err := k8sFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   940  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   941  			}
   942  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
   943  		},
   944  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   945  			if err := k8sFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
   946  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
   947  			}
   948  			opts, err := k8sFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
   949  			if err != nil {
   950  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
   951  			}
   953  			return k8scommands.Run(cmd.Context(), args, opts)
   954  		},
   955  		SilenceErrors: true,
   956  		SilenceUsage:  true,
   957  	}
   958  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
   959  	k8sFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
   960  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, k8sFlags.Usages(cmd)))
   962  	return cmd
   963  }
   965  func NewAWSCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
   966  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
   967  	compliance := flag.ComplianceFlag
   968  	compliance.Values = []string{
   969  		types.ComplianceAWSCIS12,
   970  		types.ComplianceAWSCIS14,
   971  	}
   972  	reportFlagGroup.Compliance = &compliance // override usage as the accepted values differ for each subcommand.
   973  	reportFlagGroup.ExitOnEOL = nil          // disable '--exit-on-eol'
   975  	awsFlags := &flag.Flags{
   976  		AWSFlagGroup:     flag.NewAWSFlagGroup(),
   977  		CloudFlagGroup:   flag.NewCloudFlagGroup(),
   978  		MisconfFlagGroup: flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
   979  		RegoFlagGroup:    flag.NewRegoFlagGroup(),
   980  		ReportFlagGroup:  reportFlagGroup,
   981  	}
   983  	services := awsScanner.AllSupportedServices()
   984  	sort.Strings(services)
   986  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   987  		Use:     "aws [flags]",
   988  		Aliases: []string{},
   989  		GroupID: groupScanning,
   990  		Args:    cobra.ExactArgs(0),
   991  		Short:   "[EXPERIMENTAL] Scan AWS account",
   992  		Long: fmt.Sprintf(`Scan an AWS account for misconfigurations. Trivy uses the same authentication methods as the AWS CLI. See
   994  The following services are supported:
   996  - %s
   997  `, strings.Join(services, "\n- ")),
   998  		Example: `  # basic scanning
   999    $ trivy aws --region us-east-1
  1001    # limit scan to a single service:
  1002    $ trivy aws --region us-east-1 --service s3
  1004    # limit scan to multiple services:
  1005    $ trivy aws --region us-east-1 --service s3 --service ec2
  1007    # force refresh of cache for fresh results
  1008    $ trivy aws --region us-east-1 --update-cache
  1009  `,
  1010  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1011  			if err := awsFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
  1012  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
  1013  			}
  1014  			return nil
  1015  		},
  1016  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1017  			opts, err := awsFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
  1018  			if err != nil {
  1019  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
  1020  			}
  1021  			if opts.Timeout < time.Hour {
  1022  				opts.Timeout = time.Hour
  1023  				log.Logger.Debug("Timeout is set to less than 1 hour - upgrading to 1 hour for this command.")
  1024  			}
  1025  			return awscommands.Run(cmd.Context(), opts)
  1026  		},
  1027  		SilenceErrors: true,
  1028  		SilenceUsage:  true,
  1029  	}
  1030  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
  1031  	awsFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
  1032  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, awsFlags.Usages(cmd)))
  1034  	return cmd
  1035  }
  1037  func NewVMCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
  1038  	vmFlags := &flag.Flags{
  1039  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
  1040  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
  1041  		MisconfFlagGroup:       flag.NewMisconfFlagGroup(),
  1042  		ModuleFlagGroup:        flag.NewModuleFlagGroup(),
  1043  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
  1044  		ReportFlagGroup:        flag.NewReportFlagGroup(),
  1045  		ScanFlagGroup:          flag.NewScanFlagGroup(),
  1046  		SecretFlagGroup:        flag.NewSecretFlagGroup(),
  1047  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
  1048  		AWSFlagGroup: &flag.AWSFlagGroup{
  1049  			Region: &flag.Flag{
  1050  				Name:       "aws-region",
  1051  				ConfigName: "aws.region",
  1052  				Default:    "",
  1053  				Usage:      "AWS region to scan",
  1054  			},
  1055  		},
  1056  	}
  1057  	vmFlags.ReportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = nil             // disable '--report'
  1058  	vmFlags.ScanFlagGroup.IncludeDevDeps = nil             // disable '--include-dev-deps'
  1059  	vmFlags.MisconfFlagGroup.CloudformationParamVars = nil // disable '--cf-params'
  1060  	vmFlags.MisconfFlagGroup.TerraformTFVars = nil         // disable '--tf-vars'
  1062  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
  1063  		Use:     "vm [flags] VM_IMAGE",
  1064  		Aliases: []string{},
  1065  		GroupID: groupScanning,
  1066  		Short:   "[EXPERIMENTAL] Scan a virtual machine image",
  1067  		Example: `  # Scan your AWS AMI
  1068    $ trivy vm --scanners vuln ami:${your_ami_id}
  1070    # Scan your AWS EBS snapshot
  1071    $ trivy vm ebs:${your_ebs_snapshot_id}
  1072  `,
  1073  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1074  			if err := vmFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
  1075  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
  1076  			}
  1077  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
  1078  		},
  1079  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1080  			if err := vmFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
  1081  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
  1082  			}
  1083  			options, err := vmFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
  1084  			if err != nil {
  1085  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
  1086  			}
  1087  			if options.Timeout < time.Minute*30 {
  1088  				options.Timeout = time.Minute * 30
  1089  				log.Logger.Debug("Timeout is set to less than 30 min - upgrading to 30 min for this command.")
  1090  			}
  1091  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetVM)
  1092  		},
  1093  		SilenceErrors: true,
  1094  		SilenceUsage:  true,
  1095  	}
  1096  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
  1097  	vmFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
  1098  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, vmFlags.Usages(cmd)))
  1100  	return cmd
  1101  }
  1103  func NewSBOMCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
  1104  	reportFlagGroup := flag.NewReportFlagGroup()
  1105  	reportFlagGroup.DependencyTree = nil // disable '--dependency-tree'
  1106  	reportFlagGroup.ReportFormat = nil   // TODO: support --report summary
  1108  	scanFlagGroup := flag.NewScanFlagGroup()
  1109  	scanFlagGroup.Scanners = nil       // disable '--scanners' as it always scans for vulnerabilities
  1110  	scanFlagGroup.IncludeDevDeps = nil // disable '--include-dev-deps'
  1111  	scanFlagGroup.Parallel = nil       // disable '--parallel'
  1113  	sbomFlags := &flag.Flags{
  1114  		CacheFlagGroup:         flag.NewCacheFlagGroup(),
  1115  		DBFlagGroup:            flag.NewDBFlagGroup(),
  1116  		RemoteFlagGroup:        flag.NewClientFlags(), // for client/server mode
  1117  		ReportFlagGroup:        reportFlagGroup,
  1118  		ScanFlagGroup:          scanFlagGroup,
  1119  		SBOMFlagGroup:          flag.NewSBOMFlagGroup(),
  1120  		VulnerabilityFlagGroup: flag.NewVulnerabilityFlagGroup(),
  1121  	}
  1123  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
  1124  		Use:     "sbom [flags] SBOM_PATH",
  1125  		Short:   "Scan SBOM for vulnerabilities",
  1126  		GroupID: groupScanning,
  1127  		Example: `  # Scan CycloneDX and show the result in tables
  1128    $ trivy sbom /path/to/report.cdx
  1130    # Scan CycloneDX-type attestation and show the result in tables
  1131    $ trivy sbom /path/to/report.cdx.intoto.jsonl
  1132  `,
  1133  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1134  			if err := sbomFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
  1135  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
  1136  			}
  1137  			return validateArgs(cmd, args)
  1138  		},
  1139  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1140  			if err := sbomFlags.Bind(cmd); err != nil {
  1141  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag bind error: %w", err)
  1142  			}
  1143  			options, err := sbomFlags.ToOptions(args, globalFlags)
  1144  			if err != nil {
  1145  				return xerrors.Errorf("flag error: %w", err)
  1146  			}
  1148  			// Scan vulnerabilities
  1149  			options.Scanners = types.Scanners{types.VulnerabilityScanner}
  1151  			return artifact.Run(cmd.Context(), options, artifact.TargetSBOM)
  1152  		},
  1153  		SilenceErrors: true,
  1154  		SilenceUsage:  true,
  1155  	}
  1156  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
  1157  	sbomFlags.AddFlags(cmd)
  1158  	cmd.SetUsageTemplate(fmt.Sprintf(usageTemplate, sbomFlags.Usages(cmd)))
  1160  	return cmd
  1161  }
  1163  func NewVersionCommand(globalFlags *flag.GlobalFlagGroup) *cobra.Command {
  1164  	var versionFormat string
  1165  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
  1166  		Use:     "version [flags]",
  1167  		Short:   "Print the version",
  1168  		GroupID: groupUtility,
  1169  		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
  1170  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1171  			options := globalFlags.ToOptions()
  1172  			return showVersion(options.CacheDir, versionFormat, cmd.OutOrStdout())
  1173  		},
  1174  		SilenceErrors: true,
  1175  		SilenceUsage:  true,
  1176  	}
  1177  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(flagErrorFunc)
  1179  	// Add version format flag, only json is supported
  1180  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&versionFormat, flag.FormatFlag.Name, flag.FormatFlag.Shorthand, "", "version format (json)")
  1182  	return cmd
  1183  }
  1185  func showVersion(cacheDir, outputFormat string, w io.Writer) error {
  1186  	versionInfo := version.NewVersionInfo(cacheDir)
  1187  	switch outputFormat {
  1188  	case "json":
  1189  		if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(versionInfo); err != nil {
  1190  			return xerrors.Errorf("json encode error: %w", err)
  1191  		}
  1192  	default:
  1193  		fmt.Fprint(w, versionInfo.String())
  1194  	}
  1195  	return nil
  1196  }
  1198  func validateArgs(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  1199  	// '--clear-cache', '--download-db-only', '--download-java-db-only', '--reset' and '--generate-default-config' don't conduct the subsequent scanning
  1200  	if viper.GetBool(flag.ClearCacheFlag.ConfigName) || viper.GetBool(flag.DownloadDBOnlyFlag.ConfigName) ||
  1201  		viper.GetBool(flag.ResetFlag.ConfigName) || viper.GetBool(flag.GenerateDefaultConfigFlag.ConfigName) ||
  1202  		viper.GetBool(flag.DownloadJavaDBOnlyFlag.ConfigName) || viper.GetBool(flag.ResetPolicyBundleFlag.ConfigName) {
  1203  		return nil
  1204  	}
  1206  	if len(args) == 0 && viper.GetString(flag.InputFlag.ConfigName) == "" {
  1207  		if err := cmd.Help(); err != nil {
  1208  			return err
  1209  		}
  1211  		if f := cmd.Flags().Lookup(flag.InputFlag.ConfigName); f != nil {
  1212  			return xerrors.New(`Require at least 1 argument or --input option`)
  1213  		}
  1214  		return xerrors.New(`Require at least 1 argument`)
  1215  	} else if cmd.Name() != "kubernetes" && len(args) > 1 {
  1216  		if err := cmd.Help(); err != nil {
  1217  			return err
  1218  		}
  1219  		return xerrors.New(`multiple targets cannot be specified`)
  1220  	}
  1222  	return nil
  1223  }
  1225  // show help on using the command when an invalid flag is encountered
  1226  func flagErrorFunc(command *cobra.Command, err error) error {
  1227  	if err := command.Help(); err != nil {
  1228  		return err
  1229  	}
  1230  	command.Println() // add empty line after list of flags
  1231  	return err
  1232  }