
     1  package session
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // subChunkRequests is set to true to enable the sub-chunk request system. This can (likely) cause unexpected issues,
    15  // but also solves issues with block entities such as item frames and lecterns as of v1.19.10.
    16  const subChunkRequests = true
    18  // ViewChunk ...
    19  func (s *Session) ViewChunk(pos world.ChunkPos, c *chunk.Chunk, blockEntities map[cube.Pos]world.Block) {
    20  	if !s.conn.ClientCacheEnabled() {
    21  		s.sendNetworkChunk(pos, c, blockEntities)
    22  		return
    23  	}
    24  	s.sendBlobHashes(pos, c, blockEntities)
    25  }
    27  // ViewSubChunks ...
    28  func (s *Session) ViewSubChunks(center world.SubChunkPos, offsets []protocol.SubChunkOffset) {
    29  	w := s.c.World()
    30  	r := w.Range()
    32  	entries := make([]protocol.SubChunkEntry, 0, len(offsets))
    33  	transaction := make(map[uint64]struct{})
    34  	for _, offset := range offsets {
    35  		ind := int16(center.Y()) + int16(offset[1]) - int16(r[0])>>4
    36  		if ind < 0 || ind > int16(r.Height()>>4) {
    37  			entries = append(entries, protocol.SubChunkEntry{Result: protocol.SubChunkResultIndexOutOfBounds, Offset: offset})
    38  			continue
    39  		}
    40  		col, ok := s.chunkLoader.Chunk(world.ChunkPos{
    41  			center.X() + int32(offset[0]),
    42  			center.Z() + int32(offset[2]),
    43  		})
    44  		if !ok {
    45  			entries = append(entries, protocol.SubChunkEntry{Result: protocol.SubChunkResultChunkNotFound, Offset: offset})
    46  			continue
    47  		}
    48  		col.Lock()
    49  		entries = append(entries, s.subChunkEntry(offset, ind, col, transaction))
    50  		col.Unlock()
    51  	}
    52  	if s.conn.ClientCacheEnabled() && len(transaction) > 0 {
    53  		s.blobMu.Lock()
    54  		s.openChunkTransactions = append(s.openChunkTransactions, transaction)
    55  		s.blobMu.Unlock()
    56  	}
    57  	dim, _ := world.DimensionID(w.Dimension())
    58  	s.writePacket(&packet.SubChunk{
    59  		Dimension:       int32(dim),
    60  		Position:        protocol.SubChunkPos(center),
    61  		CacheEnabled:    s.conn.ClientCacheEnabled(),
    62  		SubChunkEntries: entries,
    63  	})
    64  }
    66  func (s *Session) subChunkEntry(offset protocol.SubChunkOffset, ind int16, col *world.Column, transaction map[uint64]struct{}) protocol.SubChunkEntry {
    67  	chunkMap := col.Chunk.HeightMap()
    68  	subMapType, subMap := byte(protocol.HeightMapDataHasData), make([]int8, 256)
    69  	higher, lower := true, true
    70  	for x := uint8(0); x < 16; x++ {
    71  		for z := uint8(0); z < 16; z++ {
    72  			y, i := chunkMap.At(x, z), (uint16(z)<<4)|uint16(x)
    73  			otherInd := col.Chunk.SubIndex(y)
    74  			if otherInd > ind {
    75  				subMap[i], lower = 16, false
    76  			} else if otherInd < ind {
    77  				subMap[i], higher = -1, false
    78  			} else {
    79  				subMap[i], lower, higher = int8(y-col.Chunk.SubY(otherInd)), false, false
    80  			}
    81  		}
    82  	}
    83  	if higher {
    84  		subMapType, subMap = protocol.HeightMapDataTooHigh, nil
    85  	} else if lower {
    86  		subMapType, subMap = protocol.HeightMapDataTooLow, nil
    87  	}
    89  	sub := col.Chunk.Sub()[ind]
    90  	if sub.Empty() {
    91  		return protocol.SubChunkEntry{
    92  			Result:        protocol.SubChunkResultSuccessAllAir,
    93  			HeightMapType: subMapType,
    94  			HeightMapData: subMap,
    95  			Offset:        offset,
    96  		}
    97  	}
    99  	serialisedSubChunk := chunk.EncodeSubChunk(col.Chunk, chunk.NetworkEncoding, int(ind))
   101  	blockEntityBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   102  	enc := nbt.NewEncoderWithEncoding(blockEntityBuf, nbt.NetworkLittleEndian)
   103  	for pos, b := range col.BlockEntities {
   104  		if n, ok := b.(world.NBTer); ok && col.Chunk.SubIndex(int16(pos.Y())) == ind {
   105  			d := n.EncodeNBT()
   106  			d["x"], d["y"], d["z"] = int32(pos[0]), int32(pos[1]), int32(pos[2])
   107  			_ = enc.Encode(d)
   108  		}
   109  	}
   111  	entry := protocol.SubChunkEntry{
   112  		Result:        protocol.SubChunkResultSuccess,
   113  		RawPayload:    append(serialisedSubChunk, blockEntityBuf.Bytes()...),
   114  		HeightMapType: subMapType,
   115  		HeightMapData: subMap,
   116  		Offset:        offset,
   117  	}
   118  	if s.conn.ClientCacheEnabled() {
   119  		if hash := xxhash.Sum64(serialisedSubChunk); s.trackBlob(hash, serialisedSubChunk) {
   120  			transaction[hash] = struct{}{}
   122  			entry.BlobHash = hash
   123  			entry.RawPayload = blockEntityBuf.Bytes()
   124  		}
   125  	}
   126  	return entry
   127  }
   129  // sendBlobHashes sends chunk blob hashes of the data of the chunk and stores the data in a map of blobs. Only
   130  // data that the client doesn't yet have will be sent over the network.
   131  func (s *Session) sendBlobHashes(pos world.ChunkPos, c *chunk.Chunk, blockEntities map[cube.Pos]world.Block) {
   132  	if subChunkRequests {
   133  		biomes := chunk.EncodeBiomes(c, chunk.NetworkEncoding)
   134  		if hash := xxhash.Sum64(biomes); s.trackBlob(hash, biomes) {
   135  			s.writePacket(&packet.LevelChunk{
   136  				SubChunkCount:   protocol.SubChunkRequestModeLimited,
   137  				Position:        protocol.ChunkPos(pos),
   138  				HighestSubChunk: c.HighestFilledSubChunk(),
   139  				BlobHashes:      []uint64{hash},
   140  				RawPayload:      []byte{0},
   141  				CacheEnabled:    true,
   142  			})
   143  			return
   144  		}
   145  	}
   147  	var (
   148  		data   = chunk.Encode(c, chunk.NetworkEncoding)
   149  		count  = uint32(len(data.SubChunks))
   150  		blobs  = append(data.SubChunks, data.Biomes)
   151  		hashes = make([]uint64, len(blobs))
   152  		m      = make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(blobs))
   153  	)
   154  	for i, blob := range blobs {
   155  		h := xxhash.Sum64(blob)
   156  		hashes[i], m[h] = h, struct{}{}
   157  	}
   159  	s.blobMu.Lock()
   160  	s.openChunkTransactions = append(s.openChunkTransactions, m)
   161  	if l := len(s.blobs); l > 4096 {
   162  		s.blobMu.Unlock()
   163  		s.log.Errorf("player %v has too many blobs pending %v: disconnecting", s.c.Name(), l)
   164  		_ = s.c.Close()
   165  		return
   166  	}
   167  	for i := range hashes {
   168  		s.blobs[hashes[i]] = blobs[i]
   169  	}
   170  	s.blobMu.Unlock()
   172  	// Length of 1 byte for the border block count.
   173  	raw := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 1, 32))
   174  	enc := nbt.NewEncoderWithEncoding(raw, nbt.NetworkLittleEndian)
   175  	for bp, b := range blockEntities {
   176  		if n, ok := b.(world.NBTer); ok {
   177  			d := n.EncodeNBT()
   178  			d["x"], d["y"], d["z"] = int32(bp[0]), int32(bp[1]), int32(bp[2])
   179  			_ = enc.Encode(d)
   180  		}
   181  	}
   183  	s.writePacket(&packet.LevelChunk{
   184  		Position:      protocol.ChunkPos{pos.X(), pos.Z()},
   185  		SubChunkCount: count,
   186  		CacheEnabled:  true,
   187  		BlobHashes:    hashes,
   188  		RawPayload:    raw.Bytes(),
   189  	})
   190  }
   192  // sendNetworkChunk sends a network encoded chunk to the client.
   193  func (s *Session) sendNetworkChunk(pos world.ChunkPos, c *chunk.Chunk, blockEntities map[cube.Pos]world.Block) {
   194  	if subChunkRequests {
   195  		s.writePacket(&packet.LevelChunk{
   196  			SubChunkCount:   protocol.SubChunkRequestModeLimited,
   197  			Position:        protocol.ChunkPos(pos),
   198  			HighestSubChunk: c.HighestFilledSubChunk(),
   199  			RawPayload:      append(chunk.EncodeBiomes(c, chunk.NetworkEncoding), 0),
   200  		})
   201  		return
   202  	}
   204  	data := chunk.Encode(c, chunk.NetworkEncoding)
   205  	chunkBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   206  	for _, s := range data.SubChunks {
   207  		_, _ = chunkBuf.Write(s)
   208  	}
   209  	_, _ = chunkBuf.Write(data.Biomes)
   211  	// Length of 1 byte for the border block count.
   212  	chunkBuf.WriteByte(0)
   214  	enc := nbt.NewEncoderWithEncoding(chunkBuf, nbt.NetworkLittleEndian)
   215  	for bp, b := range blockEntities {
   216  		if n, ok := b.(world.NBTer); ok {
   217  			d := n.EncodeNBT()
   218  			d["x"], d["y"], d["z"] = int32(bp[0]), int32(bp[1]), int32(bp[2])
   219  			_ = enc.Encode(d)
   220  		}
   221  	}
   223  	s.writePacket(&packet.LevelChunk{
   224  		Position:      protocol.ChunkPos{pos.X(), pos.Z()},
   225  		SubChunkCount: uint32(len(data.SubChunks)),
   226  		RawPayload:    append([]byte(nil), chunkBuf.Bytes()...),
   227  	})
   228  }
   230  // trackBlob attempts to track the given blob. If the player has too many pending blobs, it returns false and closes the
   231  // connection.
   232  func (s *Session) trackBlob(hash uint64, blob []byte) bool {
   233  	s.blobMu.Lock()
   234  	if l := len(s.blobs); l > 4096 {
   235  		s.blobMu.Unlock()
   236  		s.log.Errorf("player %v has too many blobs pending %v: disconnecting", s.c.Name(), l)
   237  		_ = s.c.Close()
   238  		return false
   239  	}
   240  	s.blobs[hash] = blob
   241  	s.blobMu.Unlock()
   242  	return true
   243  }